Slaughter Drive appears in the Adamah Block of Tartarus, between floors 215 to 227.
It later reappears as a boss on the 8th floor of Judecca, accompanying Spastic Turret in a group of two. It is immune to all ailments, but neutral to Poison Damage .
In Golden, it appears on Worlds 4-6 of Magatsu Mandala. It is weak to electricity and wind. In battle, it may protect itself with Tetrakarn before attacking with Double Fangs and Torrent Shot. It cannot be dizzied. It may also drop Angelite for trade at Shiroku Pub.
Persona Q: Shadow of the Labyrinth[]
Slaughter Drive appears on floors 8 and 9 of the Clock Tower. Weak to Ice, it attacks with heavy Wind and Physical skills, and may reduce a party member's defense with Rakunda. When defeated, it may drop Drive Piece, and Drive Wheel, and Drive Sword. Drive Piece is used to create the War Pick for Shinjiro, the Gendawa for Yukari, the Eternal Plate female armor, and the TD Full Body for Aigis. Drive Wheel is used to create the Gimlet for the P3 hero, the Pieta for Yukiko, the Full Jin-Baori male armor, and the Aigis Armor v0 for Aigis.
Persona Q2: New Cinema Labyrinth[]
Slaughter Drive appears in Block 4 of the Theater District, and in the 3rd Ave. of Kamoshidaman during Special Screening #6: Kung Fu Catwalk! It will use Screens to to mitigate damage taken if its weakness to either Psychokinetic or Nuclear skills are exploited.