Primitive Idol is a boss found on the 20th floor of Antenora. It is fought alongside the Shouting Tiara and the Wrathful Book. During battle, the Primitive Idol will alternate between using Mind Charge and random magic attacks. The largest threat is arguably from the Wrathful Book, which will spend its entire time trying to Enrage the party, potentially leading them to be knocked out. After the Wrathful Book is dealt with, the party may engage either the Primitive Idol or Shouting Tiara as they see fit. Alternatively, the boss can be inflicted with a multitude of status effects to alleviate its presence. It is neutral to Rage and Poison while immune to all others.
After being defeated, the Primitive Idol will drop the Throne of Ruin barter item.
In Golden, Primitive Idol's only offensive skill is Heaven's Blade. However, it also has access to Power Charge. In addition, Primitive Idols have substantially more health and no longer take neutral damage from all attacks. They now resist fire, null ice and light, reflect wind, and drain electricity. However, they also gain a weakness to dark.
Persona Q2: New Cinema Labyrinth[]
The copy of Hikari's primary school teacher transforms into Primitive Maria to attack when she is denied in ???.