Toxoid Saber

Toxoid Saber is a weapon in Persona Q2: New Cinema Labyrinth.


A toxoid is an inactivated toxin whose toxicity has been suppressed by either chemical or heat treatment.



Persona Q2: New Cinema Labyrinth[]

"A single-edged saber with a poisoned blade."

—Item description, Persona Q2: New Cinema Labyrinth

The Toxoid Saber is a weapon for Goro Akechi. It can be purchased from the Shop for ¥1,850 after selling one Balance Stone, dropped by Heat Balance, and one Basalt Jewel, dropped by Selfish Basalt in Kamoshidaman.

Attack PhysIcon SMTIV Type Effect
46 Beam Saber Low chance of Poison

St Ma En Ag Lu Obtained
- - - - - Shop - ¥1,850 / ¥1,480
Balance Stone x1, Basalt Jewel x1