
Oumitsunu is a demon in the series.


Oumitsunu is a legendary king of Izumo mentioned in the Fudoki, a mythical record of his history of Japan. He was a demigod, being the grandson of Susano-o, and had the size and strength of a giant, which he used to pull land via ropes to expand his kingdom. His tale is similar to the Daidara-bocchi, also of Japanese lore, and the Polynesian Maui.



Shin Megami Tensei IV Apocalypse[]

"The giant of the Izumo-no-kuni Fudoki, or the Records of Izumo.
He performed the Kuni-biki, roping in land from the opposing Silla, in an effort to expand Izumo.
All over Japan, there are stories of how Daidarabocchi giants shaped the land. Oumitsunu is thought to be the root of these tales."

Shin Megami Tensei IV Apocalypse compendium

Oumitsunu can teach Nanashi the Berserker God, Tarukaja and Titanomachia skills through his Demon Whisper. He benefits from learning Physical attack skills.

Devil Summoner: Raidou Kuzunoha vs. The Soulless Army[]

"The giant of the Izumo-no-kuni Fudoki, or the Records of Izumo. Performed the Kuni-biki, roping in land from the opposing Silla, in an effort to expand Izumo."

Devil Summoner: Raidou Kuzunoha vs. the Soulless Army devil chart

Oumitsunu challenges Raidou Kuzunoha the XIV in the alternate reality version of Dark Sakuradayama in Episode 9. He holds the Earth Prism, one of the four components of Amatsu Kanagi, which Raidou must collect in order to return to his own version of reality. Upon being defeated, Oumitsunu will relinquish the Earth Prism to Raidou before Raidou is summoned back to the Nameless Shrine.

During the battle, Oumitsunu will alternate between Electricity and Force skills, along with using powerful strikes. He will be assisted by constant reinforcements of Ippon-datara and Raiju, requiring Oumitsunu be defeated before they stop respawning. The Ippon-datara will use Maragi while the Raiju will typically use their Electric skills, however, the Raiju also possess the ability to use the Mudo skill during this battle, which will halve Raidou's current HP if hit while not blocking.

Persona 3[]

"The giant of the Izumo-no-kuni Fudoki, or the Records of Izumos. Performed the Kuni-biki, roping in land from the opposing Silla, in an effort to expand Izumo."

Persona 3 compendium

Persona 3 Reload[]

Oumitsunu is one of the twelve Personas present since the original Persona 3 version to be removed in Persona 3 Reload.

Devil Survivor 2[]

"The giant of the Izumo-no-kuni Fudoki, or the Records of Izumos.
He performed the Kuni-biki, roping in land from the opposing Silla, in an effort to expand Izumo. All over Japan, there are stories of how Daidarabocchi giants shaped the land. Oumitsunu is thought to be the root of these tales."

Devil Survivor 2 compendium

Oumitsunu is unlocked by reaching Fate rank 5 with Jungo Torii.


Shin Megami Tensei IV[]

Race Level HP MP
Strength 88
Dexterity 78
Magic 61
Agility 71
Luck 58
Kunitsu 65 709 140
Physical Phys Gun Gun Fire Fire Ice Ice Electricity Elec Force Force Light Light Dark Dark
- - - - Drain Weak - -
Ailment Resistance -
Normal Attack Phys x1, 1 enemy
List of Skills
Skill Cost Effect Level
Berserker God 12 MP Heavy physical damage to one foe. Innate
Life Surge Auto Increases max HP by 30%. Innate
Doping 45 MP Increases max HP of all allies by 30%. 66

Shin Megami Tensei IV Apocalypse[]

Race Level HP MP
Strength 97
Dexterity 61
Magic 44
Agility 65
Luck 75
Kunitsu 65 659 244
Physical Phys Gun Gun Fire Fire Ice Ice Electricity Elec Force Force Light Light Dark Dark
- - - - Drain Weak - -
Ailment Resistance None
Normal Attack Phys x1, 1 enemy
Skill Affinities Physical Physical +3 · Force Force -5
List of Skills
Skill Cost Effect Level
Berserker God 13 MP Heavy physical damage to one foe. Innate
Life Surge Auto Increases max HP by 30%. Innate
Tarukaja 20 MP Buffs party's physical attack power by 1 level. 66
Titanomachia 35 MP Heavy physical damage to all foes. High critical but low accuracy. 67

Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner[]

Race Level HP MP St In Ma Vi Ag Lu
Jirae 43 361 125 17 7 7 14 7 8
43 0-1 Mild 120 77 114 74 17 36
Reflects Absorbs Void Resists Weak
- - - Fire, Ice Elec
List of Skills
Flying Knee Mortal Blow Earth Wall

Devil Summoner: Raidou Kuzunoha vs The Soulless Army[]

Order Level HP MP St Ma Vi Lu Item drop
Volt ? 2,160 660 - - - - -
Confinable Reflects Absorbs Block Resists Weak
No - Electricity - - Force
List of Skills
Skill Effect
Mazandyne Heavy Force damage to all in radius. (Medium radius)
Spark Moderate Elec damage to all enemies hit. (3-way spread)
Mighty Blow Moderate phys damage + rage to nearby enemy.
Order Level HP MP St Ma Vi Lu MAG Cost Investigation
Volt 55 730 333 20 14 27 13 117 Inspect
Confinable Reflects Absorbs Block Resists Weak
Yes - Elec - Phys Force
List of Skills
Skill Effect
Spark Moderate Elec damage to all enemies hit. (3-way spread)
Maziodyne Heavy Elec damage to all in radius. (Medium radius)
Mazandyne Heavy Force damage to all in radius. (Medium radius)
Order Level HP MP St Ma Vi Lu MAG Cost Investigation
Volt 55 730 333 20 14 27 13 117 Inspect
Confinable Reflects Absorbs Block Resists Weak
Yes - Elec - Phys Force
List of Skills
Skill Cost Effect Level
Spark 7 MP Moderate Elec damage to all enemies hit. (3-way spread) Innate
Maziodyne 8 MP Heavy Elec damage to all in radius. (Medium radius) Innate
Elec Drain Combo Raidou and demon will drain Elec attacks for the duration. 56
Life Surge Passive Will increase the demons maximum HP by 30% 57

Devil Summoner 2: Raidou Kuzunoha vs King Abaddon[]

Order Level HP St Ma Vi Lu Conversation Investigation
Volt 49 670 19 12 26 11 Panic Urge Light Up, Inspect
Reflects Absorbs Block Resists Weak Frail
- Electricity - Physical Gun Force
List of Skills
Skill Cost Effect Level
Ziodyne 18 MAG Heavy Splash Elec dmg. Stun: Long Innate
Rakukaja 14 MAG Raises Defense until battle ends. All allies 50
Null Elec 45 MAG Briefly nullify Elec dmg. All allies 51
Life Gain Passive Raises MAX HP by 20% Max Loyalty

Persona 3[]

Arcana Level
Strength 26
Magic 14
Endurance 26
Agility 11
Luck 20
Chariot 30
Inherit Reflects Absorbs Block Resists Weak
Strike - - - Strike Wind
List of Skills
Skill Cost Effect Level
Kill Rush 10% HP Deals light Strike damage to one foe. (1-3 hits) Innate
Dodge Pierce Passive Hit-Rate 0.85x vs Pierce attacks. Innate
Auto-Tarukaja Passive Automatic Tarukaja at the start of battle. 31
Counter Passive Counter physical attacks (low odds). (10% chance) 34
Null Rage Passive Protects user from becoming Enraged. 35
Resist Pierce Passive Reduces damage from Pierce attacks. 36
Arcana Level
Strength 26
Magic 14
Endurance 26
Agility 11
Luck 20
Chariot 30
Inherit Reflects Absorbs Block Resists Weak
Strike - - - Strike Wind
Skill Card Auto-Tarukaja (Lv 34)
List of Skills
Skill Cost Effect Level
Kill Rush 10% HP Deals light Strike damage to one foe. (1-3 hits) Innate
Dodge Pierce Passive Hit-Rate 0.85x vs Pierce attacks. Innate
Rebellion 5 SP Adds 7% to the base Critical Hit Rate of physical skills (all). Innate
Auto-Tarukaja Passive Automatic Tarukaja at the start of battle. 31
Counter Passive Counter physical attacks (low odds). (10% chance) 34
Null Rage Passive Protects user from becoming Enraged. 35
Resist Pierce Passive Reduces damage from Pierce attacks. 36

Persona Q: Shadow of the Labyrinth[]

Arcana Level HP + SP + Inherit Extract Fragment
Chariot 38 140 20 Physical Lightning Smash -
List of Skills
Skill Cost Effect Level
Body Shield 18 SP Take attacks in place of allies, with reduced damage. (1 Row) Innate
Lightning Smash 102 HP A medium Bash + Elec attack. (1 Enemy) Innate
Swordbreaker Passive Medium chance of halving physical damage versus the user's row. 39
Heavy Shot 98 HP A heavy Stab attack that pierces to the back row. (1 Enemy) 40
Colossal Swing Passive Low chance to add splash effect on single-target attack skills. 41
Null S-Bind Passive Prevent Strength Bind. 42
Demon's Bash Passive Slightly raise Bash attack strength. 43

Persona Q2: New Cinema Labyrinth[]

Arcana Level HP + SP + Type Extract
Chariot 35 66 13 Physical Kouga
List of Skills
Skill Cost Effect Level
Assault Shot 28 HP Medium Phys attack that pierces to the back row. (1 enemy) Stronger in Boost. Innate
Headbutt 19 HP Light Phys attack, with medium chance of Confusion. (1 enemy) Innate
Kouga 14 SP Medium Bless attack. (1 enemy) 36
Challenger Arts Passive Slightly raise attack against enemies with higher HP. 37
Power Talent Passive Increase St by 3. 38

Devil Survivor 2[]

Race Level HP MP
Strength 32
Magic 6
Vitality 23
Agility 16
Touki 67 748 73
Racial / Auto Skill Physical Phys Fire Fire Ice Ice Electricity Elec Force Force Curse Curse
Agitate Resist - Null - Weak -
Passive Skills
Life Lift *
I am Oumitsunu, the Touki. With my strength, may we take hold of the world!
My form may change, but my will shall remain strong. Now on to the unknown!


Oumitsunu in Devil Summoner: Raidou Kuzunoha vs. The Soulless Army

Oumitsunu in Devil Summoner: Raidou Kuzunoha vs. The Soulless Army

Oumitsunu as it appears in Devil Summoner: Raidou Kuzunoha vs. The Lone Marebito

Oumitsunu as it appears in Devil Summoner: Raidou Kuzunoha vs. The Lone Marebito

Oumitsunu as seen in Devil Survivor 2

Oumitsunu as seen in Devil Survivor 2

Deity Thoth - Inti - Prometheus - Lord Nandou - Osiris - Ometeotl - Odin - Mahamayuri - Baal - Apsu - Hachiman - Vishnu
Amatsu Ame no Uzume - Take-Mikazuchi - Amaterasu - Omoikane
Megami Fortuna - Hathor - Parvati - Brigid - Scathach - Ishtar - Pallas Athena - Tlazolteotl - Anat - Izanami - Norn - Lakshmi
Nymph Apsaras - Senri - Kikuri-Hime - Sarasvati - Peri
Enigma Kanbari - Futotama - Kinmamon - Kama - Kangiten
Entity Alilat
Godly Ancient of Days
Chaos Sanat
Fury Ares - Tonatiuh - Asura - Chernobog - Wu Kong - Beiji-Weng - Masakado - Kartikeya - Masakado's S - Susano-o - Shiva
Kunitsu Take-Minakata - Okuninushi - Kushinada-Hime - Hitokoto-Nushi - Arahabaki - Oumitsunu
Kishin Zouchouten - Koumokuten - Zhong Kui - Jikokuten - Bishamonten - Marici - Thor
Zealot Ogun - Dionysus - Aramisaki - Attis - Tezcatlipoca
Lady Pele - Dzelarhons - Sedna - Hariti - Diana - Asherah - Isis - Black Maria - Skadi - Xi Wangmu
Reaper Hel - Orcus - Persephone - Guedhe - Cernunnos - Ixtab - Nergal - Mot
Vile Baphomet - Mishaguji - Pachacamac - Taotie - Alciel - Pales - Yaso Magatsuhi - Seth - Demiurge
Tyrant Aeshma - Morax - Mithras - Horkos - Samyaza - King Frost - Balor - Astaroth - Asmodeus - Belial - Loki - Abaddon - Azazel - Beelzebub - Tzitzimitl - Surt - Chi You - Lucifuge - Mara
Genma Tam Lin - Ictinike - Nata Taishi - Baldur - Frost Ace - Tlaloc - Kurama Tengu - Cu Chulainn - Kresnik - Jarilo - Hanuman - Heimdall
Yoma Centaur - Vodyanik - Agathion - Koppa Tengu - Karasu Tengu - Dis - Shiwanna - Valkyrie - Xiuhtecuhtli - Master Therion - Ganesha
Fairy Napaea - Pixie - Spriggan - Oread - Jack Frost - Pyro Jack - Goblin - High Pixie - Setanta - Kelpie - Silky - Nadja - Lorelei - Vivian - Oberon - Titania - Demonee-Ho
Night Mokoi - Fomorian - Sandman - Kikimora - Incubus - Lilim - Kaiwan - Succubus - Wild Hunt - Queen Mab - Lilith - Maya
Herald Lailah - Victor - Israfel - Kazfiel - Azrael - Sraosha - Aniel - Uriel - Mastema - Raphael - Metatron - Gabriel - Seraph - Michael
Divine Angel - Archangel - Principality - Power - Virtue - Dominion - Throne - Cherub
Fallen Melchom - Bifrons - Halphas - Orias - Dantalion - Ose - Nebiros - Decarabia - Mitra - Gemori - Murmur - Shax - Barbatos - Botis - Samael
Avian Hamsa - Suparna - Phoenix - Vidofnir - Thunderbird - Feng Huang - Yatagarasu - Garuda
Flight Tangata Manu - Harpy - Gu Huo Niao - Caladrius - Tuofei - Rukh - Da Peng
Raptor Fuxi - Camazotz - Moh Shuvuu - Itsumade - Zhen - Gurr - Anzu - Huoniao - Hresvelgr
Jirae Dwarf - Knocker - Hua Po - Sudama - Kwancha - Tsuchigumo - Titan - Kuebiko - Tlaltecuhtli - Gogmagog
Brute Bilwis - Oni - Azumi - Momunofu - Yamawaro - Yomotsu-Ikusa - Kin-Ki - Fuu-Ki - Sui-Ki - Berserker - Yaksha - Ongyo-Ki
Femme Leanan Sidhe - Strix - Shikome - Yuki Jyorou - Medusa - Clotho - Lachesis - Atropos - Taraka - Dakini - Rangda - Kali
Jaki Lham Dearg - Gremlin - Ippon-Datara - Wendigo - Black Frost - Rakshasa - Ogre - Grendel - Girimehkala - Hekatoncheires
Dragon Makara - Patrimpas - Gucumatz - Long - Illuyanka - Zhu Yin - Quetzalcoatl - Koga Saburo - Huang Long
Snake Naga - Nozuchi - Vouivre - Yurlungur - Gui Xian - Ouroboros - Orochi - Pendragon - Ananta
Drake Zhu Tun She - Toubyou - Bai Suzhen - Basilisk - Kingu - Mushussu - Tiamat - Niddhoggr - Ym - Fafnir - Python - Vasuki
Avatar Shiisaa - Kamapua'a - Makami - Kaiming Shou - Chimera - Ukano Mitama - Anubis - Barong
Holy Heqet - Apis - Pabilsag - Qing Niugai - Airavata - Baihu - Sleipnir - Sphinx
Food Onmoraki - Katakirauwa - Mamedanuki - Chupacabra - Kuda - Hare of Inaba
Beast Gryphon - Stonka - Kaso - Kabuso - Inugami - Asterius - Hairy Jack - Minotaur - Nekomata - Hsing-Hsing - Dormarth - Orthrus - Ammut - Cerberus
Wilder Chagrin - Jueyuan - Raijuu - Nue - Peallaidh - Porewit - Manticore - Catoblepas - Cabracan - Taowu - Fenrir
Tree Daphne - Narcissus - Mayahuel - Kukunochi - Haoma - Yggdrasil
Wood Shan Xiao - Mandrake - Skogsra - Zaccoum - Alraune - Erlkonig
Evil Spirits
Ghost Strigoii - Preta - Obariyon - Mou-Ryo - Churel - Enku - Ghoul - Kudlak - Dullahan - Vetala
Spirit Dybbuk - Wicker Man - Poltergeist - Quicksilver - Macabre - Inferno - Pisaca - Legion - Garrote
Undead Zombie Cop - Corpses - Patriot - Alice
Vermin Myrmecolion - Mothman - Ubu - Okiku-Mushi - Arachne
Foul Slime - Jack the Ripper - Hooligan - Night Stalker - Tattooed Man - Mad Gasser
Element Erthys - Aeros - Aquans - Flaemis - Gnome - Sylph - Undine - Salamander
Fiend David - Plasma - Chemtrail - Matador - White Rider - Red Rider - Black Rider - Pale Rider - Trumpeter - Mother Harlot
Famed Yoshitsune - Lanling Wang - Jeanne D'Arc - Hagen - Siegfried - Kanseiteikun - Rama - Tenkai - Tokisada - Michizane - Huang Di - Yamato Takeru
Enemy Only
Cyber Pluto Soldier
Human Gaea Man - Ashura Man - Ashura Woman - Gaea Woman
Undead Samurai Zombie ♂ - Samurai Zombie ♀ - Zombie
Mitama Saki Mitama - Kusi Mitama - Ara Mitama - Nigi Mitama

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Deity Thoth - Inti - Prometheus - Lord Nandou - Osiris - Ometeotl - Mahamayuri - Hachiman - Baal - Apsu - Maitreya - Odin - Krishna
Amatsu Ame no Uzume - Take-Mikazuchi - Amaterasu
Megami Fortuna - Hathor - Parvati - Brigid - Scathach - Ishtar - Pallas Athena - Tlazolteotl - Anat - Norn - Lakshmi - Izanami - Cleopatra
Nymph Apsaras - Senri - Kikuri-Hime - Sarasvati - Peri
Enigma Kanbari - Futotama - Kinmamon - Kama - Kangiten
Entity Alilat
Primal Satan
Fury Ares - Tonatiuh - Asura - Chernobog - Wu Kong - Beiji-Weng - Kartikeya - Susano-o - Shiva - Mitra-Buddha
Kunitsu Take-Minakata - Okuninushi - Sukuna-Hikona - Kushinada-Hime - Hitokoto-Nushi - Arahabaki - Oumitsunu
Kishin Zhong Kui - Zouchouten - Koumokuten - Jikokuten - Bishamonten - Marici - Thor
Zealot Ogun - Dionysus - Aramisaki - Attis - Tezcatlipoca
Lady Pele - Dzelarhons - Sedna - Hariti - Diana - Asherah - Isis - Black Maria - Skadi - Xi Wangmu - Inanna
Reaper Hel - Orcus - Persephone - Guedhe - Cernunnos - Ixtab - Nergal - Mot
Vile Baphomet - Mishaguji - Pachacamac - Taotie - Alciel - Pales - Seth - Demiurge
Tyrant Morax - Mithras - Horkos - King Frost - Balor - Loki - Abaddon - Azazel - Belial - Lucifuge - Tzitzimitl - Samyaza - Beelzebub - Surt - Chi You - Mara - Lucifer - Mephisto
Genma Tam Lin - Ictinike - Nata Taishi - Baldur - Tlaloc - Frost Ace - Kurama Tengu - Cu Chulainn - Kresnik - Jarilo - Hanuman - Heimdall
Yoma Centaur - Vodyanik - Agathion - Koppa Tengu - Karasu Tengu - Dis - Shiwanna - Valkyrie - Xiuhtecuhtli - Master Therion - Ganesha
Fairy Goblin - Nadja - Pixie - Napaea - Spriggan - Jack Frost - Pyro Jack - High Pixie - Kelpie - Setanta - Silky - Vivian - Lorelei - Oberon - Titania - Demonee-Ho
Night Fomorian - Sandman - Mokoi - Incubus - Kikimora - Lilim - Kaiwan - Succubus - Wild Hunt - Queen Mab - Maya
Herald Lailah - Victor - Israfel - Azrael - Kazfiel - Sraosha - Aniel - Mastema - Seraph - Metatron - Merkabah
Divine Angel - Archangel - Principality - Power - Virtue - Dominion - Throne - Cherub - Angel
Fallen Decarabia - Melchom - Bifrons - Halphas - Ose - Orias - Nebiros - Dantalion - Gemori - Murmur - Adramelech - Barbatos - Shax - Botis - Samael
Avian Hamsa - Suparna - Phoenix - Vidofnir - Thunderbird - Yatagarasu - Feng Huang - Garuda
Flight Caladrius - Gu Huo Niao - Tangata Manu - Tuofei - Harpy - Rukh - Da Peng
Raptor Fuxi - Moh Shuvuu - Itsumade - Camazotz - Zhen - Gurr - Anzu - Huoniao - Hresvelgr
Jirae Sudama - Dwarf - Hua Po - Knocker - Kwancha - Tsuchigumo - Titan - Tlaltecuhtli - Gogmagog
Brute Bilwis - Oni - Azumi - Momunofu - Yamawaro - Yomotsu-Ikusa - Kin-Ki - Fuu-Ki - Sui-Ki - Berserker - Yaksha - Ongyo-Ki
Femme Leanan Sidhe - Mermaid - Strix - Shikome - Yuki Jyorou - Clotho - Medusa - Lachesis - Atropos - Taraka - Dakini - Rangda - Kali
Jaki Gremlin - Ippon-Datara - Lham Dearg - Wendigo - Rakshasa - Black Frost - Ogre - Grendel - Girimehkala - Hekatoncheires
Dragon Makara - Patrimpas - Gucumatz - Illuyanka - Zhu Yin - Long - Quetzalcoatl - Huang Long
Snake Naga - Nozuchi - Vouivre - Yurlungur - Ouroboros - Orochi - Gui Xian - Pendragon
Drake Zhu Tun She - Toubyou - Bai Suzhen - Basilisk - Kingu - Mushussu - Tiamat - Niddhoggr - Ym - Python - Fafnir - Vasuki
Avatar Shiisaa - Kamapua'a - Makami - Kaiming Shou - Chimera - Ukano Mitama - Anubis - Barong
Holy Heqet - Apis - Pabilsag - Chironnupu - Qing Niugai - Airavata - Sleipnir - Baihu - Sphinx
Food Katakirauwa - Onmoraki - Mamedanuki - Chupacabra - Kuda - Hare of Inaba
Beast Kabuso - Kaso - Inugami - Stonka - Hairy Jack - Nekomata - Gryphon - Hsing-Hsing - Orthrus - Dormarth - Ammut - Cerberus
Wilder Porewit - Chagrin - Peallaidh - Jueyuan - Raijuu - Nue - Manticore - Catoblepas - Cabracan - Taowu - Fenrir
Tree Daphne - Narcissus - Mayahuel - Kukunochi - Haoma - Yggdrasil
Wood Mandrake - Shan Xiao - Skogsra - Zaccoum - Alraune - Erlkonig
Evil Spirits
Ghost Strigoii - Preta - Obariyon - Mou-Ryo - Churel - Enku - Ghoul - Kudlak - Vetala
Spirit Legion - Garrote - Dybbuk - Poltergeist - Quicksilver - Inferno - Wicker Man - Macabre - Pisaca
Undead Zombie Cop - Corpses - Patriot - Alice
Vermin Mothman - Ubu - Myrmecolion - Okiku-Mushi - Arachne
Foul Slime - Jack the Ripper - Hooligan - Night Stalker - Tattooed Man - Mad Gasser
Element Erthys - Aeros - Aquans - Flaemis - Gnome - Sylph - Undine - Salamander
Fiend David - Matador - White Rider - Red Rider - Black Rider - Pale Rider - Trumpeter - Mother Harlot
Famed Yoshitsune - Jeanne D'Arc - Lanling Wang - Hagen - Siegfried - Kanseiteikun - Rama - Tenkai - Tokisada - Huang Di

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Deity Vishnu - Amon-Ra - Odin - Hachiman - Prometheus - Inti
Megami Anat - Lakshmi - Pallas Athena - Brigid - Eruzuli - Scathach - Nakisawame
Enigma Kama - Yarilo - Neko Shogun - Kanbari
Fury Shiva - Susano-o - Kartikeya - Seiten Taisei - Triglav - Ogun
Lady Kali - Cybele - Black Maria - Sedna - Hariti - Sekhmet - Kikuri-Hime
Kishin Marici - Bishamonten - Thor - Take-Mikazuchi - Zhong Kui - Tyr - Nagasunehiko - Otogo-Douji
Vile Pales - Tao Tie - Kanaloa - Chemosh - Pachachamac
Reaper Mot - Guedhe - Chernobog - Thanatos - Ixtab
Genma Heimdal - Hanuman - Kresnik - Cu Chulainn -Maui - Jambavan - Ictinike - Khonsu
Yoma Ganesha - Peri - Xiuhtecuhtli - Tengu - Maruts - Shaytan - Agathion
Fairy Oberon - Titania - Spriggan - Lorelei - Domovoi - Jack Lantern - Jack Frost - Kijimunaa - Pixie
Night Hypnos - Succubus - Incubus - Hinoenma - Sandman - Kikimora - Nacht Kobold
Tyrant Chi You - Nergal - Rahu - Loki - Balor
Herald Metatron - Sraosha - Sandalphon - Azrael - Lailah - Victor
Divine Cherub - Throne - Dominion - Virtue - Power - Principality - Archangel - Angel
Fallen Abraxas - Botis - Barbatos - Purson - Bifrons - Nisroc - Melchom - Stolas
Dragon Zhu Yin - Ananta - Illuyankas - Patrimpas - Quetzalcoatl
Snake Ouroboros - Yamata no Orochi - Yurlungur - Cuelebre - Naga - Vouivre - Yato no Kami
Drake Vasuki - Mushussu - Python - Basilisk - Uwabami - Asp - Toubyou
Avian Garuda - Yatagarasu - Vidofnir - Phoenix - Hamsa
Flight Roc - Da Peng - Holawaka - Caladrius - Tuofei - Yamachichi - Ba
Raptor Kau - Anzu - Zhen - Stymphalides - Itsumade - Mo Shobow - Bi Fang
Avatar Barong - Ukano Mitama - Chimera - Anubis - Kamapua'a
Holy Sleipnir - Pabilsag - Airavata - Yatsufusa - Apis - Kaichi - Shisa
Beast Cerberus - Ammut - Dawon - Shoujou - Nekomata - Katakirauwa - Hairy Jack - Kabuso
UMA Hare of Inaba - Aerophant - Mamedanuki - Oliver-kun
Wilder Taowu - Catoblepas - Porewit - Nue - Suiko -Afanc - Waira
Jirae Gogmagog - Titan - Oumitsunu - Kwanca - Dwarf - Ribhu - Koropokkuru - Knocker
Brute Yaksha - Berserk - Purski - Yomotsu-Ikusa - Tokepi -Yamawaro- Bogle
Femme Rangda - Dakini - Amazon - Yuki Jyorou - Todomeki - Leanan Sidhe - Yomotsu-Shikome
Jaki Grendel - Girimehkala - Gashadokuro - Ocelot - Asinaga - Tenaga - Ogre
Tree Haoma - Kukunochi - Daphne - Oshira-sama
Wood Es - Zaccoum - Alraune - Mandrake - Jubokko
Element Salamander - Undine - Sylph - Gnome
Mitama Saki Mitama - Kusi Mitama - Ara Mitama - Nigi Mitama
Evil Spirits
Haunt Vetala - Kudlak - Dzolob - Enku - Ghoul - Obariyon - Gaki
Undead Patriot - Zombie Cop - Agony - Rastaman - Waxwork - Scare Claw
Spirit Macabre - Legion - Inferno - Torso - Quicksilver - Poltergeist
Foul Doppelgänger - Tattooed Man - Killer Chopper - Hooligan - Slime
Vermin Mothman - Myrmecolion - Okiku-Mushi - Yowie - Ubu
Hero Rama - Guan Di Sheng Gong- Fariedone - Yoshitsune - Jeanne d'Arc
Enemy/Bosses only
Spirit Pisaca
Femme Fuguruma - Strix
Haunt Yakou - Strigoii - Kumbhanda - Tendou
Onryō Platoon Soldier - Inui - Kashiyama - Julia - Speedy - Mikiya
Zōma P Gargantua - Gargantua - Gargantua Q - Gargantua X - Gargantua 8 - Ou-Magatsuhi - Yaso-Magatsuhi - Enoch - David - Leviathan - Skoll
Fiend Sid
Jaki Shiki-Ouji
Foul Orgone Ghost
Tyrant Demiurge
Koki Inaruna

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Pyro Ukobach - Pyro Jack - Orthrus - Oshichi - Sati - Gdon - Throne - Cerberus - Muspell - Belial
Frost Azumi - Jack Frost - Raiho - Jubokko - Oukuninushi - Raja Naga - Tarrasque - Ouyamatsumi - Arahabaki - Orochi
Volt Agathion - Raiju - Tsuchigumo - Oboroguruma - Nue - Parvati - Mishaguji - Oumitsunu - Thor
Wind Poltergeist - Moh Shuvuu - Anzu - Feng Huang - Ichimokuren - Kurama - Hitokotonusi - Power - Sandalphon
Fury Obariyon - Turdak - Oni - Lamia - Chernobog - Yoshitsune - Ikusa - Triglav - Rakshasa - Shouten - Siegfried - Susano-o
Pagan Alp - Mokoi - Lilim - Okiku-Mushi - Ghoul - Alice - Utai-gaikotsu - Nebiros - Gashadokuro - Incubus - Lilith - Beelzebub
Skill Legion - Ippon-Datara - Leanan Sidhe - Nekomata - Thoth - Nagasunehiko - Abihiko - Scathach - Kudan - Futsunushi
Undead Zombie - Zombie Lady - Zombie Officer - Zombie Guard

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Pyro Onmoraki - Enku - Ukobach - Pyro Jack - Orthrus - Oshichi - Sati - Gdon - Throne - Cerberus - Muspell - Vritra - Kagutsuchi - Mada - Belial - Asura - Lucifer
Frost Preta - Chou-keshin - Jack Frost - Azumi - Pabilsag - Jubokko - Alraune - Black Ooze - Oukuninushi - Raiho - Raja Naga - Seiryuu - Tarrasque - Ouyamatsumi - Basilisk - Arahabaki - Orochi - Arioch
Volt Koropokkur - Agathion - Makami - Raiju - Tsuchigumo - Nandi - Oboroguruma - Nue - Parvati - Mishaguji - Oumitsunu - Cybele - Thor - Barong - Kohryuu - Astaroth - Vishnu
Wind Poltergeist - Angel - Moh Shuvuu - Archangel - Anzu - Power - Feng Huang - Dominion - Baek Yong - Ichimokuren - Kurama Tengu - Hitokotonusi - Decarabia - Sandalphon - Ophanim - Camael - Metatron
Fury Slime - Obariyon - Turdak - Nezha - Oni - Lamia - Gozuki - Mezuki - Yoshitsune - Chernobog - Yomotsu-Ikusa - Cu Chulainn - Triglav - Rakshasa - Atavaka - Shouten - Siegfried - Fenrir - Susano-o - Mahakala - Shiva - Masakado
Pagan Inugami - Sandman - Alp - Mokoi - Lilim - Okiku-Mushi - Ghoul - Utai-gaikotsu - Jorougumo - Nebiros - Gashadokuro - Incubus - Arachne - Black Frost - Rangda - Mara - Lilith - Mot - Beelzebub
Skill Pixie - Tam Lin - Selket - Blob - Leanan Sidhe - Ippon-Datara - Legion - Nekomata - Thoth - Oberon - Titania - Nagasunehiko - Abihiko - High Pixie - Amatsu Mikaboshi - Scathach - Kudan - Taotie - Futsunushi - Belphegor
Element Erthys - Aeros - Aquans - Flaemis - Sylph - Undine
Spirit Ara Mitama - Nigi Mitama - Kusi Mitama - Saki Mitama
Fiend Binbou-gami - Alice - White Rider - Red Rider - Yakubyou-gami - Black Rider - Pale Rider
Evil Zombie - Lady Zombie - Yomi-Kugutsu - Zombie Officer - Nesting Doll - Hiruko - Zombie Guard - Nesting Skull - Red Cape

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Fool Orpheus - Legion - Ose - Black Frost - Decarabia - Loki - Susano-o
Magician Hermes - Trismegistus - Nekomata - Jack Frost - Pyro Jack - Sati - Orobas - Rangda - Surt
Priestess Lucia - Juno - Apsaras - Unicorn - Sarasvati - Ganga - Parvati - Kikuri-hime - Scathach
Empress Penthesilea - Artemisia - Leanan Sidhe - Laksmi - Hariti - Gabriel - Mother Harlot - Skadi - Alilat
Emperor Polydeuces - Caesar - Forneus - Oberon - Take-Mikazuchi - King Frost - Raja Naga - Kingu - Barong - Odin
Hierophant Castor - Omoikane - Berith - Flauros - Hokuto Seikun - Ananta - Daisoujou - Kohryu
Lovers Io - Isis - Pixie - Narcissus - Queen Mab - Saki Mitama - Titania - Raphael - Cybele
Chariot Palladion - Pallas Athena - Ara Mitama - Chimera - Zouchouten - Ares - Oumitsunu - Nata Taishi - Koumokuten - Thor
Justice Nemesis - Kala-Nemi - Angel - Archangel - Principality - Power - Virtue - Dominion - Throne - Melchizedek
Hermit Moros - Yomotsu-Shikome - Naga - Lamia - Taraka - Kurama Tengu - Nebiros - Arahabaki
Fortune Hypnos - Fortuna - Kusi Mitama - Clotho - Lachesis - Atropos - Norn
Strength Cerberus - Valkyrie - Titan - Jikokuten - Hanuman - Narasimha - Kali - Siegfried
Hanged Man Medea - Inugami - Take-Minakata - Orthrus - Vasuki - Ubelluris - Attis
Death Loa - Pale Rider - Samael - Mot - Alice - Thanatos
Temperance Nigi Mitama - Mithra - Genbu - Seiryuu - Okuninushi - Suzaku - Byakko
Devil Lilim - Vetala - Incubus - Succubus - Lilith - Abaddon - Beelzebub
Tower Eligor - Chu Chulainn - Uriel - Bishamonten - Seiten Taisei - Masakado - Shiva - Chi You
Star Nandi - Kaiwan - Ganesha - Garuda - Saturnus - Lucifer
Moon Gurr - Yamata-no-Orochi - Girimehkala - Dionysus - Chernobog - Seth - Sandalphon
Sun Yatagarasu - Quetzalcoatl - Jatayu - Horus - Metatron - Vishnu - Asura
Judgement Anubis - Trumpeter - Michael - Satan - Messiah

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Fool Orpheus - Slime - Legion - Black Frost - Ose - Decarabia - Loki - Susano-o - Orpheus Telos
Magician Hermes - Trismegistus - Nekomata - Jack Frost - Pyro Jack - Hua Po - Sati - Orobas - Rangda - Surt
Priestess Lucia - Juno - Apsaras - Unicorn - High Pixie - Sarasvati - Ganga - Parvati - Kikuri-hime - Scathach
Empress Penthesilea - Artemisia - Leanan Sidhe - Yaksini - Laksmi - Hariti - Gabriel - Mother Harlot - Skadi - Alilat
Emperor Polydeuces - Caesar - Forneus - Oberon - Take-Mikazuchi - King Frost - Raja Naga - Kingu - Barong - Odin
Hierophant Castor - Psyche - Omoikane - Berith - Shiisaa - Flauros - Thoth - Hokuto Seikun - Daisoujou - Kohryu
Lovers Io - Isis - Pixie - Alp - Narcissus - Queen Mab - Saki Mitama - Titania - Raphael - Cybele
Chariot Palladion - Pallas Athena - Ara Mitama - Chimera - Zouchouten - Ares - Oumitsunu - Nata Taishi - Koumokuten - Thor
Justice Nemesis - Kala-Nemi - Angel - Archangel - Principality - Power - Virtue - Dominion - Throne - Melchizedek
Hermit Moros - Yomotsu-Shikome - Naga - Lamia - Mothman - Taraka - Kurama Tengu - Nebiros - Kumbhanda - Arahabaki
Fortune Hypnos - Fortuna - Empusa - Kusi Mitama - Clotho - Lachesis - Atropos - Norn
Strength Cerberus - Valkyrie - Rakshasa - Titan - Jikokuten - Hanuman - Narasimha - Kali - Siegfried
Hanged Man Medea - Inugami - Take-Minakata - Orthrus - Vasuki - Ubelluris - Hecatoncheires - Hell Biker - Attis
Death Ghoul - Pale Rider - Loa - Samael - Mot - Alice - Thanatos
Temperance Nigi Mitama - Mithra - Genbu - Seiryuu - Okuninushi - Suzaku - Byakko - Yurlungur
Devil Lilim - Vetala - Incubus - Succubus - Pazuzu - Lilith - Abaddon - Beelzebub
Tower Eligor - Chu Chulainn - Bishamonten - Seiten Taisei - Masakado - Mara - Shiva - Chi You
Star Nandi - Kaiwan - Ganesha - Garuda - Kartikeya - Saturnus - Helel
Moon Gurr - Yamatano-Orochi - Girimehkala - Dionysus - Chernobog - Seth - Baal Zebul - Sandalphon
Sun Yatagarasu - Quetzalcoatl - Jatayu - Horus - Suparna - Vishnu - Asura
Judgement Anubis - Trumpeter - Michael - Satan - Lucifer - Messiah
Aeon Uriel - Nidhoggr - Ananta - Atavaka - Metatron

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Fool Orpheus - Slime - Legion - Black Frost - Ose - Decarabia - Loki - Susano-o - Orpheus Telos
Magician Hermes - Trismegistus - Nekomata - Jack Frost - Pyro Jack - Hua Po - Sati - Orobas - Rangda - Surt
Priestess Lucia - Juno - Apsaras - Unicorn - High Pixie - Sarasvati - Ganga - Parvati - Kikuri-hime - Scathach
Empress Penthesilea - Artemisia - Leanan Sidhe - Yaksini - Lakshmi - Hariti - Gabriel - Mother Harlot - Skadi - Alilat
Emperor Polydeuces - Caesar - Forneus - Oberon - Take-Mikazuchi - King Frost - Raja Naga - Kingu - Barong - Odin
Hierophant Castor - Omoikane - Berith - Shiisaa - Flauros - Thoth - Hokuto Seikun - Daisoujou - Kohryu
Lovers Io - Isis - Pixie - Alp - Tam Lin - Narcissus - Queen Mab - Saki Mitama - Titania - Raphael - Cybele
Chariot Palladion - Pallas Athena - Ara Mitama - Chimera - Zouchouten - Ares - Oumitsunu - Nata Taishi - Koumokuten - Thor
Justice Nemesis - Kala-Nemi - Angel - Archangel - Principality - Power - Virtue - Dominion - Throne - Melchizedek
Hermit Moros - Yomotsu Shikome - Naga - Lamia - Mothman - Taraka - Kurama Tengu - Nebiros - Kumbhanda - Arahabaki
Fortune Hypnos - Fortuna - Empusa - Kusi Mitama - Clotho - Lachesis - Atropos - Norn
Strength Cerberus - Valkyrie - Rakshasa - Titan - Jikokuten - Hanuman - Narasimha - Kali - Siegfried
Hanged Man Medea - Inugami - Take-Minakata - Orthrus - Vasuki - Ubelluris - Hecatoncheires - Hell Biker - Attis
Death Ghoul - Pale Rider - Loa - Samael - Mot - Alice - Thanatos
Temperance Nigi Mitama - Mithra - Genbu - Seiryuu - Okuninushi - Suzaku - Byakko - Yurlungur
Devil Lilim - Mokoi - Vetala - Incubus - Succubus - Pazuzu - Lilith - Abaddon - Beelzebub
Tower Eligor - Chu Chulainn - Bishamonten - Seiten Taisei - Masakado - Mara - Shiva - Chi You
Star Neko Shogun - Setanta - Nandi - Kaiwan - Ganesha - Garuda - Kartikeya - Saturnus - Helel
Moon Gurr - Yamatano-Orochi - Girimehkala - Dionysus - Chernobog - Seth - Baal Zebul - Sandalphon
Sun Yatagarasu - Quetzalcoatl - Jatayu - Horus - Suparna - Vishnu - Asura
Judgement Anubis - Trumpeter - Michael - Satan - Lucifer - Messiah
Aeon Uriel - Nidhoggr - Ananta - Atavaka - Metatron

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Fool Orpheus - Izanagi - Slime - Legion - Orpheus Telos - Ose - Black Frost - Decarabia - Shiki-Ouji - Loki
Magician Hermes - Trismegistus - Jiraiya - Susano-O - Agathion - Orobas - Jack Frost - Hua Po - Pyro Jack - Dis - Rangda - Jinn - Surt - Mada
Priestess Lucia - Juno - Konohana Sakuya - Amaterasu - Ame no Uzume - High Pixie - Ganga - Parvati - Hariti - Tzitzimitl - Scathach
Empress Penthesilea - Artemisia - Yaksini - Titania - Gorgon - Gabriel - Skadi - Mother Harlot - Lakshmi - Alilat
Emperor Polydeuces - Caesar - Take-Mikazuchi - Rokuten Maou - Oberon - Setanta - King Frost - Oukuninushi - Thoth - Pabilsag - Kingu - Barong - Odin
Hierophant Castor - Anzu - Shiisaa - Unicorn - Gozuki - Flauros - Mishaguji - Daisoujou - Hachiman - Kohryu
Lovers Io - Isis - Himiko - Kanzeon - Pixie - Alp - Moh Shuvuu - Queen Mab - Leanan Sidhe - Raphael - Cybele - Ishtar
Chariot Palladion - Athena - Tomoe - Suzuka Gongen - Nata Taishi - Chimera - Eligor - Ares - Mezuki - Oumitsunu - Triglav - Thor - Atavaka - Futsunushi
Justice Nemesis - Kala-Nemi - Angel - Archangel - Power - Virtue - Dominion - Throne - Uriel - Ophanim - Melchizedek
Hermit Azumi - Ippon-Datara - Nue - Mothman - Hitokotonusi - Kurama Tengu - Niddhoggr - Nebiros - Arahabaki - Ongyo-Ki
Fortune Sukuna-Hikona - Yamato-Takeru - Empusa - Fortuna - Clotho - Lachesis - Ananta - Atropos - Norn
Strength Cerberus - Sandman - Valkyrie - Oni - Tsuchigumo - Rakshasa - Hanuman - Ouyamatsumi - Siegfried - Kali - Zaou-Gongen
Hanged Man Koropokkur - Berith - Ikusa - Orthrus - Yatsufusa - Hell Biker - Vasuki - Attis
Death Mokoi - Matador - Turdak - White Rider - Samael - Mot - Alice - Pale Rider - Thanatos - Mahakala
Temperance Apsaras - Xiezhai - Mithra - Genbu - Seiryuu - Suzaku - Byakko - Vishnu
Devil Ukobach - Incubus - Succubus - Pazuzu - Basilisk - Lilith - Belial - Belphegor - Astaroth - Beelzebub
Tower Raijuu - Cu Chulainn - Abaddon - Mara - Seiten Taisei - Masakado - Yoshitsune - Shiva - Chi You - Magatsu-Izanagi
Star Kintoki-Douji - Kamui - Sarasvati - Yatagarasu - Neko Shogun - Kaiwan - Kikuri-Hime - Garuda - Kartikeya - Sraosha - Helel
Moon Onmoraki - Andras - Kaguya - Nozuchi - Orochi - Alraune - Girimehkala - Chernobog - Seth - Baal Zebul - Sandalphon
Sun Cu Sith - Phoenix - Narasimha - Ganesha - Tam Lin - Jatayu - Suparna - Asura
Judgement Red Rider - Anubis - Black Rider - Trumpeter - Michael - Satan - Metatron - Warrior Zeus - Ardha - Zeus - Lucifer
World Messiah - Izanagi-no-Okami

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Fool Orpheus / Orpheus - Orpheus Telos - Izanagi - Arsène - Satanael - Slime - Bifrons - Mothman - Izanagi Picaro - Ose - Orpheus Picaro - Black Frost - Bai Suzhen - Decarabia - Shiki-Ouji - Ardha
Magician Hermes - Trismegistus - Jiraiya - Susano-O - Zorro - Mercurius - Agathion - Orobas - Jack Frost - Hua Po - Pyro Jack - Dis - Rangda - Jinn - Surt - Mada - Kudlak
Priestess Lucia - Juno - Konohana Sakuya - Amaterasu - Johanna - Anat - Sarasvati - Moh Shuvuu - Ganga - Parvati - Dzelarhons - Gabriel - Hariti - Tzitzimitl - Scathach - Black Maria
Empress Penthesilea - Artemisia - Milady - Astarte - Ame no Uzume - Yaksini - Titania - Mayahuel - Kikuri-Hime - Skadi - Lakshmi - Mother Harlot - Xi Wangmu - Kali - Alilat
Emperor Polydeuces - Caesar - Take-Mikazuchi - Rokuten Maou - Goemon - Kamu Susano-o - Anzu - Oberon - Power - Okuninushi - King Frost - Thoth - Ganesha - Barong - Odin - Huang Di
Hierophant Castor - Halphas - Shiisaa - Koppa Tengu - Unicorn - Dantalion - Cherub - Mishaguji - Daisoujou - Kohryu - Kresnik - Baal Zebul
Lovers Io - Isis - Himiko - Kanzeon - Carmen - Hecate - Pixie - Heqet - High Pixie - Queen Mab - Narcissus - Vivian - Leanan Sidhe - Raphael - Cybele - Raphael - Lorelei - Ishtar
Chariot Palladion - Athena - Tomoe - Suzuka Gongen - Captain Kidd - Seiten Taisei - Nata Taishi - Chimera - Eligor - Mezuki - Oumitsunu - Triglav - Kartikeya - Kingu - Pale Rider - Thor - Atavaka - Futsunushi
Justice Nemesis - Kala-Nemi - Robin Hood - Angel - Archangel - Principality - Setanta - Virtue - Dominion - Uriel - Throne - Jeanne d'Arc - Melchizedek - Metatron - Seraph
Hermit Necronomicon - Prometheus - Azumi - Ippon-Datara - Nue - Caladrius - Hitokotonusi - Kurama Tengu - Niddhoggr - Nebiros - Arahabaki - Ongyo-Ki
Fortune Sukuna-Hikona - Yamato-Takeru - Mandrake - Kelpie - Ariadne - Yuki Jyorou - Fortuna - Ariadne Picaro - Clotho - Pabilsag - Lachesis - Atropos - Norn - Ananta - Ouroboros - Asterius - Asterius Picaro
Strength Cerberus - Mokoi - Valkyrie - Oni - Tsuchigumo - Gozuki - Rakshasa - Hanuman - Ouyamatsumi - Ara Mitama - Siegfried - Zaou-Gongen
Hanged Man Onmoraki - Berith - Ikusa - Gorgon - Orthrus - Yatsufusa - Hell Biker - Moloch - Vasuki - Attis
Death Empusa - Yatagarasu - Matador - Red Rider - White Rider - Thanatos - Flauros - Thanatos Picaro - Mot - Alice - Bugs - Balor - Mahakala
Temperance Apsaras - Silky - Bicorn - Mithra - Genbu - Seiryu - Suzaku - Byakko - Mithras - Vishnu
Devil Sandman - Alp - Incubus - Legion - Succubus - Pazuzu - Belphegor - Belial - Baphomet - Vouivre - Lilith - Astaroth - Beelzebub
Tower Ukobach - Raijuu - Ammut - Nigi Mitama - Cu Chulainn - Magatsu-Izanagi - Abaddon - Longinus - Mara - Masakado - Yoshitsune - Shiva - Chi You
Star Kintoki-Douji - Kamui - Koropokkuru - Xiezhai - Gemori - Neko Shogun - Kaiwan - Sleipnir - Kusi Mitama - Garuda - Sraosha - Suparna - Helel
Moon Sudama - Andras - Kaguya - Nozuchi - Hare of Inaba - Kaguya Picaro - Orochi - Alraune - Fenrir - Girimehkala - Saki Mitama - Chernobog - Seth - Tsukuyomi - Tsukuyomi Picaro - Sandalphon
Sun Cu Sith - Phoenix - Pele - Basilisk - Narasimha - Lugh - Hathor - Tam Lin - Jatayu - Hachiman - Asura
Judgement Messiah - Turdak - Berserker - Anubis - Black Rider - Ophanim - Messiah Picaro - Trumpeter - Michael - Satan - Lucifer
World Izanagi-no-Okami

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Omega Tonatiuh - Chernobog - Wu Kong - Kartikeya - Susano-o - Beiji-Weng - Shiva
Megami Sarasvati - Kikuri-Hime - Hathor - Brigid - Scathach - Lakshmi - Isis- Parvati - Norn - Pallas Athena - Amaterasu
Deity Mahakala - Thor - Arahabaki - Odin - Yama - Inti - Mithra - Osiris - Lugh - Alilat - Baal - Lord Nan Dou - Asura
Vile Orcus - Baphomet - Pazuzu - Abaddon - Arioch - Tao Tie - Tezcatlipoca - Nyarlathotep
Snake Makara - Nozuchi - Pendragon - Gui Xian - Quetzalcoatl - Seiryuu - Gucumatz - Orochi - Ananta - Hoyau Kamui
Dragon Toubyou - Bai Suzhen - Asp - Ym - Python - Culebre - Vritra - Vasuki
Divine Angel - Power - Lailah - Aniel - Kazfiel - Remiel - Metatron
Avian Itsumade - Moh Shuvuu - Hamsa - Suparna - Vidofnir - Badb Catha - Anzu - Feng Huang - Garuda - Da Peng
Fallen Gagyson - Abraxas - Flauros - Barbatos - Botis - Nisroc - Bifrons - Orobas - Decarabia - Murmur - Agares - Nebiros - Satan
Avatar Heqet - Apis - Shiisaa - Kamapua'a - Bai Ze - Pabilsag - Baihu - Airavata - Ukano Mitama - Barong - Anubis
Beast Kabuso - Hairy Jack - Nekomata - Orthrus - Cait Sith - Nue - Myrmecoleon - Cerberus - Fenrir
Wilder Hare of Inaba - Waira - Garm - Afanc - Xiezhai - Mothman - Taown - Sleipnir - Behemoth - Ammut
Genma Tam Lin - Jambavan - Ictinike - Tlaloc - Hanuman - Cu Chulainn - Kama - Kresnik - Kangiten - Ganesha - Jarilo - Heimdall
Fairy Pixie - Knocker - Kijimunaa - Jack Frost - Pyro Jack - Lorelei - Silky - Vivian - Titania - Oberon
Tyrant King Frost - Moloch - Balor - Hecate - Tzitzimitl - Loki - Mot - Astaroth - Nergal - Belial - Beelzebub - Lucifer
Kishin Ubelluris - Nalagiri - Hitokotonusi - Take-Mikazuchi - Zouchou - Jikokuten - Koumokuten - Bishamonten - Ometeotl - Zaou-Gongen
Touki Kobold - Bilwis - Gozuki - Mezuki - Ikusa - Berserker - Lham Dearg - Yaksa - Nata Taishi - Oumitsunu
Jaki Obariyon - Ogre - Mokoi - Ogun - Wendigo - Legion - Girimekhala - Rakshasa - Grendel - Black Frost
Femme Kikimora - Lilim - Leanan Sidhe - Yuki Jyorou - Peri - Ixtab - Hariti - Dzelarhons - Rangda - Anat - Kali - Lilith
Ghost Poltergeist - Agathion - Tenong Cut - Kumbhanda - Loa - Pisaca - Kudlak - Purple Mirror
Fiend Ghost Q - Sage of Time - Billiken - Trumpeter - Alice
Hero Neko Shogun - Hagen - Jeanne d'Arc - Yoshitsune - Guan Yu - Masakado
Element Flaemis - Aquans - Aeros - Erthys
Mitama Ara Mitama - Nigi Mitama - Kusi Mitama - Saki Mitama

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Omega Dionysus - Tonatiuh - Aramisaki - Chernobog - Wu Kong - Kartikeya - Susano-o - Beiji-Weng - Shiva
Megami Sarasvati - Ishtar - Kikuri-Hime - Hathor - Brigid - Scathach - Lakshmi - Isis- Parvati - Norn - Pallas Athena - Amaterasu
Deity Mahakala - Thor - Arahabaki - Odin - Yama - Inti - Mithra - Osiris - Lugh - Alilat - Baal - Lord Nan Dou - Asura
Vile Orcus - Baphomet - Pazuzu - Abaddon - Arioch - Tao Tie - Tezcatlipoca - Seth - Nyarlathotep
Snake Makara - Nozuchi - Pendragon - Gui Xian - Quetzalcoatl - Seiryuu - Gucumatz - Orochi - Ananta - Yurlungur - Hoyau Kamui - Kohryu
Dragon Toubyou - Bai Suzhen - Asp - Ym - Python - Culebre - Vritra - Fafnir - Vasuki
Divine Angel - Power - Lailah - Dominion - Aniel - Kazfiel - Sandalphon - Remiel - Sraosha - Metatron
Avian Itsumade - Moh Shuvuu - Hamsa - Suparna - Vidofnir - Badb Catha - Rukh - Anzu - Kau - Feng Huang - Garuda - Da Peng
Fallen Gagyson - Abraxas - Dantalian - Flauros - Barbatos - Botis - Nisroc - Bifrons - Orobas - Decarabia - Murmur - Agares - Nebiros - Satan
Avatar Heqet - Apis - Shiisaa - Kamapua'a - Bai Ze - Pabilsag - Baihu - Airavata - Ukano Mitama - Barong - Anubis
Beast Kabuso - Hairy Jack - Nekomata - Orthrus - Cait Sith - Nue - Myrmecoleon - Cerberus - Fenrir - Cabracan
Wilder Hare of Inaba - Waira - Garm - Afanc - Xiezhai - Mothman - Taown - Catoblepas - Sleipnir - Behemoth - Ammut
Genma Tam Lin - Jambavan - Roitschaggata - Ictinike - Tlaloc - Hanuman - Cu Chulainn - Kama - Kresnik - Kangiten - Ganesha - Jarilo - Heimdall
Fairy Pixie - Knocker - Kijimunaa - Jack Frost - Pyro Jack - Lorelei - Silky - Troll - Vivian - Spriggan - Titania - Oberon
Tyrant King Frost - Moloch - Lucifuge - Balor - Hecate - Tzitzimitl - Loki - Mot - Lucifer Frost - Astaroth - Nergal - Belial - Beelzebub - Lucifer
Kishin Ubelluris - Nalagiri - Hitokotonusi - Take-Mikazuchi - Zouchou - Jikokuten - Koumokuten - Bishamonten - Ometeotl - Okuninushi - Zaou-Gongen
Touki Kobold - Bilwis - Dokkaebi - Gozuki - Mezuki - Ikusa - Berserker - Lham Dearg - Momunofu - Yaksa - Nata Taishi - Oumitsunu - Titan - Ongyo-Ki
Jaki Obariyon - Ogre - Mokoi - Ogun - Wendigo - Legion - Girimekhala - Shiki-Ouji - Rakshasa - Grendel - Macabre - Black Frost - Shikigami
Femme Kikimora - Lilim - Leanan Sidhe - Yuki Jyorou - Peri - Ixtab - Hariti - Dzelarhons - Rangda - Anat - Jahi - Kali - Xi Wangmu - Lilith
Ghost Poltergeist - Agathion - Tenong Cut - Kumbhanda - Loa - Pisaca - Kudlak - Purple Mirror
Fiend Ghost Q - Sage of Time - Billiken - Trumpeter - Mother Harlot - Alice
Hero Neko Shogun - Hagen - Jeanne d'Arc - Yoshitsune - Guan Yu - Frost Five - Masakado
Element Flaemis - Aquans - Aeros - Erthys
Mitama Ara Mitama - Nigi Mitama - Kusi Mitama - Saki Mitama
Foreigner Izaya Orihara - Shizuo Heiwajima - Celty Sturluson

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