Merciless Maya

Merciless Maya is a Shadow in the series.



Persona 3[]

Merciless Maya is an enemy found in the Thebel block of Tartarus, from floors 1 to 15.

The Answer[]

Two Merciless Mayas accompany the Harem Dancer on the 14th floor of Caina. They will cover their weaknesses with Makarakarn and attempt to inflict Distress or Poison on the party. Unlike most bosses, they do not block Light and Dark, but they cannot be instant-killed, so using Wind attacks is the better option. It is neutral to Rage and Poison Damage while immune to all other status ailments.


Like the previous games, Merciless Maya appears in the Thebel Block of Tartarus, however two of them are now featured in the tutorial battles.


Persona 3[]


Arcana Level HP SP
Strength 2
Magic 4
Endurance 3
Agility 2
Luck 2
Priestess 2 70 100
Slash Strike Pierce Fire Ice Elec Wind Light Dark Almi
- - - Strong Weak Null - - - -
Down Dizzy Freeze Shock Poison Charm Distress Confuse Fear Rage
- - ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
List of Skills
Skill Effect
Strike Attack Normal attack using the Strike attribute.
Agi Deals weak Fire damage to 1 foe.
Null Dizzy Protects completely from being afflicted with Dizzy.
Arcana Level HP SP
Strength 2
Magic 4
Endurance 3
Agility 2
Luck 2
Priestess 2 83 15
Slash Strike Pierce Fire Ice Elec Wind Light Dark Almi
- - - Strong Weak - - - - -
Down Dizzy Freeze Shock Poison Charm Distress Confuse Fear Rage
- - ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
List of Skills
Skill Effect
Strike Attack Normal attack using the Strike attribute.
Agi Deals weak Fire damage to 1 foe.


  • Merciless Maya is named "Merciful Maya" in Persona 3 Portable. There is no change in stats, however.
  • There is a “III” on Merciless Maya’s mask, despite its arcana being the second one. This error would later be fixed in Persona 3 Reload.
Magician Grand Magus - Prime Magus - Angry Table - Wondrous Magus - Magical Magus - Almighty Hand - Killing Hand - Crying Table - Dancing Hand - Laughing Table - Magic Hand - Cowardly Maya - Glorious Hand - Luxury Hand - Opulent Hand - Supreme Hand - Treasure Hand - Wealth Hand - Sleeping Table
Priestess Vehement Idol - Wrathful Book - Ruinous Idol - Liberating Idol - Writhing Tiara - Tranquil Idol - Shouting Tiara - Silent Book - Maniacal Book - Spurious Book - Grieving Tiara - Muttering Tiara - Merciless Maya
Empress Divine Mother - Eternal Eagle - Pistil Mother - Regal Mother - Growth Relic - Elegant Mother - Constancy Relic - Jupiter Eagle - Creation Relic - Dark Eagle - Venus Eagle - Frivolous Maya - Change Relic
Emperor King Castle - Emperor Beetle - Death Castle - Power Castle - Hell Knight - Solid Castle - Champion Knight - Avenger Knight - Golden Beetle - Adamant Beetle - Haughty Maya - Grave Beetle - Intrepid Knight
Hierophant White Sigil - Green Sigil - Red Sigil - Apostate Tower - Crazy Twins - Death Twins - Blue Sigil - Dogmatic Tower - Indolent Maya - Killer Twins - Corrupt Tower - Trance Twins - Fanatic Tower
Lovers Amorous Snake - Carnal Snake - Royal Dancer - Immoral Snake - Gracious Cupid - Insidious Maya - Devoted Cupid - Ardent Dancer - Lustful Snake - Jealous Cupid - Soul Dancer - Obsessed Cupid - Natural Dancer
Chariot Hallowed Turret - Wicked Turret - Slaughter Drive - Battle Wheel - Scarlet Turret - Arcane Turret - Brave Wheel - Killer Drive - Ill-Fated Maya - Wild Drive - Mach Wheel - Bestial Wheel - Rampage Drive
Justice Void Giant - Harmony Giant - Doom Sword - Light Balance - Stasis Giant - Bigoted Maya - Judgement Sword - Conviction Sword - Order Giant - Justice Sword - Sky Balance - Heat Balance - World Balance
Hermit Acheron Seeker - Noble Seeker - Amenti Raven - Fate Seeker - Desirous Maya - Death Seeker - Phantom Lord - Ice Raven - Phantom Master - Vicious Raven - Phantom Mage - Black Raven - Phantom King
Fortune Eternal Sand - Platinum Dice - Infinite Sand - Death Dice - Perpetual Sand - Iron Dice - Curse Dice - Imprudent Maya - Flowing Sand - Mind Dice - Bronze Dice - Reckoning Dice
Strength Tenjin Musha - Nemean Beast - Daring Gigas - Onnen Musha - Kaiden Musha - - Mighty Beast - Hakurou Musha - Visceral Maya - Furious Gigas - Enslaved Beast - Steel Gigas - Wild Beast - Mythical Gigas
Hanged Man Chaos Cyclops - Fierce Cyclops - Jotun of Evil - Minotaur I - Minotaur II - Devious Maya - Jotun of Blood - Mad Cyclops - Mighty Cyclops - Minotaur III - Jotun of Power - Minotaur IV - Jotun of Grief
Death Reaper

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Magician Grand Magus - Sleeping Table - Angry Table - Almighty Hand - Magical Magus - Prime Magus - Killing Hand - Wondrous Magus - Dancing Hand - Laughing Table - Magic Hand
Cowardly Maya - Crying Table - Wondrous Magus
Glorious Hand - Luxury Hand - Opulent Hand - Supreme Hand - Treasure Hand - Wealth Hand
Priestess Vehement Idol - Writhing Tiara - Silent Book - Grieving Tiara - Liberating Idol - Ruinous Idol - Maniacal Book - Tranquil Idol - Muttering Tiara - Spurious Book

Primitive Idol - Shouting Tiara - Wrathful Book - Merciless Maya

Empress Eternal Eagle - Change Relic - Divine Mother - Growth Relic - Jupiter Eagle - Pistil Mother - Regal Mother - Affection Relic - Dark Eagle - Constancy Relic - Elegant Mother - Venus Eagle - Creation Relic - Conceited Maya
Emperor Emperor Beetle - Intrepid Knight - King Castle - Power Castle - Golden Beetle - Haughty Maya - Adamant Beetle - Hell Knight - Burning Beetle - Grave Beetle - Champion Knight - Solid Castle - Avenger Knight - Death Castle
Hierophant Grudge Tower - Crazy Twins - Fanatic Tower - White Sigil - Green Sigil - Indolent Maya - Apostate Tower - Red Sigil - Death Twins - Killer Twins - Blue Sigil - Dogmatic Tower - Trance Twins - Corrupt Tower
Lovers Natural Dancer - Amorous Snake - Carnal Snake - Gracious Cupid - Lustful Snake - Immoral Snake - Ardent Dancer - Devoted Cupid - Royal Dancer - Soul Dancer - Jealous Cupid - Obsessed Cupid - Stoic Snake - Insidious Maya - Harem Dancer
Chariot Rampage Drive - Hallowed Turret - Battle Wheel - Bestial Wheel - Scarlet Turret - Berserk Turret - Wicked Turret - Killer Drive - Arcane Turret - Wild Drive - Mach Wheel - Ill-Fated Maya - Slaughter Drive - Spastic Turret - Brave Wheel
Justice Doom Sword - Loss Giant - Void Giant - Harmony Giant - World Balance - Stasis Giant - Light Balance - Order Giant - Conviction Sword - Bigoted Maya - Heat Balance - Sky Balance - Justice Sword - Judgement Sword
Hermit Phantom King - Phantom Hero - Phantom Mage - Fate Seeker - Noble Seeker - Phantom Lord - Death Seeker - Phantom Master - Desirous Maya - Black Raven - Vicious Raven - Acheron Seeker - Ice Raven
Fortune Reckoning Dice - Eternal Sand - Platinum Dice - Silver Dice - Perpetual Sand - Infinite Sand - Iron Dice - Mind Dice - Death Dice - Flowing Sand - Bronze Dice - Imprudent Maya - Curse Dice
Strength Nemean Beast - Mythical Gigas - Hakurou Musha - Daring Gigas - Mighty Beast - Enslaved Beast - Furious Gigas - Steel Gigas - Wild Beast
Tenjin Musha - Kaiden Musha - Onnen Musha - El Dorado Beast - Immortal Gigas - Visceral Maya
Hanged Man Chaos Cyclops - Mighty Cyclops - Jotun of Grief - Mad Cyclops - Minotaur I - Devious Maya - Minotaur II - Minotaur III - Fierce Cyclops - Jotun of Evil - Minotaur IV - Jotun of Power
Rebellious Cyclops - Jotun of Blood - Neo Minotaur - Brilliant Cyclops
Death Reaper

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Persona 3 Reload Shadows

Fool Final Checkmate - Glorious Hand - Dutiful Checkmate - Miracle Hand - Principled Checkmate - Luxury Hand - Reticent Checkmate - Ethereal Hand - Bold Checkmate - Opulent Hand - Dignified Checkmate - Invaluable Hand - Majestic Checkmate - Supreme Hand - Ardent Checkmate - Precious Hand - Yearning Checkmate - Treasure Hand - Resolved Checkmate - Wealth Hand
Magician Grand Magus - Prime Magus - Angry Table - Wondrous Magus - Magical Magus - Almighty Hand - Killing Hand - Crying Table - Dancing Hand - Laughing Table - Magic Hand - Cowardly Maya
Gold Hand - Black Hand - Pink Hand - Silver Hand - White Hand - Foot Soldier - Terminal Table - Purging Right Hand - Subservient Left Hand - Venomous Magus - Five Fingers of Blight - Heretic Magus - Grievous Table
Priestess Vehement Idol - Wrathful Book - Ruinous Idol - Liberating Idol - Writhing Tiara - Tranquil Idol - Shouting Tiara - Silent Book - Maniacal Book - Spurious Book - Grieving Tiara - Muttering Tiara - Merciless Maya
Morbid Book - Mage Soldier - Haughty Belle - Tome of Persecution - Bloody Maria
Empress Executioner's Crown - Tome of Atrophy - Eternal Eagle - Pistil Mother - Regal Mother - Growth Relic - Elegant Mother - Constancy Relic - Jupiter Eagle - Creation Relic - Dark Eagle - Venus Eagle - Frivolous Maya
Heartless Relic - Lascivious Lady - Clairvoyant Relic - Lightning Eagle
Emperor Death Castle - Emperor Beetle - Power Castle - Hell Knight - Solid Castle - Champion Knight - Avenger Knight - Golden Beetle - Adamant Beetle - Ancient Castle - Haughty Maya - Grave Beetle
Comeback Castle - Haunted Castle - Spiritual Castle - Demented Knight - Isolated Castle - Fleetfooted Cavalry
Hierophant Green Sigil - Red Sigil - Apostate Tower - Crazy Twins - Death Twins - Blue Sigil - Dogmatic Tower - Indolent Maya - Killer Twins - Corrupt Tower - Trance Twins
Cultist of Death - Cultist of the Storm - Pagoda of Disaster - Imposing Skyscraper - Servant Tower - Slaughter Twins
Lovers Carnal Snake - Royal Dancer - Immoral Snake - Gracious Cupid - Insidious Maya - Devoted Cupid - Ardent Dancer - Lustful Snake - Jealous Cupid - Soul Dancer - Obsessed Cupid
Invasive Serpent - Luckless Cupid - Serpent of Absurdity - Controlling Partner - Dependent Partner - Enslaved Cupid
Chariot Wicked Turret - Slaughter Drive - Battle Wheel - Scarlet Turret - Arcane Turret - Brave Wheel - Killer Drive - Ill-Fated Maya - Wild Drive - Mach Wheel
Bestial Wheel - Hallowed Turret - Chaos Panzer - Dancing Beast Wheel - Raging Turret - Rampage Drive - Swift Axle - Barbaric Beast Wheel
Justice Harmony Giant - Light Balance - Bigoted Maya - Doom Sword - Stasis Giant - Judgement Sword - Conviction Sword - Order Giant - Justice Sword - Sky Balance - Heat Balance
High Judge of Hell - Overseer of Creation - Omnipotent Balance - Void Giant - Merciless Judge - World Balance - Executive Greatsword - Cruel Greatsword - Heat Overseer - Sky Overseer
Hermit Noble Seeker - Amenti Raven - Fate Seeker - Desirous Maya - Death Seeker - Phantom Lord - Ice Raven - Phantom Master - Vicious Raven - Phantom Mage - Black Raven
Appropriating Noble - Necromachinery - Resentful Surveillant - Arcanist Decapitator - Will O' Wisp Raven - Ruthless Ice Raven
Fortune Platinum Dice - Infinite Sand - Death Dice - Iron Dice - Perpetual Sand - Curse Dice - Imprudent Maya - Flowing Sand - Mind Dice - Bronze Dice
Obsessive Sand - Scornful Dice - Rampaging Sand - Ochlocratic Sand - Terror Dice - Disturbing Dice
Strength Onnen Musha - Mighty Beast - Kaiden Musha - Hakurou Musha - Visceral Maya - Furious Gigas - Enslaved Beast - Steel Gigas - Wild Beast
Shadow of the Void - Deadly Eldest Sibling - Blazing Middle Sibling - Voltaic Youngest Sibling - Feral Beast - Icebreaker Lion - Invigorated Gigas - Ultimate Gigas - Profligate Gigas
Hanged Man Fierce Cyclops - Jotun of Evil - Minotaur I - Devious Maya - Mad Cyclops - Minotaur II - Jotun of Blood - Mighty Cyclops - Minotaur III - Jotun of Power - Minotaur IV
Genocidal Mercenary - Hedonistic Sinner - Minotaur Nulla - Jotun of Authority - Deviant Convict
Death Reaper

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P3 Bosses
Guardians Venus Eagle (3) - Dancing Hand (3) - Rampage Drive - Crying Table (3) - Change Relic - Golden Beetle (3) - Intrepid Knight - Furious Gigas (3) - Fanatic Tower - Magical Magus (3) - Natural Dancer - Arcane Turret (3) - Sleeping Table - Hell Knight (3) - Mythical Gigas - Judgement Sword (3) - Stasis Giant (3) - Phantom King - Royal Dancer (3) - Reckoning Dice - Noble Seeker (3) - Carnal Snake (3) - World Balance - Fierce Cyclops (3) - Jotun of Grief
Full Moon Operation bosses Arcana Priestess - Arcana Emperor and Arcana Empress - Arcana Hierophant - Arcana Lovers - Arcana Chariot and Arcana Justice - Arcana Hermit - Arcana Fortune and Arcana Strength - Arcana Hanged Man - Death
Other Takaya Sakaki and Hypnos - Jin Shirato and Moros - Chidori Yoshino and Medea - Reaper - Elizabeth
P3P Exclusive Theodore - Margaret
P3 FES Bosses
Guardians Immortal Gigas + Visceral Maya (3) - Brilliant Cyclops - Death Castle + El Dorado Beast (2) - Harem Dancer + Merciless Maya (2) - Judgement Sword + Ice Raven + Brave Wheel - Primitive Idol + Shouting Tiara + Wrathful Book - Wondrous Magus + Crying Table + Cowardly Maya - Neo Minotaur - Spastic Turret + Slaughter Drive (2) - Conceited Maya - Rebellious Cyclops + Acheron Seeker (2) - Tenjin Musha + Kaiden Musha + Onnen Musha
Other Metis and Psyche - ??? - Akihiko Sanada and Caesar + Ken Amada and Kala-Nemi - Junpei Iori and Trismegistus + Koromaru and Cerberus - Yukari Takeba and Isis + Mitsuru Kirijo and Artemisia - Erebus
P3 Reload Bosses
Guardians Ruthless Ice Ravens (2) - Barbaric Beast Wheel & Magic Hands (2) - Swift Axle ~ Will O' Wisp Raven & Lightning Eagles (2) - Heretic Magus & Grievous Tables (2) - Disturbing Dice & Slaughter Twins (2) - Clairvoyant Relic ~ Servant Tower & Enslaved Cupids - Lascivious Lady & Profligate Gigas (2) - Fleetfooted Cavalry ~ Ochlocratic Sands (3) - Arcanist Decapitator, Heat Overseer, & Sky Overseer - Deviant Convict & Tome of Atrophy - Controlling Partner & Dependent Partner ~ Venomous Magus & Five Fingers of Blight (2) - Bloody Maria & Executioner's Crown - Imposing Skyscraper ~ Heartless Relic & Rampaging Sands (2) - Raging Turret - Terminal Table - Jotun of Authority, Purging Right Hand, & Subservient Left Hand - Isolated Castle ~ Pagoda of Disaster & Tomes of Persecution (2) - Dancing Beast Wheel - Demented Knights (2) - Cruel Greatsword & Serpents of Absurdity (2) - Invigorated Gigas
Monad Cowardly Maya - Magical Magus & Shouting Tiara ~ Bronze Dice & Muttering Tiara - Iron Dice - Muttering Tiara ~ Dogmatic Tower & Immoral Snakes (2) - Natural Dancers (2) - Vehement Idol ~ Minotaur II - Haunted Castle & Spiritual Castle - Intrepid Knight & Change Relic ~ Heat Balance, Sky Balance ~ Shadow of the Void

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