
Sanctuary district

The first half of this decade saw Sanctuary Districts reaching their height

The 2020s decade covers the period from 2020-2029.

On Earth during this decade, the Neo-Trotskyists unseat the Gaullists from power in France amid widespread disruptive student protests that lead people in the United States to comment that "Europe is falling apart. " Meanwhile, Ireland is unified after over a century of violence.

By that decade, the American government have created special Sanctuary Districts in most major cities to cope with poverty and unemployment. These sites operated as inhumane internment camps. The Bell Riots of the mid-decade are one of the most violent civil disturbances in all of American history, with the government's response resulting in the deaths of hundreds of Sanctuary District residents. Gabriel Bell's pivotal role in those riots turns public opinion against Sanctuary Districts and led to their closure.

In 2026, World War III begins over the issue of genetic engineering and Human genome enhancement.

This decade also sees widespread use of the Internet and the Interface.




  • By the early 2020s, there had been a Sanctuary District established in every major American city. (DS9: "Past Tense, Part I")

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