
Urizen is a demon in the series.


In the mythology of William Blake, Urizen is the embodiment of conventional reason and law. He is usually depicted as a bearded old man; he sometimes bears architect's tools, to create and constrain the universe; or nets, with which he ensnares people in webs of law and conventional society. Originally, Urizen represented one half of a two-part system, with him representing reason and Los, his opposition, representing imagination.

In Blake's reworking of his mythic system, Urizen is one of the four Zoas that result from the division of the primordial man, Albion, and he continues to represent reason. He has an Emanation, or paired female equivalent, Ahania, who stands for Pleasure. In Blake's myth, Urizen is joined by many daughters with three representing aspects of the body. He is also joined by many sons, with four representing the four elements. These sons join in rebellion against their father but are later united in the Last Judgment. In many of Blake's books, Urizen is seen with four books that represent the various laws that he places upon humanity.

In Blake's original myth, Urizen, the representation of abstractions and an abstraction of the human self, is the first entity. He believes himself holy and he sets about establishing various sins in a book of brass that serves as a combination of various laws as discovered by Newton, given to Moses, and the general concept of deism, which force uniformity upon mankind. The rest of the Eternals in turn become indignant at Urizen turning against eternity, and they instill these essences of sin within Urizen's creation. This torments Urizen, and Los soon after appears. Los' duty within the work is to watch over Urizen and serve as his opposition. In terms of Blake's Orc cycle, Urizen serves as a Satanic force similar to Milton's Satan. He has also been compared with the Ancient of Days or the Demiurge



Shin Megami Tensei IMAGINE[]

Urizen was introduced during the 2014 Kappa and the Lost Utopia event alongside Albion and the three other Zoa. He can be fused by players with the Zoas plugin through a special double fusion of Sudama and Flaemis. Like Albion and the others, he possesses a feature called Milton, which gives him 100% elemental resistance according to which Zoa are in the party. After Mitama fusion, he gains another feature called Bunrei (分霊, lit. Divided Spirit) which increases his elemental damage by 50% according to which Zoa are in the party.


Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne[]

Race Level HP MP
Strength 20
Magic 10
Vitality 20
Agility 8
Luck 1
Zoa 30 1300 300
Reflects Absorbs Void Resists Weak
Fire - Expel, Death, Curse, Nerve, Mind - Ice
List of Skills
Skill Cost Effect
Agidyne 10 MP Heavy fire damage to one foe.
Maragidyne 25 MP Heavy fire damage to all foes.
Samarecarm - Revives Albion when it is defeated before all Zoas are slain. (Enemy-only)

Shin Megami Tensei IMAGINE[]

Race Alignment Level HP MP Growth Inherit St Ma Vi In Sp Lu
Entity Law 36 309 144 Small Nauthiuz Curative 11 26 15 59 26 19
Force Slot Close Long Spell Support P.Def M.Def Critical Crt.Def
7 32 50 40 57 15 20 30 5
Features Milton (Mitama: Divided Spirit) See also [1]
Default Skills
Skill Cost Effect
Armor's Breath Passive Increases HP regeneration by 2.
Punch - A basic attack dealing blunt damage to a single target.
Tackle - A basic attack dealing charge damage to a single target.
Defensive Stance 1 MP User enters a guard stance, decreasing damage taken from attack and spin moves.
Counter - User enters a counter stance, responding to the next
enemy attack or rush move with a counterattack.
Agi 8 MP Deals fire damage to a single target and inflicts burn ailment (70%).
Diarahan 18 MP Recovers a large amount of a single ally's HP.
Recarm 20 MP Revives a single ally with 25% HP.


Urizen along with Albion and the other Zoas in Albion's artwork

Urizen along with Albion and the other Zoas in Albion's artwork