List of Digital Devil Saga: Avatar Tuner Skills
This page is a list of skills from Digital Devil Saga: Avatar Tuner.
Physical attack skills[]
Skill | Effect | Power | Crit. Rate | Cost | Mantra |
Poison Dart 毒針 |
Light Physical damage/Poison(25%), 1 enemy 2~4x. |
6 | 5% | 12% HP | Raksas |
Venom Claw バイオクロウ |
Light Physical damage/Poison(35%), 1 enemy. | 18 | 10% | 12% HP | Shura |
Raving Slash 乱心の一刀 |
Light Physical damage/Panic(35%), 1 enemy. | 19 | 10% | 12% HP | Raksas |
Death Spray デスシャワー |
Light Physical damage/Curse(20%), 1 enemy 2~4x. |
7 | 5% | 14% HP | Battle Demon |
Stun Needle 痺れ針 |
Light Physical damage/Stun(25%), 1 enemy 2~4x. |
7 | 5% | 15% HP | Priestess |
Mad Rush マッスルボンバー |
2~4 hits of Light Physical damage on random enemies. | 11 | 2% | 15% HP | Shura |
Double Slash ズンバラリン |
3~5 hits of Light Physical damage on random enemies. | 13 | 5% | 17% HP | Ogre |
Hell Thrust 地獄突き |
Light Physical damage, 1 enemy. | 20 | 12% | 12% HP | Devourer |
Hell Fang ヘルファング |
Moderate Physical damage, 1 enemy. | 23 | 10% | 16% HP | Holy Beast |
Comatose 昏睡ステップ |
Light Physical damage/Sleep(55%), 1 enemy. | 21 | 10% | 18% HP | Priestess |
Charm Slash 悩殺スラッシュ |
Moderate Physical damage/Charm(35%), 1 enemy. | 22 | 12% | 18% HP | Maiden |
Sakura Rage 桜花閃乱 |
2~4 hits of Moderate Physical damage/Charm(20%) on random enemies. | 19 | 10% | 23% HP | Queen |
Power Wave パワーウェイブ |
Moderate Physical damage, all enemies. | 20 | 10% | 21% HP | Demon Lord |
Mind Scream 心の叫び |
Moderate Physical damage/Stun(15%), all enemies. | 22 | 10% | 24% HP | Godly Beast |
Death Blow 鉄死拳 |
Moderate Physical damage/Curse(22%), all enemies. | 19 | 10% | 24% HP | Violent God |
Chi Blast 血祭り |
Moderate Physical damage, all enemies, high critical rate. |
22 | 25% | 24% HP | Demon God |
Mute Blow 黙殺 |
Moderate Physical damage/Mute(40%), 1 enemy, power relative to user's remaining HP. |
23 | 15% | 20% HP | Demon Lord |
Skull Cleave 脳天割 |
Heavy Physical damage, 1 enemy, power relative to user's remaining HP. |
25 | 15% | 21% HP | Demon God |
Demon Rage デモンレイヴ |
3~5 hits of Heavy Physical damage on random enemies. Power relative to user's remaining HP. |
16 | 10% | 26% HP | Cruel Leader |
Vile Blade 紅蓮剣 |
Light Physical damage, all enemies, power relative to user's remaining HP. |
14 | 14% | 16% HP | Battle Demon |
Venom Fang 大毒牙 |
Light Physical damage/Poison(30%), all enemies, power relative to user's remaining HP. |
15 | 10% | 18% HP | Demon Beast |
Genocide 大屠殺 |
Heavy Physical damage, all enemies, power relative to user's remaining HP. |
21 | 12% | 27% HP | War God |
Gate of Hell 冥界の門 |
Heavy Physical damage/Petrify(35%), all enemies, power relative to user's remaining HP. |
24 | 5% | 31% HP | Amatsukami |
Executioner ギロチンクロウ |
Mega Physical damage, 1 enemy. | 35 | 10% | 25% HP | Cruel Leader |
Bloodbath アカシックバリツ |
Heavy Physical damage, all enemies. | 30 | 16% | 30% HP | Wikipedia |
Revelation 黙示録 |
Heavy Physical damage/Mute(25%), all enemies. |
27 | 10% | 29% HP | Cruel Leader |
Ragnarok 終わる世界 |
Heavy Almighty-Physical damage/Rakunda, all enemies. |
33 | --- | 35% HP | Destroyer |
- All physical skills have 96% accuracy.
- Physical Almighty skills cannot score critical hits and will never activate opponents' Counter passives.
Hunt skills[]
Skill | Effect | Power | Crit. Rate | Cost | Mantra |
Devour 喰らいつき |
Light Hunt damage, 1 enemy. | 9 | 10% | 12% HP | Devourer |
Consume まるかじり |
Heavy Hunt damage, 1 enemy. | 15 | 10% | 15% HP | Holy Beast |
Devil Feast 鬼喰い |
Fatal Hunt (20% odds), 1 enemy. | --- | --- | 18% HP | Battle Demon |
Ingest まる呑み |
Fatal Hunt (30% odds), 1 enemy. | --- | --- | 22% HP | Demon Lord |
Feed Frenzy 喰い散らし |
2~4 hits of Light Hunt damage on random enemies. | 6 | 10% | 26% HP | Demon Beast |
Insatiable 暴飲暴食 |
Moderate Hunt damage, all enemies. | 12 | 10% | 32% HP | Godly Beast |
Great Feast 大嘗祭 |
Fatal Hunt (15% odds), all enemies. | --- | --- | 34% HP | Demon God |
Last Meal 最後の晩餐 |
Fatal Hunt (23% odds), all enemies. | --- | --- | 38% HP | Wikipedia |
- "Power Charge" increases the power of all Hunt skills.
- All Hunt skills have 96% accuracy.
- Successfully killing a demon enemy with Hunt skill gains more AP than usual, but all AP of the hunted target are engrossed to the Hunt skill user, unless he/she is equipped with the auto skill "AP Divide".
- If an enemy is frozen, Damage-Based Hunt skills will be extremely ineffective, but this does not prevent critical effect.
- Fatal Hunt skills are entirely chance based, which means it may not work even if the enemy is close to death. Enemies that are Frightened have a guaranteed chance of being killed by fatal Hunt skills. Enemies inflicted with Shock, Freeze, Sleep, or Stun have an increased chance of being killed by fatal Hunt skills.
- Successful Hunt has some chance of causing the "Ache" status, preventing AP gain until cured. Hunting demons which are previously categorized under the Foul or Haunt races such as Slime, Ghoul, Preta, Chatterskull or Mou-Ryo has even higher chance of causing Ache.
Magic skills[]
Fire skills[]
Skill | Effect | Power | Cost | Mantra |
Agi アギ |
Light Fire damage, 1 enemy. | 30 | 3 MP | Fire Spirit |
Agilao アギラオ |
Moderate Fire damage, 1 enemy. | 60 | 6 MP | Fire Leader |
Agidyne アギダイン |
Heavy Fire damage, 1 enemy. | 100 | 12 MP | Fire Emperor |
Maragi マハラギ |
Light Fire damage, all enemies. | 25 | 8 MP | Fire Demon |
Maragion マハラギオン |
Moderate Fire damage, all enemies. | 55 | 16 MP | Fire Lord |
Maragidyne マハラギダイン |
Heavy Fire damage, all enemies. | 90 | 32 MP | Fire God |
Flame Breath 灼熱ブレス |
2~4 hits of Light Fire damage on random enemies. | 35 | 12 MP | Fire Leader |
Ice skills[]
Skill | Effect | Power | Cost | Mantra |
Bufu ブフ |
Light Ice damage, 1 enemy. 15% chance of Freeze. | 25 | 3 MP | Ice Spirit |
Bufula ブフーラ |
Moderate Ice damage, 1 enemy. 15% chance of Freeze. | 55 | 6 MP | Ice Leader |
Bufudyne ブフダイン |
Heavy Ice damage, 1 enemy. 15% chance of Freeze. | 95 | 12 MP | Ice Master |
Mabufu マハブフ |
Light Ice damage, all enemies. 10% chance of Freeze. | 20 | 8 MP | Ice Demon |
Mabufula マハブフーラ |
Moderate Ice damage, all enemies. 10% chance of Freeze. | 50 | 16 MP | Ice Wolf |
Mabufudyne マハブフダイン |
Heavy Ice damage, all enemies. 10% chance of Freeze. | 80 | 32 MP | Ice God |
Frost Breath 極寒ブレス |
2~4 hits of Light Ice damage, random enemies. 15% chance of Freeze. | 30 | 12 MP | Ice Leader |
Cocytus 大冷界 |
5~8 hits of Moderate Ice damage on random enemies. 25% chance of Freeze. |
35 | 20 MP | King |
- All Ice skills have low chance of causing Freeze until phase shift, guarantees critical hit and temporarily cancels all kinds of Physical and Gun resistance including drain and repel.
- Cocytus has particularly high chance of causing Freeze than other Ice skills.
Electric skills[]
Skill | Effect | Power | Cost | Mantra |
Zio ジオ |
Light Electric damage, 1 enemy. 15% chance of Shock. | 25 | 3 MP | Bolt Spirit |
Zionga ジオンガ |
Moderate Electric damage, 1 enemy. 15% chance of Shock. | 55 | 6 MP | Lightning |
Ziodyne ジオダイン |
Heavy Electric damage, 1 enemy. 15% chance of Shock. | 95 | 12 MP | Bolt Master |
Mazio マハジオ |
Light Electric damage, all enemies. 10% chance of Shock. | 20 | 8 MP | Bolt Lord |
Mazionga マハジオンガ |
Moderate Electric damage, all enemies. 10% chance of Shock. | 50 | 16 MP | Bolt Emperor |
Maziodyne マハジオダイン |
Heavy Electric damage, all enemies. 10% chance of Shock. | 80 | 32 MP | Bolt God |
Bolt Flare 雷起 |
2~4 hits of Light Electric damage on random enemies. 15% chance of Shock. | 30 | 12 MP | Lightning |
- All Electric skills have low odds of causing Shock until phase shift, guarantees critical hit but does not cancels Physical and Gun resistance like Freeze does.
Force skills[]
Skill | Effect | Power | Cost | Mantra |
Zan ザン |
Light Force damage, 1 enemy. | 30 | 3 MP | Dragon |
Zanma ザンマ |
Moderate Force damage, 1 enemy. | 60 | 6 MP | Hiten |
Zandyne ザンダイン |
Heavy Force damage, 1 enemy. | 100 | 12 MP | Sky Wizard |
Mazan マハザン |
Light Force damage, all enemies. | 25 | 8 MP | Dragon Lord |
Mazanma マハザンマ |
Moderate Force damage, all enemies. | 55 | 16 MP | Sky Dragon |
Mazandyne マハザンダイン |
Heavy Force damage, all enemies. | 90 | 32MP | Wind God |
Shock Wave カマイタチ |
2~4 hits of Light Force damage on random enemies. | 35 | 12 MP | Hiten |
Earth skills[]
Skill | Effect | Power | Cost | Mantra |
Tera テラ |
Light Earth damage, 1 enemy. | 30 | 3 MP | Earth Spirit |
Terazi テラジ |
Moderate Earth damage, 1 enemy. | 60 | 6 MP | Earth Temple |
Teradyne テラダイン |
Heavy Earth damage, 1 enemy. | 100 | 12 MP | Earth Emperor |
Matera マハテラ |
Light Earth damage, all enemies. | 25 | 8 MP | Earth Shrine |
Materazi マハテラジ |
Moderate Earth damage, all enemies. | 55 | 16 MP | Earth Lord |
Materadyne マハテラダイン |
Heavy Earth damage, all enemies. | 90 | 32 MP | Mother Earth |
Avalanche 岩責め |
2~4 hits of Light Earth damage on random enemies. | 35 | 12 MP | Earth Temple |
Almighty skills[]
Skill | Effect | Power | Cost | Mantra |
Megido メギド |
Moderate Almighty damage, all enemies. | 70 | 30 MP | King |
Megidola メギドラ |
Heavy Almighty damage, all enemies. | 90 | 45 MP | Dark Leader |
Megidolaon メギドラオン |
Mega Almighty damage, all enemies. | 120 | 60 MP | Dark Lord |
HP Thief 体力泥棒 |
Drain HP, 1 enemy. | 30 | 5 MP | Ancient God |
Last Word ロストワード |
Mega Almighty damage, 1 enemy. | 150 | 66 MP | Dark Leader |
Vanity 色即是空 |
Inflicts random ailments(50%), Almighty-based, all enemies. |
--- | 25 MP | Vicious God |
Celestial Ray 太極光輪 |
Mega Almighty damage/random ailments, all enemies. | 200 | 99 MP | Five Gods |
Death Flies 死蝿の葬列 |
Mega Almighty damage, all enemies, 100% fatal to anyone without Death resistance. |
180 | 80 MP | High Priest |
Fire of Sinai シナイの神火 |
5~8 hits of Heavy Almighty damage on random enemies. | 100 | 70 MP | Gyokuza |
Expel skills[]
Skill | Effect | Power | Accuracy | Cost | Mantra |
Hama ハマ |
Halves remaining HP, 1 enemy. | 50% | 65% | 6 MP | Angel |
Hamaon ハマオン |
Reduces remaining HP by 2/3, 1 enemy. | 66% | 75% | 10 MP | Cherubim |
Mahama マハンマ |
Halves remaining HP, all enemies. | 50% | 40% | 15 MP | Thrones |
Mahamon マハンマオン |
Reduces remaining HP by 2/3, all enemies. | 66% | 50% | 25 MP | Seraphim |
Xanadu ザナドゥ |
Heavy Expel damage, all enemies. | 110 | 100% | 36 MP | Insane God |
- Humans are naturally immune to Expel.
Death skills[]
Skill | Effect | Cost | Mantra |
Mudo ムド |
Death fatal (40%), 1 enemy. | 6 MP | Yaksa |
Mudoon ムドオン |
Death fatal (60%), 1 enemy. | 10 MP | Dark Spirit |
Mamudo マハムド |
Death fatal (20%), all enemies. | 15 MP | Evil Spirit |
Mamudoon マハムドオン |
Death fatal (30%), all enemies. | 25 MP | Death |
Curse 呪いの言霊 |
Inflicts Curse(35%), 1 enemy. | 10 MP | Evil Spirit |
Blood Curse カースエピタフ |
Inflicts Curse(25%), all enemies. | 15 MP | Dark Spirit |
Stone Gaze 石化光線 |
Inflicts Petrify(45%), 1 enemy. | 5 MP | Evil Spirit |
- Albeit named "curse" ambiguously in the English version, the ailments Petrify and Curse belong to the Death elemental family. Not to be confused with skills which inflicts the Mute ailment which belongs to its own Mute elemental family.
Mute skills[]
Skill | Effect | Power | Cost | Mantra |
Makajam マカジャマ |
Inflicts Mute(40%), 1 enemy. | --- | 4 MP | Spirit |
Makajamon マカジャマオン |
Inflicts Mute(35%), all enemies. | --- | 11 MP | Illusion |
MP Thief 魔力泥棒 |
Drain MP, 1 enemy, Mute-based, more effective if the target is Muted. |
20 | 2 MP | Ancient God |
Nerve skills[]
Skill | Effect | Cost | Mantra |
Dream Haze 催眠ガス |
Inflicts Sleep(60%), Nerve-based, 1 enemy. | 5 MP | Adamant |
Dormina ドルミナー |
Inflicts Sleep(30%), Nerve-based, all enemies. | 9 MP | Spirit |
Calm Death 大往生 |
Fatal for all sleeping enemies, Nerve-based. | 16 MP | Illusion |
Stun Sphere 痺れ玉 |
Inflicts Stun(40%), Nerve-based, 1 enemy. | 5 MP | Adamant |
Stun Wave 痺れ大波動 |
Inflicts Stun(35%), Nerve-based, all enemies. | 10 MP | Vidya Raja |
Poison skills[]
Skill | Effect | Power | Cost | Mantra |
Foul Breath 有害吐息 |
2~4 hits of Light damage/Poison(35%) on random enemies. | 25 | 8 MP | Adamant |
Panic skills[]
Skill | Effect | Power | Cost | Mantra |
Pulinpa プリンパ |
Inflicts Panic(60%), 1 enemy. | --- | 5 MP | Spirit |
Tentarafoo テンタラフー |
Moderate damage/Panic(20%), all enemies. | 60 | 24 MP | Holy Leader |
Sonic Wave 怪音波 |
Inflicts Panic(25%), all enemies. | --- | 9 MP | Vidya Raja |
Charm skills[]
Skill | Effect | Cost | Mantra |
Marin Karin マリンカリン |
Inflicts Charm(55%), 1 enemy. | 5 MP | Karma |
Allure 極上の肉体 |
Inflicts Charm(45%), all enemies. | 13 MP | Goddess |
Healing skills[]
Skill | Effect | Cost | Mantra |
Dia ディア |
Restores HP lightly, 1 ally. | 3 MP | Protection |
Diarama ディアラマ |
Restores HP moderately, 1 ally. | 7 MP | Fierce Spirit |
Diarahan ディアラハン |
Restores HP fully, 1 ally. | 15 MP | Death Spirit |
Media メディア |
Restores HP lightly, party. | 10 MP | Fallen Hero |
Mediarama メディラマ |
Restores HP moderately, party. | 18 MP | Calm Spirit |
Mediarahan メディアラハン |
Restores HP fully, party. | 36 MP | Goddess |
Patra パトラ |
Cures Charm/Sleep/Panic, 1 ally. | 10 MP | Protection |
Me Patra メパトラ |
Cures Charm/Sleep/Panic, party. | 15 MP | Fierce Spirit |
Posumudi ポズムディ |
Cures Poison, 1 ally. | 5 MP | Fallen Hero |
Achedi エイクディ |
Cures Ache, 1 ally. | 5 MP | Fallen Hero |
Closedi クロズディ |
Cures Mute, 1 ally. | 5 MP | Calm Spirit |
Paraladi パララディ |
Cures Stun, 1 ally. | 5 MP | Fierce Spirit |
Petradi ペトラディ |
Cures Stone, 1 ally. | 5 MP | Death Spirit |
Cursedi カースディ |
Uncurses 1 ally. | 5 MP | Calm Spirit |
Recarm リカーム |
Revives target with some HP, 1 ally. | 20 MP | Hades |
Samarecarm サマリカーム |
Revives target with full HP, 1 ally. | 35 MP | Six Realms |
Recarmdra リカームドラ |
Sacrifices caster to fully restores other combatants' HP and MP including fallen allies. |
1 HP | Goddess |
Salvation メシアライザー |
Fully restores all allies' HP and cures all ailments except death. |
50 MP | Vicious God |
Makatora マカトラ |
Offers 50 MP for 1 ally. | 50 MP | Cherubim |
Buff/Debuff skills[]
Skill | Effect | Cost | Mantra |
Tarunda タルンダ |
Physical attack down, all enemies. | 12 MP | Angel |
Sukunda スクンダ |
Evade/Accuracy down, all enemies. | 12 MP | Thrones |
Rakunda ラクンダ |
Defense down, all enemies. | 12 MP | Cherubim |
Makanda マカンダ |
Magic power down, all enemies. | 12 MP | Seraphim |
Debilitate ランダマイザ |
Applies all -nda debuffs once, all enemies. | 48 MP | Evil God |
Tarukaja タルカジャ |
Physical attack up, party. | 12 MP | Spirit |
Sukukaja スクカジャ |
Evade/Accuracy up, party. | 12 MP | Karma |
Rakukaja ラクカジャ |
Defense up, party. | 12 MP | Karma |
Makakaja マカカジャ |
Magic power up, party. | 12 MP | Illusion |
Taunt 挑発 |
Rakunda/Tarukaja twice, all enemies. | 20 MP | Battle Demon |
Dekunda デクンダ |
Negates all -nda debuffs, party. | 10 MP | Insane God |
Dekaja デカジャ |
Negates all -kaja buffs, all enemies. | 10 MP | Insane God |
Power Charge パワーチャージ |
Physical Attack damage more than doubles (2.5x). | 5 MP | Violent God |
Mind Charge マインドチャージ |
Magic Attack damage more than doubles (2.5x). | 10 MP | Dark Leader |
- Power Charge and Mind Charge do not boost the damage of combo skills. If a combo skill is used following a Charge skill, the effect will remain until next applicable Physical or Magical attacks.
- Because Magic stat has minor input in calculating magic damage intake and evasion, Makakaja and Makanda have some effect of modifying magical defense and dodge rate besides Raku- and Suku- buffs/debuffs.
- The -Kaja and -nda skills can be applied up to 4 times maximum before having no effect.
Shield skills[]
Skill | Effect | Cost | Mantra |
Void Phys 物理ブレイク |
Nulls Physical attacks except Almighty-Physical based, party. |
20 MP | Violent God |
Void Fire 火炎ブレイク |
Nulls Fire attacks, party. | 3 MP | Fire Spirit |
Void Ice 氷結ブレイク |
Nulls Ice attacks, party. | 3 MP | Ice Spirit |
Void Elec 電撃ブレイク |
Nulls Electric attacks, party. | 3 MP | Bolt Spirit |
Void Force 衝撃ブレイク |
Nulls Force attacks, party. | 3 MP | Dragon |
Void Earth 地変ブレイク |
Nulls Earth attacks, party. | 3 MP | Earth Spirit |
Void Expel 破魔ブレイク |
Nulls Expel attacks, party. | 3 MP | Angel |
Void Death 呪殺ブレイク |
Nulls Death/Curse/Petrify attacks, party. | 3 MP | Yaksa |
Void Charm 魅了ブレイク |
Nulls Charm attacks, party. | 3 MP | Adamant |
Void Poison 猛毒ブレイク |
Nulls Poison attacks, party. | 3 MP | Kichijyo |
Void Mute 魔封ブレイク |
Nulls Mute attacks, party. | 3 MP | Kichijyo |
Void Panic 混乱ブレイク |
Nulls Panic attacks, party. | 3 MP | Adamant |
Void Nerve 神経ブレイク |
Nulls Nerve attacks, party. | 3 MP | Vidya Raja |
Phys Repel 物理リフレクト |
Repels Physical attacks except Almighty-Physical based, party. |
30 MP | War God |
Fire Repel 火炎リフレクト |
Repels Fire attacks, party. | 5 MP | Fire Leader |
Ice Repel 氷結リフレクト |
Repels Ice attacks, party. | 5 MP | Ice Leader |
Elec Repel 電撃リフレクト |
Repels Electric attacks, party. | 5 MP | Lightning |
Force Repel 衝撃リフレクト |
Repels Force attacks, party. | 5 MP | Hiten |
Earth Repel 地変リフレクト |
Repels Earth attacks, party. | 5 MP | Earth Temple |
Expel Repel 破魔リフレクト |
Repels Expel attacks, party. | 5 MP | Seraphim |
Death Repel 呪殺リフレクト |
Repels Death/Curse/Petrify attacks, party. | 5 MP | Death |
Magic Repel 魔法リフレクト |
Repels Magical/ailment attacks except Almighty, party. |
30 MP | Dark Leader |
Phys Drain 物理ドレイン |
Drains Physical attacks, party. | 25 MP | Amatsukami |
Fire Drain 火炎ドレイン |
Drains Fire attacks, party. | 5 MP | Fire Lord |
Ice Drain 氷結ドレイン |
Drains Ice attacks, party. | 5 MP | Ice Wolf |
Elec Drain 電撃ドレイン |
Drains Electric attacks, party. | 5 MP | Bolt Emperor |
Force Drain 衝撃ドレイン |
Drains Force attacks, party. | 5 MP | Sky Dragon |
Earth Drain 地変ドレイン |
Drains Earth attacks, party. | 5 MP | Earth Lord |
- All shield effects only last for one single turn and are consumed immediately if blocked one attack.
- Only one kind of shield can be in effect in the same time. The new one always replaces the old one if cast on the same unit within the same turn.
- Ailment, Death and Magic shields cannot block any Physical or Almighty attacks which inflict correlated ailment, but the shield can effectively prevent the ailment part to be inflicted without the shield being consumed.
Skill | Effect | Cost | Mantra |
Analyze デビルアナライズ |
See enemy info, 1 enemy Does not work on bosses/set encounters. |
2 MP | Protection |
- The Spyglass reusable item effectively replaces the Analyze skill once purchased, opening up another slot to be used for other skills.
Auto skills[]
Skill | Effect | Mantra |
Life Bonus HPブースタ |
Raises Max HP by 10%. | Raksas |
Life Gain HPハイブースタ |
Raises Max HP by 20%. | Queen |
Life Surge HPメガブースタ |
Raises Max HP by 30%. | Destroyer |
Mana Bonus MPブースタ |
Raises Max MP by 10%. | Outer God |
Mana Gain MPハイブースタ |
Raises Max MP by 20%. | Secret God |
Mana Surge MPハイブースタ |
Raises Max MP by 30%. | Vicious God |
Critical クリティカ |
Critical rate of normal Physical attack doubled. | Raksas |
MAX Critical MAXクリティカ |
Critical rate of normal Physical attack greatly increases during MAX Noise. |
Queen |
MIN Critical MINクリティカ |
Critical rate of normal Physical attack greatly increases during MIN Noise. |
Maiden |
Attack All オールアタッカ |
Normal attack targets all enemies. | War God |
Fire Boost 火炎ブースタ |
Increase Fire attack damage by 33%. | Fire Demon |
Ice Boost 氷結ブースタ |
Increases Ice attack damage by 33%. | Ice Demon |
Elec Boost 電撃ブースタ |
Increases Electricity attack damage by 33%. | Bolt Lord |
Force Boost 衝撃ブースタ |
Increases Force attack damage by 33%. | Dragon Lord |
Earth Boost 地変ブースタ |
Increases Earth attack damage by 33%. | Earth Shrine |
Fire Amp 火炎ハイブースタ |
Increases Fire attack damage by 50%. | Fire Emperor |
Ice Amp 氷結ハイブースタ |
Increases Ice attack damage by 50%. | Ice Master |
Elec Amp 電撃ハイブースタ |
Increases Electricity attack damage by 50%. | Bolt Master |
Force Amp 衝撃ハイブースタ |
Increases Force attack damage by 50%. | Sky Wizard |
Earth Amp 地変ハイブースタ |
Increases Earth attack damage by 50%. | Earth Emperor |
Counter カウンタ |
Randomly counter Physical attacks, light damage (low odds). |
Ogre |
Counterstrike パワーカウンタ |
Randomly counters Physical attacks, moderate damage (fair odds). |
War God |
High Counter ハイパーカウンタ |
Randomly counters Physical attacks, heavy damage (high odds). |
Amatsukami |
Shared Karma カルマゲッタ |
Gains half Karma when not in battle. | Mitama |
Mutual Karma フルカルマゲッタ |
Gains full Karma when not in battle. | Soul |
Atma Bonus APブースタ |
Increases AP gained in battle. User must be active combatant. |
Godly Beast |
AP Divide APディバイダ |
Shares AP equally to the party after successful Hunt instead of engrossing all AP. |
Holy Beast |
Iron Stomach ストマックガード |
Prevents Aches after successful hunt. | Holy Beast |
Ingest Mana MPテイスタ |
Some MP restored after successful hunt. (~10%) | Demon Beast |
Devour Mana MPハイテイスタ |
Half of user’s total MP restored after successful hunt. | Wikipedia |
Auto Soma オートソーマ |
HP and MP fully restored after battle. User must be active combatant. |
Godly Spirit |
Chakra Walk チャクラウォーカ |
MP restored while walking in dungeon (~5%). User must be active combatant. |
Outer God |
Mana Walk ハッピーウォーカ |
MP rapidly restored while walking in dungeon (~10%). User must be active combatant. |
Secret God |
First Strike 先制エキスパンダ |
Increases chance of first strike. User must be active combatant. |
Ogre |
Null Critical 会心キャンセラ |
Decreases chance of being critically hit. | Priestess |
Quick Escape 逃走アクセラ |
Increases chance of escaping from battle. | Yaksa |
Close Call デスキャンセラ |
Higher chance of surviving a fatal blow with 1 HP in human form. Works once per battle and effective in demon form only. |
Maiden |
Quick Cure 代謝アクセラ |
Increases chance of naturally recovering from ailments each turn. User must be active combatant. |
Priestess |
Phys Resist 物理ストロンガ |
Increases tolerance to Physical attacks, voids weakness. | Queen |
Fire Resist 火炎ストロンガ |
Increases tolerance to Fire attacks, voids weakness. | Fire God |
Ice Resist 氷結ストロンガ |
Increases tolerance to Ice attacks, voids weakness. | Ice God |
Elec Resist 電撃ストロンガ |
Increases tolerance to Electric attacks, voids weakness. | Bolt God |
Force Resist 衝撃ストロンガ |
Increases tolerance to Force attacks, voids weakness. | Wind God |
Earth Resist 地変ストロンガ |
Increases tolerance to Earth attacks, voids weakness. | Mother Earth |
Expel Resist 破魔ストロンガ |
Increases tolerance to Expel attacks, voids weakness. | Thrones |
Death Resist 呪殺ストロンガ |
Increases tolerance to Death attacks, voids weakness. | Evil Spirit |
Null Phys 物理デストロイア |
Nulls Physical attacks. | Destroyer |
Null Element | Nulls Fire/Ice/Elec/Force/Earth attacks | Dark Lord |
Null Expel 破魔デストロイア |
Nulls Expel attacks. | Evil God |
Null Death 呪殺デストロイア |
Nulls Death attacks. | Evil God |
Null Poison 猛毒デストロイア |
Nulls Poison attacks. | Holy Leader |
Null Mute 魔封デストロイア |
Nulls Mute attacks. | Holy Leader |
Null Panic 混乱デストロイア |
Nulls Panic attacks. | Kichijyo |
Null Nerve 神経デストロイア |
Nulls Nerve attacks. | Holy Leader |
Null Ailment BSデストロイア |
Nulls all kinds of ailment attacks. | Godly Spirit |
Null Sleep アボイドスリーパ |
Guarantees evasion of enemy attacks while asleep. | King |
Phys Absorb 物理アブソーバ |
Absorbs Physical attacks. | Five Gods |
Repel Expel 破魔スペキュラ |
Repels Expel attacks. | Gyokuza |
Repel Death 呪殺スペキュラ |
Repels Death attacks. | Gyokuza |
Null Attack フルデストロイア |
Nulls Phys/Fire/Ice/Electric/Force/Earth/Expel/Death/Ailment attacks. | Monotheist |
Repel Element フルスペキュラ |
Repels Fire/Ice/Electric/Force/Earth attacks. | High Priest |
Human Form 人型キーパ |
Prevents transformation into demon while entering battle. Obtained automatically since second playthrough. |
n/a |
- Elemental Boost and Amp skills stack multiplicatively.
- Counter, Counterstrike, and High Counter will stack with each other, and the passives will work in Human Form.
- "MIN Critical" and "MAX Critical" are situationally useful for fixed encounters such as bosses. Both also stack with Critical.
- Unlike "Bright Might" and "Dark Might" of Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne, "MAX Critical" and "Min Critical" do not guarantee critical hit during specific time phase but only increases the chance of critical hit.
See also[]
- List of Digital Devil Saga: Avatar Tuner 2 Skills
- List of Digital Devil Saga: Avatar Tuner Combo Skills
Characters (Atma Avatars) | |
Playable | Serph (Varna) - Heat (Agni) - Argilla (Prithivi) - Gale (Vayu) - Cielo (Dyaus) |
Non-Playable | Sera - Angel (Harihara) - Harley (Hayagriva) - Jinana (Usas) - Bat (Camazotz) - Mick the Slug (Rahu) - Lupa (Cerberus) - Varin Omega (Ravana) - Twinklebell - Schrödinger - Demi-fiend |
Locations | |
Junkyard | Ground Zero - Muladhara - Svadhisthana - Manipura - Anahata - Coordinate 136 - Deserted Ship - Embryon Base 2 - Vishuddha - Ajna - Karma Temple - Samsara Tunnels |
Music | |
Albums | Original Soundtracks |
Songs | "Pray" - "Danger" |
Archives | |
Terminology | Atma - Embryon - Field hunt - Nirvana - Press Turn - Magnetite |
Lists | Demons - Bosses - Mantra - Skills (Combos) - Items |
Other Media | |
Games | A's TEST Server |
Publications | Quantum Devil Saga: Avatar Tuner - That's Catch 22 - DOGDAYS - Shinen no Matou |