Social Link/Ryotaro Dojima

This article covers information about the Hierophant Social Link, Ryotaro Dojima, including events featured in Persona 4 and Persona 4 Golden.

The protagonist can start Dojima's Social Link as early as May 6th. He can be found inside the Dojima Residence during the evenings after the protagonist finishes the story's current dungeon or between story dungeons.

In Persona 4, the deadline to complete Dojima's Social Link is November 2nd, as it will become unavailable for the rest of the game after this. In Persona 4 Golden, his Social Link becomes available again starting on January 24th.

Dojima gives the protagonist a Coffee Mug when the Social Link is maxed, which enables the fusion of Kohryu.

What is the deadline to complete Dojima's Social Link in Persona 4? toggle section

Dojima's Social Link, or Hierophant Social Link, in Persona 4 must be completed by November 2nd. After this, it's unavailable for the remainder of the game. In Persona 4 Golden, this Social Link reopens on January 24th. When the Social Link is maxed, the protagonist is given a Coffee Mug by Dojima, enabling the fusion of Kohryu.

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Where can Dojima be found in Persona 4 during the evenings? toggle section

In Persona 4, Ryotaro Dojima is typically found at the Dojima Residence during the evenings. This location, situated at Inaba's eastern edge, serves as the game's primary hub and the protagonist's home. Upon the protagonist's return to the residence after school, the time transitions to the evening.

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When can the protagonist start Dojima's Social Link in Persona 4? toggle section

In Persona 4, the protagonist can start the Hierophant Social Link, also known as the Dojima Social Link, from May 6th. Dojima is available in the evenings at the Dojima Residence, either after completing a dungeon or between dungeons. In Persona 4 Golden, the protagonist can engage with Social Links at night when Dojima is absent, but progression of the Dojima S Link is only possible during daytime.

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What happens to Dojima's Social Link after November 2nd in Persona 4? toggle section

Dojima's Social Link in Persona 4 is inaccessible after November 2nd. In Persona 4 Golden, it reopens on January 24th. Upon maxing out the Social Link, the protagonist receives a Coffee Mug from Dojima, which facilitates the fusion of Kohryu.

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What is the significance of the Hierophant Social Link in Persona 4? toggle section

The Hierophant Social Link, represented by Ryotaro Dojima in Persona 4, is crucial for the protagonist to access more potent Personas of the respective Arcana. This Social Link ranks up automatically on specific days throughout the story. Bonding with Investigation Team members like Dojima enables them to inherit unique skills per rank. Moreover, maxing out their Social Link allows these members to reawaken their Ultimate Persona.

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Character Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Rain
Day Night Day Night Day Night Day Night Day Night Day Night Day Night Day/Night

Dialogue Options

Rank 1

Rank 1

Response Points (W) Points (W/O)
"Uhhh... Well, how's school?"
It's fun. 0 0
Meh... 0 0
It's boring. 0 0
"You know what I'm talking about, right?"
Yes. 0 0
No. 0 0
Say it straight out. 0 0
Rank 2
  • To initiate Dojima's Social Link Rank 2, the protagonist must reach Rank 2 Expression (Eloquent).

Rank 2

Response Points (W) Points (W/O)
"So... What have you been doing after school?"
Hanging with friends. +2 +1
Club meetings. 0 0
Working. +3 +3
Nothing... 0 0
"But it's not as if we have much in common... except for the murders."
Do you still suspect me? 0 0
Not good at talking? +2 +1
Tell me about yourself. +3 +2
"You're more like a very young brother to me than a son."
That's stretching it. +3 +3
Should I call you big bro? +3 +2
Rank 3

Rank 3

Response Points (W) Points (W/O)
"'When is always', huh...?"
Why not play with her? 0 0
I feel sorry for her. 0 0
Not good with kids? 0 0
"Plus... I'm not fit to be her family."
Why? 0 0
Fit or not, you're family. +3 +2
I don't get it. +3 +2
Rank 4
  • To initiate Dojima's Social Link Rank 4, the protagonist must reach Rank 3 Expression (Persuasive).

Rank 4

Response Points (W) Points (W/O)
"All we've got is instant, though. How do you take it?"
Black. +3 +2
With cream. +3 +3
Cream and sugar. +3 +2
Surprise me. +3 +3
"Go watch TV with Nanako. I'll bring it to you when it's ready."
You don't have to do that. +3 +2
Thank you. +2 +1
Rank 5

Rank 5

Response Points (W) Points (W/O)
"Oh... Sorry, I wasn't talking about you."
Looking for something? 0 0
Can I help? +3 +2
Working at home? +2 +1
"It's late. Go to sleep."
Are you okay? +3 +2
What was that about? +2 +1
But Nanako? +3 +2
Rank 6
  • To initiate Dojima's Social Link Rank 6, the protagonist must reach Rank 4 Expression (Touching).

Rank 6

Response Points (W) Points (W/O)
"Let's stop there."
Let's not. +2 +1
Even if it's about family? +2 +1
Then let's go outside. +3 +2
"I don't need a private life to do that. ...Nanako will understand."
You're right. 0 0
Is that what she wants? 0 0
That's just an excuse. 0 0
Rank 7

Rank 7

Response Points (W) Points (W/O)
"I can do that anytime."
When is 'anytime'? 0 0
This is more important, huh? +2 +1
Rank 8

Rank 8

Response Points (W) Points (W/O)
"Sorry, but my hands are full here."
Working at home again? 0 0
Buying a new car? 0 0
Want some coffee? +3 +2
"Do you understand why?"
Because of Nanako. +2 +1
Because her killer's loose. +2 +1
Because you're a coward. +3 +3
Rank 9

Rank 9

Response Points (W) Points (W/O)
"Er... Sorry about making you go along with this today."
I don't mind. +2 +1
It was fun. +3 +2
Ask me next time. +2 +1
"That's why I used revenge as an excuse to spend time away from her..."
Was it hard? +3 +3
Do you regret it now? +2 +1
You've stopped running? +3 +2
Rank 10

Rank 10

Response Points (W) Points (W/O)
"This is your personal mug. Write your name on it later."
Thank you. +3 +2
What am I using now? +2 +1
My name? That's okay... +3 +3
"Sorry, but take care of Nanako."
Go get 'em. +3 +3
Be careful. +3 +3
Leave it to me. +3 +3


Gardening, 6/12

Garden, 6/12

Response Points (W) Points (W/O)
"Are you regretting letting Nanako talk you into this yet?"
To be honest, just a little... 0 0
Not really. +2 +1
I'm glad I did this. +3 +2


  • In Golden, the protagonist can increase Dojima's Social Link progression by 1 point by saying "This is a nice bike." on 06/09. If the protagonist has a Persona of the Hierophant Arcana in his stock, the progression will be 2 points.
  • In Golden, agreeing to help Nanako with her homework on 1/28 will increase Dojima's Social Link progression by 2 points, and will automatically increase by 2 points each on the evenings of 1/29 and 2/4.