Illusory 106

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Illusory 106 is an Idolasphere in Tokyo Mirage Sessions ♯FE.


Illusory 106 is first visited in Chapter 1. Itsuki, Tsubasa, and Touma first enter the Idolasphere in pursuit of the possessed Ayaha. The boss at the end of the Idolasphere is Aversa.

The Idolasphere is a tower comprised of seven floors, the rooftop, and three basement levels. Throughout the dungeon, there are giant maid costumes that serve as the key to the Idolasphere's primary puzzle mechanic. In order to climb from one floor to the next or cross gaps, the party must find the controls that adjusts the pose of the proper costume and switch it so that Itsuki can progress to the desired level by crawling through the sleeves. Some floors end in doorways to staircases that lead to the next floor.

In Chapter 5, Itsuki and the others must return to Illusory 106 once they gain access to the basement. At the bottom level, there is a chamber channeling massive amounts of Performa that must be stopped, as well as Mirages guarding the flow. In order to gain access to the final room, Itsuki must first switch the poses of two costume tunnels to match a pair of mannequins situated outside the door to the Performa chamber.

Illusory 106 is the first Idolasphere in the game to use warp panels. Once activated, they serve as shortcuts to specific points, eliminating the need to retread ground should the player leave the Idolasphere and return later.


Item Type Item Type Item Type Item Type Item Type
Caspar Force Performa Life Stone x2 Consumable Dis-Poison x2 Consumable Revival Bead x2 Consumable Chakra Drop Consumable
Taport Stone Consumable Chakra Drop Consumable Spd Incense Consumable Bead Chain Consumable Revival Bead Consumable
First-Aid Kit x2 Consumable 4,500 yen Money Detritus x10 Key Item Chakra Drop x2 Consumable Detritus x20 Key Item
Large Gold Bar Consumable Balm of Life Consumable

Locked Chests[]

Item Type Item Type
Bracelet of Eternity Accessory Master Seal Performa


Mirage LV HP EP Weak Resist Null Drain Repel Floor
Dark Mage 3 68 40 Sword, Lance, Axe Fire, Ice, Mind - - - 1F
Caspar 4 58 40 Ice, Elec, Force Fire Body 1F
Nickelwise 6 120 50 Sword, Axe, Ice, Mind, Body Fire - 1F, 3F
Ironclad Myrmidon 7 180 40 Lance, Elec, Mind, Body Axe, Ice 1F, 2F, 3F, 6F, 7F
Samantha 8 100 50 Sword, Fire, Force Elec, Body 2F, 3F
Dark Barbarian 9 160 80 Sword, Ice, Force, Mind, Body Lance, Elec 3F, 5F, 6F, 7F
Man o' War 10 90 60 Sword, Force Lance, Elec 4F, 5F, 6F, 7F
Troll 12 240 100 Fire, Elec, Mind, Body Sword, Lance 5F, 6F, 7F
Ironclad Cavalier 14 140 70 Axe, Ice, Elec, Force Sword, Fire 5F, 6F, 7F
Poltergeist 42 700 330 Sword, Ice Lance, Axe, Elec, Force, Mind, Body Fire B1F, B2F, B3F
Cerberus 43 800 320 Sword, Elec Lance, Mind - Force B1F, B3F
Bloodscale Rider 44 880 330 Axe, Bow, Force, Body Sword, Mind Fire - B1F, B2F, B3F
Carrietta 47 880 350 Sword, Lance, Axe Mind, Body Fire, Ice, Elec, Force


Mirage Lv Class Affinity
TMS Sword Icon TMS Lance Icon TMSFE Axe icon TMS Bow Icon TMS Fire Icon TMS Ice Icon TMS Electricity Icon TMS Force Icon TMS Light Icon TMS Dark Icon TMS Almighty Icon
Umber Peg. Knight 13 Pegasus Knight Resist - Weak Weak Weak - - Weak - - -
Aversa 16 Pegasus Knight Resist - - Weak Resist - Weak Weak - Resist -


Playable Characters Itsuki Aoi - Tsubasa Oribe - Touma Akagi - Kiria Kurono - Eleonora Yumizuru - Mamori Minamoto - Yashiro Tsurugi

Maiko Shimazaki - Barry Goodman - Tiki

Ally Mirages Chrom - Caeda - Cain - Virion - Tharja - Draug - Navarre
Enemy Mirages Gangrel - Aversa - Garrick - Excellus - Gharnef - Medeus - Pheros - Abel - Bord - Cord - Lorenz - Lon’qu - Cervantes - Dolph - Gordin - Linde - Macellan - Ogma - Palla - Jagen
Other Salesclerk - Ayaha Oribe - Kuen Tarachino - Tiki=Waifu - Chouten Sawafuji - Yatsufusa Hatanaka - Nobu Horinozawa - Mahiro Tsurumi - Riku Suzumoto - Teru Gojuin - Chikaomi Tsurugi - Marth
Shibuya Shibuya Station - Central City - Hee Ho Mart - Carabia - Uzume Lesson Studio - Cafe Seiren
Harajuku Anzu Tokyo Store
Idolasphere Illusory Daitama - Illusory 106 - Illusory Shibuya - Illusory Daitou TV - Illusory Daiba Studio - Illusory Area of Memories - Illusory Dolhr - Illusory Urahara
Other Bloom Palace - Fortuna Office - Daitama Observatory - Toubo Rooftop
Albums Genei Ibun Roku #FE Original Soundtrack - Fortuna All Stars
Songs Reincarnation - Beastie Game - Feel - Black Rain - Diamond☆Witch! Sweet♡ Kiria Ver - Raindrop Memories - Maybe Friends, Maybe Lovers - Fly ~Your Wind~ - Jump, Ouga! - The Labyrinth - Give Me!! - Dream☆Catcher - The Tunnel Home - Under the Moon - Not an Illusory World - Between You and Me - Fire Emblem ~Drama’s Light~ - Smile Smile - She is...
Terminology Mirage - Mirage Master - Performa - Expression - Topic System - Session Attack - Extra Skills - Ad-lib Performance - Special Performance - Dual Arts - Carnage - Carnage Unity - Radiant Unity - Radiant Skill - Stage Rank - Class - Class Change - Masqueraider - Mass Disappearance
Lists Classes - Mirages - Bosses - Skills - Items - Ailments - Side Quests - Requests

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