Unnamed Bynars

List of unnamed Bynars.

Art model []

Bynar portrait, Hauze collection

An art model

A painting of a draped female in repose was present in the collection of the late Kerner Hauze in 2381. (LD: "Kayshon, His Eyes Open") Later that year, this painting was displayed at the recruitment booth for the Collectors Guild on Tulgana IV. (LD: "Reflections")

Bynar ship crew []

The crew of a Bynar ship

The crew of a Bynar ship

Two captured officers

Two captured officers

This Bynar ship crew was captured by Nova One while exploring Bynar space in 2381. (LD: "A Few Badgeys More")

Two of the captured crewmembers for the ship were later taken prisoner on Sherbal V, where they were initially taken captive by the Romulans. (LD: "The Inner Fight")

Three of the mutineers served on Nova One operating the trynar shield. During Nick Locarno's announcement of Nova Fleet, Beckett Mariner loudly denounced him and fled with a Genesis Device, leading to all Nova Fleet ships, including Nova One, pursuing her. During the pursuit, they saw Locarno exhibit increasingly erratic behavior, including following Mariner into an ion storm and petulantly telling her to shut up after she reminded him that he caused Joshua Albert's death. After the trynar shield was breached by the USS Cerritos, Malok allowed them to beam onto his ship before abandoning the now-unhinged Locarno alongside the rest of Nova Fleet for his controlling and reckless behavior. (LD: "Old Friends, New Planets")

Conspiracy board subjects []

Bynars photograph

Two subjects in a photograph

A photograph of two subjects were present on Beckett Mariner's conspiracy board in 2380. (LD: "Cupid's Errant Arrow")

Surgeon and child patient []

Doctor Phlox once observed a surgical procedure in which a surgeon removed a child's parietal lobe, and replaced it with a synaptic processor.

In 2153, Phlox described the operation to Malcolm Reed as having been "very impressive". (ENT: "Regeneration")

These individuals were only mentioned in dialogue.