Kanshou and Bakuya

Kanshou (陽剣干将) and Bakuya (陰剣莫耶) or Gan Jiang (干将の剣) and Mo Ye (莫耶の剣) are weapons in the series.


Swords forged in ancient China by the swordsmith couple Gān Jiàng and Mò Yé. Kanshou and Bakuya were married swords like their makers, and represented Yang (Kanshou) and Yin (Bakuya).



Shin Megami Tensei IV[]

Gan Jiang[]

Attack PhysIcon SMTIV Accuracy NOA Effect
305 - 1 Panic

St Dx Ma Ag Lu Obtained

Mo Ye[]

Attack PhysIcon SMTIV Accuracy NOA Effect
322 - 1 Sleep

St Dx Ma Ag Lu Obtained

Devil Summoner: Raidou Kuzunoha vs. King Abaddon[]


Attack PhysIcon SMTIV Type Effect Evolves From Evolves To
260 Sword Item Bonus Masamuna / Usumidori Kusanagi / Onigiri / Kurikara / Ame no Ohabari

St In Ma Vi Ag Lu Required Materials
3 2 Pyro Silver x1, Pyro Bronze x2, Pyro Steel x2


Attack PhysIcon SMTIV Type Effect Evolves From Evolves To
275 Sword Hex Masamuna / Usumidori Kusanagi / Onigiri / Ame no Ohabari

St In Ma Vi Ag Lu Required Materials
3 3 Frost Silver x2, Pyro Bronze x3, Element #115 x1

Persona 2: Eternal Punishment[]


I can create the sturdiest armor and weapons in the world.
Allow me to show you just how strong they are!

Arcana Type Level SP cost Bonus Returns °
Sword Wind 24 19 STR +1 Taru Kaja Card
Traits Bluff

Chinese blacksmith. Forged the swords Kanshou and Bakuya.

Atk Def Matk Mdef
Strength 25
Vitality 20
Technique 18
Agility 16
Luck 20
99 84 55 55
Sw Sh Sk Th Ak Fi Wt Wi Er Ic Ln Nc Ho Dk Al Nr Mn
Nu - - - Nu - - - - - - - 24 24 - 24 24
Summon Information
Mutation Potential Mutation result for Hel, Ghandarva, Kabandha,
Kanaloa, Kinich Kakmo, Otohime, Pariker, Umayado no Ouji and Tenhou Gensui.
List of Skills
Rank Skill Effect
1 Straight Slash Inflicts small Sword damage to an enemy.
2 Suku Kaja Enhances a character's AGI.
3 Blade of Fury Inflicts small Sword damage to a group of enemies.
5 Taru Kaja Enhances a character's At.
6 Fata Morgana Puts a group of enemies under an Illusion. (52% chance) [Almighty-element]
8 Death Bound Inflicts small Sword damage to all enemies.
Mutation Tetrakarn Reflects one physical attack that is targeted toward a character.
Unknown Power
Attack Type Deals 500 or 250 non-elemental damage to all enemies.
Major Arcana
Fool Sarutobi Sasuke - Tenjiku Tokubei - Tobi Katou - Junnosuke Kuroda - Fuuma Kotarou
Magician Tengu - Agrippa - Abe no Seimei - Manannan - Isis - Rangda
Priestess Tensen Nyannyan - Sif - Parvati - Izanami - Hathor - Scathach - Lakshmi
Empress Arianrhod - Nemesis - Seioubo - Rinok - Kali - Gaia
Emperor Airget Lam - Marduk - Baal - Hurakan - Indra - Odin - Lugh - Vishnu
Hierophant Genjo - Aizen Myouou - Umayado no Ouji - Shaka - Yama - Mithra - Varuna - Alfred - Brahma
Lovers Pixie - Robin Goodfellow - Jack Frost - Jack O' Lantern - Vivian - Alice
Chariot Minotaur - Taranis - Seiten Taisei - Susano-O - Ares - Mahakala - Siva
Justice Helios - Mars - Nata - Gundari Myouou - Skanda - Bishamonten - Hyperion - Pallas Athena
Hermit Nekomata - Tenhou Gensui - Grinbulsti - Byakko - Genbu - Kinich Ahau - Tishtoriya
Fortune Cerberus - Urd - Verdandi - Skuld - Fenrir - Gyokukou Joutei
Strength Ryume - Otohime - Kerepres - Takshaka - Vritra - Wong Long
Hanged Man Odysseus - Shax - Kabandha - Barbatos - Adramelech - Prometheus - Azazel
Death Hel - Ankou - Charon - Mot
Temperance Harpie - Fearal - Stuparideth - Phoenix - Suzaku
Devil Poltergeist - Surt - Beelzebub - Lucifer
Tower Kanaloa - Loki - Aeshma - Seker - Hastur - Seth
Star Callisto - Kimnara - Iris - Gandharva - Kenren Taishou - Heinir - Valkyrie - Astria - Hanuman - Fariedone
Moon Maia - Pariker - Maia Custom - Succubus - Tsukuyomi - Maihime Amano - Artemis - Nanna
Sun Surya - Kinich Kakmo - Heimdal - Il-Dana - Tatsunoshin Suou - Apollo - Virochana
Judgement Phaleg - Nike - Melchisedec - Armati - Amurtart - Gabriel - Michael - Satan
World Demeter - Njord - Hunab Ku - Mucalinda - Seiryu - Uroboros - Shokuin
Minor Arcana
Rod Hotei - Nankyoku Roujin - Nodens - Quetzalcoatl
Cups Matsuo-sama - Galahad - Bacchus - Dagda
Sword Kanshou - Chu Chulainn - Arthur - Futsuno Mitama
Pentacle Fukurokuju - Yebisu - Peri - Sarasvati

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