A compass was a device used for navigating by the means of a magnetic needle.

Archer's gift to T'Pol, an early 20th century compass
Jonathan Archer gave his first officer, T'Pol, an antique compass from the early 20th century as a present, for her first official day of duty aboard Enterprise, in 2154. Upon giving it to T'Pol, Archer told her it "should help keep [her] pointed in the right direction." (ENT: "Borderland")
In the final draft script of "Borderland", this item was described as "an old brass pocket compass, quite beautiful."
In 2257, Michael Burnham, upon discovering a shocking revelation about Section 31, expressed to Ash Tyler that every moment he worked for that organization, he was declaring it was his compass and his course. (DIS: "The Red Angel")
In 2370, upon seeing a statue from the D'Arsay, Jean-Luc Picard mentioned to William T. Riker that the four cardinal compass directions seen on the statue was a common theme in many cultures, possibly meaning finding a path, movement or crossing a boundary. (TNG: "Masks")

O'Brien's improvised compass
One of the easiest ways to construct a compass was to place a magnetized piece of metal in a solution so that it floated. Miles O'Brien created a primitive compass with this method while marooned with Benjamin Sisko on a planet in the Orellius system. (DS9: "Paradise")
Upon being awakened from cryogenic stasis in 2371, Amelia Earhart found that her compass wasn't working anymore. (VOY: "The 37's")
Among the tools in Benjamin Sisko's lightship were a sextant and a compass. (DS9: "Explorers")
In 2372, B'Elanna Torres used the Caretaker's remains as a "compass" to possibly locate his mate Suspiria. (VOY: "Cold Fire")
In 2373, B'Elanna Torres suggested trying to amplify and polarize the instability of the Barzan wormhole, so it would reappear. Janeway referred to the polarization of the wormhole to using a magnet to attract a compass. (VOY: "False Profits")
In 2374, a hologram of Leonardo da Vinci exclaimed to Kathryn Janeway while stranded together on a planet in the Delta Quadrant that "even Theseus could not negotiate this labyrinth!" to which Janeway replied, "Not without a compass." (VOY: "Concerning Flight")
In 2399, Kestra Troi-Riker had a compass, although she admitted that it didn't work. Captain Rupert Crandall gave the compass to Kestra, who ultimately gave it to Soji Asha so that she would remember her. (PIC: "Nepenthe")