
A dose was a specific concentration of an administered, or exposure to a drug, medicine, or radiation. Injected drugs were usually measured in milliliters (mL); the term cc (cubic centimeter) was also used, although they are the same volume. Radiation dosages were measured in rads. The amount or rate that a dose was given was known as a dosage. A microdose was a low dose which was unlikely to produce large physiological changes. An unnaturally high dosage of a substance was called an overdose.

0.01 ml of felicium was only effective in suppressing the Ornarans sickness for a period of no longer than 72 hours. (TNG: "Symbiosis")

2 cc of delactovine was administered when Captain Picard was under the influence of the Kataan probe and cerebral failure was imminent. (TNG: "The Inner Light")

15 cc of tri-ox every four hours is the recommended dosage taken to compensate for excess carbon dioxide, such as in a Class L environment. Without it, an individual will experience the effects of hypoxia and possibly carbon dioxide poisoning. (DS9: "The Sound of Her Voice")

Leonard McCoy requested 50 cc of cortisone to treat the swelling of James T. Kirk's hands after he was injected with the Melvaran mud flea vaccine. (Star Trek)

20 ml of lectrazine and a cortical stimulator were needed to help Tuvok. (VOY: "Fury")

150 ml of tri-ox is not enough to compensate for the previous accumulation of excess carbon dioxide in a Human body. (DS9: "The Sound of Her Voice")

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