Full Analysis

Full Analysis (ハイ・アナライズ, Hai Anaraizu)? is a Miscellaneous skill.


Full Analysis can automatically reveal an enemy's stats, weaknesses and their learned skills.

In Persona 3, it takes a little time for the analysis to be complete if scanning an enemy for the first time.

In Persona 3 Reload, Full Analysis can only be activated manually after both sides have taken their first turns.

Game Effect Cost
Persona 3
Persona 3 FES
Persona 3 Portable
Displays detailed enemy information (stats, resistances, and skills).
Persona 3 Reload Fully reveal the affinities of 1 foe. 35 SP
Persona 4
Persona 4 Golden
Reveal an enemy's stats, weak points, and skills. (Excludes Bosses)


Party Members[]

By leveling up[]

Character Game Level
Fuuka Yamagishi Persona 3
Persona 3 FES
Persona 3 Portable
Rise Kujikawa Persona 4 Innate

By special means[]

Character Game Method Criteria
Rise Kujikawa Persona 4 Golden Social Link Rank 3
Strength Skills
Slash Icon P3PSlash Skills Cleave - Power Slash - Mighty Swing - Gale Slash - Fatal End - Deathbound - Heaven's Blade - Brave Blade
Blade of Fury - Tempest Slash
Zan-ei - Getsu-ei - Vorpal Blade
P3RE: Vacuum Slash - Neuro Slash - Cross Slash - Masquerade
Strike Icon P3PStrike Skills Bash - Sonic Punch - Assault Dive - Herculean Strike - Gigantic Fist - Heat Wave - Vicious Strike - God's Hand
Kill Rush - Swift Strike - Akasha Arts
Weary Thrust
Pierce Icon P3PPierce Skills Single Shot - Primal Force
Double Fangs - Twin Shot - Torrent Shot - Arrow Rain - Myriad Arrows
Holy Arrow - Poison Arrow
Cruel Attack - Vile Assault - Pralaya
P3RE: One-shot Kill
Magic Skills
Fire Icon P3PFire Skills Agi - Maragi - Agilao - Maragion - Agidyne - Maragidyne
Ragnarok - Maralagidyne
P3RE: Inferno - Blazing Hell
Ice Icon P3PIce Skills Bufu - Mabufu - Bufula - Mabufula - Bufudyne - Mabufudyne
P3RE: Diamond Dust - Ice Age
Elec Icon P3PElec Skills Zio - Mazio - Zionga - Mazionga - Ziodyne - Maziodyne
Thunder Reign
P3RE: Wild Thunder
Wind Icon P3PWind Skills Garu - Magaru - Garula - Magarula - Garudyne - Magarudyne
Panta Rhei
P3RE: Vacuum Wave
Light Icon P3PLight Skills Hama - Mahama - Hamaon - Mahamaon
P3RE: Kouha - Makouha - Kouga - Makouga - Kougaon - Makougaon - Divine Judgment - Shining Arrows
Dark Icon P3PDark Skills Mudo - Mamudo - Mudoon - Mamudoon
Die For Me!
P3RE: Eiha - Maeiha - Eiga - Maeiga - Eigaon - Maeigaon - Demonic Decree - Magatsu Mandala
Almighty Skills Megido - Megidola - Megidolaon
Black Viper - Morning Star
Life Drain - Spirit Drain - Foul Breath - Stagnant Air
Great Seal
P3RE: Cosmic Flare - Rebellion Blade - Sinful Shell
Ailment Skills
Ailments Evil Touch - Evil Smile - Ghastly Wail - Pulinpa - Tentarafoo - Bewilder - Eerie Sound - Poisma - Poison Mist - Virus Breath - Marin Karin - Sexy Dance - Provoke - Infuriate
Heal Icon P3PRecovery Skills
HP Recovery Dia - Media - Diarama - Mediarama - Diarahan - Mediarahan - Recarmdra
Revival Recarm - Samarecarm
Ailment Recovery Patra - Me Patra - Re Patra - Posumudi - Charmdi - Enradi - Amrita
P3RE: Baisudi - Mabaisudi - Amrita Drop - Amrita Shower
Special Salvation
Enhance Skills
Buffs Tarukaja - Matarukaja - Rakukaja - Marakukaja - Sukukaja - Masukukaja
P3RE: Heat Riser
Debuffs Tarunda - Matarunda - Rakunda - Marakunda - Sukunda - Masukunda
P3RE: Debilitate
Non-Negatable Rebellion - Revolution
Power Charge - Mind Charge
P3RE: Bloody Charge
Shields Tetrakarn - Makarakarn
Negation Dekaja - Dekunda
Fire Break - Ice Break - Elec Break - Wind Break
Other Trafuri
Passive Icon P3PPassive Skills
Hit/Crit rate Apt Pupil - Sharp Student
P3RE: Crit Rate Boost - Crit Rate Amp - Firm Stance
Counter Counter - Counterstrike - High Counter
Recovery Regenerate 1 - Regenerate 2 - Regenerate 3 - Spring of Life
Invigorate 1 - Invigorate 2 - Invigorate 3
P3RE: Drain Ability - Fast Heal - Insta-Heal - Soul Chain - Soul Link - Soul Shift
Conservation Arms Master - Spell Master
Survival Endure - Enduring Soul - Endure Light - Endure Dark - Survive Light - Survive Dark
P3RE: Survival Trick
Starting Battle Auto-Tarukaja - Auto-Rakukaja - Auto-Sukukaja - Auto-Mataru - Auto-Maraku - Auto-Masuku
P3RE: Auto Rebellion - Anti-Fire Master - Anti-Ice Master - Anti-Electric Master - Anti-Wind Master
Post-Battle Growth 1 - Growth 2 - Growth 3
Cool Breeze - Victory Cry
Attack Boost Fire Boost - Ice Boost - Elec Boost - Wind Boost - Hama Boost - Mudo Boost
1hSwd Master - 2hSwd Master - Fist Master - Heavy Master - Spear Master - Bow Master - Weapons Master
Raging Tiger
P3RE: Slash Boost - Strike Boost - Pierce Boost - Light Boost - Dark Boost - Almighty Boost - Magic Ability - Single-Target Boost - Multi-Target Boost - Shift Boost
Attack Amp Fire Amp - Ice Amp - Elec Amp - Wind Amp - Magic Skill Up
P3RE: Slash Amp - Strike Amp - Pierce Amp - Light Amp - Dark Amp - Almighty Amp - Magic Mastery - Shift Amp
Attack Driver P3RE: Slash Driver - Strike Driver - Pierce Driver - Fire Driver - Ice Driver - Elec Driver - Wind Driver - Light Driver - Dark Driver
Ailment Boost Fear Boost - Panic Boost - Distress Boost - Poison Boost - Charm Boost - Rage Boost - Ailment Boost
P3RE: Confuse Boost - Dizzy Boost - Freeze Boost - Shock Boost
Resist Attacks Resist Slash - Resist Strike - Resist Pierce - Resist Fire - Resist Ice - Resist Elec - Resist Wind - Resist Light - Resist Dark
P3RE: Resist Phys
Null Attacks Null Slash - Null Strike - Null Pierce - Null Fire - Null Ice - Null Elec - Null Wind - Null Light - Null Dark
P3RE: Null Phys
Repel Attacks Repel Slash - Repel Strike - Repel Pierce - Repel Fire - Repel Ice - Repel Elec - Repel Wind - Repel Light - Repel Dark
Absorb Attacks Absorb Slash - Absorb Strike - Absorb Pierce - Absorb Fire - Absorb Ice - Absorb Elec - Absorb Wind
P3RE: Drain Light - Drain Dark
Dodge Attacks Dodge Slash - Dodge Strike - Dodge Pierce - Dodge Fire - Dodge Ice - Dodge Elec - Dodge Wind
P3RE: Dodge Light - Dodge Dark - Angelic Grace - Vidyaraja's Blessing - Ali Dance
Evade Attacks Evade Slash - Evade Strike - Evade Pierce - Evade Fire - Evade Ice - Evade Elec - Evade Wind
P3RE: Evade Light - Evade Dark
Resist Ailments P3RE: Resist Charm - Resist Confuse - Resist Distress - Resist Dizzy - Resist Fear - Resist Freeze - Resist Poison - Resist Rage - Resist Shock - Resist Ailments
Null Ailments Null Fear - Null Panic - Null Distress - Null Poison - Null Charm - Null Rage - Null Shock - Null Freeze - Unshaken Will
P3RE: Null Confuse - Null Dizzy
Other Alertness - Fast Retreat - Divine Grace
Fusion Item Icon P3PFusion Spells Cadenza - Justice - Jack Brothers - Frolic - King and I - Dreamfest - Summer Dream - Best Friends - Thunder Call - Valhalla - Scarlet Havoc - Shadow Hound - Raktapaksha - Trickster - Infinity - Ardhanari - Last Judge - Armageddon
Others Cyclone Arrow - Tranquility - Hack n' Blast - Blaze of Life - Blizzard Edge - Blade of Execution - Lightning Spike - Electric Onslaught - Orgia Mode - Maximum Firepower - Hound of Hades - Power Howling - Divine Retribution - Divine Intervention - Bleeding Fury - Oracle - Revelation - Charging Blitz
Navigator Skills
Leveling up Analysis - Full Analysis - Support Scan - Third Eye - Healing Wave - Oracle - Escape Route
P3R: Jamming - Sylphid Aura - Shock Noise

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Strength Skills
Physical Icon P4Physical Skills Bash - Cleave - Skewer - Sonic Punch - Single Shot - Assault Dive - Power Slash - Fatal End - Black Spot - Mighty Swing - Gigantic Fist - Brave Blade - God's Hand - Primal Force - Heaven's Blade
Gale Slash - Herculean Strike - Heat Wave - Vicious Strike - Deathbound - Vorpal Blade
Multi-hit Double Fangs - Twin Shot - Kill Rush - Torrent Shot - Tempest Slash - Rampage - Swift Strike - Blade of Fury - Arrow Rain - Aeon Rain - Myriad Arrows - Akasha Arts - Agneyastra - Hassou Tobi
Ailment Attacks Arm Chopper - Hysterical Slap - Poison Skewer - Skull Cracker - Muzzle Shot - Cell Breaker - Brain Shake - Poison Arrow - Mind Slice - Crazy Chain - Seal Bomb - Atom Smasher - Mustard Bomb - Navas Nebula - Virus Wave - Blight
Special Criteria Cruel Attack - Vile Assault - Rainy Death - Pralaya
Magic Skills
Fire Icon ISFire Skills Agi - Maragi - Agilao - Maragion - Agidyne - Maragidyne
Ragnarok - Burning Petals
Ice Icon ISIce Skills Bufu - Mabufu - Bufula - Mabufula - Bufudyne - Mabufudyne
Elec Icon ISElec Skills Zio - Mazio - Zionga - Mazionga - Ziodyne - Maziodyne
Thunder Reign
Wind Icon ISWind Skills Garu - Magaru - Garula - Magarula - Garudyne - Magarudyne
Panta Rhei
Expel Icon ISLight Skills Hama - Mahama - Hamaon - Mahamaon
Samsara - God's Judgment
Death Icon ISDark Skills Mudo - Mamudo - Mudoon - Mamudoon
Ghastly Wail - Die For Me! - Hell's Judgment
Almighty Icon P4Almighty Skills Megido - Megidola - Megidolaon
Black Viper - Morning Star
Life Drain - Spirit Drain - Foul Breath - Stagnant Air
Myriad Truths
Ailment Skills
Ailments Evil Touch - Evil Smile - Pulinpa - Tentarafoo - Poisma - Poison Mist - Balzac - Valiant Dance - Makajam - Foolish Whisper - Soul Break - Anima Freeze - Enervation- Old One - The Man's Way - Kamui Miracle
Occult Icon P1Recovery Skills
HP Recovery Dia - Media - Diarama - Mediarama - Diarahan - Mediarahan
Revival Recarm - Samarecarm
Ailment Recovery Patra - Me Patra - Re Patra - Posumudi - Mutudi - Nervundi - Energy Shower - Amrita
Special Salvation
Occult Icon P1Support Skills
Buffs Tarukaja - Matarukaja - Rakukaja - Marakukaja - Sukukaja - Masukukaja - Youthful Wind - Heat Riser - Dragon Hustle
Debuffs Tarunda - Matarunda - Rakunda - Marakunda - Sukunda - Masukunda - Debilitate
Non-Negatable Rebellion - Revolution
Power Charge - Mind Charge
Shields Tetrakarn - Makarakarn - Shield of Justice
Red Wall - White Wall - Blue Wall - Green Wall
Negation Dekaja - Dekunda
Tetra Break - Makara Break
Fire Break - Ice Break - Elec Break - Wind Break
Escape Trafuri - Traesto
Passive Skills
Hit/Crit rate Apt Pupil - Sharp Student - Firm Stance
Counter Counter - Counterstrike - High Counter
Recovery Regenerate 1 - Regenerate 2 - Regenerate 3
Invigorate 1 - Invigorate 2 - Invigorate 3
Fast Heal - Insta-Heal
Conservation Arms Master - Spell Master
Survival Endure - Enduring Soul - Endure Light - Endure Dark - Survive Light - Survive Dark
Starting Battle Auto-Tarukaja - Auto-Rakukaja - Auto-Sukukaja - Auto-Mataru - Auto-Maraku - Auto-Masuku
Post-Battle Growth 1 - Growth 2 - Growth 3
Cool Breeze - Victory Cry
Attack Boost Fire Boost - Ice Boost - Elec Boost - Wind Boost - Hama Boost - Mudo Boost
Attack Amp Fire Amp - Ice Amp - Elec Amp - Wind Amp
Ailment Boost Fear Boost - Confuse Boost - Poison Boost - Rage Boost - Silence Boost - Enervate Boost - Exhaust Boost - Dizzy Boost - Ailment Boost
Resist Attacks Resist Physical - Resist Fire - Resist Ice - Resist Elec - Resist Wind - Resist Light - Resist Dark
Null Attacks Null Physical - Null Fire - Null Ice - Null Elec - Null Wind - Null Light - Null Dark
Repel Attacks Repel Physical - Repel Fire - Repel Ice - Repel Elec - Repel Wind - Repel Light - Repel Dark
Absorb Attacks Absorb Physical - Absorb Fire - Absorb Ice - Absorb Elec - Absorb Wind
Dodge Attacks Dodge Physical - Dodge Fire - Dodge Ice - Dodge Elec - Dodge Wind - Angelic Grace - Ali Dance
Evade Attacks Evade Physical - Evade Fire - Evade Ice - Evade Elec - Evade Wind
Resist Ailments Resist Fear - Resist Confuse - Resist Poison - Resist Rage - Resist Mute - Resist Enervate - Resist Exhaust - Resist Dizzy
Null Ailments Null Fear - Null Confuse - Null Poison - Null Rage - Null Mute - Null Enervate - Null Exhaust - Null Dizzy - Unshaken Will
Other Alertness - Divine Grace
Tactical Support
Leveling up Analysis - Treasure Radar - Enemy Radar - Relaxing Wave - Certain Escape - Vigor Song
Social Link Skills Weakness Scan - Full Analysis - Third Eye - Healing Wave - Stamina Song - Complete Analysis

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