
Paraladi TCG

Paraladi in the TCG

Paraladi (パララディ, Pararadi)? is a Healing skill.


Game Effect Cost
Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne Cures Stun to a single ally. 5 MP
Megami Ibunroku Persona Cures Paralyze status (1 ally) 6 SP



Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne[]

Demon Race Level
Cai-Zhi Avatar 29
Nekomata Beast Innate
High Pixie Fairy 11
Kelpie Fairy Innate
Kushinada-Hime Lady 43
Nue * Wilder Innate

Megami Ibunroku Persona[]

Demon Order Level
Yaksini Brute 37


Megami Ibunroku Persona[]

Persona Arcana Level Rank
Ame no Uzume Priestess 11 5
Tensen Nyannyan Priestess 46 4
Physical Skills
Thrust Skills Lunge - Hell Thrust - Berserk - Tempest - Hades Blast
Needle Skills Needle Rush - Stun Needle - Toxic Sting - Arid Needle
Claw Skills Feral Claw - Stun Claw - Venom Claw - Iron Claw
Bite Skills Feral Bite - Stun Bite - Venom Bite - Charm Bite - Stone Bite - Hell Fang
Weapon Skills Brutal Slash - Mighty Gust - Guillotine - Dark Sword - Stasis Blade - Heat Wave - Blight - Hassohappa - Chaos Blade - Deathbound
Exclusive Physical Skills Divine Shot - Spiral Viper - Oni-Kagura - Deadly Fury - Javelin Rain - Xeros-Beat - Gaea Rage - Earthquake - Andalucia - Hell Spin - Terrorblade - Rebellion - E & I - Bullet Time - Boogie-Woogie - Enter Yoshitsune - Mokoi Boomerang
Almighty Physical Skills Last Resort - Kamikaze - Sacrifice - Freikugel - Stinger - Tekisatsu
Magic Skills
Fire Skills Agi - Maragi - Fire Breath - Agilao - Maragion - Hellfire - Agidyne - Maragidyne - Prominence
Ragnarok - Hell Burner - Magma Axis
Ice Skills Bufu - Mabufu - Ice Breath - Bufula - Mabufula - Bufudyne - Mabufudyne - Glacial Blast
Elec Skills Zio - Mazio - Shock - Zionga - Mazionga - Ziodyne - Maziodyne - Bolt Storm
Roundtrip - Mishaguji Raiden
Force Skills Zan - Mazan - Wing Buffet - Zanma - Mazanma - Zandyne - Mazandyne - Tornado - Wind Cutter
Hell Exhaust - Wet Wind - Whirlwind - Hitokoto Storm
Expel Skills Hama - Mahama - Hamaon - Mahamaon - Violet Flash - Radiance - Thunderclap - Holy Wrath
Starlight - Godly Light - God's Bow
Death Skills Mudo - Mamudo - Mudoon - Mamudoon - Stone Gaze - Evil Gaze - Hell Gaze
Curse Skills Toxic Cloud - Mute Gaze - Makajam - Makajamon - Dismal Tune - Soul Divide
Nerve Skills Shibaboo - Binding Cry - Stun Gaze
Mind Skills Lullaby - Dormina - Eternal Rest - Sexy Gaze - Marin Karin - Allure - Pulinpa - Panic Voice - Sonic Wave - Tentarafoo - Death Lust - Intoxicate - Preach - Wild Dance
Almighty Skills Megido - Megidola - Megidolaon - Deathtouch - Mana Drain - Life Drain
Meditation - Beast Roar - Pestilence - Death Flies - Fire of Sinai - Evil Melody - Showtime - Jiraiya Dance
Support Skills
Healing Skills Dia - Diarama - Diarahan - Media - Mediarama - Mediarahan - Posumudi - Mutudi - Paraladi - Petradi - Patra - Me Patra - Recarm - Samarecarm - Recarmdra - Prayer - Holy Melody
Assist Skills Tarukaja - Rakukaja - Makakaja - Sukukaja - Focus - Red Capote - Tarunda - Rakunda - Sukunda - War Cry - Fog Breath - Taunt - Debilitate - Provoke - Dekunda - Dekaja - Holy Star - Raptor Guardian - Tetraja - Tetrakarn - Makarakarn
Misc Skills Analyze - Estoma - Riberama - Lightoma - Liftoma - Makatora - Trafuri - Beckon Call
Passive Skills
Elemental Affinity Anti-Phys - Anti-Fire - Anti-Ice - Anti-Force - Anti-Elec - Anti-Mind - Anti-Nerve - Anti-Curse - Anti-Expel - Anti-Death - Void Phys - Void Fire - Void Ice - Void Force - Void Elec - Void Mind - Void Nerve - Void Curse - Void Expel - Void Death - Phys Drain - Fire Drain - Ice Drain - Elec Drain - Force Drain - Repel Phys - Repel Fire - Repel Ice - Repel Force - Repel Elec
Enhancement Life Bonus - Life Gain - Life Surge - Mana Bonus - Mana Gain - Mana Surge - Life Aid - Mana Aid - Life Refill - Mana Refill - Victory Cry - Watchful - Counter - Retaliate - Avenge - Might - Bright Might - Dark Might - Drain Attack - Attack All - Pierce - Never Yield - Endure
Damage Boost Fire Boost - Ice Boost - Force Boost - Elec Boost - Son's Oath - Raidou the Eternal
Misc. Mind's Eye - Fast Retreat - Lucky Find
Conversation Skills
Recruitment Jive Talk - Scout - Kidnap - Beseech - Brainwash - Wooing - Seduce - Dark Pledge - Mischief - Soul Recruit - Death Pact
Trade Trade - Pester - Begging - Threaten - Stone Hunt - Loan
Interruption Persuade - Nag - Flatter - Intimidate - Gonnection - Haggle - Detain - Arbitration - Maiden's Plea - Wine Party
Passive Charisma
Enemy Exclusive Skills Beast Eye - Dragon Eye - Gathering - Laughter - Dark Howl
Boss Skills Icy Death - Foul Union - Foul Havoc - Startle - Hell Throttle - Replicate - Mirage - Sol Niger - Conjuration - God's Curse - Hell's Call - Tentacle - Apocalypse - Aurora - Domination - Bael's Bane - Divine Will - Phase Shift - Vast Light - Infinite Light - High King - Evil Gleam - Root of Evil

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Sword Icon IS1-hand Sword Twin Slash - Heat Wave - Deathbound
Two Hand Icon P12-hand Sword Ichimonji Slash - Wolf Fang - Triple Slice
Spear Icon P1Spear Double Thrust - Dragon Whirl - Burning Spear
Axe Icon P1Axe Flurry Stab - Destruction Smash - Earth Slicer
Whip Icon P1Whip Love Whip - Infinite Spiral - Moon Shatterer
Strike Icon ISFist Twinkle Punch - Fist of Fury - Deadly Fist
Thrown Icon ISThrown Fastball - Darkness Nail - Sonic Bullet
Arrow Icon P1Arrow Rapid Fire - Myriad Arrows - Arrow Volley
Ranged2 Icon ISHandgun Single Shot
Machinegun Icon P1Machinegun Drive Shot - Middle Shot
Shotgun Icon P1Shotgun Powder Shot
Rifle Icon P1Rifle Long Shot
Other Physical Icon ISTech Feral Claw - Genocide Fan - Spin Kick - Thunder Kick - Poison Claw - Stun Claw - Virus Claw - Stone Claw - Needle Rush - Toxic Sting - Stun Needle - Lightning Kick
Physical Icon ISRush Feral Bite - Beak - Wing Flap - Dive - Spike Claw - Death Claw - Venom Bite - Stun Bite - Virus Bite - Stone Bite - Squash - Tackle - Bonecrusher - Heavenly Hit - Megaton Raid
Physical Icon ISSpecial Dissolvent - Sweet Trap - Drumroll Punch - Rainbow Strike - Viper Smash - Last Resort - Binal Strike - Self Destruct
Fire Icon ISFire Agi - Agilao - Agidyne - Maragi - Maragion - Maragidyne
Crimson Sublation - Azure Cessation - Fire Breath
Ice Icon ISIce Bufu - Bufula - Bufudyne - Mabufu - Mabufula - Mabufudyne
Gentle Wave - Mighty Wave - Ice Breath
Wind Icon ISWind Garu - Garula - Garudyne - Magaru - Magarula - Magarudyne
Earthly Vortex - Heavenly Cyclone
Earth Icon ISEarth Magna - Magnara - Magnadyne - Mamagna - Mamagnara - Mamagnadyne
Hell Drop - Gokuraku Fall
Elec Icon ISElectrical Zio - Zionga - Ziodyne - Mazio - Mazionga - Maziodyne
Shuuraigeki - Sanraigeki
Nuclear Icon P1Nuclear Frei - Freila - Freidyne - Megido - Megidola - Megidolaon
Gravity Icon P1Gravity Gry - Gryva - Grydyne - Magry - Magryva - Magrydyne
Blast Icon P1Blast Zan - Zanma - Zandyne - Mazan - Mazanma - Mazandyne
Western Blow - Eastern Impact
Expel Icon P1Expel Hama - Hamaon - Mahama - Kouha - Baikouha - Makouha
Expel Icon P1Miracle Recarm - Samarecarm - Recarmdra
Alpha Blaster - Eternal White - Bright Judgement
Heal Icon ISBless Dia - Diarama - Diarahan - Media - Mediarama - Mediarahan
Patra - Pen Patra - Posumudi - Paraladi - Petradi - Nervundi
Occult Icon P1Prayer Tarukaja - Rakukaja - Sukukaja - Makakaja - Tarunda - Rakunda - Sukunda - Dekaja - Dekunda
Tetraja - Tetrakarn - Makarakarn
Death Icon ISDeath Mudo - Mudoon - Mamudo - Eiha - Baeiha - Maeiha
Hell Eyes - Petra Eyes - Paral Eyes - Guilt Eyes - Terror Eyes - Passionate Kiss - Demon's Kiss - Evil Smile - Deathtouch
Ailment Icon ISCurse Omega Cluster - Eternal Black - Dark Verdict
Deathtika - Petrama - Paralama - Poisma - Nervma
Ailment Icon ISNerve Shibaboo - Decover - Dormina - Pulinpa - Hapirma - Marin Karin - Makajam - Delyte - Slumpa - Desanga
Sexy Dance - Happy Dance - Hula of Misfortune - Tango of Dispelling - Waltz of Sadness - Lullaby - Panic Voice - Bind Voice - Frenzy Song - Candy Voice - Poison Breath - Fog Breath
Occult Icon P1Occult Balzac - Doroid - Doronpa - Mador - Quikka - Wolvaan
Other Icon P1Support Estoma - Outoma - Liftoma - Traesto - Alsanga
Occult Icon P1Assist Water Wall - Fire Wall - Steel Wall - Crystal Wall - Luna Trap
Physical Icon ISAnti-Boss Hieroglyphein
Fire Icon ISBoss-only Paralyze Puncture - All Guard - Butterfly Storm - Symphony of Lament - Derangement Voice - Dark Slumber - Revenge Leak - Absolute Zero

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