Midnight Trivia Miracle Quiz

Quiz show host "On The Mark" Teddieson with Yosuke.
"With concentration, knowledge and Teddie's favor, go for the gold!"
—Teddie, Persona 4 Golden
The Midnight Trivia Miracle Quiz (マヨナカ横断ミラクルクイズ, Mayonaka Ōdan Mirakuru Kuizu)? is a quiz show minigame in Persona 4 Golden. It is available through the TV Listings's Channel 3 Inaba Public Access after the Investigation Team has successfully solved the murder mystery in Inaba (During New Game Plus). Hosted by "On The Mark" Teddieson, the quiz show pits Yu Narukami against Yosuke Hanamura, Chie Satonaka and Yukiko Amagi.
Persona 4 Golden[]

Format of the quiz show
The quiz show is divided into three stages: the Preliminaries, the Playoffs and the Finals. The three stages are unlocked as the player progresses through the story. Contestants must buzz in quickly to answer twenty trivia questions based on their life in Inaba and their adventures within the Midnight Channel. Each correct answer adds a point, and incorrect answers deduct a point. A random question may be worth two or three points but will still deduct one point if answered incorrectly. There are no tiebreakers. Winning the Finals will grant the player the trophy "A New Quiz King."
Many of these questions will involve extremely detailed elements of the game that can be easily overlooked. Therefore, in order to get a high winning record, the player must pay attention to their surroundings when playing the main game.
Persona 4 The Golden Animation[]
The quiz show is the focus of Episode 4, where Marie participated along with Yu, Yosuke, Chie and Yukiko. The host Teddie is assisted by Rise Kujikawa and Kanji Tatsumi in pink bunny girl and black bunny boy costumes respectively. The show took place on the rooftop level of Junes Department Store. Players with the correct answers were given a golden Teddie trophy.
Question | Answer |
All the lockers at the entrance in the Steamy Bathhouse have the same number. What is that number? | 201 |
Among the boys of Yasogami High, what is the ritual of asking Yukiko out on a date called? | The Amagi Challenge |
At Okina Station, on which side of the stairways are the escalators? | Both sides |
At the entrance to the TV world that you get in from the TV at Junes, who is standing just to Teddie's right? | Chie |
Chagall Café in front of Okina Station is known for its owner's original blend. What is the owner's name? | Mumon |
"Daidara Metalworks" in the central shopping district is known for its scar-faced owner. What does the dot after "Daidara" mean? | Daidara Bocchi |
During the "Miss" Yasogami Pageant, Kanji was given a catch phrase. What was it? | Runaway express train |
During the "Miss" Yasogami Pageant, Teddie was given a catch phrase: "King of the..." what? | TV World |
During the "Miss" Yasogami Pageant, Yosuke was given a catch phrase. What was part of it? | Pure disappointment |
Every character has victory poses after battle. Which of these actions does Chie mostly perform? | Backflip |
Everyone knows the home shopping program "Tanaka's Amazing Commodities". Which of these phrases are in the theme song? | Granter of your desires |
How many angel statues are there on Heaven's top floor? | 13 |
How many chairs are in the dressing room at the entrance to the Steamy Bathhouse? (NA version only) | 9 |
How many chairs are there in Class 2-2 of Yasogami High School? | 29 |
How many days were forecast to be clear the entire day during the month of May? | 6 |
How many fire extinguishers are located in the hallways of Yasogami High School's Practice Building? | 9 |
How many horse statues are outside of Yukiko's Castle? | Six |
How many horse statues line the walls at the entrance to Yukiko's Castle? | 6 |
How many human outlines are drawn on the floor at the entrance to the TV world? | 18 |
How many rows from the front is Chie's desk in her class? | 3 |
How many stools are there at the entrance to the Steamy Bathhouse? (JP/PAL version only) | 9 |
How many student desks are there in Class 2-2 of Yasogami High School? | 28 |
How many TV's are there at the entrance in the TV World? | 3 |
How many vending machines are there at the central shopping district? | 4 |
How much does a ticket to the "30 Frame" movie theater in Okina Station cost? | 1500 yen |
How much does it cost to attempt Aiya's Rainy Day Challenge Mega Beef Bowl? | 3000 |
How much is a ganmodoki at Marukyu Tofu? | 200 yen |
How much is a Steak Skewer from Souzai Daigaku? | 320 yen |
How much money does the Reaper drop? | 13 yen |
If you buy two Balms of Life and one Value Medicine, how much have you spent? | 11600 yen |
If you were watching the band show at Junes on October 10th, who would be on the far right of the stage? | Naoto |
In the Quelorie Magic commercial, Rise says "Enough with going to the gym! Good thing there's something..." what? | "...even I can handle!" |
In the show logo that appeared with Shadow Kanji, fill in the blank: "___! Kanji Tatsumi in Rosy Steam Paradise!" | Men Only |
In Yukiko's Castle, what item does the Shadow "Black Raven" drop? | Black Lamp |
"Konishi Liquors," on the north side central shopping district, has a soda machine. Which of these does it NOT sell? | Orange Smash |
Many symbols are shown on the walls of the Void Quest. What hangs above the doorways that lead to stairs? | Sword |
Most of the floors in Yukiko's Castle change, but the top floor is always the same. Which story is the top floor? | 8th |
Ms. Sofue, AKA "Queen Tut," always carries a rod. Which hand does she carry it with? | Right |
On what day of the week is the normal Steak Bowl at Aiya not available? | Tuesday |
One of these weapons makes a different sound than the others. Which is it? | Golf Club |
Out of the following, which item is the most expensive at Shiroku Store? | Macca Leaf |
Portraits of famous composers line the walls of Yasogami High School's music room. Whose portrait isn't there? | Chopin |
Rare Shadows in the TV world glow gold. Which of the following ISN'T the name of a real rare Shadow? | Glory Hand |
Ryotaro Dojima is never without his suit. What color necktie does he wear? | Plain red |
Several skills consume HP to perform. Which of these skills costs the most HP? | Swift Strike |
Shadow Teddie used the skill "Ultra Charge." Where did the energy ball appear when he used it? | Left Hand |
Teddie had cats on both sides of him when he appeared in front of the school trip's hotel. What color was the left cat? | Black and white |
The "Angry Table" that appears in Heaven has several weapons floating around it. Which of the following | Sword |
The "Exhaustion" ailment makes you lose SP every turn and decreases defense. Which item cures Exhaustion? | Royal Jelly |
The bulletin board by the police station of Okina Station says, "It's everyone's job to keep __ __ safe?" Fill in the blank! | Your neighborhood |
The ceiling of the Marukyu Striptease is covered in neon signs flashing in many colors. What shape are these signs? | Hearts |
The drama club at Yasogami High does not have its own room. Which room does it use for its club activities? | Meeting Room |
The entrance to Magatsu Inaba is known as the "Desolate Bedroom." Which color paint is NOT used in that room? | Blue |
The Faculty Office of Yasogami High is on the first floor. Which of these is in the room next door? | Nurse's Office |
The first victim of the serial killings was Mayumi Yamano... Her lover was Taro Namatame. Who is Namatame's wife? | Misuzu Hiiragi |
The Samegawa River that flows through town is often used as a place to go. Which class of river is it considered? | Class 2 |
The shopping district doesn't have much car traffic, though there is a road. What's the speed limit there? | 30 kph |
The skill "Navas Nebula" does medium physical damage to all foes, as well as causes an ailment. Which is it? | Exhaustion |
The skill "Seal Bomb" does medium physical damage to all foes, as well as causes an ailment. Which is it? | Silence |
The skills "Patra" and "Me Patra" can heal most status ailments. Which of the following can they NOT heal? | Poison |
The Yomenaido Bookstore sells a number of different books, including the hit "___ Teacher" series. Fill in the blank! | Bullied |
There are many special classrooms at Yasogami High School. Which of these is NOT on the Practice Building's 1st floor? | Art room |
There are several banners about ramen at Shichiri Beach. How many are there? | 4 |
There are two elevators at the entrance to Junes. What color are their doors? | Red |
There is a café famous for its sublime coffee in front of Okina Station. What is the name of this coffee shop? | Chagall |
There is a statue of a frog in the middle of Shiroku Store. What does it have in its mouth? | A pipe |
To attract customers for the group date café, you pretended to be customers. Who sat across from Chie? | Kanji |
What accessory increases the evasion rate against fire attacks? | Fire Suppressor |
What ailment does the skill "Evil Touch" cause? | Fear |
What ailment does the skill "Soul Break" cause? | Exhaustion |
What animal is in the playground at the Junes food court? | Panda |
What arcana does the Shadow "Lying Hablerie" in Yukiko's Castle belong to? | Magician |
What color afro does the host of the "Miss" Yasogami Pageant have? | Pink |
What color and pattern hood does the lady at Shiroku Store wear? | Red polka dots |
What color are the shoulders of the Shadow "Steel Machine" found in the Void Quest? | Black, white characters |
What color flowers grow at the entrance to the Void Quest? | Blue |
What color pole was Shadow Rise holding onto? | Gold |
What color ribbon does Nanako Dojima wear in her hair? | Pink |
What color were the unlocked treasure chests in Heaven? | Blue |
What design is printed on the fox's apron? | Hearts |
What did Class 2-1 do for Yasogami High's Culture festival? | A play |
What effect does using the Orange Smash have? | Recovers health |
What elementary school grade is Nanako-chan in? | 1st grade |
What hospital room number was Namatame being held in? | 209 |
What is pinned to the right side of Teddie's shirt when Chie and Yukiko dress him for the first time at Junes? | Nothing |
What is Shadow Teddie's Ice Affinity? | Drain |
What is the 11th major tarot arcana? | Strength |
What is the full name of Mr. Morooka, more popularly known as King Moron? | Kinshiro Morooka |
What is the full name of the replacement 2nd year teacher in class 2, Ms. Kashiwagi? | Noriko Kashiwagi |
What is the jingle in Junes commercials? | Every day's great |
What is the last name of Hanako, Yasogami High School's larger-than-life student? | Ohtani |
What is the name of the employee at the Okina Station costume shop, Croco Fur? | Reiko Osa |
What is the name of the item needed to open the locked door in the Steamy Bathhouse? | Bathhouse Key |
What is the name of the now closed bicycle shop on the north side of the central shopping district? | Bigstone |
What is the name of the now-closed electronics store in the north side of the central shopping district? | Ichikawa Electronics |
What is the name of the now-closed pharmacy on the north side of the central shopping district? | Nakanishi Drugs |
What is the name of the Shadow that self-destructs at the Steamy Bathhouse? | Iron Dice |
What is the name of the shrine located at the north side of the central shopping district? | Tatsuhime Shrine |
What is the name of the special meal at Aiya that you can have for free... if you manage to eat it all? | Mega Beef Bowl |
What is the name of the spell Shadow Mitsuo uses? | Gigadyne |
What is the price of receiving a fortune at Tatsuhime Shrine, known for their powers in assisting matchmaking? | 200 yen |
What is the rare golden Shadow that appears in Yukiko's Castle? | Happiness Hand |
What is the second-to-last stop on the train line going to Yasoinaba? | Higashi-Inaba |
What is the weakness of Izanagi, the first Persona you obtained? | Wind |
What is the weakness of "Pursuing Pesce," which appears in the Steamy Bathhouse? | Light |
What is the word President Tanaka uses to introduce his products on TV? | Wonderfulness |
What is written on the back of Chie's bike helmet? | 29 |
What item did you need to open the sealed door in the Void Quest? | Orb of Darkness |
What item would be useful to strike Yosuke's weakness? | Ball Lightning |
What item would be useful to strike Yukiko's weakness? | Ice Cube |
What series of stickers that comes with candy is popular with children? | Tankiriman Sticker |
What Shadow does the Shadow "Positive King" summon? | Secret Bambino |
What shape was the hairpin Yosuke wore during the "Miss" Yasogami Pageant?" | Strawberry |
What skill allows the party to escape from most battles? | Trafuri |
Which skill has the same effect as the Purifying Salt item? | Dekunda |
What skill raises one ally's critical hit rate? | Rebellion |
What stuffed animal is located on the bottom row around the corner of the lockers at the back of Class 2-2? | Panda |
What vegetable does Daisuke of Yasogami High School's soccer team hate? | Green Pepper |
What was on Shadow Naoto's back? | Airplane wings |
What was the distinguishing feature of the fortune teller at the Yasogami High Culture Festival? | Long nose |
What was the name of the character Shadow Mitsuo transformed into? | Mitsuo the Hero |
What was the name of the hotel in Seaside City that the class stayed in on the trip to Tatsumi Port Island? | Clamshell Inn |
What was the name of the laser beam that Shadow Naoto shot from her gun? | Mute Ray |
What was the name of the Shadow you fought in Heaven to save Nanako-chan? | Kunino-sagiri |
What was the name of the skill Shadow Rise used? | Supreme Insight |
What was the name of the teacher who gave you the special lecture at Gekkoukan High School? | Edogawa |
What was the Shadow you fought at "Magatsu Mandala World 6"? | Envious Giant |
What was Yosuke holding at the Summer Festival on August 20? | Corn on the cob |
What weapon does Yosuke's Persona Jiraiya carry? | Shuriken |
When Kanji joined your team what was his default weapon? | Folding Chair |
When Teddie became available to fight, what was his default weapon? | Spikey Punch |
Which food is the object on the counter in the middle of the Junes food court? | Soft serve |
Which is the name of the weekend shopping program with the catchy tune? | Tanaka's Amazing Commodities |
Which of the following armors has the lowest defense? | Kevlar Vest |
Which of the following doesn't come out of the capsule machine in front of the Shiroku Store? | Bamboo Dragonfly |
Which of the following is NOT found in the Yasogami High Nurse's Office? | Instant soba |
Which of the following items is NOT sold at Shiroku Store? | Peach Seed |
Which of the following items recovers the most HP and SP? | Chewing Soul |
Which of the following items recovers the most HP for a single ally? | Antibiotic Gel |
Which of the following items recovers the most SP? | Cough Drop |
Which of the following Shadows does NOT appear in Yukiko's Castle? | Phantom Master |
Which of the following skills does the Shadow "Monopolizing Cupid" from the Steamy Bathhouse use? | Pulinpa |
Which of the following status ailments can be cured by the "Mutudi" skill? | Silence(Mute) |
Which of the following is a character on the popular kid's show "Featherman R"? | Feather Crow |
Which of these animals DOESN'T have a picture drawn of it near the Junes food court? | Panda |
Which of these skills did Shadow Teddie use in battle? | Nihil Hand |
Which of these stores is not to the left of Okina Station, if you were facing towards its entrance? | Okina Books |
Which of these was Shadow Kanji wearing on his feet? | Black loafers |
Which skill allows party members to get back up after being knocked down? | Re Patra |
Which skill does Yukiko's Persona Konohana Sakuya NOT have when she first joined the team? | Media |
Which skill has the effect "Deals medium Physical damage to 1 foe?" | Assault Dive |
Who is the boy's P.E. teacher who always wears a red track suit? | Kondo |
Who is the contemporary writing teacher who teaches class with a hand puppet that his wife made for him? | Hosoi |
Who is the English teacher who has only been outside the country once, and only for a week? | Kondo |
Who is the leader of the Phoenix Rangers on the popular children show "Featherman R"? | Feather Hawk |
Who is the plain teacher who teaches geography? | Yamada |
Who is the shortest girl on the Investigation Team? | Naoto |
Who is the student council president of Gekkoukan High School? | Chihiro Fushimi |
Who is the world history teacher with the nickname "Queen Tut"? | Sofue |
Who is the youngest member of the Phoenix Rangers in the popular children show "Featherman R"? | Feather Swan |
Yasogami High has a classroom building and a practice building. Which of these is NOT on the 2nd floor of the classroom building? | Nurse's Office |
Yosuke had many things to say about the curry he ate on the school trip. Which of these adjectives did he NOT use? | Sticky |
"Your soulmate will appear if you stare into a television set on a rainy night..." What rumor did I just describe? | The Midnight Channel |
The Shiroku store offers a sale on rainy days to bring in more customers. How much is this rainy-day discount? | 20% Off |
What colors are the signals at the dead ends of Magatsu Inaba? | Red |
A certain key is needed to open the treasures in the TV world. What is this key called? | Chest Key |
What effect does the skill Debilitate have? | Lowers 1 foe's abilities |
What color swimsuit did Hanako Ohtani wear during the Miss Yasogami Pageant? | Pink |
What color swimsuit did Kanji wear on the trip to the beach on August 23? | Black |
Which of the following skills or items recovers the most HP for a single ally? | Bead |
When you fought Shadow Kanji, what was the name of the Shadow to your right? | Tough Guy |
Yosuke named the Christmas Cake made by the girls: "_____: Christmas Edition". Fill in the blank. | Mystery Food X |
Yosuke had many things to say about the curry he ate on the school trip. Which of these adjectives did he NOT use? | Sticky |
Trophies & Awards[]
Trophy | Icon | Description | For | Reward |
A New Quiz King | ![]() |
Win the Miracle Quiz Finals | P4G trophy | ![]() |