Cybernetic organism

Airiam, 2256

Airiam: an example of a cyborg

"Let me make sure that I understand you correctly, …Commander. A group of cybernetic creatures from the future have traveled back through time to enslave the Human race, and you're here to stop them."
"That's right."
"Hot damn, you're heroic."

In the field of cybernetics, a cyborg (short for cybernetic organism), or cybernetic lifeform, was a biological lifeform who had been cybernetically augmented. This augmentation, which might extend physical abilities beyond normal limitations, might be achieved through installation of bionic or cybernetic components. Cybernetic lifeforms could not survive without their organic components. (Star Trek: First Contact)

Cyborgs were thus distinct from artificial lifeforms, who had no organic components, and augments, a term reserved for those enhanced through genetic means.


Bynars employed by Starfleet

The Bynars had extensively embraced the integration of technology in their society, replacing their parietal lobe swith synaptic processors and installing cybernetic components into their bodies. (TNG: "11001001")

The Borg mostly consisted of a collective of cybernetic lifeforms. (TNG: "Tin Man"; Star Trek: First Contact; VOY: "Collective") Borg was actually short for cyborg. (PRO: "Into the Breach, Part I")

Sometime before 2256, Lieutenant Commander Airiam was extensively augmented with artificial parts following a shuttle accident which claimed the life of her husband Stephen while coming back from their honeymoon. (DIS: "Project Daedalus")

Following the Battle of the Binary Stars, Lieutenant Keyla Detmer was fitted with cranial and ocular implants. (DIS: "Context Is for Kings")

In 2327, Jean-Luc Picard received an artificial heart after he was stabbed by a Nausicaan during a bar brawl. (TNG: "Tapestry") When Kestra Troi-Riker pointed a bow and arrow at Picard following his arrival on Nepenthe in 2399, Picard said that since his artificial heart was made of solid duritanium, it would probably be better if she aimed it at his head instead of his chest. (PIC: "Nepenthe")

Borg skeleton

The cybernetic remains on a Borg skeleton

In 2372, Ensign Harry Kim observed that Automated Unit 3947 was not a cyborg. (VOY: "Prototype")

By 2373, Geordi La Forge had received ocular implants with electric blue irises, which served as replacements for his VISOR. (Star Trek: First Contact)

At some point prior to 2380, Cadet Sam Rutherford forcibly received a cybernetic implant from two mysterious individuals at the behest of Lieutenant Commander Les Buenamigo. (LD: "First First Contact", "Reflections", "The Stars At Night") The implant had a variety of functions, such as a tactical computer and a recording device. (LD: "Envoys", "Cupid's Errant Arrow") The implant was believed to be of Vulcan design, and initially attempted to suppress Rutherford's emotions against his will, though this issue was seemingly resolved. (LD: "Second Contact") The implant's programming could be updated with a manual restart, which he preferred to perform before going to sleep. During a covert mission in 2380, Ensign Rutherford's implant was rebooted while he was awake, causing him to black out. Upon regaining consciousness, Rutherford surmised that-based on the evidence he gathered-his implant took control of his body. (LD: "Veritas") Rutherford lost his implant later that same year, when Lieutenant Shaxs ripped it off his head in order to get the ensign to safety. It was later discovered that removing Rutherford's implant caused him to lose a portion of his long-term memory, including his memories of Ensign D'Vana Tendi. (LD: "No Small Parts") By 2381, Rutherford's implant had been replaced, though his memory was still damaged. (LD: "Strange Energies") Later that year, Rutherford's implant began displaying an error message that impeded his vision. Lieutenant Commander Andy Billups determined that Rutherford had been receiving the error message because his implant's data storage capacity was at its limit. Rutherford admitted that he had been saving three backup copies of each of his memories containing Ensign Tendi, as he did not want to forget her again. However, he ultimately decided to delete his backup memories in order to make new ones, though he briefly experienced a flashback with a mysterious figure saying that "he [would] think [the implant] was elective." (LD: "First First Contact")

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