Social Link/Hidetoshi Odagiri

This article covers information about the Emperor Social Link, Hidetoshi Odagiri, including events featured in Persona 3 and Persona 3 Portable.

The protagonist can start Hidetoshi's Social Link as early as April 27th, after Mitsuru Kirijo signs them up for Student Council. He can be found during the day in the Student Council Room opposite of Class 2F on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays. After January 25th, however, he is also available on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

If playing as the female protagonist, he will confess his love for her only after his Social Link is maxed—as such, he cannot actually be romanced.

Hidetoshi gives the protagonist a Cheap Lighter when the Social Link is maxed, which enables the fusion of Odin.


Unlike Persona 4 and Persona 5, advancing a character's Social Link in Persona 3 does not grant skills usable in battle. Instead, completing the Fool Social Link, SEES, grants various benefits and abilities.


Character Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Day Night Day Night Day Night Day Night Day Night Day Night Day Night
Character Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Day Night Day Night Day Night Day Night Day Night Day Night Day Night

Dialogue Options[]

Rank 1

Rank 1

Response Points (W) Points (W/O)
Chihiro: "I'm a sophomore, and um... I'm still learning the ropes, so... please be patient with me, <Protagonist>-san."
Nice to meet you. 0 0
I'll be on my best behavior. 0 0
Rank 2

Rank 2

Response Points (W) Points (W/O)
"Some students feel the school uniform should be abolished, and they're recruiting supporters..."
I agree with them. 0 0
It's a waste of time. +3 +2
Rank 3

Rank 3

Response Points (W) Points (W/O)
> He is staring at Hidetoshi.
What happened? +2 +1
Stop fighting. +3 +2
Rank 4

Rank 4

Response Points (W) Points (W/O)
> It looks like the punk is going to hit Hidetoshi.
Intervene 0 0
Keep watching 0 0
"You look like you want to say something..."
You need to lighten up. 0 0
Good work. +3 +2
Rank 5

Rank 5

Response Points (W) Points (W/O)
"...<Protagonist>-kun, were you there the whole time?"
They can be pretty cruel. +3 +2
You can't accuse everyone. 0 0
Rank 6

Rank 6

Response Points (W) Points (W/O)
"It's actually kind of nice not having those hyenas around."
You're not going home yet? 0 0
Hyenas? 0 0
"...As you can see, the meeting's over, so you can leave if you want."
But, I just got here... +3 +2
Maybe I should stick around. +3 +2
Rank 7

Rank 7

Response Points (W) Points (W/O)
"...About the smoker's punishment, that is."
The usual will do. 0 0
He should suffer. +3 +2
Rank 8

Rank 8

Response Points (W) Points (W/O)
Chihiro: "Um... What happened to Hidetoshi-san?"
What do you mean? 0 0
Why, is something wrong? 0 0
> Hidetoshi looks uncomfortable.
It wasn't me. +3 +2
You came to my defense? 0 0
Rank 9

Rank 9

Response Points (W) Points (W/O)
"I rambled on about rules and fairness, but all I really proved was that I was desperate for power..."
Don't blame yourself. +3 +2
Good thing you noticed. 0 0
Rank 10

Rank 10

Response Points (W) Points (W/O)
"Um... How'd I do?"
So-so. +3 +2
Not bad. +2 +1
"Here, I want you to have this."
I'll hang onto it. +3 +2
I guess I'll take it. +3 +2
Rank 1

Rank 1

Response Points (W) Points (W/O)
Chihiro: "I'm a sophomore, and um... I'm still learning the ropes, so... please be patient with me, <Protagonist>-san."
Nice to meet you all. 0 0
I'll do my best. 0 0
Rank 2

Rank 2

Response Points (W) Points (W/O)
"Some students feel the school uniform should be abolished, and they're recruiting supporters..."
I kinda agree. 0 0
How pointless. +3 +2
Rank 3

Rank 3

Response Points (W) Points (W/O)
> The student council member is glaring at Hidetoshi.
Did something happen? +2 +1
You shouldn't fight. +3 +2
Rank 4

Rank 4

Response Points (W) Points (W/O)
> It looks like the punk is going to hit Hidetoshi...!
Intervene 0 0
Keep watching 0 0
"You look like you want to say something..."
You're overdoing it. 0 0
Working hard, huh? +3 +2
Rank 5

Rank 5

Response Points (W) Points (W/O)
"...<Protagonist>-kun, were you there the whole time?"
They were all mean. +3 +2
Don't suspect everyone. 0 0
Rank 6

Rank 6

Response Points (W) Points (W/O)
"It's actually kind of nice not having those hyenas around."
You're not going home? 0 0
What do you mean? 0 0
"...As you can see, the meeting's over, so you can leave if you want."
I'll stay here longer. +3 +2
I'll help out, too! +3 +2
Rank 7

Rank 7

Response Points (W) Points (W/O)
"...About the smoker's punishment, that is."
A proper punishment. 0 0
A strict punishment. +3 +2
Rank 8

Rank 8

Response Points (W) Points (W/O)
Chihiro: "Um... What happened to Hidetoshi-san?"
What do you mean? 0 0
I don't know... 0 0
> Hidetoshi looks uncomfortable.
I'm not the culprit. +3 +2
You defended me? 0 0
Rank 9

Rank 9

3 2
Response Points (W) Points (W/O)
"I rambled on about rules and fairness, but all I really proved was that I was desperate for power..."
Don't blame yourself. +3 +2
It's good you realize that.
Rank 10

Rank 10

Response Points (W) Points (W/O)
"Um... How'd I do?"
They were praising you. +3 +2
It went well. +2 +1
"Here, I want you to have this."
Thank you. +3 +2
I'll treasure it. +3 +2


  • Hidetoshi is the only Social Link who refers to the female protagonist with the -kun honorific, which is often used by senior male employees.