
Mudman is a demon in the series.


Mudman is the alter ego of the artist named Kim Jones. Mudman is a shaman-like entity caked in mud and other organic substances who appeared on city streets, subways, galleries, and museums wearing a cumbersome lattice structure of sticks on his back. His artworks grew larger and ultimately merged with him.

He performed solitary rituals in a time and place not of his own era, but belonging to other cultures and other lands. He is a catalyst who helped inspire mythological beings that are half human and beast from legends and fairy tales.



Megami Tensei II[]

Mudman Megami Tensei II
Race Level HP MP CP
Haunt 17 113 24
Formations MAG Macca Item Drops
1-5 52 68 Gradius
Stamina Intelligence Attack Agility Luck Defense
8 8 9 6 4 6
List of Spells

Kyuuyaku Megami Tensei[]

Megami Tensei II[]

Mudman Kyuyaku Megami Tensei
Haunt 17 113 24 13 7 10 5 6 3
CP NOA EXP Macca MAG Item Drops
- 1 47 25 Gladius
Swd Gun Fir Ice Elc Exp For Bnd Crs Nrv Mnd
- 48 2.5× 38 Dr - - Nu Nu -
List of Spells
Skill Cost Effect
Makaranda 2 MP Absorb enemy MP
Foul Green Slime - Will O' Wisp - Crap Slime - Ascomid - Kurabebi - Man Eater - Gold Slime - Bone Golem - Backbeard - Pyro Jack - Dream Kiss
Kyojin Punks - Kin's Head - Metal - Highway Star - Friday - Fallen Monk - Mutant - Assassin - Junkie - Dr. Bacta - Heavy Metal - Redrum - Interipelli
Spirit Zombie - Ghoul - Corpse - Bodyconian - Sakasakubi - Chon Chon - Pisaca - Upyr - Spectre - Spartoi
Machine LB-501A - GDR1000 - Talos
Jaki Orc - Wendigo - Bugbear - Minotaur - Clay Golem - Aim - Cyclops - Stone Golem - Fleurety - Berith - Ekimmu - Azazel
Wilder Dead Lobster - Wyrm - Jabberwocky - Garm - Orobas - Cockatrice - Humbaba - Nue - Ladon - Dodongo - Valac - Worm - Fafnir
Haunt Wight - Nosferatu - Mudman - Biwa Hoshi - Lich - Vetala - Dullahan - Hakuma-Bhuta - Utukku - Girimehkala
Night Lemures - Nebiros - Larvae - Leonard - Phantom - Amdusias - Succubus - Celuluk - Sawo Bhaku
Femme Furiae - Siren - Taraka - Arachne - Kiyohime - Druj - Rarung - Medusa - Volvo - Tamamo-no-mae - Rangda
Kaijuu Wyvern - Manticore - Basilisk - Scylla - Apollyon - Typhon - Fenrir - Hydra - Vritra - Nidhoggr - Leviathan - Tiamat
Vile Sargatanas - Balaam - Arioch - Mammon - Echidna - Chronos - Loki - Seth - Geryon - Belphegor - Asura
Tyrant Pazuzu - Bael - Asmodai - Belial - Moloch - Mitra - Astaroth - Beelzebub - Lucifer - Satan
Fairy Pixie - Harpy - Goblin - Elf - Merrow - Kelpie - Apsaras - Ocypete - Aello - Celaeno - Rusalka - Bogle - Legba - Troll
Jirae Kobold - Dwarf - Bucca-Boo - Tanki - Tsuchigumo - Atlas - Sallos - Giant - Upelluri
Yoma Coatlicue - Centaur - Nekomata - Coin Knight - Jack Frost - Kushinada-Hime - Morgan - Cup Knight - Okuninushi - Amy - Hannya - Houri - Valkyrie - Gomory - Wand Knight - Sword Knight
Beast Pegasus - Orthrus - Stonka - Tammuz - Yatagarasu - Gryphon - Cerberus - Kyuubi no Kitsune - Chimera - Bai Long
Brute Carbuncle - Kimaris - Forneus - Kwancha - Gaap - Momunofu - Sytry - Arahabaki - Gozuki - Jinn - Mezuki - Purski - Mephistopheles - Oni - Choronzon
Element Earthy Slime - Airy Slime - Aquan Slime - Flamey Slime - Gnome - Sylph - Undine - Vepar - Lakhe - Salamander
Holy Qilin - Gandharva - Unicorn - Genbu - Quetzalcoatl - Pabilsag - Rakcarango - Phoenix
Genma Alraune - Ukobach - Aiwass - Eligor - Kinnara - Cu Chulainn - Baphomet - Damballah - Lamia - Lakshmi - Kikuri-hime - Agares - Focalor - Hanuman
Divine Uriel - Raphael - Cherub - Nike - Gabriel - Michael
Kishin Zouchouten - Koumokuten - Rakshasa - Jikokuten - Ifrit - Susano-o - Tamonten - Ganesha - Thor - Amon - Kali
Avatar Naga - Sphinx - Barong - Garuda - Qing Long
Deity Brahman/Brahma - Odin - Vishnu - Artemis - Baal - Leto - Ahura Mazda - Apollo - Shiva - Zeus - Lucifer

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