Great Fairy Dust

Great Fairy Dust (妖精の粉, Yousei no kona)? is a consumable item.


Great Fairy Dust can be used to restore 100 HP on all party members. It cannot be used on fainted allies.

Game Effect Use Consumed Stock
In Battle Outside Battle
Metaphor: ReFantazio The powder of a great fairy's wings with the power to heal. Restores 100 HP to all allies. Yes Yes Yes -


Metaphor: ReFantazio[]

Blue Objects[]

Great Fairy Dust can be found in specific blue objects when interacted with:

Location Quantity
Regalith Grand Cathedral 1
Belega Corridor 1
HP Medicinal Herb - Medicine - Blue Cheese - Expensive Medicine - Lifesaving Medicine - Fairy Dust - Great Fairy Dust
MP Magla Pill - Fruit Cordial - Magla Potion
Revival Revival Medicine - Balm of Life
Food Redgrass-Roasted Bidou - Curative Coney Roast - Coney Stew - Holistic Whitefish Platter - Critical Meatballs - Steadfast Stew - Precision Fermented Ribs - Stale Blackbread - Invincible Noodles - Magical Bread
Battle Recovery Ailment Absolution - Fermis Ointment - Robust Remedy - Vitamin Relaxant - Slapstick Fan - Thrilling Tintinnabulator - Tranquilizer - Purified Teacake - Fermis Ointment - Soothing Sweetbun
Battle Effect Corrosive Acid - Stunning Arrow - Flammabottle - Ice Chunk - Thunderstone - Pinwheel - Luminous Sphere - Sinister Straw Effigy - Firefang - Tornado in a Bottle - Fungal Spore - Tinned Torpor - Mindless Mallet
Tools Ariadne's Thread - Blessed Water
Incense Health Incense - Strength's Incense - Hero's Incense - Hero's Fruit - Hero's Leaf of Light
Cooking ingredients Pristine Cleanwater - Bidou Meat - Redgrass - Mora Coney Meat - Orgo Sugar - Briny Salt - Mellow Milk - Limp Goldfish - White Peach Turnip - Gauntlet Shrooms - Giant Sandworm Meat - Rockbeans - Giant's Rib - Giant Worm Meat
Bath salts Fleeting Fountain of Youth - Hell's Boiling Bath Bomb
Unidentified items Rusted Longarm - Rusted Armour - Rusted Bracers - Rusted Accessory - Mundane Threads - Superior Rusted Longarm - Superior Muddled Blade - Briny Weapon - Briny Artefact - Briny Light Armour - Briny Accessory - Superior Briny Threads - Superior Briny Light Armour

Exchange & Information

Exchange Broken Igniter - Old Coin - Ragged Fur - Scrap Metal - Shiny Stone - Sturdy Straw - Gluemoss - Cushy Clay - Bouncy Bark - Noble's Scripture - Tarnished Candelabra - Neon Mushroom - Glossy Fur - Gilded Cutlery - Scintillating Marble - Grand Iron - Onyx - Gorleo's Apple - Peridot - Amethyst - Aquamarine
Information Grand Cathedral Status - Ingredients of Grand Trad - Secrets of the Redgrass Shop - Ox Demon of Belega Corridor
Story Fantasy Novel - Royal Capital Vicinity Map - Soldier Clothes (Protagonist) - Soldier Clothes (Strohl) - Grius's Memento - Chamber Side Room Key - Gold Beetle - Guest Room Key - Treasure Chest Key - Sanctified Amulet - Altar Chamber Key
Request Breath of Fresh Air - Brute's Horn
Follower Linked Igniter
Summoner Vessels Goblin Loincloth Vessel
Seeker Fairy's Sabre - Legacy Sword - Innocent Sword - Soldier's Sword - Bronze Machete - Iron Sword - Silver Spatha - Falchion - Golden Epee
Mage Innocent Staff - Acacia Rod - Ivory Staff - Kindling Staff - Cooling Staff
Warrior Heirloom Greatsword - Innocent Greatsword - Bastard Sword - Iron Greatsword - Dragon's Indignation - Silver Claymore - Dragon's Judgement
Knight Innocent Lance - Holy Order Halberd - Iron Lance - Imp-Ending Pike - Silver Lance - Demon Slayer Pike - Drakodios
Masked Dancer
Healer Innocent Mace - Apprentice's Mace - Moonlight Mace - Silver Mace - Serenity Sceptre
Brawler Exorcist Knuckles - Bronze Knuckles - Fist of Salvation
Merchant Innocent Abacus
Clothing Fairy's Clothes - Innocent Clothes - Traveller's Clothes - Leather Cuirass - Military Cuirass - Captain's Uniform - Bone Vest - Iron Cuirass - Grand Jacket - Foreman's Jacket - Damascus Vest - Noble Tuxedo
Chainmail Chainmail Suit - Iron Mail
Robes Pilgrim's Cloak - Apprentice Surcoat - Sanctor's Mantle - Researcher's Coat


Gloves Innocent Gloves - Miner's Gauges - Iron Gauntlets - Silver Gauntlets
Shoes Traveller's Shoes - Leather Gloves - Horsehide Gloves - Miner's Boots - Leg Guards - Silver Greaves - Guard's Chausses - Silver Chausses - Sentinel Greaves
Headwear Fairy's Hairpin - Bycocket - Apprentice Klobuk - Silk Hat
Default Fairy Charm - Innocent Amulet - Unpolished Garnet - Travel Charm - Noble's Crest - Royal Knight Medal
Stat Vitality Pendant - Squire's Bracelet - Witch's Earring - Guard's Talisman - Courier's Anklet - Gambler's Jewel
Battle Praetorian Cloth - Phantasmal Doll
Resist Plague Mask - Polarity Magnet - Malice Screen - Garlic Aromatics - Forget-Me-Nots - Mint Charm
Igniters Cinder Igniter - Breeze Igniter - Pious Igniter - Glow Igniter - Blaze Igniter - Hail Igniter - Bolt Igniter - Gale Igniter - Shine Igniter - Penumbra Igniter
Masked Dancer Masks Seeker's Mask - Magic Seeker's Mask - Soul Hacker's Mask

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