Slash/Pierce/Strike Skills
Slash Skills
Sweeping Slash - Diagonal Slash - Slicer - Critical Strike - Round Slash - Rising Slash - Raging Edge - Heroic Slash Vorpal Blade - Phantom Swordswarm - Bamboo Splitter - Peerless Stonecleaver
Pierce Skills
Heavy Rush - Power Thrust Jump Thrust - Leap Thrust - Hammer of Justice - Wild Bore
Strike Skills
Shield Arts - Perfect Punch - Skull Cracker - Crushing Fist Horse-Drawn Carnage (Seeker) - Horse-Drawn Carnage (Magic Seeker) - Winning Horse - Meteoric Fist - Tiger Eruption Fist
Elemental Skills
Fire Skills
Bot - Gabot - Botra - Gabotra - Boatona - Gabouat - Seeker's Flame Meteophor - Fireblade Rider - Fire Art Mage Fire - Mage Flames - Mage Inferno
Ice Skills
Blizz - Gablizz - Blizza - Gablizza - Blizzaton - Gablizzaton Hadean Icecrag Mage Ice - Mage Hail - Mage Avalanche
Elec Skills
Kande - Gakande - Kandera - Gakandera - Kandeon - Gakandeon Skyfall Bolt - Magic Knight's Hammer Mage Lightning - Mage Thundersquall - Mage Burst - Mage Thunderstorm
Wind Skills
Cyc - Gacyc - Cyclo - Gacyclo - Cyclone - Gacyclone Void Wave - Seeker's Gale - Emerald Vortex Cyclone Slasher - Wind Blade Mage Wind - Mage Mistral - Mage Gale - Mage Tornado
Light Skills
Hama - Mahama - Hamaon - Mahamaon - Hamadyne - Mahamadyne - Radiance - Exorcist Light Rider of the Blade - Divine Punishment - Energy Ray - Super Energy Ray Mage Light - Mage Holiness - Mage Divinity
Dark Skills
Mudo - Mamudo - Mudoon - Mamudoon - Mudodyne - Mamudodyne Blackguard's Hammer Mage Darkness - Mage Underworld - Mage Hellscape
Megido - Megidola - Megidolaon - Gold Attack - Gold Rush - Debt Collection - Royal Slash Fortune Slots - Golden Soldier - Soulblade Rider - Royal Sword - Trial of the Seeker - Armageddon's Final Sire Sable Dance Mage Almighty - Mage Omniscience
Ailment Skills
Healing Skills
HP Recovery
Dei - Medi - Deiama - Medeiama - Medica - Deiamahan - Medeiamahan - Medicall Mediline - Rydinei - First Aid Mage Devotion
Recarm - Samarecarm Godly Blessing Mage Revival
Ailment Recovery
Patra - Pen Patra
Support Skills
Tarukaja - Matarukaja - Rakukaja - Marakukaja - Sukukaja - Masukukaja - Vitalja - Battle Cry - Heat Riser - Hyper - Money Power - Hero's Proving Adventurer's Curiosity
Tarunda - Matarunda - Rakunda - Marakunda - Sukunda - Masukunda - Debilitate
Knight's Proclamation - Hero's Cry
Tetrakarn - Makarakarn - Magical Injection - Protect Guard - Magic Guard
Dekunda - All Reset Tetrabreak - Makarabreak
Passive Skills
Magic Font - Health Font - Martial Lore - Guard Lore
Lineage Chemistry
Magic Circle - Heat Up - Diligent Disciple - Healer's Insight - Trader's Summit
Attack Boost
Slash Boost - Strike Boost - Almighty Boost Arcane Unity Critical Trade
Noble Resolve - High Voltage - Spirit of Adversity Shield Blessing - Godly Blessing
Start of battle
Ironclad Bond
Slash Dodge - Strike Dodge - Fire Dodge - Wind Dodge - Light Dodge - Dark Dodge - Dodge Master
Lucky Find - Luckier Find - Item Connoisseur - Resist All
Hero Passives
Chase Support - Magic Recovery - Barge Past - Auto-Repel - Pickpocket - Victory Dance - Status Differential - Combat Specialization - Comeback Victory - Support Recovery - Surprise Upset - Dodge - Enhanced Cooperation - Alchemy - Cooperative Chase - Morale Boost