Borg Queen's sphere personnel

List of unnamed Borg drones attached to the Borg Queen's sphere.

In 2373, a number of Borg drones escaped the destruction of their vessel at the Battle of Sector 001 with the Borg Queen aboard a Borg sphere. The sphere traveled to the year 2063 through a temporal vortex where it was destroyed in orbit of Earth by the pursuing starship USS Enterprise-E.

The Queen and a number of these drones were able to transport aboard the Enterprise where they proceeded to assimilate the ship. The Queen, along with most of these drones, were killed when the ship's warp plasma coolant tanks were ruptured in engineering.

In an alternate timeline, observed by the Enterprise as they were within the temporal vortex, these Borg were successful in assimilating Earth. (Star Trek: First Contact)

It is quite probable that many of the drones listed below were former members of the Enterprise-E crew.

Drones encountered in the corridors[]

First drones sighted []

The security team led by Captain Jean-Luc Picard and Lieutenant Commander Data encountered this first batch of drones as they entered the corridor near main engineering on deck 16. These drones initially ignored the security team as they were not initially perceived as a threat.

One of these drones was later found in the corridor on deck 16, regenerating in a Borg alcove constructed into the bulkhead. (Star Trek: First Contact)

Regenerating drone []

Regenerating Borg drone 2

A regenerating Borg drone

This drone, regenerating outside of engineering, reacted to Captain Picard's attempt to forceably enter the section. It was armed with a heavy, prosthetic arm distinguished by a small, clawed extension and a visible electric spark. (Star Trek: First Contact)

Guard drone []

Borg protecting engineering

The drone prevents the entrance to engineering.

In an effort to prevent entry to engineering, this drone attacked Captain Picard and attempted to assimilate him. Lieutenant Commander Data subdued the drone by breaking its neck and killing it. (Star Trek: First Contact)

In 2399, Picard mentally recalled the image of this drone while aboard the Artifact. (PIC: "The Impossible Box")

The Star Trek Customizable Card Game gives its name as Six of Eleven. In that source, he was identified as a "quantum drone" tasked with patrolling and analyzing "space/time".

Herding drone []

Borg drone, corridor 1

Corridor drone

This drone was encountered by crewmembers in the corridors aboard the Enterprise-E herding a recently assimilated Starfleet officer to the main assimilation area. (Star Trek: First Contact)

MIE Auxiliary Access drones []

Borg approach in dark

Six Borg advance

In their attempt at suppressing the Borg advance on the upper decks of the Enterprise-E, a contingent of Starfleet security officers encountered a group of six drones in a darkened MIE Auxiliary Access room. The drones were visible, at first, only by the laser light of their eyepieces. (Star Trek: First Contact)

Drone in holodeck []

Borg drone in Dixon Hill program

Drone killed on the holodeck

This drone joined the drone of the former Ensign Lynch in holodeck 4, where it was shot by a Tommy gun welding Captain Picard. (Star Trek: First Contact)

This drone was played by stuntman Tom Harper.

The eyepiece worn by this drone later reappeared on various drones throughout the film, and on Orum in "Unity".

Drones encountered in engineering[]

Klingon drone 1 []

Borg Klingon

One of at least three Klingon drones in engineering

This Klingon male was present in the Enterprise's engine room and was killed when Lieutenant Commander Data punctured the ship's warp plasma coolant tanks. (Star Trek: First Contact)

The Star Trek Customizable Card Game gives its name as Five of Eleven. In that source, it was identified as a "cyber drone" tasked with the analysis of suspended animation principles. It can be assumed he was recently assimilated as he still possessed facial hair.

Klingon drone 2 []

Klingon Borg drone engineering

A third Klingon drone in engineering

This Klingon drone, observed in engineering, reacted to the attempted escape of Lieutenant Commander Data, but was called off by the Borg Queen. The drone was likely killed when the plasma coolant tanks were ruptured. (Star Trek: First Contact)

In 2399, Picard mentally recalled the image of this drone while aboard the Artifact. (PIC: "The Impossible Box")

The Star Trek Customizable Card Game gives its name as Two of Eleven. According to that source, it was identified as a "transport drone" tasked with determining and adapting to "defensive screen harmonics".

Klingon drone 3 []

Klingon Borg drone at entrance engineering

A fourth Klingon drone at the entrance of engineering

This Klingon drone was stationed in an alcove at the entrance of engineering and observed captain Picard as he entered to face the Borg Queen. (Star Trek: First Contact)

Klingon Borg first Contact DVD special

Special Edition DVD photo

Klingon Borg SkyBox trading card B4

Skybox trading card

This drone was played by an unknown actor.

Regenerating drones []

Three drones, including one Klingon drone, were observed near the warp core in the Enterprise-E engine room, attached by cables to the ceiling where they were regenerating. These drones were killed when the plasma coolant tanks were ruptured. (Star Trek: First Contact)

Skin transplant drone []

Patrick Barritt Borg ST8

A Borg drone

This drone was part of the group that transplanted skin onto Data's right arm while he was confined in main engineering. It was also one of the drones who chased Starfleet officers down a corridor. (Star Trek: First Contact)

This drone was played by background actor Patrick Barnitt who received no credit for this role.

This drone was also one of the drones that were photographed for the film poster.

Drones encountered on the deflector dish []

Six drones were dispatched to the exterior hull of the Enterprise where they constructed an interplexing beacon on top of the navigational deflector. These drones were stopped by an EVA team consisting of Captain Picard, Worf and Hawk. (Star Trek: First Contact)

One the these drones tried to stop Worf launching the docking clamp and ended up in a hand-to-hand combat with him. Worf cut off his right arm and then killed him by embedding his mek'leth into the drone's neck. Worf later used a cable from the severed limb to seal a puncture in his suit. (Star Trek: First Contact)

The fifth drone responded to Hawk's attempt to release the maglock securing the deflector and beacon to the ship, but was shot by Hawk, before floating off into the dead of space.

The sixth drone – of Klingon origins – also responded to Hawk's perceived, following the loss of the previous drone. However, unlike the previous drone, this drone was successful in attacking and assimilating Hawk. (Star Trek: First Contact)

Defrosted drones []

Recovered borg drones

The two recovered Borg drones

These two Borg drones were found inside a glacier in the arctic on Earth in 2153 by the three scientists of the Arctic Archaeology Team, Drake, Rooney, and Moninger. They were buried by ice and snow inside debris from an alien ship.

The scientists moved them to their base camp and studied their physiology and the technological components noting that they were of two different species. Under the microscope they found nanotechnology at work repairing their cell membranes.

During nightshift, Moninger was alone with the two drones when one suddenly started to get a pulse and then started breathing. Drake and Rooney, who were outside for research, noticed screams and phase rifle fire from the module where the two drones were kept. When they arrived at the module only one drone was on the table, the other was gone and they found Moninger on the ground under several pieces of inventory, with pale skin and a moving infection.

When Rooney turned around to get a medical kit, the missing drone was standing behind her and a red light from his eyepiece was covering her. They assimilated the archaeology team and took the debris from their ship, assimilated the transport Arctic One and went away from Earth.

They attacked a Tarkalean freighter and assimilated two Tarkaleans which were brought aboard Enterprise NX-01. The first drone tried to stop the away team from Enterprise later aboard the transport and the second drone was part of the boarding party. Like all the other drones they were killed when Enterprise destroyed the transport Arctic One. (ENT: "Regeneration")

Both drones were played by regular "alien" background actors who received no credit for their appearance and appeared several times as Borg drones in episodes of Star Trek: Voyager.

Played by Louis Ortiz

Played by Mark Major

Background information[]

Cardassian drone []



A Cardassian Borg appeared in publicity for Star Trek: First Contact but was not seen in the film. (Star Trek: The Next Generation - The Continuing Mission, p. 245)

Corridor drone []

Borg eyepiece

A drone stands in a corridor

This Borg drone was part of the contingent that boarded the Enterprise-E in 2063, observed in one of the ship's corridors. (Star Trek: First Contact)

This drone's close up scene was apparently cut from the final cut of First Contact, but appeared in the theatrical trailer released to advertise the film.

Three corridor drones []

Borg drones First Contact trailer

Three Borg drones

These three Borg drones were part of the contingent that boarded the Enterprise-E in 2063, observed in one of the ship's corridors, one apparently a former Romulan. (Star Trek: First Contact)

These drones' close up scenes were apparently cut from the final cut of First Contact, but appeared in the theatrical trailer released to advertise the film. The Romulan's features can be distinguished by the pointed ear and clearly ridged forehead, as well as the greenish coloration.