Cheyenne class

The Cheyenne class was a type of starship in service with Starfleet during the late 24th century.


These vessels were among the few Federation starships that had four nacelles – others included the Constellation-class, Nimitz-class, Sagan-class, and Cardenas-class starships.

In 2365/66, at least one member of this class, the USS Ahwahnee, participated in the Battle of Wolf 359, while the ship was wrecked in the battle, it was later recovered, refitted, and returned to service by 2368. (TNG: "Redemption II")

Ships in class[]

Name Registry Notes Status Date
USS Ahwahnee NCC-71620 Wrecked at Wolf 359, and salvaged Active 2368



Studio model[]

Cheyenne class studio model

USS Ahwahnee studio model

The Cheyenne-class studio model was a "kitbash" design study and filming model designed by Ed Miarecki and Michael Okuda and built by Miarecki for the graveyard scene in "The Best of Both Worlds, Part II." [1] It used parts from the smaller scale AMT/Ertl USS Enterprise-D model kit saucer section, a bridge module from the larger Enterprise kit, and commercially-available highlighter markers for warp nacelles. Okuda commented,"I think the fourth was the Cheyenne-class U.S.S. Ahwahnee. (Again, without my notes, I'm not entirely sure). This was a scaled-down Galaxy saucer with four nacelles, arranged in a manner similar to the Constellation. Ed made the nacelles from marker pens. (...) There aren't many more photos of the final versions of the Miarecki study models. The Cheyenne-class ship on the Collectable Card Game (and other card sets) was, almost certainly, a photo that I took. It was probably part of the photos that I took for that slideshow." [2]

Okuda is referring to the slideshows on the various BoBW models shown at conventions in 1991.


Star Trek Official Starships Collection issue 108

Issue #108

According to issue #108 of the Star Trek: The Official Starships Collection, the Cheyenne-class was a type of light cruiser with a crew of 320 and a top speed of warp 9.6. This class was used for deep space exploration and defensive patrol duties.

The Cheyenne-class is a playable ship in Star Trek Online, categorized as a Commander-level heavy cruiser. At launch in 2010, the Cheyenne class was also given two variants, the Dakota-class (β) and the Stargazer-class (β), the latter of which is named for the USS Stargazer. [3] In 2024, Star Trek Online introduced the Ahwahnee class, a 25th century-themed successor to the Cheyenne class, named in honor of the Cheyenne-class USS Ahwahnee which fell at Wolf 359. [4]

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