
"I'm a human... Five years ago, on that day... No... I'm Raphael... My duty is to build the Millennial Kingdom by God's authority! Witness the fury of the heavens!"

—Raphael, Digital Devil Saga: Avatar Tuner 2

Raphael, also known as Raphaela, is a demon in the series.


Raphael, or Raphaela, is one of the four main seraphim or archangels of God within the hierarchy of angels from Christian and Islamic mythology, His name means "It is God that heals." Not all branches of these religions consider the identification of Raphael to be canonical.

He is said to be the guardian of the Tree of Life, opposite the Tree of Knowledge in the Garden of Eden. He also expounds to Adam the War in Heaven in which Lucifer and the Fallen angels fell, and the creation of the Earth. Raphael first appears disguised in human form as the travelling companion of Tobit's son Tobiah, calling himself "Azarias the son of the great Ananias."

Most of Raphael's exploits take place in the Apocrypha, where he has roles as imprisoner of Azazel (an Angel that gets exiled from Heaven for having sex with human females and one of the Grigori) and guide of Sheol, the Hebrew underworld. Although Raphael is not named in the Bible, theologians believe he was the archangel who healed the infirm at the Bethesda pond described in the Gospels. He is also thought to be one of the three angels who visited the patriarch Abraham and his wife, Sarah, to help with their conception; as well as the angel who healed Abraham’s grandson Jacob’s wrestling injuries and who gave King Solomon his magical ring.

Though he is not depicted as a lover of another being, Raphael appears in The Lovers Tarot Card, and his status of the patron Saint of lovers due to his involvement of uniting Sarah & Tobias in the Book of Tobit. Raphael is also portrayed in religious art as carrying a stick or cane and walking, often leading a lost child or traveler back to the right direction, symbolizing Raphael's role as patron saint of travelers and exemplary guardian angel. Saint Raphael is also accounted as a patron of the blind, happy meetings, nurses, physicians, medical workers, matchmakers, Christian marriage, and Catholic studies.

In Islam, Raphael is the angel responsible for signaling the coming of Judgment Day by blowing the trumpet (namely Sûr) and sending out a "Blast of Truth." According to tradition, the trumpet will be blown two times. According to some sources, the demon lord Asmodeus is his counterpart and they have a longstanding feud with each other.



He is one of the four archangels in the service of YHVH and is usually seen with Gabriel, Uriel and Michael.

Shin Megami Tensei[]


"Origin: Israel. One of the 4 heralds, the seraph of wind. An angel with a gentle temperament who is said to blend in with humans and speak with them. He guards the tree of life in the Garden of Eden and rules over the cherubs."

Shin Megami Tensei A-Mode DDS Dictionary

Along with Uriel and Gabriel, Raphael is one of the three major sub-bosses of the last arc of the game—the seraphim, and one of the most powerful angels under God's orders that stands guarding the superior part of the Basilica.

He appears defending the fourth floor, accusing the protagonist of being "covered in the blood of the righteous" before engaging him in battle in case he's not law aligned. This fight, however, is entire optional, as the player can choose to just take the stairs towards the next floor without having to enter Raphael's room.

In Law route, he instead joins the protagonist's party, as he is required in order for a triple fusion with Uriel and Gabriel can be performed, resulting in the creation of the "Angel Ring"—a valuable item needed for the final showdown against Asura to become available.

Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne[]

"One of the four major archangels. His name means "healer". He explains the history of the fallen angels and the creation of Adam and Eve."

Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne compendium

Raphael is encountered and fought in Mifunashiro if the Demi-fiend is against the Reason of Yosuga. He is fought along with Gabriel and Uriel. Following his defeat, he can be created by fusing a Dominion with Uriel.

Shin Megami Tensei IMAGINE[]

The ability to fuse Raphael comes from completing the Blessed Light quest, where players with a Uriel summoned are asked by an NPC to defeat the Mad Avatar Raphael that regularly spawns in Shibuya by Celu Tower. He is a special triple fusion of Uriel and two Thrones.

Shin Megami Tensei IV[]

The true identity of one of the masked men at Kagome Tower. He reveals his true form at Shene Duque alongside the other three. He is fought in the DLC Challenge Quest "Clipped Wings 1." During the battle, Raphael will ask Flynn if the situation fills him with melancholy. Answering no will cause Raphael to lose a Press Turn. Upon defeat, he will ask why Flynn, one of the chosen, is smiting the archangels and wonders if he has the same "unclean blood" as Aquila. As for Raphael's attack pattern, he has 5 moves: Diarahan, Stigmata Strike, Serpent of Sheol and Tornado of God. Stigmata Strike inflicts Brand on an enemy, lowering all healing they get down to 1. If Raphael hits himself with this due to Repel Phys, it is possible for him to get the Brand ailment, rendering his Diarahan useless.

Shin Megami Tensei V[]

A statue of Raphael can be seen in the Diet Building in Nagatacho, radiating a purple aura.

Before the Creator ruled Da'at, Raphael served under Baal alongside his fellow seraphim Uriel and Gabriel. They are still revered by the angels of Bethel, although their status meant that it was forbidden for an angel to turn their weapon on them. However, their Magatsuhi is necessary for a particular Melchizedek to free Michael from his prison, so said Melchizedek requests the protagonist to gather their Magatsuhi and defeat them as part of the quest "The Holy Ring." Defeating the seraphim will unlock them for fusion.

Raphael can be fused through a special fusion of Uriel and Dominion. He is one of the three demons required to fuse Michael. Raphael primarily benefits from learning Force skills.

Majin Tensei II: Spiral Nemesis[]

Raphael is fought in Amnesia's Rakia on the Neutral, Light-Law and Dark-Chaos routes.

Persona 5[]

"One of the four major archangels, his name means "healer." He recites the history of the fallen angels and the creation of Adam and Eve."

Persona 5 background

Raphael is the eighth Persona of the Lovers Arcana and can only be obtained through fusion in the Velvet Room. He is the first Persona to learn the Sword Dance and Heat Riser skill and one of three Personas to learn the Arms Master skill. When itemized using an Electric Chair execution, Raphael yields a Heat Riser Skill Card. Raphael is one of the Personas needed to summon Michael through advanced fusion.

Raphael appears as the second guardian on the Path to the Holy Grail in the Qliphoth World, with the title of "Cleanser of Heaven."


Raphael yields a Null Bless Skill Card when executed normally, or a Repel Bless Skill Card during a fusion alarm.

DemiKids Light & Dark[]

"A king, caring angel who spares no effort towards curing the sick and injured."

Raphael has the special power WindProof, which prevents death by wind attacks. Raphael can do the light based combo War Breath with Uriel, which increases the party's stats for 15 MP. Raphael can perform the combo Soul Eater with Dred Cat.

Shin Megami Tensei Devil Children: Light & Dark[]

Raphael is a spy sent by Ose to keep track and sabotage the Devil Children's attempts at stopping Empra. He's also an inventor who tends to build machines that go out of control. He has a younger brother and sister named Zadkiel and Tabbris, and after becoming close with the party, he eventually betrays the Imperium once they threaten his family.

Digital Devil Saga: Avatar Tuner 2[]

Raphael, along with the other three archangels, are optional bosses to be encountered before the party enters the airport. Much like the other archangels, Raphael is a human turned demon who struggles with recollecting his memory and his hunger, along with suffering from an identity crisis where he believes he is a Millennial Kingdom angel. Raphael resides in the internment factory in the same room where the party picks up the processed can used to weaken the Jailer.

Raphael specializes in using electricity and wind attacks in battle while boasting physical attacks that target the party. He also possesses Debilitate.


Megami Tensei II[]

Raphael MT 2
Race Level HP MP CP
Divine 20 93 21
Formations MAG Macca Item Drops
- - - -
Stamina Intelligence Attack Agility Luck Defense
9 11 6 10 20 8
List of Spells
Bufudyne Makajam Samarecarm

Kyuuyaku Megami Tensei[]

Megami Tensei II[]

Divine 20 94 31 9 11 6 10 8 20
CP NOA EXP Macca MAG Item Drops
4 1-2
Swd Gun Fir Ice Elc Exp For Bnd Crs Nrv Mnd
- 28 2.5× ½Rf 28 18 - 18 18 18 78
List of Spells
Skill Cost Effect
Bufudyne 15 MP Massive Ice damage (2-4 enemies)
Makajam 3 MP Inflicts Close (all enemies)
Samarecarm 16 MP Revives ally with all HP and MP (may fail)

Shin Megami Tensei[]

Raphael 02
Race Alignment Level HP MP
Seraph Law 91 2020 380
1820 3-6 155 45 85 42 31 30
St 26
In 26
Ma 28
Vi 21
Ag 38
Lu 19
Drop Soma
Swd Gun Fir Ice Elc For Nrv Exp Crs Mgc Bnd Chg Dex Ndl Alm
- 28 Dr Dr Dr Dr Dr Nu Dr Dr Dr 48 58 28 -
List of Skills
Skill Effect
Bufula Attack one enemy with strong ice, freezing it.
Mabufula Attack multiple enemies with strong ice.
Mazionga Strikes multiple enemies with strong lightning.
Raphael SMT
Race Alignment Level HP MP
Seraph Law 91 940 380
57 1-3 161 35 79 30 30 22
St 28
In 18
Ma 28
Vi 18
Ag 28
Lu 18
Resistances Weak to Sword, nulls Expel and Curse. Drop None
Swd Gun Fir Ice Elc For Nrv Exp Crs Mgc Bnd Chg Dex Ndl Alm
- 68 68 68 68 68 68 Nu Nu 68 48 68 - - -
List of Skills
Skill Cost Effect
Bufula 8 MP Attack one enemy with strong ice, freezing it.
Mabufula 11 MP Attack multiple enemies with strong ice.
Mazionga 12 MP Strikes multiple enemies with strong lightning.
Raphael SMTcd
Race Alignment Level HP MP
Seraph Law 91 940 380
57 1-3 159 32 96 30 30 21
St 28
In 18
Ma 28
Vi 18
Ag 28
Lu 18
Drop None
Swd Gun Fir Ice Elc For Nrv Exp Crs Mgc Bnd Chg Dex Ndl Alm
- 68 68 68 68 68 68 Nu Nu 68 48 68 - - -
List of Skills
Skill Cost Effect
Bufula 8 MP Attack one enemy with strong ice, freezing it.
Mabufula 11 MP Attack multiple enemies with strong ice.
Mazionga 12 MP Strikes multiple enemies with strong lightning.

Shin Megami Tensei II[]

Raphael SMT2
Race Alignment Level HP MP
Herald Light-Law 50 1556 1015
650 1-3 128 93 124 94 24 23
St 14
In 18
Ma 20
Vi 12
Ag 13
Lu 9
Drop In Incense Moon Aff H
Swd Gun Fir Ice Elc For Nrv Exp Crs Mgc Bnd Rsh Hnd Leg Fly Alm
- Nu - 48 Rf Rf ½Rf Rf Rf ½Rf Nu - - - - -
List of Skills
Skill Effect
Mabufula Medium ice damage to a group of foes.
Dekaja Removes all buffs, all foes.
Deathbound Heavy Sword damage to 1-2 foes. Damage increases with user's HP.
Diarama Recovers a large amount of HP, one ally.
Wing Flap Light Flying attack to all foes.
Amaha Dance Medium Flying attack to one foe. Inflicts Paralysis.

Shin Megami Tensei: if...[]

Raphael If
Race Alignment Level HP MP
Herald Light-Law 60 909 313
85 2 164 114 156 113 19 21
St 22
In 18
Ma 15
Vi 18
Ag 16
Lu 10
Drop None Inherit Almighty
Resistances Repels Ice. Weak to Gun and Fire.
Swd Gun Fir Ice Elc For Nrv Exp Crs Mgc Bnd Rsh Hnd Leg Fly Alm
58 1.5× 1.5× Rf 68 68 48 68 68 68 - 58 48 48 Nu -
List of Skills
Skill Cost Effect
Mabufudyne 22 MP Heavy Ice damage to all foes.
Ziodyne 18 MP Heavy Electric damage to a single foe.
Mediarahan 80 MP Recovers the maximum amount of HP, all allies.
Estoma 6 MP Avoid weak enemy encounters for one full moon cycle.
Dekunda 5 MP Removes all debuffs, all allies.

Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne[]

  • Gabriel, Raphael and Uriel are fought together if the Demi-fiend does not align with Yosuga.
Race Level HP MP
Strength 24
Magic 25
Vitality 20
Agility 18
Luck 21
Seraph 73 3,000 1,500
Reflects Absorbs Void Resists Weak
Expel/Death - Ailments Fire/Ice/Elec/Force -
List of Skills
Skill Cost Effect
Beast Eye 1 MP Grants user's team two blinking turn icons. (Enemy-only)
Stasis Blade none Heavy physical damage and 65% bind to one foe.
60% accuracy, 40% critical rate. Power related to user's max HP.
Tetrakarn 45 MP Creates shields which repel non-almighty physical attack for all allies.
Shield lasts one turn or until it has blocked one attack.
Makarakarn 45 MP Creates shields which repel non-almighty magic attack for all allies.
Shield lasts one turn or until it has blocked one attack.
Diarahan 15 MP Fully restores one ally's HP.
Race Level HP MP
Strength 26
Magic 26
Vitality 22
Agility 28
Luck 17
Seraph 84 636 330
Reflects Absorbs Void Resists Weak
Expel - Fire/Force - -
Obtainable Special fusion only after boss battle Special conversation to all Divine demons
Special fusion Seraph Uriel × Divine Dominion
List of Skills
Skill Cost Effect Level
Makarakarn 45 MP Creates shields which repel non-almighty magic attack for all allies.
Shield lasts one turn or until it has blocked one attack.
Tetrakarn 45 MP Creates shields which repel non-almighty physical attack for all allies.
Shield lasts one turn or until it has blocked one attack.
Mana Refill Passive Equipper restores MP lightly with every step taken.
Only effective when the user is the active combatant.
Prayer 50 MP Fully restores party's HP and status ailments except dead and fly. Only usable in battle. 85
Mahamaon 25 MP 30% instant kill to all foes. Expel-type. 86
Stasis Blade 22% HP Heavy physical damage and 65% bind to one foe.
60% accuracy, 40% critical rate. Power related to user's max HP.
Holy Wrath 36 MP Chance of halving remaining HP to all foes. Expel-type. 88

Shin Megami Tensei IMAGINE[]

Race Alignment Level HP MP Growth Inherit St Ma Vi In Sp Lu
Herald Law 93 914 496 Master Hagalaz Expel 113 116 57 75 65 46
Force Slot Close Long Spell Support P.Def M.Def Critical Crt.Def
4 97 64 95 77 31 39 15 15
Features Demon Destroyer's Sword, A Feather in the Wind, Healing Type, Force Boost
(Mitama:Healer of God)
See also [1]
Default Skills
Skill Cost Effect
Slash - A basic attack dealing slash damage to a single target.
Zandyne 28 MP, 10 Mag Deals force damage to a single target and inflicts stun ailment (70%).
Anti-Demon Stance 2 MP User enters a guard stance, decreasing damage taken from attack
and spin moves. Slows enemy's recovery from attacks.
Fierce Counter - User enters a counter stance, responding to the next enemy
attack or rush move with a counterattack.
Manma 20 MP Deals expel damage to all enemies in range.
Hama 10 MP Deals expel damage to a single target.
Diarahan 18 MP Recovers a large amount of a single ally's HP.
Gale 1 MP User enters a dodge stance, negating the next enemy shot or rapid move.
Learned Skills
Level Skill Cost Effect
94 Anti-Force 3 MP, 5 Mag Temporarily increases a single ally's resistance to force by 50%.
95 Samarecarm 30 MP Revives a single ally with 50% HP.
96 Mediarahan 26 MP Recovers a large amount of surrounding allies HP.
97 Hurricane Cannon 15 MP, 5 Mag Fires a slow-moving shot inflicting force damage on a single target.
98 Angel Halo 6 MP Casts rakukaja on all nearby party members.
99 Megido 20 MP Deals almighty damage to a single target.
99 Repel Force 7 MP, 10 Mag Reflects the next three force attacks for a single ally.

Shin Megami Tensei IV[]

Shin Megami Tensei V[]

Race Level HP MP
Strength 70
Vitality 62
Magic 80
Agility 52
Luck 48
Herald 84 528 387
Physical Phys Fire Fire Ice Ice Electricity Elec Force Force Light Light Dark Dark
- Weak - Resist Null Null -
Ailment Resistance
Skill Potential
- -4 - - +5 - - - +2 +3 -2
Special fusion Herald Uriel + Divine Dominion
List of Skills
Skill Cost Effect Level
Mazanbarion 75 MP Severe Force attack to all foes. Innate
Hamabarion 55 MP Severe Light attack to 1 foe. Chance of instakill when striking weakness. Innate
Makajamaon 25 MP Chance of inflicting Seal to all foes. Innate
Me Patra 30 MP Cures status ailments on all allies. Innate
High Force Pleroma Auto Greatly increases Force attack damage. 85
Killing Wind 65 MP Heavy Force attack to 1 foe. Ignores affinity resistance and pierces through. 86
Repel Force Auto Reflects Force skills. 87
Shield of God Magatsuhi Greatly decreases damage to all allies until the next turn. Talisman

Majin Tensei[]

Raphael Majin
Race Level HP MP Mv Range Mv Type Atk Type CP
Divine 43 410 426 9 Flight 6
Strength Magic Technique Defense Agility Luck
19 24 15 13 16 8
Magic Skills
Skill Cost Power Range Target Effect
Diarahan 40 MP - 0-2 1 Ally Heals all HP
Raiden 100% 70 2 Multi Heavy Elec damage

Majin Tensei II: Spiral Nemesis[]

Race Level HP MP Mv Range Mv Type Atk Range MAG
Herald 93 426 100 9 Flight 1 930
St Ma In Ag Lu Atk P.Def M.Atk M.Def Hit Eva Crt
30 23 20 14 7 160 25 69 65 97 13 13
List of Skills
Skill Power Range Cost Target Effect
Mazanma 60 2 78 MP Multi 2x damage to Snakes and Machines
Song of Life - 0-1 Extra Multi Same as Diarahan

Giten Megami Tensei: Tokyo Mokushiroku[]

Race Alignment Level HP MP CP Equip Type
Herald Light-Law 34 994 453 66 3
Intuition Will Power Magic Intelligence Divine Protection
39 39 46 27 37
Strength Stamina Agility Dexterity Charm
56 54 48 22 64
Swd Hvc Fir Ice Elc For Exp Dth Mys Nrv
100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% Null 100% 100% 100%
List of Skills
Zanmaon Diarama Mediarama
Posmudi Paraladi Recarm

Persona 3[]

Arcana Level
Strength 44
Magic 42
Endurance 31
Agility 31
Luck 42
Lovers 61
Inherit Reflects Absorbs Block Resists Weak
Slash Light - - Ice Dark
Skill Card Auto-Maraku (Lv 68)
List of Skills
Skill Cost Effect Level
Deathbound 19% HP Deals heavy Slash damage to all foes. Innate
Auto-Maraku Passive Automatic Marakukaja at the start of battle. Innate
Null Charm Passive Protects user from being Charmed. Innate
Mediarahan 40 SP Fully restores party's HP. 63
Matarukaja 12 SP Increases party's Attack by 25%. 64
Tempest Slash 13% HP Deals heavy Slash damage to one foe. (1-2 hits) 67
Arcana Level
Strength 46
Magic 42
Endurance 37
Agility 31
Luck 40
Lovers 60
Inherit Reflects Absorbs Block Resists Weak
Wind - - Wind, Light Fire Electricity, Dark
List of Skills
Skill Cost Effect Level
Tempest Slash 14% HP Deals weak Slash damage to 1 foe (1-4 hits). Innate
Mediarama 16 SP Moderately restores party's HP. Innate
Dekaja 10 SP Nullify stat buffs for all foes. Innate
Auto Maraku Passive Temporarily increases party's Defense at the start of battle. 61
Magarudyne 24 SP Deals heavy Wind damage to all foes. 62
Angelic Grace Passive Increases Evasion against Fire/Ice/Wind/Electric/Light/Dark skills. 64
Heat Riser 36 SP Increases 1 ally's Attack, Defense, and Accuracy/Evasion for 3 turns. 66

Persona 4[]

Arcana Level
Strength 32
Magic 38
Endurance 24
Agility 33
Luck 39
Lovers 53
Inherit Reflects Absorbs Block Resists Weak
Recovery Ice - Light - Darkness
List of Skills
Skill Cost Effect Level
Diarahan 18 SP Fully restores 1 ally's HP. Innate
Megidola 32 SP Deals heavy Almighty damage to all foes. Innate
Masukukaja 24 SP Increases party's Hit/Evasion rate for 3 turns. 55
Amrita 12 SP Cures all ailments except Down and KO (party). 56
Null Dizzy Passive Cannot become Dizzy after being knocked down. 57
Mediarahan 30 SP Fully restores party's HP. 59

Persona Q: Shadow of the Labyrinth[]

Arcana Level HP + SP + Inherit Extract Fragment
Lovers 48 100 48 - Vorpal Blade -
List of Skills
Skill Cost Effect Level
Hamaon 24 SP Medium chance of instant kill. (1 Enemy) [Light-based attack] Innate
Vorpal Blade 94 HP A heavy Cut attack. (1 Enemy) Innate
Mediarama 24 SP Moderate HP restore. (Party) 49
Punisher Passive Raise critical hit rate verses enemies with Bind. 50
End Shot 138 HP A heavy Stab attack which takes longer to execute. (1 Enemy) 51
Judgement Sword Passive Perform a regular attack whenever a Bind is inflicted on an enemy. 52

Persona 5 / Royal[]

Arcana Level HP SP
Strength 75
Magic 33
Endurance 51
Agility 50
Luck 36
Lovers 73 2,600 2,270
Phys Gun Fire Ice Elec Wind Psy Nuke Bless Curse Almi
- - - - - - - - Block - -
EXP Yen Battle Drop Negotiation Items
6,061 10,580 - -
List of Skills
Skill Effect
Charge Next physical attack inflicts 2.5x damage.
Heat Riser Buff attack, defense and agility of 1 ally for 3 turns.
Sword Dance Colossal Physical damage to 1 foe.
Dekaja Negate all buff effects of all foes.

"I am Raphael. I shall become a mask and provide support for your health, both mentally and physically."

Arcana Level
Strength 57
Magic 45
Endurance 49
Agility 55
Luck 35
Lovers 78
Inherit Reflects Absorbs Block Resists Weak
Almighty - Ice Psy, Bless - -
Electric chair execution Heat Riser
List of Skills
Skill Cost Effect Level
Sword Dance 21% HP Colossal Physical damage to 1 foe. Innate
Charge 15 SP Next physical attack inflicts 2.5x damage. Innate
Dekaja 10 SP Negate all buff effects of all foes. Innate
Heat Riser 30 SP Buff attack, defense and agility of 1 ally for 3 turns. 80
Growth 3 Auto Persona gains full EXP while inactive. 81
Adverse Resolve Auto Increase critical rate when being ambushed. 82
Arms Master Auto Half HP cost for physical skills. 83

"I am Raphael. I shall become a mask and provide support for your health, both mentally and physically."

Arcana Level
Strength 57
Magic 45
Endurance 49
Agility 55
Luck 35
Lovers 78
Inherit Reflects Absorbs Block Resists Weak
Almighty - Ice Psy, Bless - -
Persona Trait Pinch Anchor: Allows use of ambush-only skills after Baton Pass.
Electric chair execution Null Bless (normal); Repel Bless (fusion alarm)
List of Skills
Skill Cost Effect Level
Sword Dance 21% HP Colossal Physical damage to 1 foe, high critical rate. Innate
Charge 15 SP Next Physical or Gun attack inflicts 2.5x damage for user. Innate
Dekaja 10 SP Negate all buff effects of all foes. Innate
Heat Riser 30 SP Increase Attack/Defense/Agility of 1 ally for 3 turns. 80
Growth 3 Passive Persona gains 100% EXP even while inactive. 81
Adverse Resolve Passive Increase critical rate when surrounded. 82
Arms Master Passive Half HP cost for physical skills. 83

Persona Q2: New Cinema Labyrinth[]

Arcana Level HP + SP + Type Extract
Lovers 56 110 21 Support Tempest Slash
List of Skills
Skill Cost Effect Level
Heaven's Blade 68 HP Heavy Phys attack. If unhurt during turn, extra attack activates. (1 enemy) Innate
Samarecarm 36 SP Revive and restore all HP. (1 ally) Innate
Power Charge 22 SP Triple physical attack for next hit. Lasts 3 turns. (Self) Innate
Tempest Slash 63 HP 2-6 medium Phys attacks. (1 enemy) Stronger in Boost. 57
Arm Crusher 36 HP Heavy Phys attack, with medium chance of Strength Bind. (1 enemy) 58
Decay Circle 24 SP Medium chance of Strength Bind each turn for 3 turns. (All enemies) 59
Beast Summon 58 SP Medium Almighty attack. (All enemies) [Requires circles] 60

Devil Children Black/Red/White Book[]

Class Type Race Level HP MP Exp
King Sun Boss 36 772 354 -
Attack Guard Magic M Guard Speed Luck
- - - - - -
List of Skills
Skill Effect
Zanma Heavy damage to one foe.
Flare Light Medium damage to one foe.
Light Spear Heavy damage to one foe. Hits twice.
Class Type Race Level HP MP Exp
King Sun Boss 36 386 177 561
Attack Guard Magic M Guard Speed Luck
35 33 35 33 25 27
List of Skills
Skill Element Cost Effect
Zanma Wood 10 MP Heavy damage to one foe.
Flare Light Sun 15 HP Medium damage to one foe.
Light Spear Sun 60 HP Heavy damage to one foe. Hits twice.
Makakaja Sun 6 MP Increases Magic for all allies.
Diarahan Sun 20 MP Large HP recovery for one ally.
Mazan Wood 18 MP Light damage to all foes.

DemiKids Light & Dark[]

Class Element Type Level HP MP Exp
King Wind Holy 46 485 223 885
41 42 45 43 41 40
List of Skills
Skill Element Cost Effect
Glowmax Light 35 MP Large dmg x2. Foes
Holy Mute Light 18 HP Small dmg +Mute. 2 Foes
Healmax All Light 30 MP Max HP recovery. Party
Spellblock Light 12 MP Spell Reflect. Self
Cyclolok Wind 15 MP Large dmg. 1 Foe
Resurrect Light 25 MP Revive +Max HP. 1 Ally
Combo Element Cost Effect Partner
War Breath Light 15 MP Stats Up. Party Uriel
Soul Eater Light 35 MP DMG +Absorb HP. Foes Dred Cat
Power Type Effect
WindProof Elemental Prevents death by Wind-attacks.

Devil Children Fire/Ice Book[]

Class Type Race Level HP MP Exp
King Wind Divine 46 485 223 885
Attack Guard Magic M Guard Speed Luck
41 42 45 43 41 40
List of Skills
Mahanma Holy Shot Mediarahan
Makarakarn Zandyne Samarecarm

Digital Devil Saga: Avatar Tuner 2[]

Race Level HP MP Drops
Light 35 3,500 Star Ruby
Reflects Absorbs Void Resists Weak
- Force Earth, Ailments, Death, Expel Physical Electricity
List of Skills
Skill Effect
Ziodyne Heavy Electric damage and Shock(15%) on one foe.
Zandyne Heavy Force damage on one foe.
Venom Fang Weak Physical damage and Poison(18%) on all foes.
Mahamaon 45% chance of reducing reamining HP of all foes by 4/5. Expel-type.
Winged Fury 2~4 hits of Mega Force damage and debuffs evasion/accuracy on random foes.
Revelation Heavy Physical damage and Mute(20%) on all foes.
Bloodbath Heavy Physical damage on all foes.
Jupiter's Fury 3~6 hits of Medium Electric damage and Shock(15%) on random foes.
Maziodyne Heavy Electric damage and Shock(10%) on all foes.
Tempest 3~6 hits of Medium Force damage on random foes.
Mazandyne Heavy Force damage on all foes.
Megidola Heavy Almighty damage on all foes.
Megidolaon Mega Almighty damage on all foes.
Rakunda Reduces Defense by 1 level of all foes.
Debilitate Reduces Evade/Accuracy/Defense/Physical/Magical power by 1 level of all foes.

Shin Megami Tensei: Liberation Dx2[]

Dx2 Raphael Icon
Race Rarity Grade HP 6★ Stats
Strength 108
Magic 204
Vitality 139
Agility 168
Luck 148
Herald ★★★★★ 87 1023
Phys ATK Phys DEF Mag ATK Mag DEF See Also
556 536 758 584 [2]
Physical Phys Fire Fire Ice Ice Electricity Elec Force Force Light Light Dark Dark
- - - Resist Repel Repel Weak
List of Skills
Skill Cost Effect Archetype
Thunderclap 7 MP Inflicts Light (Magic) damage with 180 power on a Single Enemy. Innate
God's Blessing Auto Increases all Force and Light damage by 10%. When there are 3 or more Divine or Herald demons alive in your party, activates the following Chain Effect:

At start of own turn: Heals all party members (Power: 90) and increases their DEF by 20%. (1 turn)

Tailwind 6 MP Inflicts Force (Magic) damage 4 times with Force Pierce effect on random enemy/ies. Revives an ally at random with 50% HP if the attack is successful. Power: 50. Innate
Mahamadyne 7 MP Inflicts Light (Magic) damage with 120 power on All Enemies. Aragami
Light Enhancement Auto +15% to Light damage. +10% damage when attacking the enemy's weak point Aragami
Prayer 5 MP Cures all status ailments of All Party Members. Protector
Null Bind Auto Adds Null Bind. Protector
Force Enhancement Auto +15% to Force damage. +10% damage when attacking the enemy's weak point Psychic
Mazandyne 7 MP Inflicts Force (Magic) damage with 120 power on All Enemies. Psychic
Repel Dark Auto Adds Dark Repel. Elementalist
Auto-Tarunda Auto Casts Tarunda at the beginning of the 1st turn Elementalist


Raphael's official poster book art by Kazuma Kaneko.

Raphael's official poster book art by Kazuma Kaneko.

Raphael as he appears Shin Megami Tensei

Raphael as he appears Shin Megami Tensei

Raphael as he appears in Shin Megami Tensei IV

Raphael as he appears in Shin Megami Tensei IV

Raphael as he appears in Persona 3

Raphael as he appears in Persona 3

Raphael's artwork as it appears in Shin Megami Tensei: Liberation Dx2

Raphael's artwork as it appears in Shin Megami Tensei: Liberation Dx2

Raphael as he appears in Shin Megami Tensei: Liberation Dx2

Raphael as he appears in Shin Megami Tensei: Liberation Dx2

Raphael as he appears in Devil Children Red/Black Book

Raphael as he appears in Devil Children Red/Black Book

Raphael's sprite as it appears in Shin Megami Tensei II

Raphael's sprite as it appears in Shin Megami Tensei II

Raphael as he appears in Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne

Raphael as he appears in Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne

Raphael's sprite as it appears in Last Bible III

Raphael's sprite as it appears in Last Bible III

Raphael as he appears in Persona Q: Shadow of the Labyrinth

Raphael as he appears in Persona Q: Shadow of the Labyrinth

Raphael as he appears in Persona 5 Royal

Raphael as he appears in Persona 5 Royal

Raphael in Persona 3 Reload

Raphael in Persona 3 Reload

Raphael as he appears in Persona O.A.

Raphael as he appears in Persona O.A.

Raphael as he appears in Persona O.A. (No Background)

Raphael as he appears in Persona O.A. (No Background)

Raphael casting Hamabarion in Shin Megami Tensei V.

Raphael casting Hamabarion in Shin Megami Tensei V.

#081 (Raphael)

ラファエル - 真・女神転生V 日めくり悪魔 Vol.081

#081 (Raphael)

In Other Languages[]

Language Name
Flag of Japan Japanese ラファエル (Rafaeru)
ラファエラ (Rafaera)
Flag of France French Raphaël
Flag of Italy Italian Raphael
Flag of Germany German Raphael
Flag of Spain Spanish Rafael
Flag Of TurkeyTurkish İsrafil


  • In the Super Famicom, PlayStation, and Game Boy Advance versions of Shin Megami Tensei, Raphael's sprite uses Uriel's color palette when used as a summonable ally. This is likely an error.
Foul Green Slime - Will O' Wisp - Crap Slime - Ascomid - Kurabebi - Man Eater - Gold Slime - Bone Golem - Backbeard - Pyro Jack - Dream Kiss
Kyojin Punks - Kin's Head - Metal - Highway Star - Friday - Fallen Monk - Mutant - Assassin - Junkie - Dr. Bacta - Heavy Metal - Redrum - Interipelli
Spirit Zombie - Ghoul - Corpse - Bodyconian - Sakasakubi - Chon Chon - Pisaca - Upyr - Spectre - Spartoi
Machine LB-501A - GDR1000 - Talos
Jaki Orc - Wendigo - Bugbear - Minotaur - Clay Golem - Aim - Cyclops - Stone Golem - Fleurety - Berith - Ekimmu - Azazel
Wilder Dead Lobster - Wyrm - Jabberwocky - Garm - Orobas - Cockatrice - Humbaba - Nue - Ladon - Dodongo - Valac - Worm - Fafnir
Haunt Wight - Nosferatu - Mudman - Biwa Hoshi - Lich - Vetala - Dullahan - Hakuma-Bhuta - Utukku - Girimehkala
Night Lemures - Nebiros - Larvae - Leonard - Phantom - Amdusias - Succubus - Celuluk - Sawo Bhaku
Femme Furiae - Siren - Taraka - Arachne - Kiyohime - Druj - Rarung - Medusa - Volvo - Tamamo-no-mae - Rangda
Kaijuu Wyvern - Manticore - Basilisk - Scylla - Apollyon - Typhon - Fenrir - Hydra - Vritra - Nidhoggr - Leviathan - Tiamat
Vile Sargatanas - Balaam - Arioch - Mammon - Echidna - Chronos - Loki - Seth - Geryon - Belphegor - Asura
Tyrant Pazuzu - Bael - Asmodai - Belial - Moloch - Mitra - Astaroth - Beelzebub - Lucifer - Satan
Fairy Pixie - Harpy - Goblin - Elf - Merrow - Kelpie - Apsaras - Ocypete - Aello - Celaeno - Rusalka - Bogle - Legba - Troll
Jirae Kobold - Dwarf - Bucca-Boo - Tanki - Tsuchigumo - Atlas - Sallos - Giant - Upelluri
Yoma Coatlicue - Centaur - Nekomata - Coin Knight - Jack Frost - Kushinada-Hime - Morgan - Cup Knight - Okuninushi - Amy - Hannya - Houri - Valkyrie - Gomory - Wand Knight - Sword Knight
Beast Pegasus - Orthrus - Stonka - Tammuz - Yatagarasu - Gryphon - Cerberus - Kyuubi no Kitsune - Chimera - Bai Long
Brute Carbuncle - Kimaris - Forneus - Kwancha - Gaap - Momunofu - Sytry - Arahabaki - Gozuki - Jinn - Mezuki - Purski - Mephistopheles - Oni - Choronzon
Element Earthy Slime - Airy Slime - Aquan Slime - Flamey Slime - Gnome - Sylph - Undine - Vepar - Lakhe - Salamander
Holy Qilin - Gandharva - Unicorn - Genbu - Quetzalcoatl - Pabilsag - Rakcarango - Phoenix
Genma Alraune - Ukobach - Aiwass - Eligor - Kinnara - Cu Chulainn - Baphomet - Damballah - Lamia - Lakshmi - Kikuri-hime - Agares - Focalor - Hanuman
Divine Uriel - Raphael - Cherub - Nike - Gabriel - Michael
Kishin Zouchouten - Koumokuten - Rakshasa - Jikokuten - Ifrit - Susano-o - Tamonten - Ganesha - Thor - Amon - Kali
Avatar Naga - Sphinx - Barong - Garuda - Qing Long
Deity Brahman/Brahma - Odin - Vishnu - Artemis - Baal - Leto - Ahura Mazda - Apollo - Shiva - Zeus - Lucifer

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Deity Loki - Freyr - Arahabaki - Odin - Baal - Fudou Myouou - Brahman - Indra - Vishnu
Megami Ame no Uzume - Skuld - Kushinada - Verdandi - Sarasvati - Urd - Kikuri-Hime - Lakshmi
Tenma Agni - Ravana - Yama - Indrajit - Wu Kong - Mahakala - Shiva
Kishin Hitokotonusi - Kotosironusi - Oumononushi - Minakata - Nagasunehiko - Zouchouten - Koumokuten - Jikokuten - Kagutsuchii - Mikazuchi - Niou - Bishamonten
Vile Mishaguji - Tezcatlipoca - Orcus - Seth - Taotie
Femme Lamia - Taraka - Gorgon - Dakini - Scylla - Rangda - Hel - Hariti - Kali
Tyrant Dagon - Mephisto - Pazuzu - Bael - Asmodeus - Mara - Arioch - Surt - Astaroth - Satanachia - Beelzebub
Yoma Kimnari - Apsaras - Isora - Watcher - Loa - Onkot - Choronzon - Tengu - Kinnara - Ifrit - Ganesha - Hanuman
Night Imp - Cyak - Nightmare - Lilim - Celuluk - Calon Arang - Incubus - Succubus - Vampire
Fairy Pixie - Goblin - Jack Frost - Pyro Jack - Dryad - Cait Sith - Gandharva - Rusalka - Kelpie - Elf - Banshee - Hobgoblin - Senri - Troll - Tam Lin - Dullahan - Cu Chulainn - Senko - Oberon
Seraph Uriel - Raphael - Gabriel
Divine Angel - Archangel - Power - Virtue - Dominion - Throne - Cherub
Fallen Andras - Gamigin - Forneus - Berith - Sytry - Orobas - Leonard - Decarabia - Ose - Marchosias - Samael - Abaddon - Fleurety - Flauros - Sargatanas
Dragon Coatlicue - Ganga - Vritra - Baek Yong - Maya - Tiamat - Ananta
Snake Raja Naga - Yurlungur - Quetzalcoatl - Itzamna - Orochi - Pendragon
Drake Worm - Cockatrice - Wyrm - Wyvern - Basilisk - Serpent - Midgardsomr - Fafnir
Avian Feng Huang - Jatayu - Takuhi - Phoenix - Yatagarasu - Garuda
Flight Harpy - Gu Huo Niao - Badb Catha - Siren
Raptor Fuxi - Furiae - Gurr - Hresvelgr
Avatar Nandi - Bastet - Pegasus - Narasimha - Sphinx - Chimera - Barong
Holy Unicorn - Bai Ze - Pabilsag - Qilin - Gui Xian
Beast Shanhui - Cu Sith - Tan-Ki - Nekomata - Stonka - Tammuz - Orthrus - Rakcharango - Cerberus - Pascal (first form) - Griffon - Pascal (second form)
Wilder Nue - Souyou - Tamamo - Manticore - Kraken - Fenrir
Touki Spartoi - Yaksini - Gozuki - Mezuki - Nezha - Minotaur - Yaksa - Talos
Brute Azumi - Bogle - Momunofu - Purski - Ibaraki Doji - Turdak - Shuten Doji
Jirae Brownie - Knocker - Kobold - Fachan - Tsuchigumo - Bugaboo - Dwarf - Kwancha - Sarutahiko - Giant - Atlas
Jaki Gremlin - Tun Kou - Orc - Wendigo - Lakhe - Barbegazi - Rakshasa - Cyclops - Girimekhala
Evil Spirit
Ghost Preta - Oshichi - Ghoul - Man Eater - Baykok - Sawo Bhaku - Sanni Yaka - Vetala - Lich
Spirit Ghost - Shade - Lemur - Pisaca - Larvae - Phantom - Legion
Undead Zombie - Zombie Lady - Obattarion - Zombie Cop - Bodyconian - Army Zombie - Corpse
Foul Hoodlum - Yakuza - Mou-Ryo - Slime - Black Ooze - Backbeard
Element Erthys - Aeros - Aquans - Flaemis - Gnome - Sylph - Undine - Salamander
Therian Weredog - Werecat - Werewolf
Messian Cult Fanatic - Holy Knight - Magus - Scanner
Gaean Suicide Unit - Death Rider - Fallen Monk - Oni Jorou - Dark Priest - Assassin
Dog Pascal
Enemy Only
Machine Kugutsu - Bigfoot - Bit Ball - T93G - T95C/P - T95D
Fiend Daisoujou - Pale Rider - David

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Deity Indra - Thor - Horus - Ashtar - Odin - Atavaka - Baal - Kalki - Virocana - Ardha
Megami Ame-no-Uzume - Skuld - Arianrhod - Kushinada-Hime - Verdandi - Sarasvati - Freyja - Parvati - Urd - Lakshmi
Amatsukami Ameno Torifune - Tajikarao - Omoikane - Hinokagutsuchi - Takemikazuchi - Tsukuyomi - Amaterasu
Fury Ares - Chernobog - Seiten Taisei - Susano-o - Shiva
Lady Ta-weret - Hariti - Kikuri-hime - Durga - Ishtar - Kali
Kunitsukami O-Yamatsumi - Sukunahikona - Hitokotonushi - Sarutahiko - Kotoshironushi - O-namuchi - Takeminakata - Arahabaki
Vile Naragiri - Tezcatlipoca - Nyarlathotep - Amon - Pazuzu - Cthulhu
Yoma Mercurius - Apsaras - Haokah - Tengu - Djinn - Ganesha - Hanuman
Night Alp - Empusa - Nightmare - Lilim - Vampire - Nyx
Fairy High Pixie - Jack Frost - Jack O'Lantern - Dark Elf - Banshee - Elf - Nadja - Cu Chulain - Oberon - Titania - Dullahan
Tyrant Hecate - Loki - Astaroth - Bael - Mara - Beelzebub - Mephisto - Asmodeus - Satanachia - Lucifer
Herald Remiel - Tzaphkiel - Haniel - Raguel - Ophanim - Kushiel - Sariel - Kamael - Metatron - Satan
Divine Angel - Archangel - Principality - Power - Virtue - Dominion
Fallen Ukobach - Gagyson - Betelgeuse - Eligor - Baphomet - Berith - Gaap - Agares - Sargatanas
Dragon Maya - Pek Young - Quetzalcoatl - Seiryuu - Itzamna - Rahabh - Ananta
Snake Nozuchi - Naga - Mizuchi - Oto-hime - Raja Naga - Yurlungur - Vritra - Yamata-no-Orochi
Drake Worm - Wyvern - Tarasque - Nidhoggr - Kingu - Tiamat - Midgardsomr
Avian Suparna - Phoenix - Yatagarasu - Suzaku - Garuda - Takuhi
Flight Bennu - Ocypete - Kelaino - Aello - Nemhain - Macha - Morrigan
Raptor Chon Chon - Furiae - Gurr - Anzu - Hraesvelgr
Avatar Nandi - Sphinx - Narasinha - Anubis - Genbu - Barong
Holy Heqet - Unicorn - Apis - Bastet - Pabilsag - Byakko
Beast Cait Sith - Cu Sith - Nekomata - Orthrus - Selket - Gdon - Kerberos - Pascal I - Pascal II
Wilder Garm - Bicorn - Nue - Gyu-Ki - Black Widow - Scylla - Manticore - Behemoth
Jirae Knocker - Sudama - Dverger - Tsuchigumo - Ubelluris - Titan
Brute Ihika - Azumi - Hannya - Turdak - Yakshini - Ibaraki Doji - Shuten-Doji - Yaksha
Femme Hag - Lamia - Arachne - Cailleach Bheare - Gorgon - Volvo - Rangda
Jaki Gremlin - Wendigo - Ogre - Rakshasa - Cyclops - Ekimmu - Girimekra - Hecatonchires
Evil Spirits
Undead Zombie Dog - Zombie - Bodyconian - Workaholic - Zombie Priest - Corpse
Haunt Gaki - Ghoul - Ghoulette - Man Eater - Yaka - Vetara
Spirit Poltergeist - Hanged Man - Depth - Inferno - Legion
Foul Slime - Jack the Ripper - Chris the Car - Black Ooze - Doppelganger - Old One
Demonoid Spartan - Oracles - Slave - Heracles - Demi-Nandi - Frankie
Messian Butcher - Neophyte - Executioner - Temple Knight - Gyrator - Terminator - Adept
Gaean Kugutsushi - Jiraiya - Onmyoji - Ashura - Kamen-Hijiri
Element Earthies - Aeros - Aquans - Flamies - Gnome - Sylph - Undine - Salamander
Wood Audrey - Mandrake - Alraune - Yggdrasil
Enemy-exclusive Races
Machine Crazy Dummy - Iron Maiden - Junk - Golem - Rabbi - Medusa
Vaccine Jaws - Police
Virus Moebius - Spider - Andromeda
Fiend Ghost Q - Alice - Hell's Angel - Matador - Sage of Time

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Foul Specter* - Will O' Wisp - Slime - Mou-Ryo - Blob - Black Ooze - Phantom - Sakahagi - Shadow
Haunt Preta - Choronzon - Yaka - Chatterskull - Pisaca - Legion - Rakshasa
Raptor Gurr
Tyrant Ahriman* - Mara* - Loki - Abaddon - Surt - Aciel - Beelzebub (human) - Mot - Beelzebub (fly)
Vile Noah* - Arahabaki - Baphomet - Pazuzu - Girimehkala - Tao Tie - Samael - Mada
Wilder Zhen - Bicorn - Raiju - Nue - Mothman - Hresvelgr
Avatar Makami - Cai-Zhi - Yatagarasu - Barong
Avian Garuda
Deity Baal Avatar* - Horus - Atavaka - Amaterasu - Odin - Mithra - Vishnu
Dragon Gui Xian - Long
Element Erthys - Aeros - Aquans - Flaemis
Mitama Ara Mitama - Nigi Mitama - Kusi Mitama - Saki Mitama
Entity Albion
Fury Dionysus - Wu Kong - Beiji-Weng - Shiva
Genma Kurama - Hanuman - Cu Chulainn
Holy Shiisaa - Unicorn - Senri - Feng Huang - Baihu - Chimera
Kishin Minakata - Zouchou - Koumoku - Okuninushi - Mikazuchi - Jikoku - Futomimi - Bishamon - Thor
Lady Kikuri-Hime - Kushinada - Parvati - Kali - Skadi
Megami Uzume - Sarasvati - Sati - Lakshmi - Scathach
Seraph Uriel - Raphael - Gabriel - Michael - Metatron
Wargod Valkyrie - Ganesha
Beast Inugami - Nekomata - Badb Catha - Orthrus - Sparna - Cerberus
Brute Shikigami - Momunofu - Oni - Ikusa - Shiki-Ouji - Kin-Ki - Sui-Ki - Fuu-Ki - Ongyo-Ki
Divine Angel - Archangel - Principality - Power - Virtue - Dominion - Throne
Fairy Pixie - Jack Frost - High Pixie - Pyro Jack - Kelpie - Troll - Setanta - Oberon - Titania
Fallen Forneus - Eligor - Berith - Ose - Decarabia - Flauros
Femme Datsue-Ba - Taraka - Shikome - Yaksini - Dakini - Clotho - Lachesis - Atropos - Rangda
Jirae Kodama - Hua Po - Sudama - Sarutahiko - Titan - Gogmagog
Night Lilim - Fomor - Incubus - Succubus - Kaiwan - Loa - Queen Mab - Black Frost - Nyx - Lilith
Snake Nozuchi - Naga - Mizuchi - Raja Naga - Quetzalcoatl - Yurlungur
Yoma Apsaras - Isora - Koppa - Dis - Karasu - Onkot - Jinn - Purski - Efreet
Fiend Matador - Daisoujou - Hell Biker - White Rider - Red Rider - Black Rider - Pale Rider - The Harlot - Trumpeter - Dante
Miscellaneous Izanami - Izanagi - Masakado - Gozu-Tennoh - Raidou Kuzunoha XIV - Manikin - Tharmas - Luvah - Urizen - Urthona - Ose Hallel - Flauros Hallel - Kagutsuchi - Lucifer

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Deity Thoth - Inti - Prometheus - Lord Nandou - Osiris - Ometeotl - Odin - Mahamayuri - Baal - Apsu - Hachiman - Vishnu
Amatsu Ame no Uzume - Take-Mikazuchi - Amaterasu - Omoikane
Megami Fortuna - Hathor - Parvati - Brigid - Scathach - Ishtar - Pallas Athena - Tlazolteotl - Anat - Izanami - Norn - Lakshmi
Nymph Apsaras - Senri - Kikuri-Hime - Sarasvati - Peri
Enigma Kanbari - Futotama - Kinmamon - Kama - Kangiten
Entity Alilat
Godly Ancient of Days
Chaos Sanat
Fury Ares - Tonatiuh - Asura - Chernobog - Wu Kong - Beiji-Weng - Masakado - Kartikeya - Masakado's S - Susano-o - Shiva
Kunitsu Take-Minakata - Okuninushi - Kushinada-Hime - Hitokoto-Nushi - Arahabaki - Oumitsunu
Kishin Zouchouten - Koumokuten - Zhong Kui - Jikokuten - Bishamonten - Marici - Thor
Zealot Ogun - Dionysus - Aramisaki - Attis - Tezcatlipoca
Lady Pele - Dzelarhons - Sedna - Hariti - Diana - Asherah - Isis - Black Maria - Skadi - Xi Wangmu
Reaper Hel - Orcus - Persephone - Guedhe - Cernunnos - Ixtab - Nergal - Mot
Vile Baphomet - Mishaguji - Pachacamac - Taotie - Alciel - Pales - Yaso Magatsuhi - Seth - Demiurge
Tyrant Aeshma - Morax - Mithras - Horkos - Samyaza - King Frost - Balor - Astaroth - Asmodeus - Belial - Loki - Abaddon - Azazel - Beelzebub - Tzitzimitl - Surt - Chi You - Lucifuge - Mara
Genma Tam Lin - Ictinike - Nata Taishi - Baldur - Frost Ace - Tlaloc - Kurama Tengu - Cu Chulainn - Kresnik - Jarilo - Hanuman - Heimdall
Yoma Centaur - Vodyanik - Agathion - Koppa Tengu - Karasu Tengu - Dis - Shiwanna - Valkyrie - Xiuhtecuhtli - Master Therion - Ganesha
Fairy Napaea - Pixie - Spriggan - Oread - Jack Frost - Pyro Jack - Goblin - High Pixie - Setanta - Kelpie - Silky - Nadja - Lorelei - Vivian - Oberon - Titania - Demonee-Ho
Night Mokoi - Fomorian - Sandman - Kikimora - Incubus - Lilim - Kaiwan - Succubus - Wild Hunt - Queen Mab - Lilith - Maya
Herald Lailah - Victor - Israfel - Kazfiel - Azrael - Sraosha - Aniel - Uriel - Mastema - Raphael - Metatron - Gabriel - Seraph - Michael
Divine Angel - Archangel - Principality - Power - Virtue - Dominion - Throne - Cherub
Fallen Melchom - Bifrons - Halphas - Orias - Dantalion - Ose - Nebiros - Decarabia - Mitra - Gemori - Murmur - Shax - Barbatos - Botis - Samael
Avian Hamsa - Suparna - Phoenix - Vidofnir - Thunderbird - Feng Huang - Yatagarasu - Garuda
Flight Tangata Manu - Harpy - Gu Huo Niao - Caladrius - Tuofei - Rukh - Da Peng
Raptor Fuxi - Camazotz - Moh Shuvuu - Itsumade - Zhen - Gurr - Anzu - Huoniao - Hresvelgr
Jirae Dwarf - Knocker - Hua Po - Sudama - Kwancha - Tsuchigumo - Titan - Kuebiko - Tlaltecuhtli - Gogmagog
Brute Bilwis - Oni - Azumi - Momunofu - Yamawaro - Yomotsu-Ikusa - Kin-Ki - Fuu-Ki - Sui-Ki - Berserker - Yaksha - Ongyo-Ki
Femme Leanan Sidhe - Strix - Shikome - Yuki Jyorou - Medusa - Clotho - Lachesis - Atropos - Taraka - Dakini - Rangda - Kali
Jaki Lham Dearg - Gremlin - Ippon-Datara - Wendigo - Black Frost - Rakshasa - Ogre - Grendel - Girimehkala - Hekatoncheires
Dragon Makara - Patrimpas - Gucumatz - Long - Illuyanka - Zhu Yin - Quetzalcoatl - Koga Saburo - Huang Long
Snake Naga - Nozuchi - Vouivre - Yurlungur - Gui Xian - Ouroboros - Orochi - Pendragon - Ananta
Drake Zhu Tun She - Toubyou - Bai Suzhen - Basilisk - Kingu - Mushussu - Tiamat - Niddhoggr - Ym - Fafnir - Python - Vasuki
Avatar Shiisaa - Kamapua'a - Makami - Kaiming Shou - Chimera - Ukano Mitama - Anubis - Barong
Holy Heqet - Apis - Pabilsag - Qing Niugai - Airavata - Baihu - Sleipnir - Sphinx
Food Onmoraki - Katakirauwa - Mamedanuki - Chupacabra - Kuda - Hare of Inaba
Beast Gryphon - Stonka - Kaso - Kabuso - Inugami - Asterius - Hairy Jack - Minotaur - Nekomata - Hsing-Hsing - Dormarth - Orthrus - Ammut - Cerberus
Wilder Chagrin - Jueyuan - Raijuu - Nue - Peallaidh - Porewit - Manticore - Catoblepas - Cabracan - Taowu - Fenrir
Tree Daphne - Narcissus - Mayahuel - Kukunochi - Haoma - Yggdrasil
Wood Shan Xiao - Mandrake - Skogsra - Zaccoum - Alraune - Erlkonig
Evil Spirits
Ghost Strigoii - Preta - Obariyon - Mou-Ryo - Churel - Enku - Ghoul - Kudlak - Dullahan - Vetala
Spirit Dybbuk - Wicker Man - Poltergeist - Quicksilver - Macabre - Inferno - Pisaca - Legion - Garrote
Undead Zombie Cop - Corpses - Patriot - Alice
Vermin Myrmecolion - Mothman - Ubu - Okiku-Mushi - Arachne
Foul Slime - Jack the Ripper - Hooligan - Night Stalker - Tattooed Man - Mad Gasser
Element Erthys - Aeros - Aquans - Flaemis - Gnome - Sylph - Undine - Salamander
Fiend David - Plasma - Chemtrail - Matador - White Rider - Red Rider - Black Rider - Pale Rider - Trumpeter - Mother Harlot
Famed Yoshitsune - Lanling Wang - Jeanne D'Arc - Hagen - Siegfried - Kanseiteikun - Rama - Tenkai - Tokisada - Michizane - Huang Di - Yamato Takeru
Enemy Only
Cyber Pluto Soldier
Human Gaea Man - Ashura Man - Ashura Woman - Gaea Woman
Undead Samurai Zombie ♂ - Samurai Zombie ♀ - Zombie
Mitama Saki Mitama - Kusi Mitama - Ara Mitama - Nigi Mitama

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Avatar Makami - Anubis - Barong
Avian Feng Huang - Jatayu - Thunderbird - Zhuque - Yatagarasu - Garuda
Beast Cait Sith - Inugami - Nekomata - Orthrus - Orobas - Loup-garou - Cerberus
Brute Daemon - Azumi - Ippon-Datara - Oni - Shiki-Ouji - Kin-Ki - Sui-Ki - Fuu-Ki - Ongyo-Ki
Deity Thoth - Horus - Atavaka - Khonsu - Mitra - Odin - Khonsu Ra - Zeus - Vishnu - Baal
Divine Angel - Archangel - Principality - Power - Dominion - Throne
Dragon Xuanwu - Quetzalcoatl - Qing Long - Ananta - Huang Long
Drake Aitvaras - Basilisk - Hydra - Fafnir - Seth - Vasuki
Element Erthys - Aeros - Aquans - Flaemis
Fairy Pixie - High Pixie - Jack-o'-Lantern - Jack Frost - Kelpie - Setanta - Silky - Oberon - Titania
Fallen Andras - Berith - Forneus - Eligor - Ose - Flauros - Decarabia - Nebiros - Adramelech - Abdiel
Femme Mermaid - Leanan Sidhe - Manananggal - Yaksini - Lamia - Dakini - Clotho - Lachesis - Cleopatra - Atropos - Rangda - Kali
Fiend Matador - Daisoujou - Hell Biker - Alice - White Rider - Red Rider - Black Rider - Pale Rider - Mother Harlot - Trumpeter
Foul Slime - Legion - Black Ooze
Fury Dionysus - Chernobog - Mot - Zaou-Gongen - Asura - Shiva
Genma Kurama Tengu - Hanuman - Cu Chulainn - Fionn mac Cumhaill - Amanozako
Haunt Preta - Obariyon - Poltergeist - Pisaca - Kumbhanda
Herald Melchizedek - Camael - Sraosha - Abdiel - Uriel - Raphael - Gabriel - Sandalphon - Michael - Metatron
Holy Shiisaa - Chironnup - Hayataro - Baihu - Chimera
Jaki Turdak - Rakshasa - Loa - Macabre - Hecatoncheires
Jirae Kodama - Tsuchigumo - Sudama - Kaya-no-Hime - Koropokkur - Hua Po - Narcissus
Kishin Attis - Zouchouten - Koumokuten - Jikokuten - Bishamonten - Thor
Kunitsu Take-Minakata - Sukuna-Hikona - Oyamatsumi - Kushinada-Hime - Okuninushi - Arahabaki
Lady Kikuri-Hime - Hariti - Isis - Cybele - Ishtar - Skadi - Alilat - Inanna - Danu - Nuwa - Nuwa
Megami Fortuna - Ame-no-Uzume - Anahita - Parvati - Artemis - Idun - Sarasvati - Scathach - Norn - Lakshmi - Demeter - Maria
Night Sandman - Mokoi - Incubus - Lilim - Succubus - Black Frost - Kaiwan - Queen Medb - Lilith
Raptor Onmoraki - Zhen - Muu Shuwuu - Anzu
Snake Naga - Raja Naga - Yurlungur - Yamata-no-Orochi
Tyrant King Frost - Belphegor - Moloch - Loki - Surt - Mara - Abaddon - Arioch - Mithras - Mephisto - Amon - Chi You - Belial - Beelzebub
Vile Baphomet - Mishaguji - Lahmu - Pazuzu - Girimekhala - Mada
Wargod Neko Shogun - Yoshitsune - Ganesha - Siegfried - Futsunushi
Wilder Bicorn - Bugs - Mothman - Nue
Yoma Mandrake - Agathion - Apsaras - Koppa Tengu - Valkyrie
Panagia Tao
Enemy Only
Meta Shohei Yakumo
Matter Lucifer
Mitama Saki Mitama - Kusi Mitama - Ara Mitama - Nigi Mitama
Nahobino Abdiel - Tsukuyomi - Nuwa

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Fool Orpheus - Legion - Ose - Black Frost - Decarabia - Loki - Susano-o
Magician Hermes - Trismegistus - Nekomata - Jack Frost - Pyro Jack - Sati - Orobas - Rangda - Surt
Priestess Lucia - Juno - Apsaras - Unicorn - Sarasvati - Ganga - Parvati - Kikuri-hime - Scathach
Empress Penthesilea - Artemisia - Leanan Sidhe - Laksmi - Hariti - Gabriel - Mother Harlot - Skadi - Alilat
Emperor Polydeuces - Caesar - Forneus - Oberon - Take-Mikazuchi - King Frost - Raja Naga - Kingu - Barong - Odin
Hierophant Castor - Omoikane - Berith - Flauros - Hokuto Seikun - Ananta - Daisoujou - Kohryu
Lovers Io - Isis - Pixie - Narcissus - Queen Mab - Saki Mitama - Titania - Raphael - Cybele
Chariot Palladion - Pallas Athena - Ara Mitama - Chimera - Zouchouten - Ares - Oumitsunu - Nata Taishi - Koumokuten - Thor
Justice Nemesis - Kala-Nemi - Angel - Archangel - Principality - Power - Virtue - Dominion - Throne - Melchizedek
Hermit Moros - Yomotsu-Shikome - Naga - Lamia - Taraka - Kurama Tengu - Nebiros - Arahabaki
Fortune Hypnos - Fortuna - Kusi Mitama - Clotho - Lachesis - Atropos - Norn
Strength Cerberus - Valkyrie - Titan - Jikokuten - Hanuman - Narasimha - Kali - Siegfried
Hanged Man Medea - Inugami - Take-Minakata - Orthrus - Vasuki - Ubelluris - Attis
Death Loa - Pale Rider - Samael - Mot - Alice - Thanatos
Temperance Nigi Mitama - Mithra - Genbu - Seiryuu - Okuninushi - Suzaku - Byakko
Devil Lilim - Vetala - Incubus - Succubus - Lilith - Abaddon - Beelzebub
Tower Eligor - Chu Chulainn - Uriel - Bishamonten - Seiten Taisei - Masakado - Shiva - Chi You
Star Nandi - Kaiwan - Ganesha - Garuda - Saturnus - Lucifer
Moon Gurr - Yamata-no-Orochi - Girimehkala - Dionysus - Chernobog - Seth - Sandalphon
Sun Yatagarasu - Quetzalcoatl - Jatayu - Horus - Metatron - Vishnu - Asura
Judgement Anubis - Trumpeter - Michael - Satan - Messiah

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Fool Orpheus - Slime - Legion - Black Frost - Ose - Decarabia - Loki - Susano-o - Orpheus Telos
Magician Hermes - Trismegistus - Nekomata - Jack Frost - Pyro Jack - Hua Po - Sati - Orobas - Rangda - Surt
Priestess Lucia - Juno - Apsaras - Unicorn - High Pixie - Sarasvati - Ganga - Parvati - Kikuri-hime - Scathach
Empress Penthesilea - Artemisia - Leanan Sidhe - Yaksini - Laksmi - Hariti - Gabriel - Mother Harlot - Skadi - Alilat
Emperor Polydeuces - Caesar - Forneus - Oberon - Take-Mikazuchi - King Frost - Raja Naga - Kingu - Barong - Odin
Hierophant Castor - Psyche - Omoikane - Berith - Shiisaa - Flauros - Thoth - Hokuto Seikun - Daisoujou - Kohryu
Lovers Io - Isis - Pixie - Alp - Narcissus - Queen Mab - Saki Mitama - Titania - Raphael - Cybele
Chariot Palladion - Pallas Athena - Ara Mitama - Chimera - Zouchouten - Ares - Oumitsunu - Nata Taishi - Koumokuten - Thor
Justice Nemesis - Kala-Nemi - Angel - Archangel - Principality - Power - Virtue - Dominion - Throne - Melchizedek
Hermit Moros - Yomotsu-Shikome - Naga - Lamia - Mothman - Taraka - Kurama Tengu - Nebiros - Kumbhanda - Arahabaki
Fortune Hypnos - Fortuna - Empusa - Kusi Mitama - Clotho - Lachesis - Atropos - Norn
Strength Cerberus - Valkyrie - Rakshasa - Titan - Jikokuten - Hanuman - Narasimha - Kali - Siegfried
Hanged Man Medea - Inugami - Take-Minakata - Orthrus - Vasuki - Ubelluris - Hecatoncheires - Hell Biker - Attis
Death Ghoul - Pale Rider - Loa - Samael - Mot - Alice - Thanatos
Temperance Nigi Mitama - Mithra - Genbu - Seiryuu - Okuninushi - Suzaku - Byakko - Yurlungur
Devil Lilim - Vetala - Incubus - Succubus - Pazuzu - Lilith - Abaddon - Beelzebub
Tower Eligor - Chu Chulainn - Bishamonten - Seiten Taisei - Masakado - Mara - Shiva - Chi You
Star Nandi - Kaiwan - Ganesha - Garuda - Kartikeya - Saturnus - Helel
Moon Gurr - Yamatano-Orochi - Girimehkala - Dionysus - Chernobog - Seth - Baal Zebul - Sandalphon
Sun Yatagarasu - Quetzalcoatl - Jatayu - Horus - Suparna - Vishnu - Asura
Judgement Anubis - Trumpeter - Michael - Satan - Lucifer - Messiah
Aeon Uriel - Nidhoggr - Ananta - Atavaka - Metatron

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Fool Orpheus - Slime - Legion - Black Frost - Ose - Decarabia - Loki - Susano-o - Orpheus Telos
Magician Hermes - Trismegistus - Nekomata - Jack Frost - Pyro Jack - Hua Po - Sati - Orobas - Rangda - Surt
Priestess Lucia - Juno - Apsaras - Unicorn - High Pixie - Sarasvati - Ganga - Parvati - Kikuri-hime - Scathach
Empress Penthesilea - Artemisia - Leanan Sidhe - Yaksini - Lakshmi - Hariti - Gabriel - Mother Harlot - Skadi - Alilat
Emperor Polydeuces - Caesar - Forneus - Oberon - Take-Mikazuchi - King Frost - Raja Naga - Kingu - Barong - Odin
Hierophant Castor - Omoikane - Berith - Shiisaa - Flauros - Thoth - Hokuto Seikun - Daisoujou - Kohryu
Lovers Io - Isis - Pixie - Alp - Tam Lin - Narcissus - Queen Mab - Saki Mitama - Titania - Raphael - Cybele
Chariot Palladion - Pallas Athena - Ara Mitama - Chimera - Zouchouten - Ares - Oumitsunu - Nata Taishi - Koumokuten - Thor
Justice Nemesis - Kala-Nemi - Angel - Archangel - Principality - Power - Virtue - Dominion - Throne - Melchizedek
Hermit Moros - Yomotsu Shikome - Naga - Lamia - Mothman - Taraka - Kurama Tengu - Nebiros - Kumbhanda - Arahabaki
Fortune Hypnos - Fortuna - Empusa - Kusi Mitama - Clotho - Lachesis - Atropos - Norn
Strength Cerberus - Valkyrie - Rakshasa - Titan - Jikokuten - Hanuman - Narasimha - Kali - Siegfried
Hanged Man Medea - Inugami - Take-Minakata - Orthrus - Vasuki - Ubelluris - Hecatoncheires - Hell Biker - Attis
Death Ghoul - Pale Rider - Loa - Samael - Mot - Alice - Thanatos
Temperance Nigi Mitama - Mithra - Genbu - Seiryuu - Okuninushi - Suzaku - Byakko - Yurlungur
Devil Lilim - Mokoi - Vetala - Incubus - Succubus - Pazuzu - Lilith - Abaddon - Beelzebub
Tower Eligor - Chu Chulainn - Bishamonten - Seiten Taisei - Masakado - Mara - Shiva - Chi You
Star Neko Shogun - Setanta - Nandi - Kaiwan - Ganesha - Garuda - Kartikeya - Saturnus - Helel
Moon Gurr - Yamatano-Orochi - Girimehkala - Dionysus - Chernobog - Seth - Baal Zebul - Sandalphon
Sun Yatagarasu - Quetzalcoatl - Jatayu - Horus - Suparna - Vishnu - Asura
Judgement Anubis - Trumpeter - Michael - Satan - Lucifer - Messiah
Aeon Uriel - Nidhoggr - Ananta - Atavaka - Metatron

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Fool Orpheus - Slime - Legion - Black Frost - Ose - Decarabia - Loki - Susano-o - Orpheus Telos - Izanagi - Arsène - Satanael
Magician Hermes - Trismegistus - Nekomata - Jack Frost - Jack-o'-Lantern - Hua Po - Sati - Orobas - Rangda - Surt - Futsunushi - Zorro - Mercurius
Priestess Lucia - Juno - Apsaras - Unicorn - High Pixie - Sarasvati - Ganga - Parvati - Kikuri-hime - Scathach - Johanna - Anat
Empress Penthesilea - Artemisia - Leanan Sidhe - Yaksini - Hariti - Gabriel - Skadi - Mother Harlot - Alilat - Milady - Astarte
Emperor Polydeuces - Caesar - Forneus - Oberon - Take-Mikazuchi - King Frost - Naga Raja - Belphegor - Barong - Odin - Goemon - Kamu Susano-o
Hierophant Castor - Psyche - Omoikane - Berith - Shiisaa - Flauros - Thoth - Mishaguji - Daisoujou - Kohryu
Lovers Io - Isis - Pixie - Silky - Tam Lin - Narcissus - Queen Medb - Saki Mitama - Titania - Raphael - Cybele - Carmen - Hecate
Chariot Palladion - Athena - Ara Mitama - Chimera - Zouchouten - Mithras - Oni - Shiki-Ouji - Koumokuten - Thor - Captain Kidd - Seiten Taisei
Justice Nemesis - Kala-Nemi - Angel - Archangel - Principality - Power - Virtue - Dominion - Throne - Melchizedek - Robin Hood - Loki
Hermit Moros - Onmoraki - Naga - Lamia - Mothman - Dakini - Kurama Tengu - Nebiros - Kumbhanda - Arahabaki
Fortune Hypnos - Fortuna - Sandman - Kusi Mitama - Clotho - Lachesis - Atropos - Norn - Lakshmi
Strength Cerberus - Valkyrie - Rakshasa - Matador - Jikokuten - Hanuman - White Rider - Siegfried - Kali - Atavaka
Hanged Man Medea - Inugami - Take-Minakata - Orthrus - Vasuki - Hecatoncheires - Mada - Hell Biker - Attis
Death Pisaca - Pale Rider - Loa - Samael - Mot - Alice - Thanatos
Temperance Nigi Mitama - Mithra - Genbu - Seiryu - Okuninushi - Suzaku - Byakko - Yurlungur
Devil Lilim - Mokoi - Baphomet - Incubus - Succubus - Pazuzu - Lilith - Abaddon - Beelzebub
Tower Eligor - Cu Chulainn - Bishamonten - Qitian Dasheng - Mara - Masakado - Shiva - Chi You - Magatsu-Izanagi
Star Neko Shogun - Setanta - Kaiwan - Ganesha - Garuda - Houou - Saturnus - Helel - Cendrillon - Vanadis
Moon Gurulu - Yamata-no-Orochi - Girimehkala - Dionysus - Chernobog - Seth - Baal Zebul - Sandalphon - Kaguya
Sun Yatagarasu - Thunderbird - Quetzalcoatl - Jatayu - Horus - Vishnu - Asura
Judgement Anubis - Trumpeter - Michael - Satan - Lucifer - Messiah
Aeon Nidhoggr - Uriel - Ananta - Metatron

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Fool Izanagi - Yomotsu-Shikome - Obariyon - Legion - Ose - Black Frost - Decarabia - Shiki-Ouji - Loki
Magician Jiraiya - Susano-o - Pixie - Orobas - Jack Frost - Hua Po - Pyro Jack - Dis - Rangda - Jinn - Surt - Mada
Priestess Konohana Sakuya - Amaterasu - Saki Mitama - Sarasvati - High Pixie - Ganga - Parvati - Kikuri-Hime - Hariti - Tzitzimitl - Scathach
Empress Senri - Yaksini - Titania - Gorgon - Gabriel - Skadi - Mother Harlot - Alilat - Isis
Emperor Take-Mikazuchi - Rokuten Maoh - Oberon - King Frost - Setanta - Okuninushi - Thoth - Pabilsag - Barong - Odin
Hierophant Omoikane - Anzu - Shiisaa - Unicorn - Flauros - Hokuto Seikun - Cerberus - Daisoujou - Hachiman - Kohryu
Lovers Himiko - Kanzeon - Queen Mab - Undine - Leanan Sidhe - Raphael - Cybele - Ishtar
Chariot Tomoe - Suzuka Gongen - Slime - Nata Taishi - Eligor - Ara Mitama - Ares - Triglav - Kin-Ki - Thor - Atavaka - Futsunushi
Justice Angel - Archangel - Principality - Power - Virtue - Dominion - Throne - Uriel - Melchizedek - Sraosha
Hermit Forneus - Ippon-Datara - Lamia - Mothman - Hitokotonushi - Kurama Tengu - Nidhoggr - Nebiros - Arahabaki - Ongyo-Ki
Fortune Sukuna-Hikona - Yamato-Takeru - Fortuna - Clotho - Lachesis - Ananta - Atropos - Norn
Strength Sandman - Valkyrie - Titan - Rakshasa - Kusi Mitama - Oni - Hanuman - Kali - Siegfried - Zaou-Gongen
Hanged Man Berith - Yomotsu-Ikusa - Makami - Orthrus - Yatsufusa - Taowu - Hell Biker - Vasuki - Attis
Death Ghoul - Mokoi - Matador - Samael - Mot - White Rider - Alice - Mahakala
Temperance Apsaras - Sylph - Xiezhai - Nigi Mitama - Mithra - Genbu - Seiryuu - Suzaku - Byakko - Yurlungur - Vishnu
Devil Ukobach - Lilim - Vetala - Incubus - Pazuzu - Succubus - Lilith - Belphegor - Belial - Beelzebub
Tower Tao Tie - Cu Chulainn - Abaddon - Mara - Masakado - Yoshitsune - Shiva
Star Kintoki-Douji - Kamui - Kaiwan - Neko Shogun - Fuu-Ki - Ganesha - Garuda - Kartikeya - Saturnus - Helel
Moon Andras - Nozuchi - Yamata-no-Orochi - Alraune - Girimehkala - Sui-Ki - Seth - Baal Zebul - Sandalphon
Sun Cu Sith - Feng Huang - Gdon - Yatagarasu - Narasimha - Tam Lin - Jatayu - Horus - Suparna - Asura
Judgement Anubis - Trumpeter - Michael - Satan - Metatron - Ardha - Lucifer
World Izanagi-no-Okami

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Fool Izanagi - Yomotsu-Shikome - Obariyon - Legion - Ose - Black Frost - Decarabia - Shiki-Ouji - Loki
Magician Jiraiya - Susano-o - Takehaya Susano-o - Pixie - Orobas - Jack Frost - Hua Po - Pyro Jack - Dis - Rangda - Jinn - Surt - Mada
Priestess Konohana Sakuya - Amaterasu - Sumeo-Okami - Saki Mitama - Sarasvati - High Pixie - Ganga - Parvati - Kikuri-Hime - Hariti - Tzitzimitl - Scathach
Empress Senri - Yaksini - Titania - Gorgon - Gabriel - Skadi - Mother Harlot - Alilat - Isis
Emperor Take-Mikazuchi - Rokuten Maoh - Takeji Zaiten - Oberon - King Frost - Setanta - Okuninushi - Thoth - Pabilsag - Barong - Odin
Hierophant Omoikane - Anzu - Shiisaa - Unicorn - Flauros - Hokuto Seikun - Cerberus - Daisoujou - Hachiman - Kohryu
Lovers Himiko - Kanzeon - Kouzeon - Queen Mab - Undine - Leanan Sidhe - Raphael - Cybele - Ishtar
Chariot Tomoe - Suzuka Gongen - Haraedo-no-Okami - Slime - Nata Taishi - Eligor - Ara Mitama - Ares - Triglav - Kin-Ki - Thor - Atavaka - Futsunushi
Justice Angel - Archangel - Principality - Power - Virtue - Dominion - Throne - Uriel - Melchizedek - Sraosha
Hermit Forneus - Ippon-Datara - Lamia - Mothman - Hitokotonushi - Kurama Tengu - Nidhoggr - Nebiros - Arahabaki - Ongyo-Ki
Fortune Sukuna-Hikona - Yamato-Takeru - Yamato Sumeragi - Fortuna - Clotho - Lachesis - Ananta - Atropos - Norn
Strength Sandman - Valkyrie - Titan - Rakshasa - Kusi Mitama - Oni - Hanuman - Kali - Siegfried - Zaou-Gongen
Hanged Man Berith - Yomotsu-Ikusa - Makami - Orthrus - Yatsufusa - Taowu - Hell Biker - Vasuki - Attis
Death Ghoul - Mokoi - Matador - Samael - Mot - White Rider - Alice - Mahakala
Temperance Apsaras - Sylph - Xiezhai - Nigi Mitama - Mithra - Genbu - Seiryuu - Suzaku - Byakko - Yurlungur - Vishnu
Devil Ukobach - Lilim - Vetala - Incubus - Pazuzu - Succubus - Lilith - Belphegor - Belial - Beelzebub
Tower Tao Tie - Cu Chulainn - Abaddon - Mara - Masakado - Yoshitsune - Shiva
Star Kintoki-Douji - Kamui - Kamui-Moshiri - Kaiwan - Neko Shogun - Fuu-Ki - Ganesha - Garuda - Kartikeya - Saturnus - Helel
Moon Andras - Nozuchi - Yamata-no-Orochi - Alraune - Girimehkala - Sui-Ki - Seth - Baal Zebul - Sandalphon
Sun Cu Sith - Feng Huang - Gdon - Yatagarasu - Narasimha - Tam Lin - Jatayu - Horus - Suparna - Asura
Jester (Hunger) Gurr - Take-Minakata - Pale Rider - Loa - Baphomet - Kumbhanda - Chernobog - Seiten Taisei - Magatsu-Izanagi
Aeon Ame-no-Uzume - Narcissus - Sati - Raja Naga - Kushinada-Hime - Quetzalcoatl - Kingu - Lakshmi - Kaguya
Judgement Anubis - Trumpeter - Michael - Satan - Metatron - Ardha - Lucifer
World Izanagi-no-Okami

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Fool Orpheus - Izanagi - Slime - Legion - Orpheus Telos - Ose - Black Frost - Decarabia - Shiki-Ouji - Loki
Magician Hermes - Trismegistus - Jiraiya - Susano-O - Agathion - Orobas - Jack Frost - Hua Po - Pyro Jack - Dis - Rangda - Jinn - Surt - Mada
Priestess Lucia - Juno - Konohana Sakuya - Amaterasu - Ame no Uzume - High Pixie - Ganga - Parvati - Hariti - Tzitzimitl - Scathach
Empress Penthesilea - Artemisia - Yaksini - Titania - Gorgon - Gabriel - Skadi - Mother Harlot - Lakshmi - Alilat
Emperor Polydeuces - Caesar - Take-Mikazuchi - Rokuten Maou - Oberon - Setanta - King Frost - Oukuninushi - Thoth - Pabilsag - Kingu - Barong - Odin
Hierophant Castor - Anzu - Shiisaa - Unicorn - Gozuki - Flauros - Mishaguji - Daisoujou - Hachiman - Kohryu
Lovers Io - Isis - Himiko - Kanzeon - Pixie - Alp - Moh Shuvuu - Queen Mab - Leanan Sidhe - Raphael - Cybele - Ishtar
Chariot Palladion - Athena - Tomoe - Suzuka Gongen - Nata Taishi - Chimera - Eligor - Ares - Mezuki - Oumitsunu - Triglav - Thor - Atavaka - Futsunushi
Justice Nemesis - Kala-Nemi - Angel - Archangel - Power - Virtue - Dominion - Throne - Uriel - Ophanim - Melchizedek
Hermit Azumi - Ippon-Datara - Nue - Mothman - Hitokotonusi - Kurama Tengu - Niddhoggr - Nebiros - Arahabaki - Ongyo-Ki
Fortune Sukuna-Hikona - Yamato-Takeru - Empusa - Fortuna - Clotho - Lachesis - Ananta - Atropos - Norn
Strength Cerberus - Sandman - Valkyrie - Oni - Tsuchigumo - Rakshasa - Hanuman - Ouyamatsumi - Siegfried - Kali - Zaou-Gongen
Hanged Man Koropokkur - Berith - Ikusa - Orthrus - Yatsufusa - Hell Biker - Vasuki - Attis
Death Mokoi - Matador - Turdak - White Rider - Samael - Mot - Alice - Pale Rider - Thanatos - Mahakala
Temperance Apsaras - Xiezhai - Mithra - Genbu - Seiryuu - Suzaku - Byakko - Vishnu
Devil Ukobach - Incubus - Succubus - Pazuzu - Basilisk - Lilith - Belial - Belphegor - Astaroth - Beelzebub
Tower Raijuu - Cu Chulainn - Abaddon - Mara - Seiten Taisei - Masakado - Yoshitsune - Shiva - Chi You - Magatsu-Izanagi
Star Kintoki-Douji - Kamui - Sarasvati - Yatagarasu - Neko Shogun - Kaiwan - Kikuri-Hime - Garuda - Kartikeya - Sraosha - Helel
Moon Onmoraki - Andras - Kaguya - Nozuchi - Orochi - Alraune - Girimehkala - Chernobog - Seth - Baal Zebul - Sandalphon
Sun Cu Sith - Phoenix - Narasimha - Ganesha - Tam Lin - Jatayu - Suparna - Asura
Judgement Red Rider - Anubis - Black Rider - Trumpeter - Michael - Satan - Metatron - Warrior Zeus - Ardha - Zeus - Lucifer
World Messiah - Izanagi-no-Okami

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Fool Arsene - Satanael - Obariyon - High Pixie - Izanagi - Izanagi Picaro - Orpheus - Orpheus Picaro - Decarabia - Legion - Ose - Bugs - Crystal Skull - Dionysus - Black Frost - Vishnu
Magician Zorro - Mercurius - Jack-o'-Lantern - Jack Frost - Nekomata - Sandman - Choronzon - Queen Mab - Rangda - Surt - Futsunushi
Priestess Johanna - Anat - Silky - Apsaras - Koh-i-Noor - Isis - Kikuri-Hime - Scathach - Sarasvati - Skadi - Cybele
Empress Milady - Astarte - Queen's Necklace - Yaksini - Lamia - Hariti - Dakini - Titania - Kali - Mother Harlot
Emperor Goemon - Kamu Susano-o - Regent - Eligor - Setanta - Thoth - Okuninushi - Barong - King Frost - Oberon - Baal - Odin
Hierophant Berith - Orobas - Phoenix - Anzu - Unicorn - Daisoujou - Forneus - Bishamonten - Kohryu
Lovers Carmen - Hecate - Pixie - Saki Mitama - Leanan Sidhe - Ame-no-Uzume - Kushinada - Narcissus - Parvati - Raphael - Ishtar
Chariot Captain Kidd - Seiten Taisei - Agathion - Slime - Shiisaa - Shiki-Ouji - Kin-Ki - Ara Mitama - White Rider - Cerberus - Thor - Chi You
Justice Robin Hood - Loki - Angel - Archangel - Principality - Power - Melchizedek - Dominion - Throne - Uriel - Metatron
Hermit Necronomicon - Prometheus - Bicorn - Koropokguru - Ippon-Datara - Sudama - Naga - Arahabaki - Kumbhanda - Koumokuten - Kurama Tengu - Ongyo-Ki
Fortune Stone of Scone - Clotho - Ariadne - Lachesis - Atropos - Ariadne Picaro - Fortuna - Norn - Asterius - Asterius Picaro - Lakshmi
Strength Kelpie - Kushi Mitama - Oni - Rakshasa - Orlov - Zouchouten - Valkyrie - Siegfried - Zaou-Gongen
Hanged Man Hua Po - Inugami - Orthrus - Take-Minakata - Emperor's Amulet - Hecatoncheires - Moloch - Vasuki - Attis
Death Mandrake - Mokoi - Matador - Pisaca - Hell Biker - Hope Diamond - Pale Rider - Chernobog - Thanatos - Thanatos Picaro - Mot - Alice
Temperance Genbu - Koppa Tengu - Makami - Nigi Mitama - Jikokuten - Mitra - Byakko - Raja Naga - Seiryu - Gabriel - Ardha
Devil Incubus - Andras - Flauros - Lilim - Pazuzu - Baphomet - Nebiros - Belial - Beelzebub
Tower Jatayu - Belphegor - Red Rider - Magatsu-Izanagi - Magatsu-Izanagi Picaro - Seth - Black Rider - Mara - Yoshitsune - Mada
Star Kodama - Fuu-Ki - Neko Shogun - Kaiwan - Ananta - Garuda - Hanuman - Cu Chulainn - Sraosha - Lucifer
Moon Succubus - Onmoraki - Kaguya - Nue - Sui-Ki - Kaguya Picaro - Black Ooze - Mothman - Girimehkala - Tsukiyomi - Tsukiyomi Picaro - Lilith - Sandalphon
Sun Suzaku - Mithras - Yurlungur - Horus - Ganesha - Yatagarasu - Quetzalcoatl - Asura
Judgement Anubis - Trumpeter - Yamata-no-Orochi - Abaddon - Messiah - Shiva - Michael - Messiah Picaro - Satan

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Fool Arsène - Satanael - Raoul - Obariyon - Orpheus (F) - Orpheus Picaro (F) - High Pixie - Izanagi - Izanagi Picaro - Orpheus - Orpheus Picaro - Legion - Ose - Bugs - Crystal Skull - Black Frost - Vishnu
Magician Zorro - Mercurius - Diego - Jack-o'-Lantern - Cait Sith - Jack Frost - Nekomata - Sandman - Choronzon - Queen Mab - Rangda - Forneus - Surt - Futsunushi
Priestess Johanna - Anat - Agnes - Silky - Apsaras - Koh-i-Noor - Isis - Kikuri-Hime - Sarasvati - Skadi - Scathach - Cybele
Empress Milady - Astarte - Lucy - Queen's Necklace - Yaksini - Lamia - Hariti - Dakini - Titania - Kali - Alilat - Mother Harlot
Emperor Goemon - Kamu Susano-o - Gorokichi - Regent - Eligor - Setanta - Thoth - Barong - King Frost - Oberon - Baal - Odin
Hierophant Berith - Orobas - Anzu - Daisoujou - Mishaguji - Bishamonten - Kohryu
Lovers Carmen - Hecate - Célestine - Pixie - Saki Mitama - Ame-no-Uzume - Leanan Sidhe - Kushinada - Narcissus - Parvati - Raphael - Ishtar
Chariot Captain Kidd - Seiten Taisei - William - Agathion - Slime - Shiki-Ouji - Kin-Ki - Ara Mitama - White Rider - Athena - Athena Picaro - Cerberus - Thor - Chi You
Justice Robin Hood - Loki - Hereward - Angel - Archangel - Principality - Power - Melchizedek - Dominion - Throne - Uriel - Metatron
Hermit Necronomicon - Prometheus - Al Azif - Bicorn - Koropokguru - Ippon-Datara - Sudama - Naga - Kurama Tengu - Arahabaki - Kumbhanda - Koumokuten - Loa - Fafnir - Ongyo-Ki
Fortune Stone of Scone - Clotho - Ariadne - Lachesis - Atropos - Ariadne Picaro - Fortuna - Norn - Asterius - Asterius Picaro - Lakshmi
Strength Kelpie - Shiisaa - Oni - Rakshasa - Orlov - Zouchouten - Valkyrie - Hanuman - Chimera - Zaou-Gongen
Hanged Man Hua Po - Inugami - Orthrus - Take-Minakata - Emperor's Amulet - Hecatoncheires - Jatayu - Moloch - Macabre - Attis
Death Mandrake - Mokoi - Matador - Nue - Pisaca - Hell Biker - Hope Diamond - Pale Rider - Chernobog - Thanatos - Thanatos Picaro - Mot - Alice
Temperance Genbu - Koppa Tengu - Makami - Jikokuten - Mitra - Byakko - Raja Naga - Gabriel - Ardha
Devil Incubus - Flauros - Andras - Lilim - Pazuzu - Baphomet - Nebiros - Belial - Beelzebub
Tower Belphegor - Red Rider - Magatsu-Izanagi - Magatsu-Izanagi Picaro - Seth - Black Rider - Mara - Yoshitsune - Mada
Star Kodama - Fuu-Ki - Neko Shogun - Kaiwan - Garuda - Vasuki - Sraosha - Hastur - Lucifer
Moon Succubus - Onmoraki - Kaguya - Black Ooze - Sui-Ki - Kaguya Picaro - Mothman - Girimehkala - Tsukiyomi - Tsukiyomi Picaro - Lilith - Byakhee - Sandalphon
Sun Suzaku - Thunderbird - Mithras - Yurlungur - Horus - Ganesha - Quetzalcoatl - Asura
Judgement Anubis - Trumpeter - Yamata-no-Orochi - Abaddon - Messiah - Shiva - Michael - Messiah Picaro - Satan
Faith Cendrillon - Vanadis - Ella - Phoenix - Tam Lin - Unicorn - Okuninushi - Orichalcum - Atavaka - Cu Chulainn - Siegfried - Maria
Councillor Azathoth - Adam Kadmon - Kushi Mitama - Nigi Mitama - Decarabia - Ananta - Yatagarasu - Seiryu - Dionysus - Vohu Manah
World Izanagi-no-Okami - Izanagi-no-Okami Picaro

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Fool Orpheus / Orpheus - Orpheus Telos - Izanagi - Arsène - Satanael - Slime - Bifrons - Mothman - Izanagi Picaro - Ose - Orpheus Picaro - Black Frost - Bai Suzhen - Decarabia - Shiki-Ouji - Ardha
Magician Hermes - Trismegistus - Jiraiya - Susano-O - Zorro - Mercurius - Agathion - Orobas - Jack Frost - Hua Po - Pyro Jack - Dis - Rangda - Jinn - Surt - Mada - Kudlak
Priestess Lucia - Juno - Konohana Sakuya - Amaterasu - Johanna - Anat - Sarasvati - Moh Shuvuu - Ganga - Parvati - Dzelarhons - Gabriel - Hariti - Tzitzimitl - Scathach - Black Maria
Empress Penthesilea - Artemisia - Milady - Astarte - Ame no Uzume - Yaksini - Titania - Mayahuel - Kikuri-Hime - Skadi - Lakshmi - Mother Harlot - Xi Wangmu - Kali - Alilat
Emperor Polydeuces - Caesar - Take-Mikazuchi - Rokuten Maou - Goemon - Kamu Susano-o - Anzu - Oberon - Power - Okuninushi - King Frost - Thoth - Ganesha - Barong - Odin - Huang Di
Hierophant Castor - Halphas - Shiisaa - Koppa Tengu - Unicorn - Dantalion - Cherub - Mishaguji - Daisoujou - Kohryu - Kresnik - Baal Zebul
Lovers Io - Isis - Himiko - Kanzeon - Carmen - Hecate - Pixie - Heqet - High Pixie - Queen Mab - Narcissus - Vivian - Leanan Sidhe - Raphael - Cybele - Raphael - Lorelei - Ishtar
Chariot Palladion - Athena - Tomoe - Suzuka Gongen - Captain Kidd - Seiten Taisei - Nata Taishi - Chimera - Eligor - Mezuki - Oumitsunu - Triglav - Kartikeya - Kingu - Pale Rider - Thor - Atavaka - Futsunushi
Justice Nemesis - Kala-Nemi - Robin Hood - Angel - Archangel - Principality - Setanta - Virtue - Dominion - Uriel - Throne - Jeanne d'Arc - Melchizedek - Metatron - Seraph
Hermit Necronomicon - Prometheus - Azumi - Ippon-Datara - Nue - Caladrius - Hitokotonusi - Kurama Tengu - Niddhoggr - Nebiros - Arahabaki - Ongyo-Ki
Fortune Sukuna-Hikona - Yamato-Takeru - Mandrake - Kelpie - Ariadne - Yuki Jyorou - Fortuna - Ariadne Picaro - Clotho - Pabilsag - Lachesis - Atropos - Norn - Ananta - Ouroboros - Asterius - Asterius Picaro
Strength Cerberus - Mokoi - Valkyrie - Oni - Tsuchigumo - Gozuki - Rakshasa - Hanuman - Ouyamatsumi - Ara Mitama - Siegfried - Zaou-Gongen
Hanged Man Onmoraki - Berith - Ikusa - Gorgon - Orthrus - Yatsufusa - Hell Biker - Moloch - Vasuki - Attis
Death Empusa - Yatagarasu - Matador - Red Rider - White Rider - Thanatos - Flauros - Thanatos Picaro - Mot - Alice - Bugs - Balor - Mahakala
Temperance Apsaras - Silky - Bicorn - Mithra - Genbu - Seiryu - Suzaku - Byakko - Mithras - Vishnu
Devil Sandman - Alp - Incubus - Legion - Succubus - Pazuzu - Belphegor - Belial - Baphomet - Vouivre - Lilith - Astaroth - Beelzebub
Tower Ukobach - Raijuu - Ammut - Nigi Mitama - Cu Chulainn - Magatsu-Izanagi - Abaddon - Longinus - Mara - Masakado - Yoshitsune - Shiva - Chi You
Star Kintoki-Douji - Kamui - Koropokkuru - Xiezhai - Gemori - Neko Shogun - Kaiwan - Sleipnir - Kusi Mitama - Garuda - Sraosha - Suparna - Helel
Moon Sudama - Andras - Kaguya - Nozuchi - Hare of Inaba - Kaguya Picaro - Orochi - Alraune - Fenrir - Girimehkala - Saki Mitama - Chernobog - Seth - Tsukuyomi - Tsukuyomi Picaro - Sandalphon
Sun Cu Sith - Phoenix - Pele - Basilisk - Narasimha - Lugh - Hathor - Tam Lin - Jatayu - Hachiman - Asura
Judgement Messiah - Turdak - Berserker - Anubis - Black Rider - Ophanim - Messiah Picaro - Trumpeter - Michael - Satan - Lucifer
World Izanagi-no-Okami

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Asura Agni - Camazotz - Dyaus - Hayagriva - Prithivi - Rahu - Ravana - Varna - Vayu
Aerial Andras - Anzu - Archangel - Gurr - Horus - Hresvelgr - Macha - Nandi - Phoenix - Power - Principality - Throne
Beast Alp - Apis - Chimera - Empusa - Gdon - Kelpie - Nekomata - Nue - Orobas - Orthrus - Pabilsag - Raiju - Tao Tie - Taown - Thoth - Zhen
Brute Bugaboo - Chatterskull - Ghoul - Girimehkala - Gyu-Ki - Hecatoncheires - Ikusa - Legion - Pisaca - Purski - Rakshasa - Rangda - Sarge Girimehkala - Shadow - Shiki-Ouji - Shikome - Specter - Taraka - Titan - Turdak - Vetala - Yaksini
Death Seth
Deity Alilat - Laksmi - Pallas Athena - Sarasvati - Sati - Scathach - Skadi
Device 20mm Machinegun - Gate Core - Laser Cannon
Dragon Cockatrice - Gorgon - Kingu - Lamia - Mizuchi - Naga - Nidhoggr - Samael - Tan-Ki - Tarrasque
Fiend Satan
Fury Vishnu
Human Karma Soldier - Tribhvana Air - Tribhvana Earth - Tribhvana Heaven
Icon Arahabaki - Ares - Atavaka - Beiji Weng - Ganesha - Hanuman - Mada - Mithra - Narasimha - Pazuzu - Surt - Thor
Light Gabriel - Michael - Raphael - Uriel
Fiend Baphomet - Berith - Black Ooze - Blob - Cu Chulainn - Dis - Efreet - Eligor - Flauros - Hua Po - Jack Frost - Kaiwan - Lilith - Loa - Mot - Nyx - Omoikane - Onkot - Ose - Setanta - Troll
Tyrant Shiva
Mitama Ara Mitama - Saki Mitama - Nigi Mitama - Kusi Mitama
Yaksa Abaddon - Chernobog - Cu Sith - Ganga - Dakini - Fake Varna - Hecatoncheires - Kali - Kartikeya - Kumbhanda - Meganda - Raja Naga - Ubelluris - Varna - Varunani - Vetala - Vritra

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