Hot chocolate

A glass of hot chocolate

A drink dispenser on Enterprise
Hot chocolate or hot cocoa is an Earth drink typically made by mixing cocoa powder in boiling hot water or milk. It can be topped with marshmallows or Whipped cream and mainly served in the winter.
Hot cocoa was one of several beverages available on the drink dispensers on Enterprise NX-01. (ENT: "Breaking the Ice", "Fortunate Son", "Regeneration", "Terra Prime")
In 2365, Ensign Sonya Gomez ordered hot chocolate from a replicator in main engineering and later spilled it on Captain Picard. (TNG: "Q Who")
Deanna Troi was a fan of hot chocolate, no doubt an extension of her love of chocolate. (TNG: "Violations", "Parallels", "Imaginary Friend")
In 2370, on the day after the fourth anniversary of Jennifer's death at Wolf 359, Benjamin Sisko suggested to Jake that he get a hot chocolate and talk to him about his mother. (DS9: "Second Sight")
For the Star Trek: Prodigy episode "Let Sleeping Borg Lie", UI graphic designer Dominique Rossier created an info panel for the USS Dauntless mess hall which listed suggestions for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. One of the suggestions for breakfast was hot chocolate. This variety of hot chocolate came from Kalaka and was known for its high level of xanthines (caffeine and theobromine). A note of caution advised that these stimulants might prove counter-productive to the traditional role of hot chocolate as a relaxing drink at bedtime. A serving size of one cup of this beverage had 221 calories, 3.4 grams of fat, 32.8 grams of sugar, and 9.4 grams of protein. The synthesizer number for this dish was F16.23. Although the panel did not appear in the episode, it can be seen at Rossier's artist page at Art Station. [2]
External links[]
- Hot chocolate at Memory Beta, the wiki for licensed Star Trek works
- Hot chocolate at Wikipedia