
Ganga is a demon in the series.


Ganga is a Hindu goddess that personifies India's most sacred and purifying of rivers, the Ganges. There are various myths of Ganga's birth, in one, she was born from the toe of Vishnu. Often considered to be the sister of Parvati, Ganga is revered for the forgiveness of sins and ability to cleanse mankind. She is commonly represented as a beautiful woman riding on the back of the monster Makara. She is also credited for helping in the creation of the god of war, Kartikeya.

The legend of Ganga's descent to earth begins with King Sagara praying and performing penances desperately for sons until his two wives fell pregnant. One wife bore 60,000 and the other only bore a single son. Sagara was filled with joy, and some time later he decided to offer the gods a sacrifice in the form of a fine horse. However, the horse was stolen by Indra, and Sagara's sons went out to search for the animal. They eventually found the horse at the ashram of the Sage Kapila. Thinking that the sage had stolen the horse, the sons interrupted him while he was in deep meditation. This infuriated the sage, and with his ascetic's gaze burned all sixty thousand sons to ashes.[1]

Sagara learned that the only way for his sons to reach heaven was for the sacred water of the goddess to wash over their ashes. Thus Sagara's descendant, the sage Bhagiratha, performed powerful penances to please Brahma. Eventually, Brahma agreed to allow the goddess to fall to the earth, but the force of Ganga's descent so powerful it could threaten the world. Shiva then stood on the spot where she fell and upon hitting his head, her waters streamed from his coils. Bhagiratha later led her to the sea where her waters washed the ashes and liberated the sons of Sagara.



Shin Megami Tensei[]


"Origin: India. The deification of the holy Ganges River. She's also said to be Parvati, Shiva's wife. She comes from the Himilayas and the water pouring from her mouth is the Ganges' source. It's said that this river's water can cleanse all kinds of sins."

Shin Megami Tensei A-Mode DDS dictionary

Shin Megami Tensei IMAGINE[]

Ganga appears as a field boss on Ueno field and within Kuchinawa Caves during the in-game night periods. An inexperienced variant can be obtained in the Shinjuku Babel hacked chip instance.

Persona 3[]

"The personification of the Ganges river. Originally from the heavens, she came to earth to clean the souls of the people as a result of the prayers of Bhagiratha."

Persona 3 compendium

Persona 3 Reload[]

"The personification of the Ganges River. Originally from the heavens, she came to earth to clean the souls of the people as a result of the prayers of Bhagiratha."

Persona 3 Reload background

Ganga is a Persona of the Priestess Arcana and can be found during Shuffle Time in the Tziah Block of Tartarus.

Digital Devil Saga: Avatar Tuner 2[]

The female member of the Tribhvana, Tribhvana: Heaven, transforms into Ganga during encounters. She will use heavy hitting magic attacks on the party. They are first encountered on the 20th floor of the Karma Society Tower.

They try to ambush the party again on the 32nd floor, however, not much has changed since the first battle aside from HP totals and gaining access to an enemy combo.


Shin Megami Tensei[]

Ganga SMT
Race Alignment Level HP MP
Dragon Light-Chaos 49 580 100
33 1-3 111 23 46 18 18 14
St 26
In 12
Ma 16
Vi 12
Ag 16
Lu 12
Resistances Reflects Elec Drop None
List of Skills
Skill Cost Effect
Mazionga 12 MP Strikes multiple enemies with strong lightning.
Mediarahan 14 MP Restores all allies HP by roughly 100.
Petradi 10 MP Cures one ally of Petrification.

Shin Megami Tensei NINE[]

DDS9 Ganga
Race Alignment Level
Dragon Light-Neutral 62
HP MP CP Capacity Build Speed Dest. Speed
600 174
- - - - - - -
St 25
In 12
Ma 16
Vi 12
Ag 16
Lu 12
Resistance Levels
St Sl Te Gu Th Fi Ic El Fo Ex De Mi Ne Al He
+2 +1 +2 +1 +1 -4 +5dr +1 +3 +7 +5 +1 +3 +1 +1
List of Skills
Ganges Cleanse Feral Bite Mow Down
Bufudyne Me Patra

Last Bible III[]

Ganga LB3
31 354 168 95 53 17 15 19 10 14
Equipment Arms, Armor, Accessory Card Location Tapas, Doguya
List of Skills
Media Paraladi Posmudi

Majin Tensei[]

Race Level HP MP Mv Range Mv Type Atk Type CP
Hiryu 23 219 0 7 Flight Normal 12
Strength Magic Technique Defense Agility Luck
16 7 9 9 5 6
Magic Skills
Skill Cost Power Range Target Effect
Poison Bite 75% 1/4 1 Single Deals damage and Poison status

Majin Tensei II: Spiral Nemesis[]

Race Level HP MP Mv Range Mv Type Atk Range MAG
Dragon 38 202 0 7 Flight 1 -
St Ma In Ag Lu Atk P.Def M.Atk M.Def Hit Eva Crt
21 15 12 9 15 83 17 27 27 90 12 12
List of Skills
Skill Power Range Cost Target Effect
Ice Breath 100% 5-7 P. Extra Single Ice based attack

Persona 3[]

Arcana Level
Strength 12
Magic 22
Endurance 16
Agility 17
Luck 18
Priestess 26
Inherit Reflects Absorbs Block Resists Weak
Ice - - Ice - Fire
List of Skills
Skill Cost Effect Level
Mabufu 8 SP Deals light Ice damage / Freezes all foes. (8% chance) Innate
Charmdi 5 SP Dispels Charm (1 ally). Innate
Media 8 SP Slightly restores party's HP. Innate
Bufula 8 SP Deals medium Ice damage / Freezes one foe. (10% chance) 27
Tentarafoo 10 SP Makes all foes Panic. (40% chance) 28
Diarama 8 SP Moderately restores 1 ally's HP. 30
Panic Boost Passive Increases odds of instilling Panic by 25%. 31
Arcana Level
Strength 18
Magic 28
Endurance 21
Agility 22
Luck 23
Priestess 35
Inherit Reflects Absorbs Block Resists Weak
Ice - - Ice - Fire
Skill Card Diarama (Lv 40)
List of Skills
Skill Cost Effect Level
Bufula 8 SP Deals medium Ice damage / Freezes one foe. (10% chance) Innate
Charmdi 5 SP Dispels Charm (1 ally). Innate
Media 8 SP Slightly restores party's HP. Innate
Tentarafoo 10 SP Makes all foes Panic. (40% chance) 37
Diarama 8 SP Moderately restores 1 ally's HP. 39
Panic Boost Passive Increases odds of instilling Panic by 25%. 40
Arcana Level
Strength 24
Magic 30
Endurance 26
Agility 22
Luck 28
Priestess 41
Inherit Reflects Absorbs Block Resists Weak
Ice - - - Pierce, Ice, Light Fire, Dark
List of Skills
Skill Cost Effect Level
Tentarafoo 10 SP Medium chance of Confuse to all foes. Innate
Confuse Boost Passive Increases chances of inflicting Confuse. Innate
Media 7 SP Slightly restores party's HP. Innate
Neuro Slash 16% HP Deals medium Slash damage to all foes. Low chance of Confuse. 42
Bufula 8 SP Deals medium Ice damage to 1 foe. Low chance of inflicting Freeze. 43
Diarama 8 SP Moderately restores 1 ally's HP. 44
Endure Dark Passive Automatically survive 1 Dark instakill attack with 1 HP remaining. 46

Persona 4[]

Arcana Level
Strength 16
Magic 22
Endurance 16
Agility 19
Luck 21
Priestess 29
Inherit Reflects Absorbs Block Resists Weak
Ice - Ice - - Fire, Darkness
List of Skills
Skill Cost Effect Level
Bufula 8 SP Deals medium Ice damage to 1 foe. Innate
Diarama 6 SP Moderately restores 1 ally's HP. Innate
Dekaja 10 SP Nullifies stat bonuses on all foes. Innate
Mind Slice 14% HP Deals medium Phys damage to all foes with a chance of Confusion. 31
Confuse Boost Passive Increases odds of inflicting Confusion (1.5x). 32
Mediarama 12 SP Moderately restores party's HP. 33
Evade Fire Passive Triples evasion rate against Fire attacks. 35

Persona Q: Shadow of the Labyrinth[]

Arcana Level HP + SP + Inherit Extract Fragment
Priestess 28 75 27 Dark Orb of Haste -
List of Skills
Skill Cost Effect Level
Cornucopia Passive [Navi] 20% higher rate of rare materials. 25% chance to gather multiple times. Innate
Mabufu 14 SP A light Ice attack. (All Enemies) Innate
Orb of Haste 2 Gauges [Navi] Raise hit rate and evasion rate for 3 turns. (Party) 29
Makajam 8 SP Medium chance of Magic Bind. (1 Enemy) 30
Bufula 28 SP A medium Ice attack. (1 Enemy) 31
Resist Ice Passive Reduce damage from Ice attacks. 32

Persona Q2: New Cinema Labyrinth[]

Arcana Level HP + SP + Type Extract
Priestess 28 40 12 Magic Mabufu
List of Skills
Skill Cost Effect Level
Guillotine Slice 40 HP Medium Phys attack, effective on ailments. (1 enemy) Innate
Mabufu 18 SP Light Ice attack. (All enemies) Innate
Ailment Arts Passive Moderately raise chance of inflicting ailments. 29
Resist Ice Passive Reduce damage from Ice attacks. 30
Masukunda 18 SP Lower accuracy and evasion for 3 turns. (All enemies) 31

Digital Devil Saga: Avatar Tuner 2[]

Race Level HP MP Drops
Yaksa 17 700 -
Reflects Absorbs Void Resists Weak
- - Fire, Ailment, Death, Expel Ice, Force Earth, Elec
List of Skills
Skill Effect
Agidyne Heavy Fire damage on one foe.
Maragidyne Heavy Fire damage on all foes.
Ziodyne Heavy Electric damage and Shock(15%) on one foe.
Maziodyne Heavy Electric damage and Shock(10%) on all foes.
Zandyne Heavy Force damage on one foe.
Mazandyne Heavy Force damage on all foes.
Teradyne Heavy Earth damage on one foe.
Materadyne Heavy Earth damage on all foes.
Dekunda Negates all -nda debuffs from party.
Dekaja Negates all -kaja buffs from all foes.
Race Level HP MP Drops
Yaksa 20 1,000 -
Reflects Absorbs Void Resists Weak
- - Fire, Ailment, Death, Expel Ice, Force Earth, Elec
List of Skills
Skill Effect
Agidyne Heavy Fire damage on one foe.
Maragidyne Heavy Fire damage on all foes.
Ziodyne Heavy Electric damage and Shock(15%) on one foe.
Maziodyne Heavy Electric damage and Shock(10%) on all foes.
Zandyne Heavy Force damage on one foe.
Mazandyne Heavy Force damage on all foes.
Teradyne Heavy Earth damage on one foe.
Materadyne Heavy Earth damage on all foes.
Dekunda Negates all -nda debuffs from party.
Dekaja Negates all -kaja buffs from all foes.
Bolt Rain


with 2 other allies. Mega Electric damage on all foes with 35% chance of Stun.


Ganga as she appears in Persona 3

Ganga as she appears in Persona 3

Ganga as she appears in Shin Megami Tensei IMAGINE

Ganga as she appears in Shin Megami Tensei IMAGINE

Ganga's sprite in Last Bible III

Ganga's sprite in Last Bible III

Ganga as she appears in Last Bible Special

Ganga as she appears in Last Bible Special

Ganga in Persona 3 Reload

Ganga in Persona 3 Reload

Deity Loki - Freyr - Arahabaki - Odin - Baal - Fudou Myouou - Brahman - Indra - Vishnu
Megami Ame no Uzume - Skuld - Kushinada - Verdandi - Sarasvati - Urd - Kikuri-Hime - Lakshmi
Tenma Agni - Ravana - Yama - Indrajit - Wu Kong - Mahakala - Shiva
Kishin Hitokotonusi - Kotosironusi - Oumononushi - Minakata - Nagasunehiko - Zouchouten - Koumokuten - Jikokuten - Kagutsuchii - Mikazuchi - Niou - Bishamonten
Vile Mishaguji - Tezcatlipoca - Orcus - Seth - Taotie
Femme Lamia - Taraka - Gorgon - Dakini - Scylla - Rangda - Hel - Hariti - Kali
Tyrant Dagon - Mephisto - Pazuzu - Bael - Asmodeus - Mara - Arioch - Surt - Astaroth - Satanachia - Beelzebub
Yoma Kimnari - Apsaras - Isora - Watcher - Loa - Onkot - Choronzon - Tengu - Kinnara - Ifrit - Ganesha - Hanuman
Night Imp - Cyak - Nightmare - Lilim - Celuluk - Calon Arang - Incubus - Succubus - Vampire
Fairy Pixie - Goblin - Jack Frost - Pyro Jack - Dryad - Cait Sith - Gandharva - Rusalka - Kelpie - Elf - Banshee - Hobgoblin - Senri - Troll - Tam Lin - Dullahan - Cu Chulainn - Senko - Oberon
Seraph Uriel - Raphael - Gabriel
Divine Angel - Archangel - Power - Virtue - Dominion - Throne - Cherub
Fallen Andras - Gamigin - Forneus - Berith - Sytry - Orobas - Leonard - Decarabia - Ose - Marchosias - Samael - Abaddon - Fleurety - Flauros - Sargatanas
Dragon Coatlicue - Ganga - Vritra - Baek Yong - Maya - Tiamat - Ananta
Snake Raja Naga - Yurlungur - Quetzalcoatl - Itzamna - Orochi - Pendragon
Drake Worm - Cockatrice - Wyrm - Wyvern - Basilisk - Serpent - Midgardsomr - Fafnir
Avian Feng Huang - Jatayu - Takuhi - Phoenix - Yatagarasu - Garuda
Flight Harpy - Gu Huo Niao - Badb Catha - Siren
Raptor Fuxi - Furiae - Gurr - Hresvelgr
Avatar Nandi - Bastet - Pegasus - Narasimha - Sphinx - Chimera - Barong
Holy Unicorn - Bai Ze - Pabilsag - Qilin - Gui Xian
Beast Shanhui - Cu Sith - Tan-Ki - Nekomata - Stonka - Tammuz - Orthrus - Rakcharango - Cerberus - Pascal (first form) - Griffon - Pascal (second form)
Wilder Nue - Souyou - Tamamo - Manticore - Kraken - Fenrir
Touki Spartoi - Yaksini - Gozuki - Mezuki - Nezha - Minotaur - Yaksa - Talos
Brute Azumi - Bogle - Momunofu - Purski - Ibaraki Doji - Turdak - Shuten Doji
Jirae Brownie - Knocker - Kobold - Fachan - Tsuchigumo - Bugaboo - Dwarf - Kwancha - Sarutahiko - Giant - Atlas
Jaki Gremlin - Tun Kou - Orc - Wendigo - Lakhe - Barbegazi - Rakshasa - Cyclops - Girimekhala
Evil Spirit
Ghost Preta - Oshichi - Ghoul - Man Eater - Baykok - Sawo Bhaku - Sanni Yaka - Vetala - Lich
Spirit Ghost - Shade - Lemur - Pisaca - Larvae - Phantom - Legion
Undead Zombie - Zombie Lady - Obattarion - Zombie Cop - Bodyconian - Army Zombie - Corpse
Foul Hoodlum - Yakuza - Mou-Ryo - Slime - Black Ooze - Backbeard
Element Erthys - Aeros - Aquans - Flaemis - Gnome - Sylph - Undine - Salamander
Therian Weredog - Werecat - Werewolf
Messian Cult Fanatic - Holy Knight - Magus - Scanner
Gaean Suicide Unit - Death Rider - Fallen Monk - Oni Jorou - Dark Priest - Assassin
Dog Pascal
Enemy Only
Machine Kugutsu - Bigfoot - Bit Ball - T93G - T95C/P - T95D
Fiend Daisoujou - Pale Rider - David

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Deity Vishnu - Baal - Odin - Horus - Thor - Indra - Thoth
Megami Lakshmi - Pallas Athena - Freya - Scathach - Hathor - Ameno-Uzume
Amatsukami Amaterasu - Tsukuyomi - Take-Minakata - Hinokagutsuchi - Omoikane - Tajikarao
Fury Shiva - Susano-o - Kartikeya - Indrajit - Ares
Lady Kali - Anat - Isis - Artemis - Parvati - Kikuri-Hime - Kushinada-Hime
Kunitsukami Arahabaki - Take-Mikazuchi - O-namuchi - Sarutahiko - Sukuna-Hikona
Vile Seth - Abraxas - Nyarlathotep - Tezcatlipoca - Baphomet
Reaper Mot - Guedhe - Chernobog - Persephone - Hel
Yoma Hanuman - Ganesha - Valkyrie - Ifrit - Jinn - Isora - Apsaras - Kinnari
Fairy Titania - Oberon - Cu Chulainn - Elf - Gandharva - Jack Lantern - Jack Frost - Pixie
Night Succubus - Incubus - Lilim - Empusa - Alp
Tyrant Astaroth - Lucifuge - Surtr - Loki - Moloch - Hecate
Divine Dominion - Virtue - Power - Principality - Archangel - Angel
Fallen Gomory - Berith - Decarabia - Forneus - Eligor
Dragon Ananta - Ganga - Seiryu - Quetzalcoatl - Coatlicue
Snake Yamata no Orochi - Raja Naga - Mizuchi - Naga - Nozuchi
Drake Nidhoggr - Basilisk - Kingu - Typhon - Tarasque
Avian Garuda - Suzaku - Phoenix - Feng Huang
Flight Morrigan - Jatayu - Aello - Celaeno - Ocypete - Harpy
Raptor Hresvelgr - Zhen - Anzu - Furiae - Cockatrice
Avatar Barong - Genbu - Anubis - Nandi - Bai Ze
Holy Sleipnir - Byakko - Qi Lin - Sphinx - Unicorn
Beast Cerberus - Gryphon - Orthrus - Nekomata - Cu Sith - Cait Sith
Wilder Fenrir - Catoblepas - Nue - Bicorn -Garm
Jirae Titan - Ubelluris - Dwarf - Sudama - Knocker
Brute Rangda - Yaksa - Yaksini - Turdak- Azumi
Jaki Hecatoncheir - Girimehkala - Edimmu - Cyclops - Rakshasa - Ogre
Element Flamies - Aquans - Aeros - Earthies
Fiend Yoshitsune - Alice - Jeanne D'Arc
Spirit Vetala - Legion - Yaka - Preta - Poltergeist
Foul Slime
Enemy/Bosses only
Human Samejima - Miura - Wakazou - Gyaru - Yojinbo - Baraki and Sumire - Mubiora and Miranda
Ranger Green Bear - Maximan - Herunaasu - Feji Adonis - Bucchi
Gaean Gaian Believer - Seri - Hayashi
Herald Raguel
Messian Tsuzumi
Cyber Idea Angel
Kou Sojin Maria
Devil Lucifer
Unknown Abaddon - Adam - Eve - Yaldabaoth

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Fool Orpheus - Legion - Ose - Black Frost - Decarabia - Loki - Susano-o
Magician Hermes - Trismegistus - Nekomata - Jack Frost - Pyro Jack - Sati - Orobas - Rangda - Surt
Priestess Lucia - Juno - Apsaras - Unicorn - Sarasvati - Ganga - Parvati - Kikuri-hime - Scathach
Empress Penthesilea - Artemisia - Leanan Sidhe - Laksmi - Hariti - Gabriel - Mother Harlot - Skadi - Alilat
Emperor Polydeuces - Caesar - Forneus - Oberon - Take-Mikazuchi - King Frost - Raja Naga - Kingu - Barong - Odin
Hierophant Castor - Omoikane - Berith - Flauros - Hokuto Seikun - Ananta - Daisoujou - Kohryu
Lovers Io - Isis - Pixie - Narcissus - Queen Mab - Saki Mitama - Titania - Raphael - Cybele
Chariot Palladion - Pallas Athena - Ara Mitama - Chimera - Zouchouten - Ares - Oumitsunu - Nata Taishi - Koumokuten - Thor
Justice Nemesis - Kala-Nemi - Angel - Archangel - Principality - Power - Virtue - Dominion - Throne - Melchizedek
Hermit Moros - Yomotsu-Shikome - Naga - Lamia - Taraka - Kurama Tengu - Nebiros - Arahabaki
Fortune Hypnos - Fortuna - Kusi Mitama - Clotho - Lachesis - Atropos - Norn
Strength Cerberus - Valkyrie - Titan - Jikokuten - Hanuman - Narasimha - Kali - Siegfried
Hanged Man Medea - Inugami - Take-Minakata - Orthrus - Vasuki - Ubelluris - Attis
Death Loa - Pale Rider - Samael - Mot - Alice - Thanatos
Temperance Nigi Mitama - Mithra - Genbu - Seiryuu - Okuninushi - Suzaku - Byakko
Devil Lilim - Vetala - Incubus - Succubus - Lilith - Abaddon - Beelzebub
Tower Eligor - Chu Chulainn - Uriel - Bishamonten - Seiten Taisei - Masakado - Shiva - Chi You
Star Nandi - Kaiwan - Ganesha - Garuda - Saturnus - Lucifer
Moon Gurr - Yamata-no-Orochi - Girimehkala - Dionysus - Chernobog - Seth - Sandalphon
Sun Yatagarasu - Quetzalcoatl - Jatayu - Horus - Metatron - Vishnu - Asura
Judgement Anubis - Trumpeter - Michael - Satan - Messiah

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Fool Orpheus - Slime - Legion - Black Frost - Ose - Decarabia - Loki - Susano-o - Orpheus Telos
Magician Hermes - Trismegistus - Nekomata - Jack Frost - Pyro Jack - Hua Po - Sati - Orobas - Rangda - Surt
Priestess Lucia - Juno - Apsaras - Unicorn - High Pixie - Sarasvati - Ganga - Parvati - Kikuri-hime - Scathach
Empress Penthesilea - Artemisia - Leanan Sidhe - Yaksini - Laksmi - Hariti - Gabriel - Mother Harlot - Skadi - Alilat
Emperor Polydeuces - Caesar - Forneus - Oberon - Take-Mikazuchi - King Frost - Raja Naga - Kingu - Barong - Odin
Hierophant Castor - Psyche - Omoikane - Berith - Shiisaa - Flauros - Thoth - Hokuto Seikun - Daisoujou - Kohryu
Lovers Io - Isis - Pixie - Alp - Narcissus - Queen Mab - Saki Mitama - Titania - Raphael - Cybele
Chariot Palladion - Pallas Athena - Ara Mitama - Chimera - Zouchouten - Ares - Oumitsunu - Nata Taishi - Koumokuten - Thor
Justice Nemesis - Kala-Nemi - Angel - Archangel - Principality - Power - Virtue - Dominion - Throne - Melchizedek
Hermit Moros - Yomotsu-Shikome - Naga - Lamia - Mothman - Taraka - Kurama Tengu - Nebiros - Kumbhanda - Arahabaki
Fortune Hypnos - Fortuna - Empusa - Kusi Mitama - Clotho - Lachesis - Atropos - Norn
Strength Cerberus - Valkyrie - Rakshasa - Titan - Jikokuten - Hanuman - Narasimha - Kali - Siegfried
Hanged Man Medea - Inugami - Take-Minakata - Orthrus - Vasuki - Ubelluris - Hecatoncheires - Hell Biker - Attis
Death Ghoul - Pale Rider - Loa - Samael - Mot - Alice - Thanatos
Temperance Nigi Mitama - Mithra - Genbu - Seiryuu - Okuninushi - Suzaku - Byakko - Yurlungur
Devil Lilim - Vetala - Incubus - Succubus - Pazuzu - Lilith - Abaddon - Beelzebub
Tower Eligor - Chu Chulainn - Bishamonten - Seiten Taisei - Masakado - Mara - Shiva - Chi You
Star Nandi - Kaiwan - Ganesha - Garuda - Kartikeya - Saturnus - Helel
Moon Gurr - Yamatano-Orochi - Girimehkala - Dionysus - Chernobog - Seth - Baal Zebul - Sandalphon
Sun Yatagarasu - Quetzalcoatl - Jatayu - Horus - Suparna - Vishnu - Asura
Judgement Anubis - Trumpeter - Michael - Satan - Lucifer - Messiah
Aeon Uriel - Nidhoggr - Ananta - Atavaka - Metatron

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Fool Orpheus - Slime - Legion - Black Frost - Ose - Decarabia - Loki - Susano-o - Orpheus Telos
Magician Hermes - Trismegistus - Nekomata - Jack Frost - Pyro Jack - Hua Po - Sati - Orobas - Rangda - Surt
Priestess Lucia - Juno - Apsaras - Unicorn - High Pixie - Sarasvati - Ganga - Parvati - Kikuri-hime - Scathach
Empress Penthesilea - Artemisia - Leanan Sidhe - Yaksini - Lakshmi - Hariti - Gabriel - Mother Harlot - Skadi - Alilat
Emperor Polydeuces - Caesar - Forneus - Oberon - Take-Mikazuchi - King Frost - Raja Naga - Kingu - Barong - Odin
Hierophant Castor - Omoikane - Berith - Shiisaa - Flauros - Thoth - Hokuto Seikun - Daisoujou - Kohryu
Lovers Io - Isis - Pixie - Alp - Tam Lin - Narcissus - Queen Mab - Saki Mitama - Titania - Raphael - Cybele
Chariot Palladion - Pallas Athena - Ara Mitama - Chimera - Zouchouten - Ares - Oumitsunu - Nata Taishi - Koumokuten - Thor
Justice Nemesis - Kala-Nemi - Angel - Archangel - Principality - Power - Virtue - Dominion - Throne - Melchizedek
Hermit Moros - Yomotsu Shikome - Naga - Lamia - Mothman - Taraka - Kurama Tengu - Nebiros - Kumbhanda - Arahabaki
Fortune Hypnos - Fortuna - Empusa - Kusi Mitama - Clotho - Lachesis - Atropos - Norn
Strength Cerberus - Valkyrie - Rakshasa - Titan - Jikokuten - Hanuman - Narasimha - Kali - Siegfried
Hanged Man Medea - Inugami - Take-Minakata - Orthrus - Vasuki - Ubelluris - Hecatoncheires - Hell Biker - Attis
Death Ghoul - Pale Rider - Loa - Samael - Mot - Alice - Thanatos
Temperance Nigi Mitama - Mithra - Genbu - Seiryuu - Okuninushi - Suzaku - Byakko - Yurlungur
Devil Lilim - Mokoi - Vetala - Incubus - Succubus - Pazuzu - Lilith - Abaddon - Beelzebub
Tower Eligor - Chu Chulainn - Bishamonten - Seiten Taisei - Masakado - Mara - Shiva - Chi You
Star Neko Shogun - Setanta - Nandi - Kaiwan - Ganesha - Garuda - Kartikeya - Saturnus - Helel
Moon Gurr - Yamatano-Orochi - Girimehkala - Dionysus - Chernobog - Seth - Baal Zebul - Sandalphon
Sun Yatagarasu - Quetzalcoatl - Jatayu - Horus - Suparna - Vishnu - Asura
Judgement Anubis - Trumpeter - Michael - Satan - Lucifer - Messiah
Aeon Uriel - Nidhoggr - Ananta - Atavaka - Metatron

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Fool Orpheus - Slime - Legion - Black Frost - Ose - Decarabia - Loki - Susano-o - Orpheus Telos - Izanagi - Arsène - Satanael
Magician Hermes - Trismegistus - Nekomata - Jack Frost - Jack-o'-Lantern - Hua Po - Sati - Orobas - Rangda - Surt - Futsunushi - Zorro - Mercurius
Priestess Lucia - Juno - Apsaras - Unicorn - High Pixie - Sarasvati - Ganga - Parvati - Kikuri-hime - Scathach - Johanna - Anat
Empress Penthesilea - Artemisia - Leanan Sidhe - Yaksini - Hariti - Gabriel - Skadi - Mother Harlot - Alilat - Milady - Astarte
Emperor Polydeuces - Caesar - Forneus - Oberon - Take-Mikazuchi - King Frost - Naga Raja - Belphegor - Barong - Odin - Goemon - Kamu Susano-o
Hierophant Castor - Psyche - Omoikane - Berith - Shiisaa - Flauros - Thoth - Mishaguji - Daisoujou - Kohryu
Lovers Io - Isis - Pixie - Silky - Tam Lin - Narcissus - Queen Medb - Saki Mitama - Titania - Raphael - Cybele - Carmen - Hecate
Chariot Palladion - Athena - Ara Mitama - Chimera - Zouchouten - Mithras - Oni - Shiki-Ouji - Koumokuten - Thor - Captain Kidd - Seiten Taisei
Justice Nemesis - Kala-Nemi - Angel - Archangel - Principality - Power - Virtue - Dominion - Throne - Melchizedek - Robin Hood - Loki
Hermit Moros - Onmoraki - Naga - Lamia - Mothman - Dakini - Kurama Tengu - Nebiros - Kumbhanda - Arahabaki
Fortune Hypnos - Fortuna - Sandman - Kusi Mitama - Clotho - Lachesis - Atropos - Norn - Lakshmi
Strength Cerberus - Valkyrie - Rakshasa - Matador - Jikokuten - Hanuman - White Rider - Siegfried - Kali - Atavaka
Hanged Man Medea - Inugami - Take-Minakata - Orthrus - Vasuki - Hecatoncheires - Mada - Hell Biker - Attis
Death Pisaca - Pale Rider - Loa - Samael - Mot - Alice - Thanatos
Temperance Nigi Mitama - Mithra - Genbu - Seiryu - Okuninushi - Suzaku - Byakko - Yurlungur
Devil Lilim - Mokoi - Baphomet - Incubus - Succubus - Pazuzu - Lilith - Abaddon - Beelzebub
Tower Eligor - Cu Chulainn - Bishamonten - Qitian Dasheng - Mara - Masakado - Shiva - Chi You - Magatsu-Izanagi
Star Neko Shogun - Setanta - Kaiwan - Ganesha - Garuda - Houou - Saturnus - Helel - Cendrillon - Vanadis
Moon Gurulu - Yamata-no-Orochi - Girimehkala - Dionysus - Chernobog - Seth - Baal Zebul - Sandalphon - Kaguya
Sun Yatagarasu - Thunderbird - Quetzalcoatl - Jatayu - Horus - Vishnu - Asura
Judgement Anubis - Trumpeter - Michael - Satan - Lucifer - Messiah
Aeon Nidhoggr - Uriel - Ananta - Metatron

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Fool Izanagi - Yomotsu-Shikome - Obariyon - Legion - Ose - Black Frost - Decarabia - Shiki-Ouji - Loki
Magician Jiraiya - Susano-o - Pixie - Orobas - Jack Frost - Hua Po - Pyro Jack - Dis - Rangda - Jinn - Surt - Mada
Priestess Konohana Sakuya - Amaterasu - Saki Mitama - Sarasvati - High Pixie - Ganga - Parvati - Kikuri-Hime - Hariti - Tzitzimitl - Scathach
Empress Senri - Yaksini - Titania - Gorgon - Gabriel - Skadi - Mother Harlot - Alilat - Isis
Emperor Take-Mikazuchi - Rokuten Maoh - Oberon - King Frost - Setanta - Okuninushi - Thoth - Pabilsag - Barong - Odin
Hierophant Omoikane - Anzu - Shiisaa - Unicorn - Flauros - Hokuto Seikun - Cerberus - Daisoujou - Hachiman - Kohryu
Lovers Himiko - Kanzeon - Queen Mab - Undine - Leanan Sidhe - Raphael - Cybele - Ishtar
Chariot Tomoe - Suzuka Gongen - Slime - Nata Taishi - Eligor - Ara Mitama - Ares - Triglav - Kin-Ki - Thor - Atavaka - Futsunushi
Justice Angel - Archangel - Principality - Power - Virtue - Dominion - Throne - Uriel - Melchizedek - Sraosha
Hermit Forneus - Ippon-Datara - Lamia - Mothman - Hitokotonushi - Kurama Tengu - Nidhoggr - Nebiros - Arahabaki - Ongyo-Ki
Fortune Sukuna-Hikona - Yamato-Takeru - Fortuna - Clotho - Lachesis - Ananta - Atropos - Norn
Strength Sandman - Valkyrie - Titan - Rakshasa - Kusi Mitama - Oni - Hanuman - Kali - Siegfried - Zaou-Gongen
Hanged Man Berith - Yomotsu-Ikusa - Makami - Orthrus - Yatsufusa - Taowu - Hell Biker - Vasuki - Attis
Death Ghoul - Mokoi - Matador - Samael - Mot - White Rider - Alice - Mahakala
Temperance Apsaras - Sylph - Xiezhai - Nigi Mitama - Mithra - Genbu - Seiryuu - Suzaku - Byakko - Yurlungur - Vishnu
Devil Ukobach - Lilim - Vetala - Incubus - Pazuzu - Succubus - Lilith - Belphegor - Belial - Beelzebub
Tower Tao Tie - Cu Chulainn - Abaddon - Mara - Masakado - Yoshitsune - Shiva
Star Kintoki-Douji - Kamui - Kaiwan - Neko Shogun - Fuu-Ki - Ganesha - Garuda - Kartikeya - Saturnus - Helel
Moon Andras - Nozuchi - Yamata-no-Orochi - Alraune - Girimehkala - Sui-Ki - Seth - Baal Zebul - Sandalphon
Sun Cu Sith - Feng Huang - Gdon - Yatagarasu - Narasimha - Tam Lin - Jatayu - Horus - Suparna - Asura
Judgement Anubis - Trumpeter - Michael - Satan - Metatron - Ardha - Lucifer
World Izanagi-no-Okami

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Fool Izanagi - Yomotsu-Shikome - Obariyon - Legion - Ose - Black Frost - Decarabia - Shiki-Ouji - Loki
Magician Jiraiya - Susano-o - Takehaya Susano-o - Pixie - Orobas - Jack Frost - Hua Po - Pyro Jack - Dis - Rangda - Jinn - Surt - Mada
Priestess Konohana Sakuya - Amaterasu - Sumeo-Okami - Saki Mitama - Sarasvati - High Pixie - Ganga - Parvati - Kikuri-Hime - Hariti - Tzitzimitl - Scathach
Empress Senri - Yaksini - Titania - Gorgon - Gabriel - Skadi - Mother Harlot - Alilat - Isis
Emperor Take-Mikazuchi - Rokuten Maoh - Takeji Zaiten - Oberon - King Frost - Setanta - Okuninushi - Thoth - Pabilsag - Barong - Odin
Hierophant Omoikane - Anzu - Shiisaa - Unicorn - Flauros - Hokuto Seikun - Cerberus - Daisoujou - Hachiman - Kohryu
Lovers Himiko - Kanzeon - Kouzeon - Queen Mab - Undine - Leanan Sidhe - Raphael - Cybele - Ishtar
Chariot Tomoe - Suzuka Gongen - Haraedo-no-Okami - Slime - Nata Taishi - Eligor - Ara Mitama - Ares - Triglav - Kin-Ki - Thor - Atavaka - Futsunushi
Justice Angel - Archangel - Principality - Power - Virtue - Dominion - Throne - Uriel - Melchizedek - Sraosha
Hermit Forneus - Ippon-Datara - Lamia - Mothman - Hitokotonushi - Kurama Tengu - Nidhoggr - Nebiros - Arahabaki - Ongyo-Ki
Fortune Sukuna-Hikona - Yamato-Takeru - Yamato Sumeragi - Fortuna - Clotho - Lachesis - Ananta - Atropos - Norn
Strength Sandman - Valkyrie - Titan - Rakshasa - Kusi Mitama - Oni - Hanuman - Kali - Siegfried - Zaou-Gongen
Hanged Man Berith - Yomotsu-Ikusa - Makami - Orthrus - Yatsufusa - Taowu - Hell Biker - Vasuki - Attis
Death Ghoul - Mokoi - Matador - Samael - Mot - White Rider - Alice - Mahakala
Temperance Apsaras - Sylph - Xiezhai - Nigi Mitama - Mithra - Genbu - Seiryuu - Suzaku - Byakko - Yurlungur - Vishnu
Devil Ukobach - Lilim - Vetala - Incubus - Pazuzu - Succubus - Lilith - Belphegor - Belial - Beelzebub
Tower Tao Tie - Cu Chulainn - Abaddon - Mara - Masakado - Yoshitsune - Shiva
Star Kintoki-Douji - Kamui - Kamui-Moshiri - Kaiwan - Neko Shogun - Fuu-Ki - Ganesha - Garuda - Kartikeya - Saturnus - Helel
Moon Andras - Nozuchi - Yamata-no-Orochi - Alraune - Girimehkala - Sui-Ki - Seth - Baal Zebul - Sandalphon
Sun Cu Sith - Feng Huang - Gdon - Yatagarasu - Narasimha - Tam Lin - Jatayu - Horus - Suparna - Asura
Jester (Hunger) Gurr - Take-Minakata - Pale Rider - Loa - Baphomet - Kumbhanda - Chernobog - Seiten Taisei - Magatsu-Izanagi
Aeon Ame-no-Uzume - Narcissus - Sati - Raja Naga - Kushinada-Hime - Quetzalcoatl - Kingu - Lakshmi - Kaguya
Judgement Anubis - Trumpeter - Michael - Satan - Metatron - Ardha - Lucifer
World Izanagi-no-Okami

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Fool Orpheus - Izanagi - Slime - Legion - Orpheus Telos - Ose - Black Frost - Decarabia - Shiki-Ouji - Loki
Magician Hermes - Trismegistus - Jiraiya - Susano-O - Agathion - Orobas - Jack Frost - Hua Po - Pyro Jack - Dis - Rangda - Jinn - Surt - Mada
Priestess Lucia - Juno - Konohana Sakuya - Amaterasu - Ame no Uzume - High Pixie - Ganga - Parvati - Hariti - Tzitzimitl - Scathach
Empress Penthesilea - Artemisia - Yaksini - Titania - Gorgon - Gabriel - Skadi - Mother Harlot - Lakshmi - Alilat
Emperor Polydeuces - Caesar - Take-Mikazuchi - Rokuten Maou - Oberon - Setanta - King Frost - Oukuninushi - Thoth - Pabilsag - Kingu - Barong - Odin
Hierophant Castor - Anzu - Shiisaa - Unicorn - Gozuki - Flauros - Mishaguji - Daisoujou - Hachiman - Kohryu
Lovers Io - Isis - Himiko - Kanzeon - Pixie - Alp - Moh Shuvuu - Queen Mab - Leanan Sidhe - Raphael - Cybele - Ishtar
Chariot Palladion - Athena - Tomoe - Suzuka Gongen - Nata Taishi - Chimera - Eligor - Ares - Mezuki - Oumitsunu - Triglav - Thor - Atavaka - Futsunushi
Justice Nemesis - Kala-Nemi - Angel - Archangel - Power - Virtue - Dominion - Throne - Uriel - Ophanim - Melchizedek
Hermit Azumi - Ippon-Datara - Nue - Mothman - Hitokotonusi - Kurama Tengu - Niddhoggr - Nebiros - Arahabaki - Ongyo-Ki
Fortune Sukuna-Hikona - Yamato-Takeru - Empusa - Fortuna - Clotho - Lachesis - Ananta - Atropos - Norn
Strength Cerberus - Sandman - Valkyrie - Oni - Tsuchigumo - Rakshasa - Hanuman - Ouyamatsumi - Siegfried - Kali - Zaou-Gongen
Hanged Man Koropokkur - Berith - Ikusa - Orthrus - Yatsufusa - Hell Biker - Vasuki - Attis
Death Mokoi - Matador - Turdak - White Rider - Samael - Mot - Alice - Pale Rider - Thanatos - Mahakala
Temperance Apsaras - Xiezhai - Mithra - Genbu - Seiryuu - Suzaku - Byakko - Vishnu
Devil Ukobach - Incubus - Succubus - Pazuzu - Basilisk - Lilith - Belial - Belphegor - Astaroth - Beelzebub
Tower Raijuu - Cu Chulainn - Abaddon - Mara - Seiten Taisei - Masakado - Yoshitsune - Shiva - Chi You - Magatsu-Izanagi
Star Kintoki-Douji - Kamui - Sarasvati - Yatagarasu - Neko Shogun - Kaiwan - Kikuri-Hime - Garuda - Kartikeya - Sraosha - Helel
Moon Onmoraki - Andras - Kaguya - Nozuchi - Orochi - Alraune - Girimehkala - Chernobog - Seth - Baal Zebul - Sandalphon
Sun Cu Sith - Phoenix - Narasimha - Ganesha - Tam Lin - Jatayu - Suparna - Asura
Judgement Red Rider - Anubis - Black Rider - Trumpeter - Michael - Satan - Metatron - Warrior Zeus - Ardha - Zeus - Lucifer
World Messiah - Izanagi-no-Okami

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Fool Orpheus / Orpheus - Orpheus Telos - Izanagi - Arsène - Satanael - Slime - Bifrons - Mothman - Izanagi Picaro - Ose - Orpheus Picaro - Black Frost - Bai Suzhen - Decarabia - Shiki-Ouji - Ardha
Magician Hermes - Trismegistus - Jiraiya - Susano-O - Zorro - Mercurius - Agathion - Orobas - Jack Frost - Hua Po - Pyro Jack - Dis - Rangda - Jinn - Surt - Mada - Kudlak
Priestess Lucia - Juno - Konohana Sakuya - Amaterasu - Johanna - Anat - Sarasvati - Moh Shuvuu - Ganga - Parvati - Dzelarhons - Gabriel - Hariti - Tzitzimitl - Scathach - Black Maria
Empress Penthesilea - Artemisia - Milady - Astarte - Ame no Uzume - Yaksini - Titania - Mayahuel - Kikuri-Hime - Skadi - Lakshmi - Mother Harlot - Xi Wangmu - Kali - Alilat
Emperor Polydeuces - Caesar - Take-Mikazuchi - Rokuten Maou - Goemon - Kamu Susano-o - Anzu - Oberon - Power - Okuninushi - King Frost - Thoth - Ganesha - Barong - Odin - Huang Di
Hierophant Castor - Halphas - Shiisaa - Koppa Tengu - Unicorn - Dantalion - Cherub - Mishaguji - Daisoujou - Kohryu - Kresnik - Baal Zebul
Lovers Io - Isis - Himiko - Kanzeon - Carmen - Hecate - Pixie - Heqet - High Pixie - Queen Mab - Narcissus - Vivian - Leanan Sidhe - Raphael - Cybele - Raphael - Lorelei - Ishtar
Chariot Palladion - Athena - Tomoe - Suzuka Gongen - Captain Kidd - Seiten Taisei - Nata Taishi - Chimera - Eligor - Mezuki - Oumitsunu - Triglav - Kartikeya - Kingu - Pale Rider - Thor - Atavaka - Futsunushi
Justice Nemesis - Kala-Nemi - Robin Hood - Angel - Archangel - Principality - Setanta - Virtue - Dominion - Uriel - Throne - Jeanne d'Arc - Melchizedek - Metatron - Seraph
Hermit Necronomicon - Prometheus - Azumi - Ippon-Datara - Nue - Caladrius - Hitokotonusi - Kurama Tengu - Niddhoggr - Nebiros - Arahabaki - Ongyo-Ki
Fortune Sukuna-Hikona - Yamato-Takeru - Mandrake - Kelpie - Ariadne - Yuki Jyorou - Fortuna - Ariadne Picaro - Clotho - Pabilsag - Lachesis - Atropos - Norn - Ananta - Ouroboros - Asterius - Asterius Picaro
Strength Cerberus - Mokoi - Valkyrie - Oni - Tsuchigumo - Gozuki - Rakshasa - Hanuman - Ouyamatsumi - Ara Mitama - Siegfried - Zaou-Gongen
Hanged Man Onmoraki - Berith - Ikusa - Gorgon - Orthrus - Yatsufusa - Hell Biker - Moloch - Vasuki - Attis
Death Empusa - Yatagarasu - Matador - Red Rider - White Rider - Thanatos - Flauros - Thanatos Picaro - Mot - Alice - Bugs - Balor - Mahakala
Temperance Apsaras - Silky - Bicorn - Mithra - Genbu - Seiryu - Suzaku - Byakko - Mithras - Vishnu
Devil Sandman - Alp - Incubus - Legion - Succubus - Pazuzu - Belphegor - Belial - Baphomet - Vouivre - Lilith - Astaroth - Beelzebub
Tower Ukobach - Raijuu - Ammut - Nigi Mitama - Cu Chulainn - Magatsu-Izanagi - Abaddon - Longinus - Mara - Masakado - Yoshitsune - Shiva - Chi You
Star Kintoki-Douji - Kamui - Koropokkuru - Xiezhai - Gemori - Neko Shogun - Kaiwan - Sleipnir - Kusi Mitama - Garuda - Sraosha - Suparna - Helel
Moon Sudama - Andras - Kaguya - Nozuchi - Hare of Inaba - Kaguya Picaro - Orochi - Alraune - Fenrir - Girimehkala - Saki Mitama - Chernobog - Seth - Tsukuyomi - Tsukuyomi Picaro - Sandalphon
Sun Cu Sith - Phoenix - Pele - Basilisk - Narasimha - Lugh - Hathor - Tam Lin - Jatayu - Hachiman - Asura
Judgement Messiah - Turdak - Berserker - Anubis - Black Rider - Ophanim - Messiah Picaro - Trumpeter - Michael - Satan - Lucifer
World Izanagi-no-Okami

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Asura Agni - Camazotz - Dyaus - Hayagriva - Prithivi - Rahu - Ravana - Varna - Vayu
Aerial Andras - Anzu - Archangel - Gurr - Horus - Hresvelgr - Macha - Nandi - Phoenix - Power - Principality - Throne
Beast Alp - Apis - Chimera - Empusa - Gdon - Kelpie - Nekomata - Nue - Orobas - Orthrus - Pabilsag - Raiju - Tao Tie - Taown - Thoth - Zhen
Brute Bugaboo - Chatterskull - Ghoul - Girimehkala - Gyu-Ki - Hecatoncheires - Ikusa - Legion - Pisaca - Purski - Rakshasa - Rangda - Sarge Girimehkala - Shadow - Shiki-Ouji - Shikome - Specter - Taraka - Titan - Turdak - Vetala - Yaksini
Death Seth
Deity Alilat - Laksmi - Pallas Athena - Sarasvati - Sati - Scathach - Skadi
Device 20mm Machinegun - Gate Core - Laser Cannon
Dragon Cockatrice - Gorgon - Kingu - Lamia - Mizuchi - Naga - Nidhoggr - Samael - Tan-Ki - Tarrasque
Fiend Satan
Fury Vishnu
Human Karma Soldier - Tribhvana Air - Tribhvana Earth - Tribhvana Heaven
Icon Arahabaki - Ares - Atavaka - Beiji Weng - Ganesha - Hanuman - Mada - Mithra - Narasimha - Pazuzu - Surt - Thor
Light Gabriel - Michael - Raphael - Uriel
Fiend Baphomet - Berith - Black Ooze - Blob - Cu Chulainn - Dis - Efreet - Eligor - Flauros - Hua Po - Jack Frost - Kaiwan - Lilith - Loa - Mot - Nyx - Omoikane - Onkot - Ose - Setanta - Troll
Tyrant Shiva
Mitama Ara Mitama - Saki Mitama - Nigi Mitama - Kusi Mitama
Yaksa Abaddon - Chernobog - Cu Sith - Ganga - Dakini - Fake Varna - Hecatoncheires - Kali - Kartikeya - Kumbhanda - Meganda - Raja Naga - Ubelluris - Varna - Varunani - Vetala - Vritra

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