Koga Saburo

"Be it humans or demons, I have no mercy upon those who bargain away their pride and sorrow!"

—Koga Saburo, Shin Megami Tensei IV

Koga Saburo is a demon in the series.


Koga Saburo (甲賀三郎) is the main character from the classic Japanese fantasy Suwa Engi (諏訪縁起) which was collected in Shintoshu (神道集). He was lost in the underworld which turned his body into a snake. After his return to the ground, he was worshiped as the patron god of Suwa. In some record, Koga Saburo was regarded the same as Mishaguji and Take-Minakata.



Shin Megami Tensei IV[]

"A legendary figure from the story Suwa Engi of the Shintoshu, a collection of stories of gods.
He wandered into the underworld and eventually made it back to the surface, becoming a snake in the process. He was eventually worshipped at Suwa Shrine as Suwa Daimyojin. This story is believed to be a variation on Take-Minakata of Japanese lore. In that version, as Take-Minakata, he subjugates Mishaguji, but then is defeated by Take-Mikazuchi. He flees overseas, where he transforms into the snake god there before finding his way back to Suwa."

Shin Megami Tensei IV Compendium

A demon who was once a member of the defunct Counter-Demon Force, and he is attempting to protect the people and the country in his own way. He has taken over Club Milton in Shibuya, preventing anyone from having Red Pills and disrupting the Ashura-kai's control. So Tayama imposes a quest for Flynn to have him disposed of in exchange for a fellow Samurai's freedom. Believing the prentice Samurai to be Tayama's dogs, he shows no mercy towards them. As he dies, he states he was only protecting the country and that the future is shrouded in mist, and questions humans only to die before he could finish.

His body is turned to stone with his death and Koga's medium is taken by a Ashura-kai member. A Hunter mentions after Koga's death that he was collecting the Reds to prevent humans from turning into demons. The Youthful man mentions before Koga's death that Shibuya had quieted down, but with his death the city will be busy as demons start coming again to get reds. In Walter's route, he is fought once more, revived and turned into a attack dog to serve under Tayama's National Defense Divinities. Koga Saburo expresses gratitude to them for liberating him upon defeat, and asks that they protect the country.

To unlock him for fusion, Flynn must examine the stone that is his defeated remains with the key item, "Ryoja's Scales," in his possession. His medium, along with the mediums for the rest of the National Defense Divinities, are obtained by speaking with the Master Samurai at The Hills building in Roppongi after the alignment lock.


Shin Megami Tensei IV[]

Shin Megami Tensei: Liberation Dx2[]

Dx2 KogaSaburo Icon
Race Rarity Grade HP 6★ Stats
Strength 216
Magic 69
Vitality 118
Agility 237
Luck 159
Dragon ★★★★★ 87 924
Phys ATK Phys DEF Mag ATK Mag DEF See Also
783 567 474 494 [1]
Physical Phys Fire Fire Ice Ice Electricity Elec Force Force Light Light Dark Dark
- - Weak Resist Repel - Null
List of Skills
Skill Cost Effect Archetype
Dragon Sense Auto +15% to Phys hit rate and +15% Phys evasion rate. Innate
Dragon of Defense Auto Adds Phys Pierce. +20% to Phys hit rate.

If user's party attacks first at beginning of battle: Increases own party's EV/AC and reduces all enemy EV/AC by 20%. (3 turns)

Soaring Blades 6 MP Inflicts Force (Physical) damage 4 times (Power: 40) with 50% crit rate on a single enemy.

If attack is successful: Inflicts Force (Physical) Pierce effect damage 2 times (Power: 50) with 50% crit rate on all enemies. Counter effects will not work on this skill.

Vorpal Blade 7 MP Inflicts Phys (Physical) damage with 140 power on All Enemies. Aragami
Epitome of Finesse Auto +20% to Critical hit rate, +15% to Phys hit rate. Aragami
Solar Prosperity Auto Activates the following Chain Effect at the beginning of battle:

If user's party attacks first: Increases own party's ATK and EV/AC by 20%. (1 turn)

Epitome of Swiftness Auto Increases this demon's effect on Battle Speed by 25%, +10% to Phys EV. Protector
Force Amp Auto +25% to Force damage Psychic
Butcher Auto +20% damage to skills that target all or random enemies. Psychic
Drain Elec Auto Adds Elec Drain. Elementalist
Null Ice Auto Adds Ice Null. Elementalist


Koga Saburo's dim artwork as it appears in Shin Megami Tensei: Liberation Dx2 (referred to as Koga Saburo 2 in the game's files)

Koga Saburo's dim artwork as it appears in Shin Megami Tensei: Liberation Dx2 (referred to as Koga Saburo 2 in the game's files)

The Snake Scale Equipment DLC in Shin Megami Tensei IV lets Flynn cosplay as Koga Saburo

The Snake Scale Equipment DLC in Shin Megami Tensei IV lets Flynn cosplay as Koga Saburo


Deity Thoth - Inti - Prometheus - Lord Nandou - Osiris - Ometeotl - Odin - Mahamayuri - Baal - Apsu - Hachiman - Vishnu
Amatsu Ame no Uzume - Take-Mikazuchi - Amaterasu - Omoikane
Megami Fortuna - Hathor - Parvati - Brigid - Scathach - Ishtar - Pallas Athena - Tlazolteotl - Anat - Izanami - Norn - Lakshmi
Nymph Apsaras - Senri - Kikuri-Hime - Sarasvati - Peri
Enigma Kanbari - Futotama - Kinmamon - Kama - Kangiten
Entity Alilat
Godly Ancient of Days
Chaos Sanat
Fury Ares - Tonatiuh - Asura - Chernobog - Wu Kong - Beiji-Weng - Masakado - Kartikeya - Masakado's S - Susano-o - Shiva
Kunitsu Take-Minakata - Okuninushi - Kushinada-Hime - Hitokoto-Nushi - Arahabaki - Oumitsunu
Kishin Zouchouten - Koumokuten - Zhong Kui - Jikokuten - Bishamonten - Marici - Thor
Zealot Ogun - Dionysus - Aramisaki - Attis - Tezcatlipoca
Lady Pele - Dzelarhons - Sedna - Hariti - Diana - Asherah - Isis - Black Maria - Skadi - Xi Wangmu
Reaper Hel - Orcus - Persephone - Guedhe - Cernunnos - Ixtab - Nergal - Mot
Vile Baphomet - Mishaguji - Pachacamac - Taotie - Alciel - Pales - Yaso Magatsuhi - Seth - Demiurge
Tyrant Aeshma - Morax - Mithras - Horkos - Samyaza - King Frost - Balor - Astaroth - Asmodeus - Belial - Loki - Abaddon - Azazel - Beelzebub - Tzitzimitl - Surt - Chi You - Lucifuge - Mara
Genma Tam Lin - Ictinike - Nata Taishi - Baldur - Frost Ace - Tlaloc - Kurama Tengu - Cu Chulainn - Kresnik - Jarilo - Hanuman - Heimdall
Yoma Centaur - Vodyanik - Agathion - Koppa Tengu - Karasu Tengu - Dis - Shiwanna - Valkyrie - Xiuhtecuhtli - Master Therion - Ganesha
Fairy Napaea - Pixie - Spriggan - Oread - Jack Frost - Pyro Jack - Goblin - High Pixie - Setanta - Kelpie - Silky - Nadja - Lorelei - Vivian - Oberon - Titania - Demonee-Ho
Night Mokoi - Fomorian - Sandman - Kikimora - Incubus - Lilim - Kaiwan - Succubus - Wild Hunt - Queen Mab - Lilith - Maya
Herald Lailah - Victor - Israfel - Kazfiel - Azrael - Sraosha - Aniel - Uriel - Mastema - Raphael - Metatron - Gabriel - Seraph - Michael
Divine Angel - Archangel - Principality - Power - Virtue - Dominion - Throne - Cherub
Fallen Melchom - Bifrons - Halphas - Orias - Dantalion - Ose - Nebiros - Decarabia - Mitra - Gemori - Murmur - Shax - Barbatos - Botis - Samael
Avian Hamsa - Suparna - Phoenix - Vidofnir - Thunderbird - Feng Huang - Yatagarasu - Garuda
Flight Tangata Manu - Harpy - Gu Huo Niao - Caladrius - Tuofei - Rukh - Da Peng
Raptor Fuxi - Camazotz - Moh Shuvuu - Itsumade - Zhen - Gurr - Anzu - Huoniao - Hresvelgr
Jirae Dwarf - Knocker - Hua Po - Sudama - Kwancha - Tsuchigumo - Titan - Kuebiko - Tlaltecuhtli - Gogmagog
Brute Bilwis - Oni - Azumi - Momunofu - Yamawaro - Yomotsu-Ikusa - Kin-Ki - Fuu-Ki - Sui-Ki - Berserker - Yaksha - Ongyo-Ki
Femme Leanan Sidhe - Strix - Shikome - Yuki Jyorou - Medusa - Clotho - Lachesis - Atropos - Taraka - Dakini - Rangda - Kali
Jaki Lham Dearg - Gremlin - Ippon-Datara - Wendigo - Black Frost - Rakshasa - Ogre - Grendel - Girimehkala - Hekatoncheires
Dragon Makara - Patrimpas - Gucumatz - Long - Illuyanka - Zhu Yin - Quetzalcoatl - Koga Saburo - Huang Long
Snake Naga - Nozuchi - Vouivre - Yurlungur - Gui Xian - Ouroboros - Orochi - Pendragon - Ananta
Drake Zhu Tun She - Toubyou - Bai Suzhen - Basilisk - Kingu - Mushussu - Tiamat - Niddhoggr - Ym - Fafnir - Python - Vasuki
Avatar Shiisaa - Kamapua'a - Makami - Kaiming Shou - Chimera - Ukano Mitama - Anubis - Barong
Holy Heqet - Apis - Pabilsag - Qing Niugai - Airavata - Baihu - Sleipnir - Sphinx
Food Onmoraki - Katakirauwa - Mamedanuki - Chupacabra - Kuda - Hare of Inaba
Beast Gryphon - Stonka - Kaso - Kabuso - Inugami - Asterius - Hairy Jack - Minotaur - Nekomata - Hsing-Hsing - Dormarth - Orthrus - Ammut - Cerberus
Wilder Chagrin - Jueyuan - Raijuu - Nue - Peallaidh - Porewit - Manticore - Catoblepas - Cabracan - Taowu - Fenrir
Tree Daphne - Narcissus - Mayahuel - Kukunochi - Haoma - Yggdrasil
Wood Shan Xiao - Mandrake - Skogsra - Zaccoum - Alraune - Erlkonig
Evil Spirits
Ghost Strigoii - Preta - Obariyon - Mou-Ryo - Churel - Enku - Ghoul - Kudlak - Dullahan - Vetala
Spirit Dybbuk - Wicker Man - Poltergeist - Quicksilver - Macabre - Inferno - Pisaca - Legion - Garrote
Undead Zombie Cop - Corpses - Patriot - Alice
Vermin Myrmecolion - Mothman - Ubu - Okiku-Mushi - Arachne
Foul Slime - Jack the Ripper - Hooligan - Night Stalker - Tattooed Man - Mad Gasser
Element Erthys - Aeros - Aquans - Flaemis - Gnome - Sylph - Undine - Salamander
Fiend David - Plasma - Chemtrail - Matador - White Rider - Red Rider - Black Rider - Pale Rider - Trumpeter - Mother Harlot
Famed Yoshitsune - Lanling Wang - Jeanne D'Arc - Hagen - Siegfried - Kanseiteikun - Rama - Tenkai - Tokisada - Michizane - Huang Di - Yamato Takeru
Enemy Only
Cyber Pluto Soldier
Human Gaea Man - Ashura Man - Ashura Woman - Gaea Woman
Undead Samurai Zombie ♂ - Samurai Zombie ♀ - Zombie
Mitama Saki Mitama - Kusi Mitama - Ara Mitama - Nigi Mitama

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