List of Persona 4 Arena Ultimax Skills

This is a list of skills learned in Persona 4 Arena Ultimax Golden Arena mode.

Skill Info Level Learned
Normal Hard Risky
Null Panic Null Panic state 5 - -
Single Shot Increase SP Skill Attack (L) 5 - -
Sonic Punch Increase SP gained on successful First Attack (L) 5 - -
Muzzle Shot Chance of Mute when attack hits (L) 5 - -
Null Charm Null Charm state 10 - -
Holy Arrow Chance of Charm when attack hits (L) 10 - -
Hysterical Slap Chance of Rage when attack hits (L) 10 - -
Poison Skewer Chance of Poison when attack hits (L) 10 - -
Old One Decrease Speed for both players 15 - -
Alertness Null opponent's First Attack 15 - -
Me Patra Press PLAY to recover from Panic, Fear, or Rage 15 - -
Arm Chopper Chance of Fear when attack hits (L) 20 - -
Null Poison Null Poison state 20 - -
Arrow Rain Opponent gradually takes damage (M) 20 - -
Mind Thrust Chance of Panic when attack hits (L) 20 - -
Null Fear Null Fear state 25 - -
Sukukaja Increase Speed (L) 25 - -
Dekunda Null one of opponent's equipped skill effects 25 - -
Navas Nebula Decrease opponent's SP when attack hits 25 - -
Rakukaja Increase Defense (L) 30 - -
Null Mute Null Mute state 30 - -
Ali Dance Chance of reducing damage by 1/2 when taking damage (L) 30 - 10, 60
Energy Shower Both players auto recover HP (M) 30 - -
Null Rage Null Rage state 35 - -
Soul Break Opponent's SP auto depletes (L) 35 - -
Dia Press PLAY to recover HP once (L) 35 10 -
Firm Stance Disable blocking but reduce damage 35 70 -
Aeon Rain Opponent gradually takes damage (L) 40 - -
Cleave Increase Skill Attack (L) 40 - -
Poison Mist Opponent starts with Poison 40 - -
Bash Disable Blocking but increase Attack (H) 40 60 -
Sexy Dance Opponent starts with Charm 45 - -
Sukunda Decrease opponent's Speed (L) 45 50 55, 125
Rebellion Chance of 1.5x damage when attack hits (M) 45 55 -
Marin Karin Chance of Charm when attack hits (M) 45 70 -
Gale Slash Opponent starts with less HP 50 - -
Regenerate 1 Auto recover HP (L) 50 5 -
Balzac Chance of Rage when attack hits (M) 50 35 -
Fatal End Increase SP Skill Attack (M) 50 60 -
Life Leech Increase Attack (L) Recover HP when attack hits 100 - -
Power Slash Increase Skill Attack (M) - 5 -
Weary Thrust Opponent starts with same amount of HP as player - 5 -
Green Wall Reduce damage from Yosuke and Yukari - 5 30, 65
Atom Smash Hitting opponent's Persona destroys 2 Persona Cards - 10 -
Sharp Student Do not take Counter hits from opponent - 10 -
Speed Master Increase Speed (M) - 10 25, 75
Rakunda Increase chip damage (L) - 15 -
Evil Touch Chance of Fear when attack hits (M) - 15 -
Growth 1 Increase EXP gain (L) - 15 -
Akasha Arts Both players gradually take damage (H) - 15 50, 105
Poisma Chance of Poison when attack hits (M) - 20 -
Gigantic Fist Increase Skill Attack (L), Increase Defense (M) - 20 -
Torrent Shot Increase Skill Attack (L), Increase Speed (L) - 20, 95 -
Myriad Arrows Increase SP gained on successful First Attack (H) - 20 60, 110
Amrita Press PLAY to recover from an ailment once - 25 -
Kamui Miracle Various effects occur at start of round - 25, 100 10, 115
Red Wall Reduce damage from Yukiko and Junpei - 25 10, 125
Invigorate 1 Auto fill SP (L) - 25 55
Makajam Chance of Mute when attack hits (M) - 30 -
Media Press PLAY to recover HP/SP once (L) - 30 -
Life Drain Recover HP when attack hits - 30 30
Recarm Press PLAY to recover BURST once (half) - 30 150
Tetra Break Null effect of Tetrakarn - 35 -
Diarama Press PLAY to recover HP once (M) - 35 15, 70
Teddie Decoy Opponent starts with Rage - 35 40
Pulipna Chance of Panic when attack hits (M) - 40 -
Absorb Ice Recover HP when Frozen (M) - 40 -
Bewilder Chance of Panic when attack hits (H) - 40 40
Samsara Chance of decreasing opponent's SP to 0 when attack hits (L) - 40 145
Fast Heal Reduce ailment effect duration (L) - 45 -
Blue Wall Reduce damage from Yu, Kanji, and Akihiko - 45, 80, 140 -
Insta-Heal Reduce ailment effect duration (H) - 45 30, 80
Absorb Elec Recover HP when Shocked (M) - 50 -
Growth 2 Increase EXP gain (M) - 50 50, 145
Heat Wave Increase SP Skill Attack (H) - 50 90
Revolution Chance of 1.5x damage for both players when attack hits (H) - 50 185
Tarunda Reduce opponent's Attack (L) - 55 -
Attack Master Increase Attack (M) - 55 45, 160
Hassou Tobi Power up Hops - 55 25, 80
White Wall Reduce damage from Chie, Mitsuru, and Teddie - 60 45, 100
Apt Pupil All Counter hits will be Fatal Counters - 60 185
Makara Break Null effect of Makarakarn - 65 -
Mediarama Press PLAY to recover HP/SP once (M) - 65, 95 5, 65, 150
Matarunda Reduce opponent's Attack (M) - 65 15
Treasure Radar Rare skills will be easier to obtain - 65 25, 90
Infuriate Both players start with Rage - 65 45, 170
Defense Master Increase Defense (M) - 70 20, 85
Tetrakarn Damage taken from Skills also applies to opponents - 70 85
Black Viper Both players start with MAX SP - 75, 100 5, 70
Absorb Physical Increase SP gained when taking damage - 75 40, 70
Virus Breath Both players start with 1/2 HP - 75 115
Valiant Dance Chance of opponent starting with Rage (H) - 80 -
Vorpal Blade Increase Skill Attack (H) - 80, 100 30
Counter Guard Cancel Attacks cost 1/2 SP - 80 5, 120
Provoke Chance of Rage when attack hits (H) - 80 10, 35
Dekaja Opponent will not Awaken - 85 -
Demonic Judgement Either player or opponent starts with 1/2 HP - 85 20
Heat Riser Combo damage scaling reduced - 85 75, 180
Spirit Drain Increase SP gained when attack hits - 85 185
Tempest Slash Increase SP gained on successful First Attack (L) - 90 20, 85
Vile Assault Increase Skill Attack (M), Increase Defense (L) - 90 90
Makarakarn Damage taken from SP Skills also applies to opponent - 90 100
Arms Master Skill Boosts cost 1/2 SP - 90 170
Regenerate 2 Auto recover HP (M) - 95 5, 60
Cool Breeze Recover HP upon victory (M) - 95 35, 95
Endure When HP drops below a set level, recover HP once (M) - 100 155
Unshaken Will Null Panic, Fear, Mute, and Rage - - 15, 110
Shuffle Time Opponent starts with Charm/Poison/Fear - - 15, 145
Auto-Maraku Increase Defense (H) - - 25, 175
Samarecarm Press PLAY to recover BURST once (full) - - 35, 130
Auto-Mataru Increase Attack (H) - - 35, 165
Primal Force Increase SP Skill Attack (EX) - - 40, 175
Diarahan Press PLAY to recover HP once (H) - - 45, 155
Invigorate 2 Auto fill SP (M) - - 50
Pralaya Chance of Fear when attack hits (H) - - 55, 120
Thunder Reign Start with low HP, auto fill SP (EX) - - 60, 155
Evade Physical Chance of reducing damage greatly when taking damage (L) - - 65, 105
Counterstrike Guard Cancel Attacks cost 1/4 SP - - 65, 185
Marakunda Increase chip damage (H) - - 70, 180
Spell Master SP Skills cost 3/4 SP - - 75, 160
Invigorate 3 Auto fill SP (H) - - 75, 190
Mind Charge SP Skills / SP Skill Boosts cost 1/2 SP - - 80, 130
Enduring Soul When HP drops below a set level, recover HP once (H) - - 85, 100,140
God's Judgement Opponent starts with 1/2 HP and MAX SP - - 90, 195, 200
Fist Master Combos connect more easily - - 95, 135
Growth 3 Increase EXP gain (H) - - 95, 150
Brutal Impact Disable blocking for both players - - 95, 165
Shield of Justice All blocks will be Instant Blocks - - 100, 175
Debilitate Reduce opponent's Attack (H) - - 105, 160
Divine Grace Auto recover HP (EX) - - 105, 195, 200
Spring of Life HP/SP regenerates (H) - - 110, 185
Angelic Grace Reduce projectile damage by 1/2 - - 110, 200
Burning Petals increase chip damage (EX) - - 115, 135
Vigor Song Auto fill SP (EX) - - 120, 165
Niflheim Increase opponent's Frozen duration - - 125, 150
Salvation Press PLAY to recover HP once (H), recover from ailment once - - 130, 170
Youthful Wind Auto recover HP (H), Auto fill SP (M), Increase Speed (M) - - 130, 180
The Man's Way Chance of 1.5x damage when attack hits (H) - - 135
Mediarahan Press PLAY to recover HP/SP once (H) - - 135, 190
Victory Cry Recover HP upon victory (H) - - 140
Dragon Hustle Increase Skill Attack (H), Increase Speed (M) - - 140, 195
Challenge Authority Furious Actions can be used while blocking - - 145, 170
Regenerate 3 Auto recover HP (H) - - 155, 190
High Counter Skills can be used while blocking - - 160, 175
Full Analyze Null opponent's equipped skill effects - - 165
Die for Me! Chance of one-hit kill when SP Skill attack hits (L) - - 180
Auto-Masuku Increase Speed (H) - - 195
Fury of Yasogami Activate Boss Mode - - 200

Level-Up Skills[]

Skill Info Level Learned
Cleave Increase Skill Attack (L) 2
Rakukaja Increase Defense (L) 3
Tarukaja Increase Attack (L) 5
Rakunda Increase chip damage (L) 7
Growth 1 Increase EXP gain (L) 10
Absorb Elec Recover HP when Shocked (M) 14
Insta-Heal Reduce ailment effect duration (H) 18
Mind Charge SP Skills / SP Skill Boosts cost 1/2 SP 24
Spring of Life HP/SP regenerates (H) 30
Angelic Grace Reduce projectile damage by 1/2 36
Spell Master SP Skills cost 3/4 SP 45
Salvation Press PLAY to recover HP once (H), recover from ailment once 55
Skill Info Level Learned
Dia Press PLAY to recover HP once (L) 2
Sukukaja Increase Speed (L) 3
Sonic Punch Increase SP gained on successful First Attack (L) 5
Makajam Chance of Mute when attack hits (M) 7
Dekaja Opponent will not Awaken 10
Bash Disable Blocking but increase Attack (H) 14
Power Slash Increase Skill Attack (M) 18
Makara Break Null effect of Makarakarn 24
Speed Master Increase Speed (M) 30
Diarama Press PLAY to recover HP once (M) 36
Auto-Masuku Increase Speed (H) 45
Youthful Wind Auto recover HP (H), Auto fill SP (M), Increase Speed (M) 55
Skill Info Level Learned
Tarukaja Increase Attack (L) 2
Gale Slash Opponent starts with less HP 3
Counter Guard Cancel Attacks cost 1/2 SP 5
Rebellion Chance of 1.5x damage when attack hits (M) 7
Tetra Break Null effect of Tetrakarn 10
Attack Master Increase Attack (M) 14
Revolution Chance of 1.5x damage for both players when attack hits (H) 18
Heat Wave Increase SP Skill Attack (H) 24
Apt Pupil All Counter hits will be Fatal Counters 30
Counterstrike Guard Cancel attacks cost 1/4 SP 36
High Counter Skills can be used while blocking 45
Dragon Hustle Increase Skill Attack (H), Increase Speed (M) 55
Skill Info Level Learned
Dia Press PLAY to recover HP once (L) 2
Me Patra Press PLAY to recover from Panic, Fear, or Rage 3
Media Press PLAY to recover HP/SP once (L) 5
Amrita Press PLAY to recover from an ailment once 7
Spirit Drain Increase SP gained when attack hits 10
Mediarama Press PLAY to recover HP/SP once (M) 14
Matarunda Reduce opponent's Attack (M) 18
Spell Master SP Skills cost 3/4 SP 24
Diarahan Press PLAY to recover HP once (H) 30
Mind Charge SP Skills / SP Skill Boosts cost 1/2 SP 36
Salvation Press PLAY to recover HP once (H), recover from ailment once 45
Burning Petals Increase chip damage (EX) 55
Skill Info Level Learned
Rakukaja Increase Defense (L) 2
Fast Heal Reduce ailment effect duration (L) 3
Regenerate 1 Auto recover HP (L) 5
Atom Smasher Hitting opponent's Persona destroys 2 Persona Cards 7
Torrent Shot Increase Skill Attack (L), Increase Speed (L) 10
Fatal End Increase SP Skill Attack (M) 14
Masukunda Decrease opponent's Speed (H) 18
Vile Assault Increase Skill/SP Skill Attack (M), Increase Defense (L) 24
Auto-Mataru Increase Attack (H) 30
Regenerate 3 Auto recover HP (H) 36
Primal Force Increase SP Skill Attack (EX) 45
The Man's Way Chance of 1.5x damage when attack hits (H) 55
Skill Info Level Learned
Energy Shower Both players auto recover HP (M) 2
Poison Skewer Chance of Poison when attack hits (L) 3
Dekunda Null one of opponent's equipped skill effects 5
Amrita Press PLAY to recover from an ailment once 7
Teddie Decoy Opponent starts with Rage 10
Defense Master Increase Defense (M) 14
Life Drain Recover HP when attack hits 18
Gigantic Fist Increase Skill Attack (L), Increase Defense (M) 24
Auto-Maraku Increase Defense (H) 30
Evade Physical Chance of reducing damage greatly when taking damage (L) 36
Kamui Miracle Various effects occur at start of round 45
Mediarahan Press PLAY to recover HP/SP once (H) 55
Skill Info Level Learned
Invigorate 1 Auto fill SP (L) 2
Tempest Slash Increase SP gained on successful First Attack (L) 3
Heat Riser Combo damage scaling reduced 5
Tetrakarn Damage taken from Skills also applies to opponents 7
Invigorate 2 Auto fill SP (M) 10
Makarakarn Damage taken from SP Skills also applies to opponent 14
Myriad Arrows Increase SP gained on successful First Attack (H) 18
Vorpal Blade Increase Skill Attack (H) 24
Mind Charge SP Skills / SP Skill Boosts cost 1/2 SP 30
Invigorate 3 Auto fill SP (H) 36
Angelic Grace Reduce projectile damage by 1/2 45
Shield of Justice All blocks will be Instant Blocks 55
Skill Info Level Learned
Alertness Null opponent's First Attack 2
Sexy Dance Opponent starts with Charm 3
Hysterical Slap Chance of Rage when attack hits (L) 5
Dekunda Null one of opponent's equipped skill effects 7
Sharp Student Do not take Counter hits from opponent 10
Growth 1 Increase EXP gain (L) 14
Apt Pupil All Counter hits will be Fatal Counters 18
Cool Breeze Recover HP upon victory (M) 24
Treasure Radar Rare skills will be easier to obtain 30
Growth 3 Increase EXP gain (H) 36
Full Analyze Null opponent's equipped skill effects 45
Vigor Song Auto fill SP (EX) 55
Skill Info Level Learned
Media Press PLAY to recover HP/SP once (L) 2
Holy Arrow Chance of Charm when attack hits (L) 3
Energy Shower Both players auto recover HP (M) 5
Me Patra Press PLAY to recover from Panic, Fear, or Rage 7
Torrent Shot Increase Skill Attack (L), Increase Speed (L) 10
Arrow Rain Opponent gradually takes damage (M) 14
Diarahan Press PLAY to recover HP once (H) 18
Spell Master SP Skills cost 3/4 SP 24
Spirit Drain Increase SP gained when attack hits 30
Angelic Grace Reduce projectile damage by 1/2 36
Youthful Wind Auto recover HP (H), Auto fill SP (M), Increase Speed (M) 45
Mediarahan Press PLAY to recover HP/SP once (H) 55
Skill Info Level Learned
Cleave Increase Skill Attack (L) 2
Rakukaja Increase Defense (L) 3
Counter Guard Cancel Attacks cost 1/2 SP 5
Torrent Shot Increase Skill Attack (L), Increase Speed (L) 7
Provoke Chance of Rage when attack hits (H) 10
Old One Decrease Speed for both players 14
Power Slash Increase Skill Attack (M) 18
Counterstrike Guard Cancel attacks cost 1/4 SP 24
Vorpal Blade Increase Skill Attack (H) 30
High Counter Skills can be used while blocking 36
Gigantic Fist Increase Skill Attack (L), Increase Defense (M) 45
Victory Cry Recover HP upon victory (H) 55
Skill Info Level Learned
Alertness Null opponent's First Attack 2
Spirit Drain Increase SP gained when attack hits 3
Sexy Dance Opponent starts with Charm 5
Dia Press PLAY to recover HP once (L 7
Marin Karin Chance of Charm when attack hits (M) 10
Insta-Heal Reduce ailment effect duration (H) 14
Diarama Press PLAY to recover HP once (M) 18
Unshaken Will Null Panic, Fear, Mute, and Rage 24
Tetra Break Null effect of Tetrakarn 30
Diarahan Press PLAY to recover HP once (H) 36
Mind Charge SP Skills / SP Skill Boosts cost 1/2 SP 45
Niflheim Increase opponent's Frozen duration 55
Skill Info Level Learned
Sonic Punch Increase SP gained on successful First Attack (L) 2
Tarunda Reduce opponent's Attack (L) 3
Rakunda Increase chip damage (L) 5
Sukunda Decrease opponent's Speed (L) 7
Fist Master Combos connect more easily 10
Arms Master Skill Boosts cost 1/2 SP 14
Masukunda Decrease opponent's Speed (H) 18
Attack Master Increase Attack (M) 24
Marakunda Increase chip damage (H) 30
Enduring Soul When HP drops below a set level, recover HP once (H) 36
Diarahan Press PLAY to recover HP once (H) 45
Thunder Reign Start with low HP, auto fill SP (EX) 55
Skill Info Level Learned
Sukukaja Increase Speed (L) 2
Rakukaja Increase Defense (L) 3
Tarukaja Increase Attack (L) 5
Dekunda Null one of opponent's equipped skill effects 7
Fatal End Increase SP Skill Attack (M) 10
Defense Master Increase Defense (M) 14
Auto-Masuku Increase Speed (H) 18
Heat Wave Increase SP Skill Attack (H) 24
Auto-Mataru Increase Attack (H) 30
Auto-Maraku Increase Defense (H) 36
Diarahan Press PLAY to recover HP once (H) 45
Akasha Arts Both players gradually take damage (H) 55
Skill Info Level Learned
Sukukaja Increase Speed (L) 2
Gale Slash Opponent starts with less HP 3
Absorb Elec Recover HP when Shocked (M) 5
Diarama Press PLAY to recover HP once (M) 7
Vile Assault Increase Skill/SP Skill Attack (M), Increase Defense (L) 10
Endure When HP drops below a set level, recover HP once (M) 14
Mediarama Press PLAY to recover HP/SP once (M) 18
Counterstrike Guard Cancel attacks cost 1/4 SP 24
Thunder Reign Start with low HP, auto fill SP (EX) 30
Diarahan Press PLAY to recover HP once (H) 36
High Counter Skills can be used while blocking 45
Mediarahan Press PLAY to recover HP/SP once (H) 55
Skill Info Level Learned
Poison Mist Opponent starts with Poison 2
Sexy Dance Opponent starts with Charm 3
Dekaja Opponent will not Awaken 5
Tempest Slash Increase SP gained on successful First Attack (L) 7
Shuffle Time Opponent starts with Charm/Poison/Fear 10
Infuriate Both players start with Rage 14
Spell Master SP Skills cost 3/4 SP 18
Virus Breath Both players start with 1/2 HP 24
Diarahan Press PLAY to recover HP once (H) 30
Mind Charge SP Skills / SP Skill Boosts cost 1/2 SP 36
Salvation Press PLAY to recover HP once (H), recover from ailment once 45
Divine Grace Auto recover HP (EX) 55
Skill Info Level Learned
Tarukaja Increase Attack (L) 2
Soul Break Opponent's SP auto depletes (L) 3
Rakukaja Increase Defense (L) 5
Regenerate 1 Auto recover HP (L) 7
Counter Guard Cancel Attacks cost 1/2 SP 10
Unshaken Will Null Panic, Fear, Mute, and Rage 14
Defense Master Increase Defense (M) 18
Firm Stance Disable blocking but reduce damage 24
Gigantic Fist Increase Skill Attack (L), Increase Defense (M) 30
Enduring Soul When HP drops below a set level, recover HP once (H) 36
Regenerate 3 Auto recover HP (H) 45
Brutal Impact Disable blocking for both players 55
Skill Info Level Learned
Aeon Rain Opponent gradually takes damage (L) 2
Evil Touch Chance of Fear when attack hits (M) 3
Attack Master Increase Attack (M) 5
Life Drain Recover HP when attack hits 7
Bash Disable Blocking but increase Attack (H) 10
Black Viper Both players start with MAX SP 14
Vile Assault Increase Skill/SP Skill Attack (M), Increase Defense (L) 18
Pralaya Chance of Fear when attack hits (H) 24
Infuriate Both players start with Rage 30
Demonic Judgment Either player or opponent starts with 1/2 HP 36
Challenge Authority Furious Actions can be used while blocking 45
Die For Me! Chance of one-hit kill when SP Skill attack hits (L) 55
Skill Info Level Learned
Null Fear Null Fear state 2
Arm Chopper Chance of Fear when attack hits (L) 3
Tempest Slash Increase SP gained on successful First Attack (L) 5
Absorb Ice Recover HP when Frozen (M) 7
Heat Riser Combo damage scaling reduced 10
Rebellion Chance of 1.5x damage when attack hits (M) 14
Makara Break Null effect of Makarakarn 18
Virus Breath Both players start with 1/2 HP 24
Black Viper Both players start with MAX SP 30
Regenerate 3 Auto recover HP (H) 36
Demonic Judgment Either player or opponent starts with 1/2 HP 45
Debilitate Reduce opponent's Attack (H) 55
Skill Info Level Learned
Soul Break Opponent's SP auto depletes (L) 2
Dekunda Null one of opponent's equipped skill effects 3
Media Press PLAY to recover HP/SP once (L) 5
Evil Touch Chance of Fear when attack hits (M) 7
Valiant Dance Chance of opponent starting with Rage (H) 10
Growth 1 Increase EXP gain (L) 14
Absorb Elec Recover HP when Shocked (M) 18
Tetra Break Null effect of Tetrakarn 24
Attack Master Increase Attack (M) 30
Infuriate Both players start with Rage 36
Vile Assault Increase Skill/SP Skill Attack (M), Increase Defense (L) 45
God's Judgment Opponent starts with 1/2 HP and MAX SP 55
Skill Info Level Learned
Alertness Null opponent's First Attack 2
Cleave Increase Skill Attack (L) 3
Evil Touch Chance of Fear when attack hits (M) 5
Heat Riser Combo damage scaling reduced 7
Dekunda Null one of opponent's equipped skill effects 10
Atom Smasher Hitting opponent's Persona destroys 2 Persona Cards 14
Dekaja Opponent will not Awaken 18
Weary Thrust Opponent starts with same amount of HP as player 24
Rebellion Chance of 1.5x damage when attack hits (M) 30
Vorpal Blade Increase Skill Attack (H) 36
Challenge Authority Furious Actions can be used while blocking 45
Treasure Radar Rare skills will be easier to obtain 55
Skill Info Level Learned
Energy Shower Both players auto recover HP (M) 2
Tetra Break Null effect of Tetrakarn 3
Makara Break Null effect of Makarakarn 5
Valiant Dance Chance of opponent starting with Rage (H) 7
Fast Heal Reduce ailment effect duration (L) 10
Cool Breeze Recover HP upon victory (M) 14
Growth 2 Increase EXP gain (M) 18
Spirit Drain Increase SP gained when attack hits 24
Spell Master SP Skills cost 3/4 SP 30
Die For Me! Chance of one-hit kill when SP Skill attack hits (L) 36
Mind Charge SP Skills / SP Skill Boosts cost 1/2 SP 45
Mediarahan Press PLAY to recover HP/SP once (H) 55
Skill Info Level Learned
White Wall Reduce damage from Chie, Mitsuru, and Teddie 2
Bewilder Chance of Panic when attack hits (H) 3
Defense Master Increase Defense (M) 5
Heat Riser Combo damage scaling reduced 7
Hassou Tobi Power up Hops 10
Diarahan Press PLAY to recover HP once (H) 14
Thunder Reign Start with low HP, auto fill SP (EX) 18
Primal Force Increase SP Skill Attack (EX) 24
Niflheim Increase opponent's Frozen duration 30
Mind Charge SP Skills / SP Skill Boosts cost 1/2 SP 36
Angelic Grace Reduce projectile damage by 1/2 45
Mediarahan Press PLAY to recover HP/SP once (H) 55

Navigator Skills[]

Skill Effect Navigator
Spring of Life HP/SP regenerates (H) Yu Narukami
Auto-Masuku Increase Speed (H) Yosuke Hanamura
High Counter Use skills while blocking Chie Satonaka
Diarahan Press the PLAY button to restore HP (H) Yukiko Amagi
Primal Force Increase SP Skill Attack (EX) Kanji Tatsumi
Shield of Justice All blocks become Instant Blocks Naoto Shirogane
Teddie Decoy Opponent starts with Rage Teddie
Auto-Maraku Increase Defense (H) Aigis
Unshaken Will Immune to Panic, Fear, Mute, and Rage Mitsuru Kirijo
Fist Master Combos connect easier Akihiko Sanada
Shuffle Time Enemy randomly starts with Fear, Poison, or Charm Elizabeth
Brutal Impact Disable blocking for both players Labrys
Samarecarm Press the PLAY button to recover Burst once (H) Yukari Takeba
Victory Cry Fully recover HP upon victory (H) Junpei Iori
Counterstrike Guard Cancel attacks cost 1/4 SP Ken Amada
Heat Riser Combo Damage scaling reduced Tohru Adachi
Oracle Random effects when HP drops below a set level Fuuka
Regenerate 2 Restores moderate HP over time Rise Kujikawa
Vigor Song Auto fill SP (EX) Nanako Dojima
Ultimax - Manga (Arena) - Manga (Ultimax) - Stageplay (Arena) - Stageplay (Ultimax)
Playable Arena Yu Narukami (Izanagi - Regular / Izanagi-no-Okami - Instant Kill) - Yosuke Hanamura (Jiraiya) - Chie Satonaka (Tomoe) - Yukiko Amagi (Konohana Sakuya) - Kanji Tatsumi (Take-Mikazuchi) - Naoto Shirogane (Sukuna-Hikona) - Teddie (Kintoki-Douji) - Aigis (Pallas Athena - Regular / Palladion - Instant Kill) - Mitsuru Kirijo (Artemisia) - Akihiko Sanada (Caesar) - Elizabeth (Thanatos) - Labrys (Ariadne) - Shadow Labrys (Asterius)
Playable Ultimax Yukari Takeba (Isis) - Junpei Iori (Trismegistus) - Sho Minazuki (Tsukiyomi) - Rise Kujikawa (Himiko) - Ken Amada & Koromaru (Kala-Nemi & Cerberus) - Tohru Adachi (Magatsu-Izanagi) - Marie (Kaguya-Hime) - Margaret (Yoshitsune - Cu Chulain - Ardha - Regular / Helel - Instant Kill)
Non-Playable Unit #024 - Igor - Theodore - Nanako Dojima - Ryotaro Dojima - Detective Kurosawa - Fuuka Yamagishi - Eri Minami - Yuuta Minami - Malevolent Entity - Erebus - Kikuno Saikawa - Shuji Ikutsuki - Minoru Inoue
Inaba Midnight Channel - Velvet Room - Yasogami High School - Tartarus
Albums Original Soundtrack (Arena / Ultimax) - Original Arrange Soundtrack
Songs "Best Friends" - "Now I Know" - "Aria of the Soul" - "Reach Out To The Truth" - "Mass Destruction" - "Break Out Of..." - "Today"
Terminology Dark Hour - Evoker - Midnight Channel - P-1 Grand Prix - Persona - Persona user - Plume of Dusk - Shadow - Shadow Self - Shadow Operatives - Investigation Team - Wild Card - Persona Fragments - Red Fog
Lists Status Changes - Skills - Trophies (Arena / Ultimax) - Steam Profile Items
Productions The Ultimate in Mayonaka Arena Stageplay - Persona 4: The Ultimax Ultra Suplex Hold Stageplay

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Weapon Strike (Axe - Fist - Whip) - Slash (Sword - Two Handed) - Pierce (Gun - Spear - Bow - Thrown)
Other Havoc (Rush - Tech - Special) - Hunt Skill - Extra Skills - Passive Skills - Auto Skill - Racial Skill - All-out Attack
Elemental Fire - Ice - (Wind/Force) - Electricity - Earth - Water - Psychokinesis - Gravity - Nuclear - Bless - Curse
Light Light (Expel) - Recovery (Miracle/Bless) - Support (Prayer)
Dark Dark (Death) - Curse/Mystic - Occult - Nerve
Other Almighty - Ailment - Fusion - Miscellaneous - Force (Spell Type)
Skill Lists
Megami Tensei Megami Tensei - II - Kyūyaku
Shin Megami Tensei Shin Megami Tensei - II - if... - NINE (Combos) - III: Nocturne - 20XX - IMAGINE - Strange Journey - IV / Apocalypse - V
Last Bible Last Bible - II - Another - III
Majin Tensei Majin Tensei - II: Spiral Nemesis - Ronde
Devil Summoner Devil Summoner - Soul Hackers - Raidou vs. The Soulless Army - Raidou vs. King Abaddon - Soul Hackers 2
Persona Megami Ibunroku Persona - 2: Innocent Sin (Fusion Spells) - 2: Eternal Punishment (Fusion Spells) - 3 (Fusion Spells) - 4 / Arena Ultimax - Q - 5 (Royal) - Q2 - Strikers - Tactica
Devil Children Red/Black/White Book - DemiKids - Fire/Ice Book - Messiah Riser
Digital Devil Saga Avatar Tuner (Mantra / Combos) - Avatar Tuner 2 (Mantra / Combos)
Devil Survivor Devil Survivor (Overclocked) - Devil Survivor 2 (Record Breaker)
Other Giten Megami Tensei - Card Summoner - Tokyo Mirage Sessions ♯FE - Metaphor: ReFantazio (Synthesis)

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