
Fungus is a demon in the series.


Fungus are organisms ranging from yeast, mushroom, molds, and more. It is its own kingdom separate from bacteria, plants, and animals. Fungi have been both useful to mankind as food or helping the process of making food and drink such as wine and bread, to being used in materials such as detergents. They have also been a problem for mankind, as mold can grow on food or destroy food supplies and crops. They have been used as the species for fantasy monsters like Myconids.



Megami Tensei[]

Fungus MT
Race Level HP EXP Macca MAG
Jirae 19 89 - - -
Strength Intelligence Hit Agility Defense Location
11 10 10 12 9

Kyuuyaku Megami Tensei[]

Megami Tensei[]

Fungus KMT
Jirae 17 72 - 8 7 9 12 8 11
CP NOA EXP Macca MAG Location
8 1 68 142 - Bien
Swd Gun Fir Ice Elc Exp For Bnd Crs Nrv Mnd
- 68 68 68 48 78 58 - Nu 68 -
Foul Mad Slug - Green Slime - Pink Worm - Will O' Wisp (Daedalus) - Megaplanaria - Slime Hedoro - Blob - Will O' Wisp (Bien) - Sand Worm - Poltergeist - Myconid - A Bao A Qu - Medusa Shadow - Demon Head - Fog
Spirit Zombie - Ghost - Ghoul - Skeleton - Isma's Ghost - Mummy - Chatterskull
Kaijuu Basmu - Apep - Tarantula - Tammuz - BUG - Serpent - Scylla - Cockatrice
Jaki Orc - Gargoyle - Ogre - Ekimmu - Cyclops - Oni - Troll King
Night Caim - Incubus - Succubus - Loa - Mephisto - Shadow
Femme Harpy - Arachne - Furiae - Nasu - Taraka - Rangda
Haunt Pharaoh - Vampire - Dullahan - Akhkaru - Daeva - Black Knight - Hakuma-Bhuta
Wilder Nue - Manticore - Orthrus - Fenrir - Typhon - Balaur - Gorgon - Hydra - Tiamat
Vile Baal - Behemoth - Zoma - Beelzebub - Astaroth - Asura
Tyrant Minotaur - Medusa - Loki - Hecate - Set - Lucifer
Therian Heqet - Stolas - Lemurian - Siren - Orias - Werecat - Girtablulu - Lamia - Werewolf
Jirae Gnome - YomotuShikome - Viy - Fungus - Dwarf - Lakhe - Giant
Fairy Dryad - Bogle - Goblin - Troll - Elf - Puka - Fomorian
Beast Cancer - Cerberus - Nekomata - Bander - Varaha - Stonka - Basilisk - Dodongo - Quetzalcoatl - Purski - Wyvern
Element Treant - Ketam - Kelpie - Kwancha - Pazuzu - Salamander
Holy Baku - Lagoon - Apis - Bastet - Sobek - Dawon
Genma Alraune - Lakshmi - Tsukuyomi - Cu Chulainn - Jinn - Hanuman
Kishin Naga - Susano-O - Yaksa - Thor - Kali
Avatar Chimera - Anubis - Sphinx - Barong - Kohryu
Deity Ganesha - Odin - Krishna

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