Star Trek anniversaries

There have been several anniversary events in Star Trek's history, which only became formalized by the Star Trek franchise in 1986 on the occasion of its 20th anniversary.[1]

7th anniversary[]


10th anniversary []

Fan 10th Anniversary logo

Note: The Star Trek: The Original Series 10th anniversary celebration was without any involvement from the official Star Trek franchise. All anniversary celebrations prior to 1986, if any, had been Trekkie-driven.
  • The Star Trek Original Series/franchise celebrates ten years
    • Organized by the fan organization "The Committee", for the occasion temporarily renamed "Star Trek Welcommittee", the Labor Day weekend convention at New York City's Statler Hilton Hotel was dubbed "Star Trek Bi-Centennial-10," celebrating both the nation's bicentennial and the tenth anniversary of the series debut. All the stars, with the exception of Leonard Nimoy, who was performing in "Equus" on Broadway, were in attendance. [1] However, Leonard Nimoy DID briefly stop by to address the convention in the Grand Ballroom. Evidently someone sent him a nasty letter for not appearing at this major convention, accusing him of not caring about the fans, etc. Leonard came to the convention to read the letter, substituting the word, “bleep”, for whatever expletives where aimed at him in the letter. (3-6 September)

20th anniversary []

Star Trek 20th anniversary logo

Note: Very first formal anniversary celebration by the Star Trek franchise itself.[1]

Technical Manual with unofficial lustrum logo

Technical Manual with unofficial lustrum logo

Cinefantastique cover

Cinefantastique cover

Starlog's 20th anniversary celebration tribute

Starlog's 20th anniversary celebration tribute

AMT Star Trek model kit with official lustrum sticker

AMT Star Trek model kit with official lustrum sticker


TNG 20th Anniversary

  • Star Trek: The Next Generation celebrates twenty years in Japan

DS9 20th Anniversary logo

  • Star Trek: Deep Space Nine celebrates twenty years
    • The official Creation Entertainment Trek Con in Cherry Hill, New Jersey, is Deep Space Nine-centered for the occasion (26-28 April) [2]

ENT 20th Anniversar logo


25th anniversary []

Star Trek 25th anniversary official logo


Cinefantastique cover A

Cinefantastique cover A

Cinefantastique cover B

Cinefantastique cover B

Star Trek 25th Anniversary Special logo

Star Trek 25th Anniversary Special logo

The Producer Building's renaming, 6 June 1991

The Producer Building's renaming, 6 June 1991

TNG 25th Anniversary logo

TNG 25th Anniversary logo alternate

  • Star Trek: Deep Space Nine celebrates twenty-five years

VOY 25th Anniversary logo


30th anniversary []

Star Trek 30th anniversary logo


AMT/Ertl 30th anniversary cutaway print USS Enterprise-A

AMT/Ertl 30th anniversary cutaway print USS Enterprise-A

AMT/Ertl 30th anniversary cutaway print USS Enterprise-D

AMT/Ertl 30th anniversary cutaway print USS Enterprise-D

Cinefantastique cover

Cinefantastique cover

Star Trek 30th Anniversary Crossword Puzzles cover

Star Trek 30th Anniversary Crossword Puzzles cover

Star Trek The Next Generation 30th anniversary logo

  • Star Trek: The Next Generation celebrates thirty years

35th anniversary []

Star Trek 35th anniversary logo

Note: First time use of the actual Original Series title font for an official franchise anniversary logo.

40th anniversary []

Star Trek 40th anniversary official logo

Note: Color variations of the official franchise anniversary logo are known.

Roddenberry Productions 40th anniversary logo

External link

45th anniversary []

Star Trek 45th anniversary logo

  • The Star Trek franchise celebrates forty-five years
    • Creation Entertainment official 45th anniversary Star Trek conventions
      • 11-13 March, San Francisco [8]
      • 15-17 July, Boston [9]
      • 11-14 August, Las Vegas [10]
    • Legacy – Star Trek 45th anniversary art exhibition (8-20 September, Manchester, UK)
    • Trek Nation

Legacy: The Star Trek Fine Art Exhibition logo

Legacy: The Star Trek Fine Art Exhibition logo


50th anniversary []

Star Trek 50th anniversary logo


CBS Star Trek Day 2023 promo poster

CBS Star Trek Day 2023 promo poster

Franchise promo poster

Franchise promo poster

55th anniversary []

Star Trek 55th Anniversary logo

Note: By necessity, anniversary celebrations, particularly the public ones, were very limited for the 2021 occasion, due to the mandatory world-wide lock downs caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • The Star Trek franchise celebrates fifty-five years
    • Taking their cue from the "Marvel Cinematic Universe" (MCU) and DC Universe (DCU) concepts from competitors Disney and Warner Bros. Discovery, and the success of the former in particular the Star Trek franchise was desperately trying to emulate, the overall "Star Trek Universe" all-under-one-roof franchise umbrella concept was formally instituted by the Star Trek franchise by introducing its own dedicated, The Motion Picture film poster-inspired, logo which from then on was a mandatory requirement to have present in one form or another (most often by specifically using the logo's presentation of the three primary colors – command yellow, operations red, and sciences blue – as a theme throughout) on all merchandise packaging and/or promos, which befittingly included the official 55th anniversary logo as featured on the right. Eaglemoss Collections was among the very first merchandise companies to apply the new branding by concentrating all their then-current display model lines into the unified Star Trek Universe: The Official Starships Collection featuring the mandatory logo as its collection logo, albeit monochrome in their case, as one of the very few. A major part of the "Universe" concept was the by Bob Bakish, CEO of Star Trek-owner ViacomCBS, in December announced long-term strategy to have all Star Trek television and film productions to become solely available on Paramount+, the conglomerate's own streaming service, as franchise exclusives only. [12] (January)[2]
    • For the occasion of both the anniversary and first time 4K Ultra HD Blu-ray September release of the first four Star Trek films, the franchise has commissioned new official promo poster art (typically for use by online Star Trek vendors, such as digital release companies among others), ordaining the thematic use of the three primary colors as employed in the Universe logo. New poster art for the last two original crew films were introduced a year later as the remastering work on these had not been completed in time for them to be included in the anniversary celebrations.
    • Two theatrical showings of Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home by Fathom Events in select North American cities. It concerned the new 4K Ultra HD version of the film, whose remastering had just been completed. (19 & 22 August)
    • Star Trek: The Original 4-Movie Collection (7 September)
    • Star Trek - The Original Series: A Celebration (21 September)
    • Star Trek Official Calendar (2022) (7 October)
    • DVD and Star Trek: The Original Series - The Complete Series Blu-ray reissues (26 October)
    • Star Trek: Prodigy premieres on Paramount+ (28 October)
    • The Center Seat: 55 Years of Star Trek (The History Channel, 5 November)

Official "Star Trek Universe" logo

Official "Star Trek Universe" logo

One of the earliest uses by a merchandise company (Eaglemoss)

One of the earliest uses by a merchandise company (Eaglemoss)

Newly designed promo poster art for The Motion Picture

Newly designed promo poster art for The Motion Picture

Newly designed promo poster art for The Wrath of Khan

Newly designed promo poster art for The Wrath of Khan

Newly designed promo poster art for The Search for Spock

Newly designed promo poster art for The Search for Spock

Newly designed promo poster art for The Voyage Home

Newly designed promo poster art for The Voyage Home


  1. 1.0 1.1 The first Star Trek anniversary for which the franchise took the initiative to introduce a formal anniversary logo, mostly featured as stickers on merchandise released in that year. Star Trek did not gather steam as a full-fledged multi-media franchise until well after the release of Star Trek: The Motion Picture in 1979, which is why there were no prior formal anniversary events, in the process also explaining why the first formal anniversary logo featured the title font of The Motion Picture instead that of the Original Series. Paramount Pictures had not taken any official interest in formally celebrating Star Trek previously; what rare events there were being predominantly "Trekkie" driven.
  2. Introduced on the occasion of the franchise's 55th anniversary in 2021, the "Star Trek Universe"-concept turned out to be nothing more than a stillborn gimmick and a dud in the end, when it was unceremoniously dropped less than two years later without any kind of official clarification. This was almost entirely due to the disastrous financial realities Star Trek's intended exclusive streaming service Paramount+ found itself in at that point in time, resulting in that the mandatory use of the logo was abandoned in the latter half of 2023. Its absence became glaringly obvious during the September Animated Series' 50th anniversary celebrations after Prodigy had been removed from the franchise shortly before on 26 June. Effectively, that removal had left the entire "Star Trek Universe"-concept completely in shambles (see also: main article).

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