"Praise my name! Witness, bathed in the glory of my countenance! Praise my name!"
—YHVH, Shin Megami Tensei II
YHVH, also known as Yehowah, Yahweh or God, is an important figure and demon in the Shin Megami Tensei series as well as in other spin-off games. He is often seen as a firm and lawful, if not ruthless, figure who holds little empathy towards humanity.
What role does YHVH play in the Shin Megami Tensei series?
YHVH is a recurring character in the Shin Megami Tensei series, often depicted negatively. His role differs across games. In Shin Megami Tensei, he's one of many gods, whereas in Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne, he exists beyond the universe, maintaining its creation. Lucifer frequently opposes him, and he's a final boss in multiple games. His character draws from the Christian and Catholic God, embodying the negative aspects of Abrahamic religions.
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Why is YHVH portrayed as a villain in the Shin Megami Tensei series?
In the Shin Megami Tensei series, YHVH is depicted as a villain due to a negative interpretation of the character, inspired by the vision of God the Father in Christianity and Catholicism. Representing the worst aspects of Abrahamic religions, YHVH is portrayed as a firm, lawful, but ruthless figure with little empathy for humanity. This portrayal is especially prominent in games like Shin Megami Tensei IV Apocalypse.
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How does YHVH's portrayal in Shin Megami Tensei differ from traditional religious depictions?
YHVH in Shin Megami Tensei is inspired by Christianity and Catholicism but is negatively portrayed. The character symbolizes the worst elements of Abrahamic religions, contributing to the negative depiction in games such as Shin Megami Tensei IV Apocalypse. The character's origins and histories differ across the series, with Echidna in Shin Megami Tensei stating that YHVH was initially one among many gods.
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What other religious figures are considered to be the same as YHVH in the Shin Megami Tensei series?
Across the Shin Megami Tensei series, YHVH's origins and histories vary. In one instance, Echidna refers to YHVH as one god among many. In another, Kagutsuchi, an alternate name for YHVH, is described as existing outside and sustaining the creation of universes. The character also embodies a negative interpretation of God the Father from Christianity and Catholicism.
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YHVH, also referred to as God, is the one deity of Abrahamic faiths, common to Judaism, Christianity, Islam and many other religious denominations. Some consider the Zoroastrian god Ahura Mazda and the Egyptian god Aten to be the same figure or to have served as an inspiration for it.
He is often conceived as a genderless, omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent deity, an uncreated creator who created the universe out of nothingness, who is also responsible for the creation of angels, humans and all living and spiritual beings, among them creatures such as the jinn.
His deeds change throughout the many religions that worship him, however, the three main monotheist religions (Judaism, Christianity and Islam) tend to portray similar events, such as Adam and Eve's banishment from Eden and the covenant made by God with Abraham and the people of Israel, they differ, however, in their view on important figures such as Jesus Christ and the prophet Muhammad.
Christians conceive God as an entity of pure good. According to Trinitarian traditions, He is composed of three different identities that are, at the same time, one and the same: God the father, God the son and the holy spirit. This is known as the Holy Trinity, with Jesus Christ the messiah being the son. Christians await the return of Jesus Christ and Judgement Day, when the devil will be defeated and the Millennium Kingdom of God will come to Earth. Other figures are Maria, "Mother of God," the woman who chose to bear Jesus and ascended to Heaven, and the four archangels Michael, Gabriel, Raphael and Uriel, and Lucifer as a fallen angel rebelling against God with his army of demons. Judaism and Islam differ in that they conceive God as a singular identity, rejecting the concept of the Trinity, but they agree about the existence of demons and an angelic hierarchy.
Some interpretations, especially the one from Gnostic Christianity, differ in many ways from the view of God the father as a benevolent entity; instead, they portray him as a Demiurge, a false god who wants to control humanity, an enemy to the true God. The gnostic interpretation of God is heavily influenced by Greek philosophy and a partial reading of the Old Testament, and was thus rejected by the ascending Christian Church.
YHVH is the most common transliteration of the Hebrew name of God. The name itself is a reference to the Tetragrammaton, which represents the four letters of the name of God: Yod, Heh, Vav, Heh (or simply "YHVH"). Each of the letters corresponds to a world and a soul and stands for the four basic stages of the process of creation. The name is derived from the Hebrew word "יהיה" ("to be"), modified into a variant form with a masculine prefix. Its meaning and implications have been a source of contemplation and debate for thousands of years, which still continues today. By Hebrew tradition, it is not to be pronounced aloud, and is typically substituted with "Adonai" ("my Lord") in prayers. In speech, Hashem ("the name") is used in its place.
- Megami Tensei II: Yuiitsukami* Race, Final Boss
- Kyuuyaku Megami Tensei: Kami* Race, Final Boss
- New Digital Devil Story 6: Bonds of Reincarnation: Major Character
- Shin Megami Tensei II: Godly Race, Final Boss
- Shin Megami Tensei: 20XX Devil's Colosseum: Himitsu Race, Ultimate Boss as God (カミ, Kami)?
- Shin Megami Tensei IV Apocalypse: Godly Race, Final Boss (Any true ending route)
- Megami Tensei Gaiden: Last Bible New Testament: Boss
In Megami Tensei series, the Abrahamic God is the symbol of Law alignment. Throughout the Megami Tensei Multiverse, YHVH is an agent of the Great Will who carries out its intentions within a particular cosmos, usually as a vain dictator which ensures everything in it will remain under his control. However, this isn't universal and incarnations of YHVH may have different origins and histories. For example, in Shin Megami Tensei, Echidna states he was originally one god among many. Meanwhile, in Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne, Kagutsuchi (who is stated by the game's artbook to be a name for YHVH), is stated to exist outside of the universe, and sustains the creation of universes itself.
In most continuities, Lucifer always rejected YHVH's authority and took one-third of the heavenly host to revolt against him, before being defeated and banished to the demon world, falling from grace and subsequently becoming the lord of demons. In continuities where YHVH was stated to be once no different from other gods, YHVH is also responsible for demonizing other gods by using his teachings to influence humanity. YHVH is thus commonly referred to as the "true enemy" by Lucifer and demons who align with Chaos.
Generally speaking, YHVH allows humans to have technical free will, but detests meaningful rebellion against his authority and will openly condemn those who choose to pursue that path. He desires worship of only himself and threatens punishment upon any who defy his will. YHVH claims to feel the emotions of all human beings and their suffering, but this does not deter him from taking extreme and inhumane courses of action. His offers of mercy are likewise only extended to those who are willing and able to recommit to obedience to his will and not to those who remain in opposition to him.
Digital Devil Story: Megami Tensei[]
Although YHVH doesn't appear in the novel of Digital Devil Story: Megami Tensei, Loki appears to use the letters of God to hypnotize the students of Jusho High School, chanting: "Yod, Heh, Vav, Heh..."
New Digital Devil Story 6: Bonds of Reincarnation[]
While not directly called YHVH, he is referred to as "God". Michael and Gabriel are his subordinates in the story. In the final novel he, with help of Cerberus, strikes a meteor to Earth, bringing a Great Cataclysm to it.
Megami Tensei II[]
YHVH is encountered in an underground corridor in Ginza after defeating Satan. It is revealed that he ordered Satan to start the nuclear war that devastated the world and lead the demon invasion to wipe out humanity.
He speaks to the protagonist while he's walking through the final hallway, condemning him and Lucifer for their actions and telling them that the world will be destroyed if he falls, trying to coerce them into retreating. When the hero meets YHVH, he is offered a chance to betray Lucifer and become a divine being or battle YHVH, for a total of two possible endings.
If the hero chooses to fight against YHVH, he claims that the hero will burn in hellfire until the end of the world. After fighting against them and losing, however, YHVH starts disappearing, shocked at being destroyed by his own creations. Before vanishing completely, YHVH reveals that he is only a small part of the Great Will which oversees and controls infinite universes, and that his vast consciousness will allow Him to reform, warning the hero that he has chosen the harshest path for his future. All demons vanish with his death, granting humanity a reprieve.
If the hero chooses to side with YHVH, Lucifer is immediately struck down with the eternal flame, and the hero and his companion are invited to YHVH's Millennium Kingdom. The epilogue mentions that the world infested with malice disappears, while the hero and his companion are transformed into godly beings.
Shin Megami Tensei[]
The protagonist can choose the Lawful alignment in Shin Megami Tensei, where he aligns with YHVH. YHVH's plan is to create the Thousand Year Kingdom, a utopia consisting of new angels and ruled by YHVH. To do so, however, YHVH decides to cleanse the world and sends Thor as an agent to destroy Japan.
YHVH plays a minor role towards the end of the game. In the Law alignment, the protagonist destroys the demons and helps YHVH institute his Thousand Year Kingdom. In the Chaos alignment, the protagonist can choose to align with Lucifer, where the protagonist destroys the angels and restores the old gods. Lucifer thanks him for doing so, but warns him to be careful, as the "true enemy" still exists. In the Neutral alignment, the protagonist destroys the forces of both the angels and demons, hoping to create a new, free world raised by mankind.
Shin Megami Tensei II[]
YHVH appears as a respected figure in Shin Megami Tensei II, he is worshiped by the people of Tokyo Millennium. They are foretold that a savior will descend from God, and show the citizens salvation. Since the Messians running Tokyo Millennium are angels, and because the aforementioned 'savior' has yet to arrive, they begin fearing that YHVH has abandoned them. They believed that, if they carried out the plans as YHVH foretold, YHVH would once again appear before them. In order to do so, they need a savior they could control. That savior is Aleph.
In ancient times, YHVH created Lucifer and Satan respectively. Satan was used as an instrument to judge the world, humans, angels and demons alike. However, Lucifer's pride allowed him to revolt against God and was banished from heaven.
In the Neutral and Chaos alignment paths, Satan is ordered by YHVH to use the Megiddo Ark (a powerful laser weapon within Eden) to destroy all life on the planet as his judgment. He is killed by Aleph before he can carry out his plans, and his death prompts the appearance of YHVH in Eden. In the Law alignment, Satan will turn on YHVH to punish him for committing the sin of genocide; however, he crumbles to dust after defeating his creator. Should Aleph choose to align with Lucifer, he would join Aleph in defeating YHVH in his angel form, and he would disappear after his creator.
In all routes, the party will be transported to Eden in order to defeat YHVH. In the Neutral and Chaos routes, they must face his three avatars Sabaoth, Shaddai, and Elohim, as well as Satan before finally meeting YHVH. In the Law route however, all of the three avatar bosses will be skipped, and Satan will not be fought due to him being in the party already.
In the Chaos and Neutral alignments, prior to Aleph's battle with YHVH, he is forewarned that by defying God's will, Aleph will suffer a never-ending cycle of punishment, as YHVH would torture Aleph, kill him, reincarnate him and continue torturing him until the end of time for committing the 'Ultimate Sin': Deicide. However, interestingly enough, in the Law alignment, YHVH never mentions sending Aleph to Hell, instead only mentioning punishing Satan.
After being defeated on the Neutral route, YHVH states that humanity is weak and needs someone to rely on, feeling that humans can't live on their own, and states that as long as people wish for his salvation, the Great Will of the universe will recreate him. On the Chaos route, YHVH will state that he can't stand seeing a confused world, not under his control, question who will rule the confused world, and asks if Aleph and Hiroko's names will be worshiped as saviors, before stating that he'll be recreated. On the Law route, YHVH will state that they have rejected his salvation by being judged and punished by his creations, questioning if humans can find their own paths without him guiding them, before stating that the Great Will of the universe will recreate him.
Shin Megami Tensei 20XX: Devil's Colosseum[]
YHVH possesses the protagonists twin and arranges the Coliseum tournament in order to draw out the savior and kill them, believing humanity does not deserve to be saved.
Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne[]
In one of the art books that focused on Nocturne, Kagutsuchi was stated to be another name for YHVH. Lucifer also talks about his plan to destroy the Great Will, which includes YHVH, should the Demi-fiend follow his path that would lead to the True Demon Ending.
Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey[]
YHVH, mostly known as God in the game, has an important role in the backstory of Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey, but his actual presence is only seen in a New Game+. In the distant past, God trampled the mother goddesses and subjugated humanity on Earth. Before the main events of the story, worship of God falters and causes him to weaken his seal on the mother goddesses. In that moment of weakness, God was attacked and shattered by the mother goddesses of the Schwarzwelt. The goddesses attempt to restore the original state of the world and eliminate human civilization through the Schwarzwelt due to humanity having wasted the world away. Several of God's fragments were sealed in the Schwarzwelt itself.
God first appears as a human in a Demonica, and later, after being partially restored, as Metatron and requests the help of the protagonist to defeat Alilat and Demiurge. After the protagonist defeats the Demiurge, God attempts to absorb Demiurge's power and restore himself, but the protagonist can shut him off and seal him by canceling the fusion midway through. A voice warns the protagonist not to release the "Arrogant God" - referring to YHVH. If the fusion is successful, God takes the Demiurge's appearance, becomes known as "Refined Voice" and says that he's slowly returning to his true form "full of light." The Refined Voice says that the true enemy is the spirit of the Earth itself, and promises to help and protect humanity as long as humanity is obedient to the holy spirit. If the protagonist chooses to follow the celestial feminine voice, Metatron will be sealed away and the protagonist will gain the same reward from the mission.
In Redux, it is stated that Shekinah, the form The Three Wise Men take in, is another fragment of God, with the men stating that Mem Aleph stole their power and divided it into pieces. This is similar to the backstory of God found in the New Game+ play through of the original game.
Shin Megami Tensei IV[]
In Shin Megami Tensei IV, the unleashing of the demons from the Yamato Perpetual Reactor 25 years ago is used as a means to justify God's wrath by the angels, who seek to unleash nukes that will devastate the Earth and wipe out mankind. In Blasted Tokyo, should mankind not die out then Pluto will finish them off. In Infernal Tokyo, this is avoided by killing the angels before their plans could be achieved.
The "Ancient One of the Sun" DLC Challenge Quest reveals that God wishes to cleanse the remnants of humanity clinging to life in Blasted Tokyo so the innocents taken aboard the cocoons (also called Arks) can return to a new Earth. The Ancient of Days, an aspect of God that maintains the order of the universe, is sent to exterminate the few Blasted Tokyo survivors and herald the return of the Arks.
When Flynn comes close to beating the Ancient of Days, Kiyoharu will come speak to the Ancient of Days and desperately ask if he is here to save them. The Ancient of Days explains to Kiyoharu that he's here to cleanse the world of the remaining humans and begin a new generation of humanity because Kiyoharu and the other survivors are no longer necessary.
Kiyoharu becomes horrified and explains to God that his entire family and his friends have all died. He prayed to God in the ignorant hope that he would save them because it was all he had left. Kiyoharu raises his head towards the sky to reminisce on the fact Kenji was right in his desire to destroy the angels. Akira comes to take Kiyoharu back to shelter. Kiyoharu informs Akira of what God has told him. Akira urges Kiyoharu to come back home with him.
Upon defeating the Ancient of Days, God's voice reveals that Flynn has defeated only one form of many, that the next generation of humanity will still inhabit the world, and that order will still continue. Despite this, Akira thanks Flynn and states that he's given them hope to co-exist with the new humanity of their world.
Flynn is taken back to the world of The White and the White ponder on why Flynn doesn't despair. The White mention that God is able to return because humanity believes in God as they are too weak-willed to live in the world otherwise. Humanity keeps making the mistakes of falling back and forth between Law or Chaos, falling into God's scheme, expectations and resulting in the endless war between the two factions and giving into despair. This despair gives rise to the White, who embody man's despair over the eternal conflict and being trapped in God's world.
In "The Voice of Arrogant Evil" Challenge Quest, the Demiurge claims to be an avatar of YHVH, although he only pretends that he's in such a position and is in fact, merely a highly powerful Vile demon formed from a fragment of YHVH.
In the Law ending, YHVH's benevolence is highlighted; in the time following the genocide of Tokyo, YHVH is said to bask in the happiness of a humanity that has finally purged itself of sin and ended the cycle of suffering. On the one hand, it is therefore possible that YHVH's tyranny in this universe is the result of well-intentioned extremism to end suffering and create a perfect world, which may explain why the Great Reason simultaneously supports and opposes him. On the other hand, YHVH may have gone insane from the impossible task of reconciling humanity's conflicting ideas of how to create a utopia for itself due to the existence of free will, which the intervention of messiahs subsequently resolves by committing humanity down a particular course.
Shin Megami Tensei IV Apocalypse[]
"I am YHVH... I am that I am."
—YHVH, Shin Megami Tensei IV Apocalypse
YHVH, also known as the Creator God, is revealed to have become extremely tyrannical and unfit for rule during the events of both games. He controlled both halves of Satan (Lucifer and Merkabah) and the forces of Chaos and Law to perpetuate an eternal war that will never have a true winner to make sure that he will forever be in power. YHVH becomes reviled by gods and humans alike, to the point that pagan gods gather and form Divine Powers in an attempt to rebel against him and create a new universe without him.
His madness had made him an enemy of the Great Reason, who had been creating and incarnating messiahs to oppose him, with two messiahs, Flynn and Nanashi, needed to bring humans true freedom from YHVH's grasp in this universe. He acts as the game's true final boss on both of its true ending routes, as the game's Law and Chaos routes are bad endings.
In the final battle, it's made clear humans are capable of denying YHVH's current existence just by words alone, and upon losing his throne, he becomes a primitive demon consisting of multiple animals fused together, displaying how far his moral authority has fallen in the eyes of humanity.
On the Bonds Route, YHVH is defeated by the two godslayers (Nanashi and Flynn) and their friends, but not before implying he will return one day. Mankind, the two messiahs and demons will live together until the day that they must all oppose him again comes. On the Massacre Route, he is slain by the godslayers and Dagda's powers and, with no followers and the creation of a new universe removing everything of the old universe, YHVH is permanently killed, freeing humanity from his tyranny forever.
Battle Analysis[]
YHVH's battle is perhaps the most difficult non-DLC battle of the game. He resists everything, meaning that Nanashi's own Awakened Power or any Pierce passives are needed to do decent damage. However, the battle has a unique perk to it - that the player alternates between their party and Flynn's party. On Bonds, Satan will split into Jonathan and Walter, who will join Flynn and Isabeau for the battle. This also means Isabeau will not be available as a battle partner. On Massacre, Flynn's party will consist solely of himself and Satan, making the battle a bit harder especially if one locked themselves into a battle partner who isn't as good for boss fights.
Flynn's signature move is his Godslayer's Sword skill. This almighty attack, when used on YHVH, will count as hitting a weakness, consuming half a Press Turn even if it hits YHVH while he is Smirking. Godslayer's Sword will always reduce YHVH's resistance to a random element, and with luck, it can create elemental weaknesses which will speed up the flow of the battle.
The first part of the battle is a fair bit simpler: YHVH has rather standard abilities like Luster Candy and Debilitate. His elemental spells can pierce resistances, but his physical attacks are considerably weaker. Keep an eye out for Divine Harmony, which can erase all effects, including Charge, Smirk and Doping, from your party. Fielding a demon who is immune to physical attacks can easily rob him of Press Turns.
As the fight progresses, you have prompts to attempt to deny his divinity, weakening him in the process. On Bonds, your allies can do it for you; on Massacre, you are presented with dialogue options which can fail at undermining his divinity. As his health falls he may begin to use Authoritative Stance that can remove 3 of your Press Turns, which can effectively skip an understaffed party's entire turn.
Once the second phase starts, YHVH will spend his first few turns demonstrating his most fearsome skills. Infinite Power which completely maxes out his stat buffs and gives him Smirk status, making the next attack be potentially lethal if not dealt with quickly. Bring Dekaja or Magaon to break this effect. Unending Curse instead completely debuffs the active party, leaving them vulnerable to his next onslaught. He also attacks mainly with physical attacks in the form of Crush and Rampage, which can be easily stopped if met with anything immune to Phys. His strongest attack, Supernova, is used shortly after the second use of Infinite Power, and can easily do massive damage and completely destroy a party even without any buffs or debuffs in play. Doping becomes nearly essential to this fight, as it can mean the difference between survival or death, and turns wasted reviving dead party members are also turns not spent keeping the momentum against his attacks. While buffs and debuffs are important, take care not to spend too many turns setting them up as he can easily erase them (along with Doping, Charge, Concentrate, etc.) with Divine Harmony.
Flynn and his party are easily the greatest asset in this fight, but fortunately, his party will always have the essential support skills for the fight. Any human characters in that party will have access to an independent stock of recovery items to keep themselves in shape. Continuously use Godslayer's Sword until YHVH has a weakness that your party can exploit before making the most of your free Press Turns.
Shin Megami Tensei V[]
YHVH is never named in Shin Megami Tensei V and is only ever called by the moniker "the God of Law." Eons ago, the God of Law ascended to the Throne of Creation, overthrowing Baal to rule over the universe as well as taking the four archangels from Baal's command. Under the God of Law's rule, all other Nahobino were stripped of their knowledge, degrading them into demons. He would go on to store that knowledge inside the garden of Eden in the form of the Fruit of Knowledge. When the fruit was eaten by Adam and Eve, that knowledge was passed on to their descendants. The God of Law is described by Koshimizu as a "tyrant," indicating that he might be as tyrannical and/or arrogant as other iterations of YHVH during his rule.
18 Years before the beginning of the story, the God of Law initiates a Conception event, destroying Tokyo. However, this is thwarted by Lucifer, who retaliated by unleashing a war called Armageddon. During the battle Lucifer slays the God of Law and dethrones him, but with the last of his strength the God of Law enacted a miracle, creating a false Tokyo for the humans to live in (the real Tokyo is now Da'at, a Demon-infested wasteland). Lucifer then took the God of Law's Knowledge, but rejected the throne, instead waiting for another Nahobino to rise and lead all of creation out of the endless cycle of death and rebirth.
The God of Law was also revealed to have imprisoned Yoko, a goddess of creation for being a threat against his regime 18 years ago. If the protagonist decides to take her hand at the start of the game, she is freed and embarks on a journey to find vengeance against him by teaming up with the Qadištu to release Tiamat and destroy the universe.
Megami Tensei Gaiden: Last Bible New Testament[]
YHVH appears as the 2nd final boss of the game, the final being Nakajima.
Majin Tensei[]
In Majin Tensei, Lucifer reveals, if he is spared on the best ending's route, that God had abandoned the world after mankind's rampant desires and fighting lead to a hole to the Expanse to open. His servant Satan continues to follow the final orders given to him to exterminate mankind with his legion of demons.
Giten Megami Tensei: Tokyo Mokushiroku[]
YHVH does not reveal himself in the Giten Megami Tensei: Tokyo Mokushiroku but is mentioned by Gabriel to Ayato. Gabriel and other Heralds had battled against Ishtar, who was a Babylonian goddess known for her debauchery. After her defeat, YHVH tore her soul into two parts. The more licentious part became Astarte and was thrown into hell. The soul of the other part, which is full of maternal love, was spread among all the females on earth as well as Maria.
Devil Summoner 2: Raidou Kuzunoha vs. King Abaddon[]
In Devil Summoner 2: Raidou Kuzunoha vs. King Abaddon, the Infinite Abyss is a system set up by God to either punish or restore faith to him in the world through fear of him. Since humans despaired of the world and despairing over the world is the same as losing faith in God, a portal will open up to the Infinite Abyss. The Apollyon horde act as agents to bring humans back to his side. Shinado's Anger aspect uses this system set up by God as a means to bring what he considers salvation to mankind. Camael also mentions the lord watching the events from afar.
In New Game Plus, after doing a Chaos playthrough, Lucifer will reveal during the third bonus fight against him that the future is currently determined by God and states that only Raidou can free the timeline's control from him.
Devil Survivor[]
While not actually appearing in Devil Survivor, it is heavily implied that "Yehowah" is responsible for the Tokyo lockdown, as Metatron was commanded to start it. Just before the fight with Belial, Loki explains the history of the King of Bel, saying that in 2,500 BC, Bel ruled the world, until Yehowah defeated him in 600 BC. Yehowah is presented more amiably in this than in other Megami Tensei titles, as the angel Remiel is sent to aid the player and genuinely desires to help the player save humanity. In one of the game's endings, the player can side with Yehowah and become the new Messiah, bringing the world towards peace. Another route allows the player to become the King of Bel and challenge Yehowah for rulership of creation.
In Overclocked, both of these routes are extended into 8th Days. Yehowah can also choose to abandon humanity if the player takes Yuzu's route and plays through her 8th Day scenario, where humanity fails its ordeal and then rejects Yehowah, causing the deity to abandon mankind in return. Overclocked also puts a darker light on the motives of Yehowah in the game. As the general conclusion that comes from Amane's 8th Day by the characters is that he intentionally set up the Cain and Abel scenario for two reasons: To have a first murderer (Cain) and a first martyr (Abel).
Megami Tensei II[]
![]() |
List of Spells | ||
Agidyne | Bufudyne | Ziodyne |
Kyuuyaku Megami Tensei[]
Megami Tensei II[]
Swd | Gun | Fir | Ice | Elc | Exp | For | Bnd | Crs | Nrv | Mnd |
5/8 | 2/8 | ½Rf | ½Rf | ½Rf | 2/8 | Rf | Nu | Nu | Nu | Nu |
List of Spells | |
Skill | Effect |
Maragidyne | Massive Fire damage (all enemies) |
Bufudyne | Massive Ice damage (2-4 enemies) |
Maziodyne | Massive Elec damage (all enemies) |
Shin Megami Tensei II[]
Drop | None | Moon Aff | A |
Swd | Gun | Fir | Ice | Elc | For | Nrv | Exp | Crs | Mgc | Bnd | Rsh | Hnd | Leg | Fly | Alm |
- | Rf | 6/8 | Rf | 4/8 | Rf | Rf | Rf | Rf | Rf | Rf | Rf | Rf | Rf | Rf | - |
List of Skills | |
Skill | Effect |
Megido | Medium Almighty damage to all foes. |
Megidolaon | Heavy Almighty damage to all foes. |
Dekaja | Removes all buffs, all foes. |
Rikaja | Removes all debuffs, all allies. |
Mouth of God | Instant death to the foe with lowest Intelligence. (Non-elemental. Boss only) |
Shin Megami Tensei: 20XX Devil's Colosseum[]
List of Skills | ||
Mediarahan | Megidolaon | God's Mouth |
Shin Megami Tensei IV Apocalypse[]
Race | Level | HP | MP |
| |||||||||||||||
Godly | 100 | 30100 | ∞ |
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![]() |
Resist | Resist | Resist | Resist | Resist | Resist | Resist | Resist |
Ailment Resistance | ? |
Normal Attack | ? | Turn Icon | 3 |
Skill Affinities | ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
List of Skills | |
Skill | Effect |
Divine Wave | Heavy phys damage to one foe. |
Inferno of God | Heavy fire damage to all foes, pierces resistances. |
Hailstorm of God | Heavy ice damage to all foes, pierces resistances. |
Lightning of God | Heavy elec damage to all foes, pierces resistances. |
Tornado of God | Heavy force damage to all foes, pierces resistances. |
Mouth of God | May instantly kill one foe. Almighty-type. |
Planned Chaos | Medium almighty damage with chance of charm/bind/panic to one foe. |
Miracle | Drops all foes' HP to 1. Almighty-type. |
Luster Candy | Buffs party's attack, defense and agility by 1 level. |
Debilitate | Debuffs all foes' attack, defense and agility by 1 level. |
Divine Harmony | Removes all buffs, debuffs, and other effects (smirk, charge, Doping) on all foes. |
Authoritative Stance | Removes 3 Press Turns at the start of the foe's next turn. |
Smile Charge | Bestows the user with smirk. Cannot be used if the user has ailment(s). |
Holy Stigmata | Heavy physical damage to one foe, chance of Brand. |
Race | Level | HP | MP |
| |||||||||||||||
Godly | 100 | 30190 | ∞ |
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![]() |
Resist | Resist | Resist | Resist | Resist | Resist | Resist | Resist |
Ailment Resistance | ? |
Normal Attack | ? | Turn Icon | 3 |
Skill Affinities | ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
List of Skills | |
Skill | Effect |
Crush | Severe physical damage to one foe. |
Rampage | 6-8 hits of medium physical damage to multiple foes. |
Inferno of God | Heavy fire damage to all foes, pierces resistances. |
Hailstorm of God | Heavy ice damage to all foes, pierces resistances. |
Lightning of God | Heavy elec damage to all foes, pierces resistances. |
Tornado of God | Heavy force damage to all foes, pierces resistances. |
Planned Chaos | Medium almighty damage with chance of charm/bind/panic to one foe. |
Mouth of God | May instantly kill one foe. Almighty-type. |
Black Hole | Steals MP from all foes. |
Supernova | Severe almighty damage to all foes. |
Infinite Power | Fully buffs (+3) self and gains smirk. |
Unending Curse | Fully debuffs (-3) all foes, chance of Mute. |
Divine Harmony | Removes all buffs, debuffs, and other effects (smirk, charge, Doping) on all foes. |
Holy Stigmata | Heavy physical damage to one foe, chance of Brand. |
YHVH's cameo during Shibaboo in Majin Tensei II: Spiral Nemesis
- The vision of God the father in Christianity, and Catholicism in particular, seems to be the main source of inspiration for the Megami Tensei version of YHVH, however with a remarkably negative point of view. Moreover, the character may represent the worst aspects of Abrahamic religions, which could explain YHVH's negative characterization in games such as Shin Megami Tensei IV Apocalypse.

Kaneko's Comment on YHVH, from Nocturne
- In Megami Tensei II there is a graphical oversight in YHVH's sprite, where part of the sprite for the upper left lip is accidentally copied over the left side of the chin. On this wiki, YHVH's profile uses a corrected sprite where the oversight has been fixed.
- In Kyuuyaku Megami Tensei, the ritual circle in the Cathedral of Shadows has a Star of David with "TE," "TRA," "GRA," "MA" and "TON" in 5 of its points. It also has the letters α and Ω.
- In Shin Megami Tensei, the Security AI boss in the Ginza police station has a face that resembles YHVH's to an extent, and it is also law-aligned.
- In Shin Megami Tensei II, YHVH's level is 108, a number used in the Buddhist Wheel of Samsara to represent the number of temptations humans face in their lifetime.
- In Majin Tensei II: Spiral Nemesis, multiple versions of YHVH's head appear when demons use the Extra skill Shibaboo.
- In Shin Megami Tensei IV Apocalypse, all instances of "YHVH" in spoken dialogue are covered over by sound effects. An unsettling static-like sound is heard in the Japanese version, while in the overseas release, a sound is similar to a record scratch is used.
- YHVH's pose in Shin Megami Tensei IV Apocalypse when he uses Smile Charge is similar to a smirking sprite of his in Shin Megami Tensei II.
- YHVH's second battle theme in Shin Megami Tensei IV Apocalypse Battle F8 [One Who Stands Against God] is a remix of SMT IV: Apocalypse's Battle F1 [Normal Battle] and SMT IV's Battle A1 [Naruku] and Battle A2 [Tokyo Battle], referencing how YHVH's transformation makes him no different to any other demon.
- Going further still, it's listed as Battle F8 (fate) which references how YHVH is fated to fall at the hands of a Godslayer.
- The battle with Demonized YHVH has several references to the biblical verses of Revelation: The song itself starts with 7 trumpets, referencing the Seven Trumpets from The Book of Revelation which also mentions locusts tying into Exodus which has locusts as it's seventh plague.
- YHVH and Shesha are the only bosses in Shin Megami Tensei IV Apocalypse to be 3D models instead of 2D sprites like any other boss. It's also the only boss fight that changes significantly depending on if you chose the Peace or Anarchy route.
- According to the official artbook for Shin Megami Tensei IV Apocalypse, YHVH's second form is based upon the common practice of heterodoxy in historical Judaism and Christianity. In efforts to convert and save new disciples, Jews and Christians would often depict gods and mythical beings from outside faiths as pagan demons and monsters in efforts to get the populace to denounce them and instill newfound faith in their religion. These practices continued until the turn of the millennium of the 2000s, although more hardline and sanctimonious faiths continue in secret. In Apocalypse, YHVH is himself degraded into such a monstrous form in a display of irony.
- Despite YHVH often stating that without him the universe would crumble, such a thing has never happened every time he was defeated, thus implying that this statement is, in fact, a lie.
- In Megami Tensei games, it is shown that angels cease to exist without YHVH, as they "have no purpose," with Gabriel and Satan as primary examples in Shin Megami Tensei II. Despite this, in Shin Megami Tensei IV Apocalypse, after YHVH is defeated by the protagonists in the Bonds route, in the prologue some winged figures can be seen descending from the hole in the Firmament, thus implying that some angels may have actually survived God's "death." In Shin Megami Tensei V it's confirmed that angels can indeed survive YHVH's demise, as the angelic forces of Bethel continue to fight in God's name even after his confirmed death at Lucifer's hands, though Lucifer himself was willing to allow the angels and humans to coexist peacefully in their own world together.
Playable Characters | Aleph/Hawk - Hiroko - Beth - Cerberus - Lucifer - Satan |
Non-Playable Characters | Okamoto - Gimmel - Zayin - Stephen - Haneda - Daleth - Red Bear - Madam - Hanada - The Center's Bishop - The Four Elders - Mekata - Puck - Hanoun - Mutant Elder - Hiruko - Taira no Masakado - Siren - Petersen - Michael - Raphael - Uriel - Gabriel - Fake YHVH - Seth - Virocana - Ozawa - Gotou - Gemori - Astaroth (Ishtar / Ashtar) - Kuzuryu - YHVH |
Locations | Tokyo Millennium - Underworld - Expanse - Eden - Diamond Realm - River Styx |
Terminology | Millennium Kingdom - Great Cataclysm - Order of Messiah - Ring of Gaea - Terminal - Sword fusion - Identification Program - Summon Doll - Seven Pillars of Solomon - Sabbath - Abaddon's Innards - Megiddo Arc |
Content | Demons - Bosses - Skills - Items |