Rag's Jewelry


Rag's Shop as it appears in Majin Tensei II: Spiral Nemesis.

Rag's Jewelry, also known as Rag's Shop (ラグの店, Ragu no Mise)? is a store in the series.



Megami Tensei[]

Rag's Shop is located in Valhalla. Nakajima can trade an Amethyst for a Dragon Whisker (heals the party), a Thunderbolt (damages the party), Ares' Necklace (needed to obtain the Statue of Latos in Mazurka), or the Jewel of Heaven; so long as an Amethyst is not in Nakajima's inventory, another one can be obtained from any of the Amethyst rooms. If both Ares' Necklace and the Jewel of Heaven have been obtained, an Amethyst can be traded for London Boots, which instantly teleport Nakajima to Micon, at the top of the Tower of Daedalus.

Megami Tensei II[]

Rag's Shop is located in Shibuya. Gems can be traded for the following items:

Gem Items
Emerald Core Shield, Sacred Bell, Soma
Aquamarine Petrinon, Emergency Exit, Thunderbolt
Amethyst Muscle Drink, Exorcism Herb, Canned Demon

An Amethyst room is located on the first floor in Shibuya, where there will always be an Amethyst provided the protagonist does not have one in his inventory. Similarly, an Emerald room is located in Ginza B2F, near where the Basilisk is fought, and an Aquamarine room is located on Shinjuku 3F.

Gems can also be received as the 4th prize in Code Breaker games, Amethyst in Ariake, Aquamarine in Korakuen, and Emerald in Bael's Castle.

Kyuuyaku Megami Tensei[]

If Nakajima enters Rag's Shop more than twice, Rag will give him a "Member's Card". After defeating Lucifer, Megami Tensei II will start and a kid in the shelter will give the protagonist a Member's Card if Nakajima had one. If the Member's Card is taken to Rag's, it will be traded for a Heidrun, which can be used to heal all HP+MP+Ailments or used to activate the Jack Frost Parent Easter Egg much later in the game.

Shin Megami Tensei[]

Rag's is located in various towns throughout the game, and as his inventory is the same in every location. Gems can be traded for either items or Element race demons:

Gem Item
Garnet Mazio Stone
Amethyst Sealing Bell
Aquamarine Angel Hair
Diamond Balm of Life
Emerald Core Shield
Pearl Soma
Ruby Glancing Pot
Onyx Maragi Stone
Sapphire Pentagram
Opal Talisman
Topaz Asura's Palm
Turquoise Magic Bottle
Element Required Gems
Erthys Amethyst, Onyx, Opal
Aeros Opal, Topaz, Turquoise
Aquans Aquamarine, Pearl, Turquoise
Flaemis Garnet, Amethyst, Pearl
Gnome Emerald, Onyx, Topaz
Sylph Sapphire, Opal, Turquoise
Undine Aquamarine, Emerald, Pearl
Salamander Garnet, Diamond, Ruby

Shin Megami Tensei: if...[]

Rag's Jewelry is found in the second floor of the World of Sloth and in the 7th floor of the Second Nomos. The player may exchange jewels for items or Elements, the latter according to a point system. Each jewel is worth a number of points and the sum of the two jewels the player offers determines which Element will be given.

There is a bug in the PlayStation port of the game that allows the player to increase the number of jewels they have. The player must select "trade for Element" and then any two jewels. When the shopkeeper asks the player if they want that Element, answering "no" will prompt the player to select a second jewel again. If the player tries to select a jewel that they do not possess, the jewel originally chosen as the second will have their amount increased by one in the player's inventory. For example, if the player selects an Amethyst and an Aquamarine, refuses the Element and then select any jewel they do not have, the amount of Aquamarines in the player's possession will increase by one.

Gem Item Points
Amethyst Sealing Bell 0
Aquamarine Maragi Stone 1
Emerald Core Shield 2
Onyx Mabufu Stone 3
Opal Chakra Drop 4
Garnet Mazio Stone 5
Sapphire Spirit Whistle 6
Diamond Balm of Life 7
Turquoise Silence Bell 8
Topaz Confusion Drum 9
Pearl Soma 10
Ruby Revival Bead 11
Element Points
Erthys 0-2
Aeros 3-5
Aquans 6-8
Flaemis 9-11
Gnome 12-14
Sylph 15-17
Undine 18-20
Salamander 21-22

Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne[]

Rag's Jewelry is found in Ginza. He deals special consumable items in exchange for gems, and he also has Elements and Mitamas in stock. While he always has the same base stock of items and demons, occasionally one of the demons he has in stock has gained a few levels and/or undergone skill changes. Those demons will also go at a higher price than usual. These are randomly decided whenever the Demi-fiend enters his shop.

Item Gem
Bead Chain Aquamarine x3
Chakra Pot Sapphire x2
Great Chakra Diamond x1
Soma Droplet Amethyst x1
Balm of Rising Pearl x1
Megido Rock Ruby x1
Megidola Rock Ruby x2
Pot of Death Emerald x1
Coral x1
Magic Mirror Opal x1
Onyx x1
Attack Mirror Opal x1
Turquoise x1
Dekaja Rock Garnet x1
Coral x1
Tetraja Rock Aquamarine x1
Garnet x1
Repulse Bell Garnet x1
Turquoise x1
Attract Pipe Coral x1
Turquoise x1
Smoke Ball Onyx x1
Aquamarine x1
Demon Gem
Flaemis Pearl x1
Coral x1
Aquans Agate x1
Aquamarine x2
Aeros Agate x1
Turquoise x2
Erthys Agate x1
Onyx x2
Saki Mitama Jade x1
Sapphire x1
Kusi Mitama Jade x1
Opal x1
Nigi Mitama Jade x1
Amethyst x1
Ara Mitama Jade x1
Ruby x1

Shin Megami Tensei IMAGINE[]

Rag's Shop appears in Third Home, Shinjuku Babel, and Ikebukuro's Chinatown. There he accepts jewels in exchange for Elemental and Mitama race demons. He also will accept jewels for skills that he can place on a summoned elemental.

Another Bible[]

Every shop in the game is Rag's. Unlike most other games, Rag's sells items for macca instead of gems.

Last Bible III[]

Serpent can be obtained in the shop.

Majin Tensei[]

RAG's will periodically be found on the map, he trades both demons and equipment, the strength of the demons RAG sells is based off of the quantity of gemstone the player has in their possession. The Aura equipment, each piece requires 3 specific gemstones.

  • Aura Helmet: Emerald, Pearl, Garnet
  • Aura Armor: Sapphire, Turquoise, Opal
  • Aura Gloves: Onyx, Topaz, Ruby
  • Aura Boots: Amethyst, Aquamarine, Diamond

Majin Tensei II: Spiral Nemesis[]

A store run by a demon found in nearly every time era and the worlds Amnesia and Paranoia. The demon inside will trade materials that Naoki and his allies obtain from demons in battle for items and demons.

Incense items are always in Rag's shop, along with items to escape from stages. Weapons change to better ones as the group changes between time eras. Element Race demons are always traded by him, but he will offer the group a chance to have a Night Mephistopheles if they bring the required materials for trade. He will then ask them if they want one every time they enter the shop.

Devil Summoner 2: Raidou Kuzunoha vs. King Abaddon[]

Appearing as Jewel Merchant R, he requests jewels in a number of Case Files.


Rag's Shop as it appears in Kyuuyaku Megami Tensei

Rag's Shop as it appears in Kyuuyaku Megami Tensei

Rag's Shop as it appears in Shin Megami Tensei IMAGINE

Rag's Shop as it appears in Shin Megami Tensei IMAGINE

Dungeon - Combat - Turn - Action - Level - Experience - Party - Stats - Skills - Items - Equipment - Melee Attack - Ranged Attack - Damage (Fixed) - Guard - Escape - Accuracy - Critical - Multi-hit - Insta-Kill - Ailments - Drops - Encounter - Random Encounters - Symbol Encounters - Ambush - Difficulty
Demon - Magic (Fusion Spell) - Affinities - Unique skills - Extra Skills - Macca - Yen - Magnetite - Incense - Alignment - Moon Phase System - Demon Summoning Program (COMP) - Cathedral of Shadows (Fusion - Skill Inheritance - Accidents / Special / Three-demon / Sacrificial / Sword) - Demonic Compendium - Evolution - Negotiation (Special conversation) - Rag's Jewelry - Code Breaker - Press Turn - New Game Plus - Ultimate boss - Streetpass - Password - Skill Mutation - Energy Drain - Party Talks
Shin Megami Tensei series
Terminal - Guardian (if...) - Tactical Battle (NINE) - Capacity (NINE) - RTS (NINE) - Reinforcements (NINE) - Race Shift (NINE) - Modules (NINE) - Magatama (3) - Reason (3) - Demon Co-Op (SJ) - EX Missions (SJ) - Challenge Quest (4) - Skill Potential (4/A-5) - Smirk (4) - Barrier (4) - Partners (4A) - Jade Dagger (4A) - Magatsuhi Skills (5) - Essence (5) - Glory (5) - Miracles (5) - Demon Statues (5) - Abscess (5)
Devil Summoner series
Loyalty - Personality - Mystic Change - Nemechi (SH) - Case Files (RKKA)
Majin Tensei series
Rank - Affinity (2) - Arcana (Ronde)
Persona series
Shadows / Personas (Initial / Prime / Ultimate / Ancestor / Reverse / Sub) - Skill Card - Totem (1) - Type/Subtype (1+2) - Affinity (1+2) - Rank (1+2) - Mystic Change (1+2+5) - One More (3-5) - Growth Rate (1+2) - Unknown Power (1+EP) - Personality (1+2, 5) - Material Card (2) - Mutation (2) - Follow Up - All-out Attack (Cut-in) - Heart Item (3) - Shuffle Time (3+4) - Daily Life (3-5) - Activities (3-5) - Calendar (3-5) - Social Stats (3-5) - Social Link (3+4) - Tactics (3-5) - Requests (3-5; Q+Q2) - Clock (3P+3RE) - Linked Episode (3RE) - Great Clock (3RE) - Theurgy (3RE) - Arcana Chance (4) - Forecasts (Fusion / Weather) (4+5) - Boost (Q+Q2) - Power Spot (Q+Q2) - F.O.E (Q+Q2) - Confidant (5) - Technical (5+5S) - Treasure Demon (5+5S) - Party Switch (5+5S) - Baton Pass (5+5S; Q2) - Disaster Shadow (5R) - Fusion alarm (5R) - Persona Traits (5R) - Third Eye (5+5S) - Master Arts (5S) - BOND (5S) - Persona Points (5S)
Devil Children series
Trainer - Bank - BattleNet - Relic Fusion - Power Fusion - Powers
Digital Devil Saga series
Berserk Mode (2)
Devil Survivor series
Devil Auction - Extra Turn Battle - Skill Crack - Titles (DSO / DS2 / RB) - Fate System (2) - Add-On (2)
Equip Type (GMT:TM) - Skill Systems (GMT:TM) - Sword Exchange (GMT:TM) - Class (TMS♯FE) - Class Change (TMS♯FE) - Topic System (TMS♯FE) - Side Quests (TMS♯FE) - Ad-lib Performance (TMS♯FE) - Session (TMS♯FE) - Dual Arts (TMS♯FE)

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Playable Akemi Nakajima - Yumiko Shirasagi - Cerberus
Non-playable Minotaur - Medusa - Rick - Loki - Gaia - Hecate - Izanami - Seth - Lucifer
Daimakyuu Micon - Tower of Daedalus - Bien - Valhalla Corridor - Mazurka Corridor - Rotting Sea of Flames - Infini Palace - Hades
Terminology Demon - Hinokagutsuchi - Magnetite - Moon Phase System - Cathedral of Shadows (Fusion) - Rag's Jewelry - Izanami Clothes
Lists Demons - Items - Spells (Kyūyaku)
Other Media
Games Megami Tensei (Telenet) - Kyūyaku Megami Tensei

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Kyūyaku Megami Tensei
Playable Protagonist - Partner - Friend - Orthrus - Atlas - Naga - Cerberus - Sword Knight - Baal - Lucifer - Ahura Mazda
Non-Playable Pazuzu - Hiroko - Mora - Mr. Suzuki - Bael - Masakado - Asmodeus - Izanagi - Belial - Izanami - Moloch - Belphegor - Mitra - Astaroth - Beelzebub - YHVH
Devil Busters Micon - Tower of Daedalus
Tokyo Keihin Shelter No. 3 - Haneda - Shinagawa - Ariake - Shiba - Tokyo Tower - Roppongi - Shibuya - Ginza - Ginza Underpass - Korakuen - Ikebukuro - Ueno - Shinjuku - Nakano - Intelligence Building - Adachi - Island of Dreams - Zaratan - Bael's Castle - Ground Zero - Suzuki Company Ltd.
Expanse Valley of Despair - Fields of Lunacy - Lands of Rage - Forest of Confusion - Mountain of Horror - Remote Island - Lucifer's Temple - Lucifer's Castle
Other River Styx - Hades - Garbage Mountain
Terminology Great Cataclysm - Order of Messiah - Deva Cult - Devil Busters - Demon Summoning Program (COMP / Magnetite) - Cathedral of Shadows (Fusion / Three-demon fusion) - Terminal - Rag's Jewelry - Code Breaker - Sabbath - Seven Pillars of Solomon
Archives Demons - Bosses - Items - Skills

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Playable Characters Protagonist - Heroine - Law Hero - Chaos Hero - Pascal
Non-Playable Characters Stephen - Ozawa - Yuriko - Old Man - Gotou - Ambassador Thorman - En no Ozuno - Louis Cyphre - Soul Diver
Locations Tokyo - Kichijoji - Shinjuku - Ichigaya - Diamond Realm - Shibuya - Roppongi - Ginza Underpass - Ginza - Tokyo Tower - Shinagawa - Ikebukuro - Ueno - Tokyo Destinyland - Basilica - River Styx
Terminology Terminal - Alignment - Ring of Gaea - Order of Messiah - Great Cataclysm - Sword fusion - Four Heavenly Kings
Soundtracks Shin Megami Tensei Sound Collection
Archives Demons - Bosses - Skills - Items

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Playable Characters Aleph/Hawk - Hiroko - Beth - Cerberus - Lucifer - Satan
Non-Playable Characters Okamoto - Gimmel - Zayin - Stephen - Haneda - Daleth - Red Bear - Madam - Hanada - The Center's Bishop - The Four Elders - Mekata - Puck - Hanoun - Mutant Elder - Hiruko - Taira no Masakado - Siren - Petersen - Michael - Raphael - Uriel - Gabriel - Fake YHVH - Seth - Virocana - Ozawa - Gotou - Gemori - Astaroth (Ishtar / Ashtar) - Kuzuryu - YHVH
Locations Tokyo Millennium - Underworld - Expanse - Eden - Diamond Realm - River Styx
Terminology Millennium Kingdom - Great Cataclysm - Order of Messiah - Ring of Gaea - Terminal - Sword fusion - Identification Program - Summon Doll - Seven Pillars of Solomon - Sabbath - Abaddon's Innards - Megiddo Arc
Content Demons - Bosses - Skills - Items

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Hazama's Chapter - Manga - Kahn - Novel
Playable Tamaki Uchida - Yumi Shirakawa - Shinji Kuroi - Reiko Akanezawa - Akira Miyamoto - Amon - Ideo Hazama
Non-playable Nova - Akiko Yano - Ryuichi Sakamoto - Kayama - Katsuhiko Sato - Otsuki - Chefei - Zurvan
General Karukozaka High School - River Styx
Expanse World of Pride - Gluttony - Sloth - Envy - Wrath - Greed - Tower of Confinement - Inner World
Terminology Guardian - Expanse - Moon Phase System - Sword fusion
Lists Guardians - Demons - Bosses (Hazama's Chapter) - Skills - Items

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Maniax - Maniax Chronicle Edition - HD Remaster - Nocturne Konton - Novel
Playable Demi-fiend - Dante - Raidou Kuzunoha the XIV
Non-Playable Yuko Takao - Chiaki Hayasaka - Isamu Nitta - Hikawa - Jyoji Hijiri - Futomimi - Sakahagi - Heeho - Lady in Black - Lucifer - Kagutsuchi - Gouto-Douji
Vortex World Shinjuku Medical Center - Shibuya - Cathedral of Shadows - Amala Network - Ginza - Harumi Warehouse - Great Underpass of Ginza - Ikebukuro - Mantra's Headquarters - Labyrinth of Amala - Kabukicho Prison - Ikebukuro Tunnel - Asakusa - Asakusa Tunnel - Mifunashiro - Assembly of Nihilo: Marunouchi - Obelisk - Yoyogi Park - Amala Temple - Yurakucho Tunnel - Northern Temple - Diet Building - Bandou Shrine - Tower of Kagutsuchi
Soundtracks Original Soundtrack - Maniax Soundtrack - Deluxe Pack Incence Disc - OST (US)
Themes Boss Battle - Normal Battle - Normal Battle ~Large Map~ - Normal Battle ~Town~
Terminology Candelabrum - Conception - Kagutsuchi - Macca - Magatama - Magatsuhi - Manikin - Reason - Yahirono Himorogi - Order of Messiah - Cult of Gaia - Demonic Sponsor - Shadow Vortex - Nightmare System - Terminal - Great Will
Lists Demons - Bosses - Skills - Items (Vending Machines) - Merchandise - Translations - Trophies - Patches and Updates - Steam Profile Items
Other Best of Demons
Other Media
Events Shin Megami Tensei Online Live 2021: Reason of Music

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Main Naoki Takeuchi - Karen Rose - Aya Kikuchi - Kaoru Tachibana - Tomoharu Kikuchi - Masakiyo Ogiwara
Minor Bates - Dr. Takeuchi - Michael - Satan - Lucifer - Beelzebub - Raziel
Stage 1: 1996 AD Tokyo Shibuya - Meguro - Laboratory - Ikebukuro - Shinjuku - Chigaya - Nagatacho - Invaders Base
Stage 2: 2024 AD Slum-Tokyo Ueno - Asakusa - Korakuen - Shinjuku - Shinbashi - Subway Station - Ghost Station - Meguro - Laboratory
Stage 3: 1995 AD Tokyo Meguro - Roppongi - Shinjuku - Ikebukuro - Korakuen - Ginza - Harumi - Shibaura - Shinagawa - Base
Stage 4: 2052 AD Megalopolis Sidepolis-15 - Sidepolis-08 - Sidepolis-11 - Sidepolis-05 - North Junction - Corepolis - Supreme Council - Central Passage - Army CT-Room
Stage 5: Amnesia Sabhas - Root-Amnesia - Syekahim - Rakia - Mahong - Ahlabot - Shamim - Zebr - Eden
Stage 6: Paranoia Elleth - Root-Paranoia - Nesdia - Twia - Adhama - Tebel - Gee - Zebr - Cioule - Ahrqa
Terminology Affinity - REMIX - Rank - DIO - Spiral Nemesis - Magnetite - FASS - Helios - Rag's Shop - Axis
Lists Demons - Items - Skills

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Major Raidou Kuzunoha the XIV - Gouto-Douji - Shouhei Narumi - Tae Asakura - Dr. Victor - Akane Narita - Geirin Kuzunoha the XVII - Nagi - Dahn - Blonde Young Man - Shinado
Minor Rasputin - Raido Kuzunoha the XIV - Goto-Douji - Goro Tatsumi - Tasuke Narita - Akijiro Tsukigata - Satake Kenzou - Owner of Konnou-Ya - Owner of Ryugu - Sadakichi - Herald of Yatagarasu - Shizu Iida - Detective Kazama - Old Ones
The Capital Tsukudo-Cho (Narumi Detective Agency - Konnou-Ya - Gouma-Den) - Daidouji Residence - Ginza-Cho (Shin-Sekai Soda Joint) - Fukagawa-Cho - Ishigami-Cho (Inari Shrine) - Mannen-Cho - Harumi-Cho - Sakuradayama (Waden One) - Nameless Shrine Shinoda - Kasumidai (Narita Manor) - Dark Realm - Fukorutsubo
Tsukigata Village Tento-Kagura - Tento Springs - Tento Sanctuary - Three Cedars - Nameless Shrine - Confinement Chambers - Infinite Abyss
Albums Devil Summoner 2: Raidou Kuzunoha vs. King Abaddon Soundtrack
Terms Luck Locust - Soldier Bug - Pojitrawn - Fukoshi - King Abaddon - Apollyon - Death Ward - Ritual of Unsealing - Loyalty - Personality - Sword fusion - Special conversation - Confinement
Demon Orders Pyro - Frost - Volt - Wind - Fury - Pagan - Skill - Fiend - Evil - Element - Mitama
Lists Demons - Bosses - Skills - Items - Statuses - Case Files

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