
Stephen Richey's remains

The corpse of Colonel Stephen G. Richey, long dead

A cadaver (also called a dead body, carcass, a corpse, a stiff, or the remains) was the deceased body of an individual. The term "carcass" could also refer to one's live body.

In 2151, Captain Jonathan Archer and Lieutenant Malcolm Reed discovered the gutting room of the Novans in a cave beneath the surface of Terra Nova. It was filled with the remains, carcasses, bones, carapaces, and meat of the diggers. (ENT: "Terra Nova")

Beside mummified remains, the catacombs beneath the monastery at P'Jem also feature several bones of deceased Vulcans. (ENT: "The Andorian Incident")

In 2154, the remains of the Human crew of the Ticonderoga were located by Enterprise NX-01. (ENT: "The Aenar")

In 2258 of the alternate reality, James T. Kirk questioned Spock as to how he was to wrest command from Spock's counterpart, asking if he should do so over his dead body. Spock Prime replied, "Preferably not", offering Starfleet Starfleet Regulation 619 as a more palatable alternative. (Star Trek)

Later that year, Doctor Leonard McCoy injected platelets from Khan Noonien Singh into a dead tribble in order to determine why Khan's cells regenerated so quickly. (Star Trek Into Darkness)

Khan Noonien Singh also expressed his intent to suffocate the crew of USS Enterprise, then walk over their cold corpses to recover his people. (Star Trek Into Darkness)

In 2267, while trying to bait a Omicron spore-infected Spock, James T. Kirk called him "A carcass full of memory banks who should be squatting in a mushroom." (TOS: "This Side of Paradise")

In 2364, after Whalen had been shot, Cyrus Redblock ordered, "Get that stiff out of here." When Doctor Beverly Crusher informed him that the historian was not dead, Redblock guessed that based on the man's pallor, he likely would die soon. (TNG: "The Big Goodbye")

Klingons regarded the corpse as an "empty shell," (TNG: "Heart of Glory") the honored dead moving on to Sto-vo-kor (DS9: "Children of Time") and the dishonored dead ferried on the Barge of the Dead to Gre'thor. (VOY: "Barge of the Dead") There was, however, at least one known exception to this. If a warrior died in a hostile environment, Klingons would perform ak'voh, watching over the body to keep away predators. This would allow the spirit to leave the body when it was ready for the long journey to Sto-vo-kor. (DS9: "The Ship") Worf once described to Jeremy Aster that Klingons do not mourn the loss of the body, but rather celebrated the release of the spirit. (TNG: "The Bonding")

Many cultures had customs resulting proper treatment of a cadaver. Sovereign Marouk was deeply offended when, following the death of Volnoth, one of his fellow Gatherers, Temarek, claimed his possessions as a member of the Lornak clan and began looting his possessions. (TNG: "The Vengeance Factor")

After a beheading (theoretically), one's last sight before death could be one's headless corpse, at least according to a Bolian orderly stationed on Ajilon Prime in 2373. (DS9: "Nor the Battle to the Strong")

In an illusory Vori scenario designed by the Vori Defense Contingent to train unwitting recruits to despise the Kradin, it was taught the Kradin left the dead bodies of their victims "up-turned," such that they would not be able to proceed to the Gloried Way After. (VOY: "Nemesis")

After Seven of Nine referred to Neelix as a cadaver in 2374, The Doctor remarked, "And they say I have a lousy bedside manner." (VOY: "Mortal Coil")

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