
Boronite is an element that forms naturally in infinitesimal quantities. A sufficient amount of it could be synthesized into some of the most powerful substances in existence, such as the Omega molecule. (VOY: "The Omega Directive"; DIS: "All In")

The Borg once used a quantity of boronite ore to synthesize a single Omega molecule, but were unable to repeat the experiment as they never found another source of the ore. (VOY: "The Omega Directive")

A Vostigye space station destroyed in 2373 by astral eddies was constructed from sarium, boronite, and carbon-60 composites. (VOY: "Real Life")

The Dark Matter Anomaly, discovered in 3190, was found to have removed boronite from the regions of space it passed through. This led to the hypothesis that it was mining the substance to serve as an energy source for its creators, Species 10-C. (DIS: "All In")

After the first DMA was destroyed, Commander Paul Stamets collected a few samples of boronite from the implosion site. Later, when the USS Discovery was brought into Species 10-C's hyperfield within an orb, Captain Michael Burnham had the boronite particles beamed onto the orb membrane as a goodwill gesture. (DIS: "Species Ten-C")