
Q2 Navigators

From left to right, the main Navigators of Persona 4, Persona 3, and Persona 5 in Persona Q2: New Cinema Labyrinth

"My Persona's not really specced for combat. It's more of the "support" persuasion."

—Futaba Sakura, Persona 5 Strikers

Navigator is a battle role and mechanic in the franchise.



Shin Megami Tensei V / Vengeance[]

Demon Navigators, known in Japan as "Quest Navigators" (クエストナビ一, Kuesuto Nabii)? are demons that follow the Nahobino around and discover Search Points for the Nahobino to collect items and battle enemies. While all Navigators do this, certain Navigators have various values that set them apart from others. To unlock Navigators, one needs to meet their criteria to unlock them, which is usually clearing a respective Subquest pertaining to them or story progress. The number of base game Navigators was greatly expanded in Vengeance by almost thrice the amount, from 6 to 17 Navigators, with certain Navigators being available only in either the Canon of Creation or the Canon of Vengeance. Six more Navigators were added in the post-release update 1.0.3, with these six being the top 6 demons that won a popularity poll to add more Navigators, raising the total number to 23, nearly quadrupling the number of navigators from SMTV.

In the original SMTV, Navigators would dismiss themselves automatically upon the Nahobino entering any areas outside the overworld of Da'at, such as the Tokyo Diet Building or the Temple of Eternity, forcing the Nahobino to find them again. This was changed in Vengeance. All Navigators, when not called upon, are located close to a leyline fount.

Of all the Navigators, Amanozako is unique in a few ways: the primary one being her general presence in the story, another is that she is the only demon that quits being a Navigator after a certain point, that being after the completion of the Subquest "The Destined Leader," which unlocks her and Zaou-Gongen for fusion. Another unique point is that if the Nahobino has a copy of Amanozako in their stock already, they don't need to release her to make room for the mandatory joining, unlike any other case where demons wait for the Nahobino to dismiss their copies in the party, then join afterwards.

Persona series[]

"It all makes sense now... I've always been so worried about how others are feeling... That's why my power allows me to stay connected with them..."

Navigators are members that deliver rear support to their party. Though initial Navigators are not able to fulfill their role to the fullest and their Personas are more suited in battle or another field, the groups eventually recruit another Navigator with a Persona that delivers a number of benefits in exploration and battle. This includes analyzing enemies, recovering HP under certain conditions, and escaping from either battle or the dungeon as a whole.

Although many temporary Navigators have stayed in the back row, and permanently swapping their roles as combatants once a more viable Navigator joins.

  • Morgana initially multitasks between both roles; before Futaba Sakura joins, if his HP is fully depleted, instead of fainting, he will move towards the sidelines to continue to provide support for the team. Morgana can still provide navigation even when he is occupied with a Special Order.
    • On January 2nd and January 9th of Persona 5 Royal, Goro Akechi is similar in a way, although he only delivers Navigator dialogue in battle, and will faint like normal if he loses all his HP.
    • In Persona 5 The Phantom X, Lufel is similar in some way if no Navigator is available nor slot in the party. He only delivers Navigator dialogue in battle, and will faint like normal if he loses all his HP.

In Persona 5, besides the main navigation, there is a separate function that involves the Analyze screen, where an auxiliary Navigator making comments on enemies' affinities and power levels. Before the start of Kaneshiro's Palace, this function is delegated to the main Navigator, but once Makoto Niijima joins the party, she takes over the role. If Makoto is inflicted with ailments that prevent free action (Sleep, Brainwash, Despair, Confuse, Freeze, Shock, Rage) or becomes incapacitated in battle, it is temporarily reversed back to the main Navigator. While Akechi becomes the Navigator, he is also in charge of this auxiliary position, and unlike his main dialogues, the Analyze navigation still functions as normal even when he is inflicted with an ailment or faints. Makoto also makes recommendations when enemies have exploitable ailments, an ability unavailable to all other Navigators and is likewise disabled when she is incapacitated.

In Persona 5 Strikers, during hacking battles where Futaba needs to be protected in battle while she is occupied hacking on the field, Morgana will temporarily take over her role as Navigator.

In Persona 5: The Phantom X, the Navigators work slightly differently. The Navigators will activate after 4 turns have passed in a battle and the player can choose what skill to use. Some navigator skills aren’t available until after 8 turns have passed. After the Navigator’s turn the party will act as normal. If an All-Out Attack is triggered when a Navi’s skill has been used on that turn, they will join the attack. If the attack finished the fight, their finishers will show up as opposed to the initiator of the All-Out Attack. Navigators also have weapons they can get from the Untouchable gacha much like the main party members.

Permanent navigator characters are usually associated with a recurring character archetype surrounding their identity and personality directly stemming from their relationships with the group.

Story-wise, Chidori Yoshino serves as a navigator for Strega, a group of rogue Persona users in Persona 3, before her apprehension by SEES.

List of Members[]

Shin Megami Tensei V[]

Demon Standby Locations Acquisition Abilities
Genma Amanozako Da'at: Minato - Nagatacho Acquired automatically through the main story. Has no special qualities.
Fairy Jack-o'-Lantern Da'at: Shinagawa - Fairy Village Acquired automatically through the main story in the Fairy Village. Has the highest rate to discover a surprise battle in a Search Point.

Automatically changes out current Navigator during the Fairy Village section of the Shinagawa Arc.

Jirae Hua Po Da'at: Chiyoda - Kanda-no-yashiro Acquired by accepting her quest "The Path to Myojin Woods" in Ginza, Chiyoda. Has a higher rate of finding elemental shards and gems in Search Spots.
Fallen Decarabia Da'at: Chiyoda - Tokyo Train Station Acquired automatically through the main story in Chiyoda, may have to pay him Higher rate of starting battles when searching in a Search Spot

Higher rate of finding Mitamas in Search Spots
Decarabia reveals hidden Search Spots which can only be found when he is the navigator, these Search Spots mainly have fixed item drops that are mostly gems and incenses.

Avian Yatagarasu Da'at: Taito - Ueno Acquired in Taito by completing his quest. Has a higher rate of finding Sutras (and Aogami essences in Odaiba) in Search Spots

Has a lower rate of finding enemies in Search Spots.

Drake Aitvaras Da'at: Minato - Odaiba Acquired by completing his quest "The Ultimate Omelette" and then talking to him in Odaiba. Has a higher rate of finding Sutras.

Has an incredibly high rate of finding Elemental Gems.
Increases Macca found in Search Spots

Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance[]

Demon Standby Locations Acquisition Abilities
Genma Amanozako Da'at: Minato - Nagatacho Acquired automatically through the main story. Has no special qualities.
Femme Mermaid Da'at: Minato - Tokyo Tower Acquired by completing Mermaid's two Subquests, then talk to her in Akabanebashi afterwards. Untested.
Brute Ippon-Datara Da'at: Minato - Nagatacho (on the bridge near leyline fount) Acquired by talking to Ippon-Datara on the back of the Tokyo Diet Building. Untested.
Raptor Muu Shuwuu Da'at: Minato - Tamachi Acquired by completing the Subquest "To New Horizons." Higher rate of finding Life Drain Gems.
Yoma Agathion Da'at: Shinagawa - Konan 3rd Block Acquired by talking to Agathion across the street from the leyline fount. Untested.
Wilder Mothman Da'at: Shinagawa - Mitatebashi Acquired by speaking to a Mothman in Konan 4th Block after completing "Can I Keep Him?"

Added as a Navigator with Update 1.0.3.

Fairy Jack-o'-Lantern Da'at: Shinagawa - Fairy Village Acquired automatically through the main story in the Fairy Village. Has the highest rate to discover a surprise battle in a Search Point.

Automatically changes out current Navigator during the Fairy Village section of the Shinagawa Arc.

Fairy Pixie Da'at: Shinagawa - South Shinagawa Acquired by completing the Subquest "Pixie on the Case." Untested.
Megami Idun Da'at: Shinagawa - North Shinagawa Acquired by speaking to Idun after completing "A Goddess Stolen."

Added as a Navigator with Update 1.0.3.

Jirae Hua Po Da'at: Chiyoda - Kanda-no-yashiro Acquired by accepting her quest "The Path to Myojin Woods" in Ginza, Chiyoda.

Exclusive to Canon of Creation.

Has a higher rate of finding elemental shards and gems in Search Spots.
Holy Cironnup Da'at: Chiyoda - Nihonbashi Acquired by completing the Subquest "Trial of the Seven Stars."

Exclusive to Canon of Creation.

Kunitsu Sukuna-Hikona Da'at: Shinjuku - Shinjuku Gyoen Acquired by talking to Sukuna-Hikona in Shinjuku Gyoen, who is on the bank of one of the local lakes, near the Quest-giving Jack-o'-Lantern.

Exclusive to Canon of Vengeance.

Higher rate of finding relics.

Higher rate of finding items.
Slightly higher rate of finding Macca.

Fiend Alice Da'at: Shinjuku - Kabukicho Acquired by completing the subquest "Alice's Wonderland."

Exclusive to Canon of Vengeance.

Higher rate of finding Sutras.

Higher rate of finding incense
Slightly higher rate of finding ailment gems.

Enigma Amabie Da'at: Shinjuku - Shinjuku 3rd Block Acquired by completing Amabie and Macabre's respective subquests.

Exclusive to Canon of Vengeance.

Higher rate of finding incense

Slightly higher rate of finding ailment gems.
Has the lowest rate of encountering a surprise battle.

Fallen Decarabia Da'at: Chiyoda - Tokyo Train Station (Canon of Creation)

Da'at: Shinjuku - Sendagaya, near Jingu Naien (Canon of Vengeance)

Acquired automatically through the main story in Chiyoda, may have to pay him.

Acquired by paying for him at least once if Nahobino has Attis's Business Card.

Higher rate of starting battles when searching in a Search Spot

Higher rate of finding Mitamas in Search Spots
Decarabia reveals hidden Search Spots which can only be found when he is the navigator, these Search Spots mainly have fixed item drops that are mostly gems and incenses.

Femme Cleopatra Da'at: Minato - Mita Acquired by speaking to Cleopatra atop the hill overlooking the bus she was in after completing "The Rage of a Queen."

Added as a Navigator with Update 1.0.3.

Avian Yatagarasu Da'at: Taito - Ueno Acquired in Taito by completing his quest. Has a higher rate of finding Sutras (and Aogami essences in Odaiba) in Search Spots

Has a lower rate of finding enemies in Search Spots.

Wilder Bugs Da'at: Taito - Asakusa Main Street Acquired by talking to Bugs; requires almost reaching Odin in Komagata to get the right positioning. Untested.
Fairy Nahobeeho Da'at: Taito - Umayabashi Acquired by completing Subquest "Wannabe-ho Nahobino." Untested.
Drake Aitvaras Da'at: Minato - Odaiba Acquired by completing his quest "The Ultimate Omelette" and then talking to him in Odaiba. Has a higher rate of finding Sutras.

Has an incredibly high rate of finding Elemental Gems.
Increases Macca found in Search Spots

Fiend Hell Biker Da'at: Minato - Odaiba Acquired by speaking to Hell Biker on Tokyo Bay Bridge; requires defeating him in "Return of the True Demon."

Added as a Navigator with Update 1.0.3.

Genma Fionn mac Cumhaill Da'at: Taito - Shinobazu Pond Acquired by speaking to Fionn mac Cumhaill at Shinobazu Pond after completing "Hero of the Celts."

Added as a Navigator with Update 1.0.3.

Tyrant Mara Da'at: Taito - Asakusa Added as a Navigator with Update 1.0.3. Untested.

Persona Series[]

Character Status Personas Games
Mitsuru Kirijo Temporary Penthesilea Persona 3 / FES / Portable / Reload
Fuuka Yamagishi Permanent Lucia
Persona 3 / FES / Portable / Reload
Chidori Yoshino Enemy exclusive Medea Persona 3 / FES / Portable / Reload
Teddie Temporary - Persona 4 / Golden
Rise Kujikawa Permanent Himiko
Kouzeon (P4G only)
Persona 4 / Golden
Morgana Temporary - Persona 5 / Royal
Persona 5 Strikers
Persona 5 Tactica
Makoto Niijima Auxiliary - Persona 5 / Royal
Futaba Sakura Permanent Necronomicon
Al Azif (P5R only)
Persona 5 / Royal
Persona 5 Strikers
Persona 5 Tactica
Persona 5: The Phantom X
Goro Akechi Temporary - Persona 5 Royal
Luca DLC only - Persona 5 Tactica
Lufel Temporary/Determinant - Persona 5: The Phantom X
Riko Tanemura Permanent Chiyome Persona 5: The Phantom X
Kayo Tomiyama Permanent Cleodora Persona 5: The Phantom X
Miyu Sahara Permanent Nemertes Persona 5: The Phantom X
Yumi Shiina Permanent Urania Persona 5: The Phantom X

Q Series[]

Character Games
Fuuka Yamagishi Persona Q: Shadow of the Labyrinth
Persona Q2: New Cinema Labyrinth
Rise Kujikawa
Elizabeth (DLC) Persona Q: Shadow of the Labyrinth
Theodore (DLC)
Margaret (DLC)
Marie (DLC)
Nanako Dojima (DLC)
Futaba Sakura Persona Q2: New Cinema Labyrinth
Caroline & Justine (DLC)


Character Information Games
Souta Aizawa Serve as Aigis' Navigators over the various days of the Yakushima Exercise

Utilize radio equipment to communicate rather than Persona

Aegis: The First Mission
Yuu Kimijima
Kyouka Sayama
Gallica Navigator/Guide Metaphor: ReFantazio

List of fights with no Navigators in the Persona series[]

  • In Persona 3 (or its various other versions):
    • The tutorial battle on the roof of the Iwatodai Dormitory.
    • All non-boss battles during Fuuka's rescue on June 8. Mitsuru cannot provide support due to garbled communications, and Fuuka has not awakened Lucia yet, meaning the protagonist is essentially between navigators.
    • The fight with the Shadow of the Abyss in Persona 3 Reload with Takaya Sakaki where Fuuka is not physically present.
    • The scripted battle with Nyx.
  • In Persona 4 and Golden:
    • The tutorial battle, which takes place inside a dream.
    • The first fight outside of the Twisted Shopping District. Although Teddie introduces himself as Navigator during the fight, he does not actually make comments until right after.
    • Shadow Rise and Shadow Teddie are one of the only other battles in Persona 4 where no Navigator is present. Both fights pass the role of backline support to Rise. Although Rise's role is introduced during Shadow Teddie's fight, she does not make comments on combat interactions until much later.
  • In Persona 5 and Royal:
    • The protagonist's first fight in Kamoshida's Palace, where Morgana has not been encountered yet.
    • The fights while the protagonist and Ryuji infiltrate Madarame's Palace without Morgana or Ann.
    • The first fight while the party except the protagonist gets caught in a laser trap in Madarame's Palace. Morgana navigation is available again as soon as Ann is freed, even though he is the last party member to be rescued from the trap.
    • Shadow Arihara, who can brainwash female foes. All navigator skills are also disabled in that fight.
    • Morgana is present in the infiltration of the mysterious palace on October 3, but he provides no navigation in the fight.
  • The first three fights in Persona 5 Tactica's Repaint Your Heart DLC, as well as the DLC's fight against Jerri.
  • The battle immediately after the Protagonist awakens in Mementos in Persona 5: The Phantom X, Lufel is busy dealing with other shadows and thus unavailable for that fight. For the fights afterward Lufel will provide navigation.
Playable Male protagonist - Female protagonist - Yukari Takeba - Junpei Iori - Akihiko Sanada - Mitsuru Kirijo - Fuuka Yamagishi - Aigis - Koromaru - Ken Amada - Shinjiro Aragaki - Metis
Social Link Kenji Tomochika - Hidetoshi Odagiri - Bunkichi and Mitsuko - Kazushi Miyamoto - Chihiro Fushimi - Isako Toriumi - Keisuke Hiraga - Yuko Nishiwaki - Maiko Oohashi - Pharos - Bebe - President Tanaka - Mutatsu - Mamoru Hayase - Nozomi Suemitsu - Akinari Kamiki - Rio Iwasaki - Saori Hasegawa - Ryoji Mochizuki
Major Igor - Elizabeth - Theodore - Shuji Ikutsuki - Officer Kurosawa - Takaya Sakaki - Jin Shirato - Chidori Yoshino - Takeharu Kirijo - Kouetsu Kirijo - Eiichiro Takeba - Natsuki Moriyama - Nyx - Erebus - Margaret
Minor Maki - Kiyoshi Sakuma - Mr. Edogawa - Mr. Ekoda - Mr. Miyahara - Ms. Ounishi - Mrs. Terauchi - Kikuno Saikawa - Yuu Kimijima - Souta Aizawa - Kyouka Sayama
Cameo Yukiko Amagi - Noriko Kashiwagi - Man Drinking Alone
Port Island Gekkoukan High School - Paulownia Mall - Police Station - Shinshoudo Antiques - Iwatodai Station - Port Island Station - Naganaki Shrine - Dorm - Moonlight Bridge - Velvet Room
Tartarus Blocks: Thebel - Arqa - Yabbashah - Tziah - Harabah - Adamah - Monad Depths
Abyss of Time Malebolge - Cocytus - Caina - Antenora - Ptolomea - Judecca - Empyrean
Other Kyoto - Great Seal
Albums Original Soundtrack (JP / US / FES / Portable) - Bonus CD - Burn My Dread -Reincarnation- - Spring of Birth OST - Midsummer Knight's Dream OST - Falling Down OST - Winter Of Rebirth OST - Persona 20th Anniversary All Time Best Album - Persona 3 Reload Original Soundtrack - Persona 3 Reload: Episode Aigis Original Soundtrack
Songs "Burn My Dread" - "Aria of the Soul" - "Want To Be Close" - "When the Moon Reaches for the Stars" - "Iwatodai Dorm" - "Mass Destruction" - "Color Your Night" - "Deep Breath Deep Breath" - "The Meaning of Armbands" - "Deep Mentality" - "It's Going Down Now" - "Changing Seasons" - "Current Net Price Tanaka" - "Battle Hymn of the Soul" - "Kimi no Kioku" - "P3 FES" - "Disconnected" - "Mass Destruction -P3fes version-" - "Don't" - "Heartful Cry" - "Brand New Days" - "Soul Phrase" - "A Way of Life" - "Time" - "Wiping All Out" - "More Than One Heart" - "Fate is In Our Hands" - "One Single Word" - "One Hand, One Heartbeat" - "One Determination" - "Sound of the Beast" - "Storm for a Butterfly" - "Light in Starless Sky" - "My Testimony" - "Self Redemption" - "Full Moon Full Life"
Terminology Persona (Initial / Prime / Ultimate) - Persona user - Shadow - Wild Card - Evoker - Attack Properties - Tactics - All-out Attack - Shuffle Time - Dark Hour - Moon Phase System - Full Moon Operations - SEES - Kirijo Group - Nanjo Group - Strega - Artificial Persona user - Suppressants - Apathy Syndrome - The Fall - Death - Who's Who - Phoenix Ranger Featherman R - Plume of Dusk
P3RE: Shift - Theurgy - Combat Characteristics
Lists Arcana - Personas (P3 / FES / P3P / RE) - Shadows - Bosses (P3 / FES) - Skills - Items (Heart Items / Vending Machines) - Status Effects - Elizabeth's Requests - Activities - Calendar - Trophies (Portable / Reload) - Steam Profile Items - Patches and Updates
School Life Daily Life - Seasons - Social Link - Social Stats - Yen - Class - Studying - Movie Theater - Bed - Part-time Jobs - Shrine - Tanaka's Amazing Commodities - Crane Machine - Chagall Café - School Club - Cooking - Walking Koromaru - Linked Episode - Computer - Refrigerator - Gardening - Books - DVDs - Studying - Fortune Telling
Other Media
Games FES - Portable - Reload - Dancing in Moonlight
Productions The Movie - The Movie: Escape from the Dark Hour - the Weird Masquerade: -Ao no Kakusei- / -Gunjou no Meikyuu- / -Souen no Kesshou- / -Ai no Seiyaku- / -Hekikuu no Kanata e- - Persona Stalker Club - 「PERSORA AWARDS」 - PERSORA AWARDS 2 - PERSORA AWARDS 3 - Persora -The Golden Best-
Drama CDs A Certain Day of Summer - Daylight / Moonlight - Character Drama CD Vol. 1 / Vol. 2 / Vol. 3 / Vol. 4 / Vol. 5 - New Moon / Full Moon - Portable Vol. 1 / Vol. 2
Publications Manga - Shadow Cry - Memento Mori - Owari no Kakera - Alternative Heart - Velvet Blue - Persona Magazine - Dear Girls Comic Anthology - Dengeki Comic Anthology - Tartarus Theater - Persona VS - Persona 3 Reload: Beginnings
Mobile Games The Night Before - Persona Ain Soph - Social - Escape - Illust Puzzle - Broken Shadow - Aegis: The First Mission - Qix - Chaining Soul - Em
Events Music Live 2008 - Music Live 2009 - Music Tour 2010 - Music Live 2012 - Music Fes 2013 - Music Box 2014 - Super Live 2015 - Livehouse Tour 2015 - Super Live 2017 - Super Live 2019 - 25th Anniversary Symphonic Concert
20th Anniversary Festival - 25th Anniversary - 25th FES
Miscellaneous Merchandise

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Playable Protagonist - Yosuke Hanamura - Chie Satonaka - Yukiko Amagi - Kanji Tatsumi - Rise Kujikawa - Teddie - Naoto Shirogane
Social Link Margaret - Nanako Dojima - Ryotaro Dojima - Naoki Konishi - Kou Ichijo - Daisuke Nagase - Hisano Kuroda - Sayoko Uehara - Yumi Ozawa - Ayane Matsunaga - Ai Ebihara - Fox - Shu Nakajima - Eri Minami - Marie - Tohru Adachi
Major Igor - Mayumi Yamano - Misuzu Hiiragi - Saki Konishi - Mitsuo Kubo - Hanako Ohtani - Kinshiro Morooka - Noriko Kashiwagi - Taro Namatame - Old Lady Shiroku - Master Daidara - Minoru Inoue - Yuuta Minami - Kaneko - Aika Nakamura - President Tanaka - Chihiro Fushimi - Mr. Edogawa - Kanami Mashita - Moel Gas Station Attendant
Major enemies Shadow Yosuke - Shadow Chie - Shadow Yukiko - Shadow Kanji - Shadow Rise - Shadow Teddie - Shadow Mitsuo - Shadow Naoto - Kunino-sagiri - Ameno-sagiri - Kusumi-no-Okami - Izanami
Inaba Central Shopping District - Dojima Residence - Junes Department Store - Samegawa Flood Plain - Velvet Room - Yasogami High School
Midnight Channel Twisted Shopping District - Yukiko's Castle - Steamy Bathhouse - Marukyu Striptease - Void Quest - Secret Laboratory - Heaven - Magatsu Inaba - Hollow Forest - Yomotsu Hirasaka
Other Okina City - Shichiri Beach - Midnight Trivia Miracle Quiz - Tatsumi Port Island (Gekkoukan High School - Club Escapade - Iwatodai Station)
Albums Original Soundtrack (Persona 4 / Golden / The Animation) - Never More -Reincarnation- - Persona 4: The Golden Animation Special Arrange CD - Persona 20th Anniversary All Time Best Album - Re:BRiLLiANCE
Songs "Ain't Nobody Can Hold Me Down" - "Alone in this World" - "Aria of the Soul" - "Studio Backlot/Backside of the TV" - "Beauty of Destiny" - "Dazzling Smile" - "Falling into Right Places" - "Heartbeat, Heartbreak" - "Heaven" - "I'll Face Myself" - "Just Like The Wind" - "Key Plus Words" - "Koisuru Meitantei" - "Never More" - "Next Chance to Move On" - "Pursuing My True Self" - "Reach Out To The Truth" - "Shadow World" - "Signs of Love" - "Sky's The Limit" - "SNOWFLAKES" - "Someone Else's Man" - "Time For True Revelation" - "Time To Make History" - "True Feelings" - "True Story" - "The Way of Memories" - "We Are One and All" - "Ying Yang" - "Your Affection"
Terminology Persona (Initial / Ultimate) - Persona user - Glasses - Fog - Shadow - Shadow Self - Party - Tactics - All-out Attack - Shuffle Time - Arcana Chance - Fusion Forecast - Weather Forecast - Investigation Team - Mystery Food X - Phoenix Ranger Featherman R
Lists Arcana - Personas - Shadows - Skills - Items (Persona 4 / Golden) - Requests - Status Changes - Activities - Calendar - Golden Trophies - The Animation / Golden Animation Episodes - Patches and Updates - Steam Profile Items
School Life Weather Forecast - Seasons - Social Link - Social Stats - Yen - Class - Studying - Books - Movie Theater - Bed - Fishing - Cooking - Part-time Jobs - Shrine - Scooter - Gardening - School Club - Bug Catching - Refrigerator - Crane Machine - Chagall Café - Tanaka's Amazing Commodities - Cat
Other Media
Games Golden - Arena - Arena Ultimax - Dancing All Night
Productions The Animation / -The Factor of Hope- / The Golden Animation - Visualive / the Evolution - Persona Stalker Club - 「PERSORA AWARDS」 - PERSORA AWARDS 2 - PERSORA AWARDS 3 - Persora -The Golden Best- - Persona VS
Publications Manga - The Magician - Dengeki Comic Anthology (the Animation / The Golden / The Golden Animation) - Kiri no Amnesia - Your Affection - Persona x Detective Naoto (manga) - Yasoinaba Case File - Persona Magazine
Drama CDs Persona 4 (Vol.1 / Vol.2 / Vol.3) - Persona 4 The Animation (Vol.1 / Vol.2) - Persona 4 Golden (Vol.1 / Vol.2)
Mobile Games The Card Battle - Colors - Persona 4: The Slot - Persona 4 the Pachinko
Events Music Live 2008 - Music Live 2009 - Music Tour 2010 - Music Live 2012 - Music Fes 2013 - Music Box 2014 - Super Live 2015 - Livehouse Tour 2015 - Super Live 2017 - Super Live 2019- 25th Anniversary Symphonic Concert
20th Anniversary Festival - 25th Anniversary - 25th FES
Miscellaneous Merchandise

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Playable - P3 P3 hero - Yukari Takeba - Junpei Iori - Akihiko Sanada - Mitsuru Kirijo - Fuuka Yamagishi - Aigis - Koromaru - Ken Amada - Shinjiro Aragaki
Playable - P4 P4 hero - Yosuke Hanamura - Chie Satonaka - Yukiko Amagi - Kanji Tatsumi - Rise Kujikawa - Teddie - Naoto Shirogane
Playable - PQ Rei & Zen
Non-playable Elizabeth - Margaret - Theodore - Marie - Nanako Dojima - Queen of Hearts - Merciful Clergyman - Kind Doctor - Best Friend - Clockwork God - Chronos - Zeus
Origin Tartarus - Yasogami High School
Main Hub Handcrafted Workshop - Nurse's Office - Velvet Room
Labyrinths You in Wonderland - Group Date Cafe - Evil Spirit Club - Inaba Pride Exhibit - Clock Tower
Albums Original Soundtrack - Sound of the Labyrinth
Songs "Maze of Life" - "Light the Fire Up in the Night" - "Laser Beam" - "Changing Me"
Terminology Persona (Sub-Persona) - Persona user - Velvet Room - Fusion (Sacrificial Fusion) - Shadow (F.O.E) - Wild Card - Dark Hour - Evoker - Boost - Power Spot - Skill Card - SEES - Investigation Team - Cut-in - All-out Attack
Lists Arcana - Personas - Shadows - Bosses - Skills (Skill Cards) - Items - Ailments - Requests - Patches and Updates
Other Media
Manga -Roundabout- - Side:P3 - Side:P4
Productions Escape From Persona Q: Cyber Labyrinth - Official Visual Material

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Playable Protagonist - Morgana - Ryuji Sakamoto - Ann Takamaki - Yusuke Kitagawa - Makoto Niijima - Futaba Sakura - Haru Okumura - Goro Akechi - Sumire Yoshizawa
Confidant Igor - Sojiro Sakura - Chihaya Mifune - Munehisa Iwai - Tae Takemi - Sadayo Kawakami - Ichiko Ohya - Shinya Oda - Hifumi Togo - Yuuki Mishima - Toranosuke Yoshida - Caroline & Justine - Sae Niijima - Takuto Maruki
Major Targets Suguru Kamoshida - Ichiryusai Madarame - Junya Kaneshiro - Shadow Futaba - Kunikazu Okumura - Masayoshi Shido - Holy Grail / Yaldabaoth - Azathoth / Adam Kadmon
Other Principal Kobayakawa - SIU Director - Shiho Suzui - Natsuhiko Nakanohara - Mika - Lala Escargot - Angel and Julian - Medjed - Wakaba Isshiki - Sugimura - President Tanaka - Kazuya Makigami - Naoya Makigami - Shadow Mishima - Shinichi Yoshizawa - Rumi - Shibusawa - Jose - Kasumi Yoshizawa - Coach Hiraguchi
Tokyo Yongen-Jaya (Café Leblanc) - Shibuya - Aoyama-Itchome (Shujin Academy) - Shinjuku - Akihabara - Kichijoji - Ogikubo - Inokashira Park - Tsukishima - Akasaka Mitsuke - Suidobashi - Odaiba Seaside Park - Ichigaya - Ikebukuro - Ginza - Harajuku - Meiji Shrine - Jinbocho - Miura Beach - Maihama (Tokyo Destinyland) - Kanda - Roppongi - Ueno - Asakusa - Chinatown - Nagatacho - Shinagawa - Nakano - Kosei High School
Metaverse Kamoshida's Palace - Madarame's Palace - Kaneshiro's Palace - Futaba's Palace - Okumura's Palace - Niijima's Palace - Shido's Palace - Mementos (Path of Qimranut - Path of Aiyatsbus - Path of Chemdah - Path of Kaitul - Path of Akzeriyyuth - Path of Adyeshach - Path of Sheriruth - Depths of Mementos - Qliphoth World - Path of Da'at) - Maruki's Palace
Other Velvet Room - Hawaii - Thieves Den
Albums Original Soundtrack (Persona 5 / Royal (JP / EN))
Songs "Wake Up, Get Up, Get Out There" - "Life Will Change" - "Beneath the Mask" - "Last Surprise" - "Rivers in the Desert" - "The Whims of Fate" - "Tokyo Daylight" - "Hoshi To Bokura To" - "Break In To Break Out" - "Infinity" - "Dark Sun..." - "Autonomy" - "Found a Light" - "IT'S TOO LATE" - "Colors Flying High" - "Take Over" - "He's a Trickster☆" - "I Believe" - "No More What Ifs" - "Throw Away Your Mask" - "Bokura no Hikari (Our Light)"
Story Persona - Persona user - Shadow - Shadow Self - Second Awakening - Picaro Persona - I am thou - Cognition - P. A. D. - Metaverse - Metaverse Navigator - Mask - Wild Card - Phantom Thieves of Hearts - Phantom Aficionado Website - Antisocial Force - Treasure - Police - Calling Card - Change of Heart - Psychotic breakdown - Mental shutdown - General Public - Seven Deadly Sins - Sea of Souls - Bond - Featherman
School Life Calendar - Weather - Seasons
Confidant - Social Stats - Hideout - Class - Train - Invitations - Gifts - Decorations
Activities Bathhouse - Studying - Diner - Cleaning - Maid Café - Billiards - Books - DVDs - Retro Games - Movie Theater - Big Bang Challenge - Crane Game - Bed - Batting Cages - Fishing Pond - Crossword Puzzles - Darts - Infiltration Tools - Cooking - Training - Old Temple - Laundry - Part-time Jobs - Shrine - Confessional - Jazz Jin - Houseplant - Refrigerator - TV Quiz Show - Blackboard - Drink Stand - Lottery - Cultivation - Fortune Telling
Vendors Shops: (Persona 5 / Royal) - Vending Machines - Takemi Medical Clinic - Untouchable - Jose's Shop - Home Shopping Program - Tanaka's Shady Commodities - Military Vending Machine - Trading
Phantom Life Mementos Requests - Third Eye - Security Level - Search Objects - Treasure Chests - Safe Room - Thieves Guild - List of Shadows (Treasure Demon - Disaster Shadow - Savage Shadow) - List of Bosses - Skill Card - Will Seeds - Deviations - Slot Machines
Battle Items: (Persona 5 / Royal) - Skills: (Persona 5 / Royal) - Difficulty - Status Changes - Weaknesses - Traits - Navigator - Tactics - Guard - Party Switch - Baton Pass - One More - Critical - Technical - Showtime - Cut-in - All-out Attack - Hold Up - Personality - Drops - Game Over
Follow Up - Harisen Recovery - Endure - Protect - Pickpocket - Crocodile Tears - Sexy Technique - Down Shot - Bullet Hail - Oda Special - Kakoi Kuzushi - Sleuthing Instinct - Detox X - Mindfulness - Flow - Tumbling
Velvet Room List of Personas: (Persona 5 / Royal) - Fusion - Special Fusion - Hanging - Lockdown - Electric Chair - Arcana - Skill Inheritance - Fusion Accident - Fusion alarm - Challenge Battle
System Trophies: (Persona 5 / Royal) - Cutscenes - New Game Plus - Patches and Updates - Steam Profile Items
Unused Content: (Persona 5 / Royal)
Corporate Atlus Co., Ltd. - Sega
Personnel Katsura Hashino - Shigenori Soejima - Shoji Meguro - Lyn Inaizumi - Atsushi Kitajoh - Ryota Kozuka - Kenichi Tsuchiya - Toshiki Konishi - Kazuhisa Wada - Lotus Juice
Other Media
Games Royal - Dancing in Starlight - Strikers - Tactica - The Phantom X
Productions Persona 5 The Animation The Day Breakers - Persona 5 The Animation (Episodes - Dark Sun... - Stars and Ours - Proof of Justice - A Magical Valentine's Day) - Persona O.A. - Persona 5 The Night Breakers - Persona Stalker Club V - PERSORA AWARDS 3 - Persora -The Golden Best 5- - Persona 20th Anniversary All Time Best Album - Persona 5 The Stage - Persona VS
Publications Manga - Dengeki Comic Anthology - Comic à La Carte - Comic Anthology (DNA Media Comics) - Tartarus Theater Wild - the Animation Dengeki Comic Anthology - Mementos Mission - Mementos Report - Persona Magazine
Events Night of the Phantom - Super Live 2017 - Super Live 2019 - TGS 2021 - 25th Anniversary Symphonic Concert
20th Anniversary Festival - 25th Anniversary - 25th FES
TGS 2015 - Take Tokyo Tower - E3 2016 - Take the Treasure - TGS 2016 - Morgana's Report - DJ Morgana
Miscellaneous Merchandise - Catherine: Full Body - Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

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Playable - P5 P5 hero - Ryuji Sakamoto - Ann Takamaki - Yusuke Kitagawa - Goro Akechi - Morgana - Makoto Niijima - Futaba Sakura - Haru Okumura
Playable - P4 P4 hero - Yosuke Hanamura - Chie Satonaka - Yukiko Amagi - Kanji Tatsumi - Rise Kujikawa - Teddie - Naoto Shirogane
Playable - P3/P P3 hero - P3P heroine - Yukari Takeba - Junpei Iori - Akihiko Sanada - Mitsuru Kirijo - Fuuka Yamagishi - Aigis - Koromaru - Ken Amada - Shinjiro Aragaki
Non-playable Hikari - Nagi - Doe - Hikari's Father - Elizabeth - Theodore - Margaret - Marie - Caroline and Justine - Kamoshidaman - Herbivore Dinosaurs - Yosukesaurus - Ribbon - Overseer - Mother Computer - Enlil - Nanako Dojima
Origin Tartarus - Iwatodai Dormitory - Junes - Midnight Channel - Dojima Residence - Café Leblanc - Mementos
Main Hub Cinema - Velvet Room - Shop
Labyrinths Kamoshidaman - Junessic Land - A.I.G.I.S. - Hikari - Theater District
Albums Original Soundtrack
Songs "Road Less Taken" - "Wait and See" - "Pull the Trigger" - "Remember, We Got Your Back" - "Invitation to Freedom" - "Cinematic Tale" - "Life Will Change" - "Nothing is Promised" - "LaLaLa Goodbye Personality!" - "Hikari is Bad!" - "That’s Right, Right?" - "I Will Make You Normal" - "Colorful World"
Terminology Persona (Sub-Persona) - Persona User - Velvet Room - Fusion - Shadow (F.O.E) - Wild Card - Dark Hour - Evoker - Glasses - Mask - Power Spot - Cognition - Boost - Metaverse - SEES - Investigation Team - Phantom Thieves of Hearts - Cut-in - Special Screening - All-out Attack - Baton Pass - Akashic Record
Lists Arcana - Characters - Items - Skills - Personas - Shadows - Bosses - Ailments - Special Screenings - Patches and Updates
Other Media
Manga Roundabout Special - Official Visual Materials

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Playable Protagonist - Ryuji Sakamoto - Morgana - Ann Takamaki - Yusuke Kitagawa - Makoto Niijima - Futaba Sakura - Haru Okumura - Sophia - Zenkichi Hasegawa
Major Targets Alice Hiiragi - Ango Natsume - Mariko Hyodo - Akane Hasegawa - Akira Konoe - Kuon Ichinose - EMMA / False God Demiurge
Other Lavenza - Sojiro Sakura - Miyako Kaburagi - Kaho Nanase - Shuzo Ubukata‎‎ - Jyun Owada - Aoi Hasegawa - Sae Niijima - Akane's Joker
Japan Yongen-Jaya (Café Leblanc) - Shibuya - Sendai - Sapporo - Okinawa - Kyoto - Osaka - Tokyo (Tokyo Tower)
Akasaka Mitsuke - Aoyama-Itchome (Shujin Academy) - Ogikubo - Fukuoka - Yokohama
Jail Shibuya Jail - Sendai Jail - Sapporo Jail - Okinawa Jail - Kyoto Jail - Osaka Jail - Jail of the Abyss - Tree of Knowledge
Other Velvet Room
Albums Original Soundtrack
Songs "You Are Stronger" - "Daredevil" - "Life Will Change" - "What You Wish For" - "Axe to Grind" - "Counter Strike" - "Beneath the Mask" - "Last Surprise" - "Rivers in the Desert" - "Towards a Dream"
Archives & Terminology
Story Persona - Persona User - Shadow - Shadow Self (Monarch) - Treasure Demon - I am thou - Cognition - P. A. D. - Metaverse - Metaverse Navigator - Mask - Wild Card - Phantom Thieves of Hearts - Madicce - Antisocial Force - Police - Calling Card - Change of Heart - General Public - Seven Deadly Sins - Zephyrman
Summer Trip Calendar - Yen - Cooking - Hideout - Shrine
Vendors Shops - Vending Machines - Sophia's Shop - Big Bang Burger
Phantom Life Requests - Third Eye - Security Level - Shadows - Bosses - Lock Keeper - Dire Shadows
Battle Items - Skills - Combo Attacks - Master Arts - Party - Battle Stats - Damage - Accuracy - Experience - Level - Difficulty - Status Changes - Weaknesses - Navigator - Party Switch - Baton Pass - One More - Critical - Technical - Follow Up - Protect - Harisen Recovery - Endure - Cut-in - All-out Attack - Showtime - BOND - Game Over
Velvet Room List of Personas - Fusion - Arcana - Persona Points
System Trophies - Patches and Updates - New Game Plus - Cutscenes - Steam Profile Items
Corporate Atlus Co., Ltd. - Koei Tecmo Games Co., Ltd. - Omega Force
Personnel Daisuke Kaneda - Shigenori Soejima - Atsushi Kitajoh - Lyn Inaizumi - Lotus Juice
Other Media
Events Persona Super Live 2019 - Traveling Morgana's Newsletter
Miscellaneous Merchandise

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Playable Protagonist - Morgana - Erina - Ryuji Sakamoto - Ann Takamaki - Yusuke Kitagawa - Makoto Niijima - Futaba Sakura - Haru Okumura - Toshiro Kasukabe - Goro Akechi - Kasumi Yoshizawa
Supporting Characters Lavenza - Yuki - Eri Natsuhara - Yuri Kurano - Luca
Legionnaires Marie - Yoshiki - Nakabachi - Shadow Toshiro - Salmael
Guernica - Jerri
Metaverse Kingdoms (Marie Kingdom - Yoshiki Kingdom - Nakabachi Kingdom - Salmael Kingdom)
The Streets
Other Velvet Room - Café Leblanc
Songs "Revolution in your Heart" - "Got Your Tail" - "Inextinguishable" - "Truth Or Dare" - "Revolution is a Blade" - "The Night We Stood" - "Quiet Storm" -
Story Persona (Sub-Persona) - Persona user - Picaro Persona - Mask - Wild Card - Shadow Self - Cognition -
Factions: Phantom Thieves of Hearts - Rebel Corps - Legionnaires (Aizen Squad - Rebel Club)
Gameplay Difficulty
Battle (Navigator - Guard - Baton Pass - One More - Critical - Cut-in - Triple Threat - Drops - Follow-Up - Voltage - Paint)
Game Over - Report
System Trophies - Patches and Updates - New Game Plus - Steam Profile Items
Corporate Atlus - Sega
Other Media
Events Nyahoo! News

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Playable Characters
Original Protagonist - Lufel - Motoha Arai - Shun Kanou - Riko Tanemura - Seiji Shiratori - Kotone Montagne - Yukimi Fujikawa - Tomoko Noge - Reo Kamiyama - Yaoling Li - Kiyoshi Kurotani - Kayo Tomiyama - YUI - Miyu Sahara - Toshiya Sumi - Haruna Nishimori - Minami Miyashita - Chizuko Nagao - Yumi Shiina - Ayaka Sakai - Kira Kitazato - Masaki Ashiya - Runa Dogenzaka - Mio Natsukawa
Phantom Thieves of Hearts Ren Amamiya - Ryuji Sakamoto - Morgana - Ann Takamaki - Yusuke Kitagawa - Makoto Niijima - Futaba Sakura - Haru Okumura - Kasumi Yoshizawa - Goro Akechi
Non-Playable Supporting Igor - Merope - Marthym - Kumi Katayama - Munehisa Iwai - Tae Takemi - Chihaya Mifune - Lala Escargot - Jose - Chata - Besa - President Tanaka
Non-Playable Antagonists Takeyuki Kiuchi - Hiromu Miyazawa - Kei Akashi
Tokyo Zoshigaya - Shimokitazawa - Shibuya - Yongen-Jaya - Shinjuku - Ueno - Kichijoji - Akihabara - Kanda - Asakusa - Jinbocho - Tsukishima - Shirosato Beach - Maihama - Ginza - Odaiba Seaside Park - Suidobashi - Ichigaya - Akasaka Mitsuke - Shinagawa - Miura Beach - Harajuku - Inokashira - Ikebukuro - Chinatown
Metaverse Mementos - Kiuchi's Palace - Miyazawa's Palace - Katayama's Palace - Akashi's Palace
Other Velvet Room - Thieves Den
Songs "Ambitions and Visions" - "Elite Battle" - "Fatal Desire" - "Last Strike" - "Shadow Loop" - "Wake Up Your Hero" - "Seize the Light" - "Wonder Light" - "Gone with the Storm"
Story Persona - Persona user - Shadow - Shadow Self - I am thou - Cognition - P. A. D. - Metaverse - Metaverse Navigator - Mask - Wild Card
School Life Weather - Social Stats - Class - Train - Invitations - Gifts - Decorations
Activities Bathhouse - Batting Cages - Fishing Pond - Training - Part-time Jobs
Vendors Vending Machines - Takemi Medical Clinic - Untouchable - Tanaka's Shady Commodities
Phantom Life Search Objects
Battle Skills - Items - Weaknesses - Critical - One More - Baton Pass - All-out Attack - Navigator - Highlight Attacks
Velvet Room List of Personas - Fusion - Challenge Battle
Corporate Atlus Co., Ltd. - Sega - Black Wings Game Studio
Personnel Kazuhisa Wada - Shigenori Soejima - Lyn Inaizumi - Yusuke Nitta - Ryota Kozuka - Yosuke Uda - Lao V
Other Media
Games Persona 5 - Persona 5 Royal - Persona 5 Strikers - Persona 5 Tactica
Miscellaneous Merchandise

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