Unnamed Enterprise (NX-01) operations division personnel
The following is a list of unnamed operations division crewmembers of Enterprise NX-01.
Aggressive ensign []

An ensign
This Starfleet ensign was on duty in main engineering when three Orion females came on board. Under the influence of the Orion pheromones he started a dispute with Ensign Walsh, who was also affected. The dispute was settled by Commander Tucker and the ensign was ordered to resume his work. (ENT: "Bound")
This ensign was played by Christopher Jewett, who was credited as Crewman #1 in the end credits.
Archer's guard []

A crewman outside Archer's quarters
In 2154 of an alternate timeline, this security officer with the rank of crewman first class was posted outside the quarters of Jonathan Archer, who at that time was infected with interspatial parasites. The crewman was ordered by Captain T'Pol to keep Archer in his quarters while Enterprise engaged the Xindi in battle. When the crewman attempted to prevent Archer from leaving, Archer responded by punching the guard and making his way to the bridge in time to witness the Xindi's destruction of Earth. (ENT: "Twilight")
Archer's second guard []

A crewman guarding Archer
In an alternate timeline, this operations crewman guarded the quarters of Jonathan Archer when Enterprise was boarded by Xindi-Reptilians. He was shot by one of the Xindi-Reptilians who then entered the quarters to search for Archer. (ENT: "Twilight")
This security guard was played by stunt actor Mark Wagner who received no credit for this appearance.
Bridge crewman []

Working in the situation room
This operations crewman was working in the situation room on the bridge next to Sub-commander T'Pol in 2151 when he was asked to leave by Trip Tucker as Tucker wanted to tell T'Pol something in private. (ENT: "Breaking the Ice")
This crewman was played by regular background actor Michael Duisenberg who received no credit for his appearance.
Bridge crewwoman []
This female operations division officer was working on the bridge during the Battle of Andoria. (ENT: "Kir'Shara")
She later attended the Federation Founding Ceremony in 2161. (ENT: "These Are the Voyages...")
This crewmember was played by Melissa O'Keeffe who received no credit for her appearance.
Brig guard (2153) []

A security crewman
This crewman was assigned to the security division on board Enterprise in 2153.
He served as brig guard for Orgoth and was present when Captain Archer took the Osaarian out of the brig to torture him in the airlock but was ordered to stay at the brig door by the captain. (ENT: "Anomaly (ENT)")
This crewman was played by actor Ryan Honey who is listed as "Guard" in the end credits.
Catwalk crewmember []

A female crewmember
This female crewmember was injured when Enterprise struck a Romulan mine in 2152. (ENT: "Minefield")
Later that year she was working on a crossword puzzle while the crew was forced to stay at the catwalk. She was almost finished when the Captain stepped on her PADD. One of the last words had six letters ending in 'R', the first Vulcan ambassador to Earth. She didn't know the answer, but Captain Archer told her it was Solkar. (ENT: "The Catwalk")
Although appearing twice, actress Elizabeth Magness was credited only as "Injured Crewmember" and "Female Crewmember".
Crewman (2151) []

An operations crewman
This operations division crewman served aboard Enterprise in 2151.
He assisted Ensign Tanner carrying cargo away from the transporter pad shortly before the launch of the Earth starship. Later he served on the bridge. (ENT: "Broken Bow")
He visited the mess hall and talked to fellow crewmembers before the ship encountered an Axanar cargo ship. (ENT: "Fight or Flight")
This crewman was played by background actor Mario Carter, who received no credit for his appearances.
Crewman (2165) []

A crewman
This operations crewman was among the crewmembers who stood in line to welcome Jonathan Archer, T'Pol, and Phlox back aboard Enterprise in 2165 of an alternate timeline where Archer was infected by interspatial parasites. (ENT: "Twilight")
Crewman at catwalk (2152) []

A crewman
This operations division crewman served aboard Enterprise in 2152.
He was one of the crewmembers who took cover at the catwalk when the wisps took over several crewmembers. When Commander Tucker, also under control of a wisp, tried to escape from the catwalk, he ran into this crewman and punched him over the balustrade. (ENT: "The Crossing")
This crewman was played by stuntman Brian Bennett, who received no credit for his appearance.
Crewman in corridor []

A crewman
This operations crewman went down a corridor when Trip Tucker ran into him and he fell to the ground. (ENT: "The Shipment")
Crewman in mess hall []

A female crewman
This female operations division crewman had a piece of cake in the mess hall in November 2153 shortly before a group of Triannons took over control of Enterprise. (ENT: "Chosen Realm")
Crewman in mess hall []

A crewman in the mess hall
This operations crewman was off duty when he was talking to a fellow crewman in the mess hall while T'Pol and Doctor Phlox were talking about the meaning of IDIC and the visit of the Vulcan monastery at P'Jem. (ENT: "The Andorian Incident")
He had dinner with fellow crewmembers in the mess hall in 2151 when Captain Archer told him over com to have a look at the next window to see the largest comet ever seen by a Human or Vulcan – "Archer's Comet". (ENT: "Breaking the Ice")
This crewman was played by recurring background actor Erik Prejean, who received no credit for his appearances. According to a call sheet of ENT: "Terra Nova", he was scheduled to work in scene 57, a corridor scene near the turbolift, but did not appear in this episode.
Crewmen in corridor []
In an alternate timeline, these two operations crewmen passed a corridor when they were attacked by a Xindi-Reptilian boarding party. Both were shot and thrown against a wall. (ENT: "Twilight")
Both stuntmen received no credit for their appearance.
Engineer []

Watching the discovery of Archer's Comet in 2151
This Starfleet crewman served as engineer aboard Enterprise during its four year mission.
He was working in engineering when Enterprise encountered an Axanar cargo ship. (ENT: "Fight or Flight")
He had dinner in the mess hall with fellow crewmembers when Captain Archer told them over com to watch out of the nearest window to observe the largest comet ever seen by a Human, later named "Archer's Comet". (ENT: "Breaking the Ice")
He was part of the engineering team which was formed by Malcolm Reed and Trip Tucker in 2151 to build and install the phase cannons. (ENT: "Silent Enemy") He was also working in engineering when Enterprise made first contact with the Valakians. (ENT: "Dear Doctor")
He visited the mess hall when the senior crew faced Andorians in the Vulcan monastery P'Jem (ENT: "Shadows of P'Jem") and was lying unconscious in a corridor during the Ferengi attack on Enterprise (ENT: "Acquisition")
He was working in engineering during Ambassador V'Lar's visit aboard the ship. (ENT: "Fallen Hero")
He was also on duty in engineering while the ship was docked at the automated repair station. (ENT: "Dead Stop")

An engineer at the catwalk
He was again unconscious in a corridor when the Enterprise crew experienced the effects of a black hole and visited the sickbay later. (ENT: "Singularity")
He was working in the launch bay preparing the shuttlepods for a survey. He was then among the crewmembers who transported bags and equipment through the corridors to the catwalk where they were forced to stay for several days while the ship passed a neutronic storm. At the catwalk he participated in the weekly movie night. (ENT: "The Catwalk")
He was again hiding at the catwalk when the Wisps took over several crewmembers. (ENT: "The Crossing")

Affected by the Orions
He manned a station in engineering during the absence of Travis Mayweather. (ENT: "Horizon")
He was working in the situation room on the bridge along with Rossi when Captain Archer established first contact with the Vissians. (ENT: "Cogenitor")
He was working in a corridor and passed by Trip Tucker and Malcolm Reed when the two discuss Reed's actions when he'll find the Xindi. (ENT: "The Xindi")
He was working in engineering when Trip Tucker, Captain Archer, and T'Pol discussed the replication of trellium by using the chemical formula they obtained from the V'radian chemist B'Rat Ud on the Xanthan planet. (ENT: "Rajiin")
He was affected by the pheromones of the Orion women Maras, Navaar, and D'Nesh while he was working in the engine room. (ENT: "Bound")
This Starfleet crewman was played by regular background actor Bobby Pappas who received no credit for his appearances.
Pappas was also featured in a deleted scene from "Fallen Hero", a scene in engineering. According to the call sheet of ENT: "Terra Nova", he was scheduled to work in scene 79, the corridor scene in front of sickbay, but was not part of the episode.
Engineer (2151) []

An engineer
This operations division crewman served as an engineer aboard Enterprise in 2151.
He informed Commander Tucker about Ensign Almack's work on the life support systems on C-deck. (ENT: "Unexpected")
Engineer (2151) []

An engineer
This operations division engineer was working in engineering when Commander Tucker gave the Kantare Liana a tour of Enterprise. (ENT: "Oasis")
This engineer was played by recurring background actor John Joire who received no credit for his appearances.
Engineer (2151-2152) []

An engineering crewman

Working on a shuttlepod
This operations division crewman served as an engineer on board Enterprise.
He was working in engineering when Commander Tucker gave him the order to inform Billy. (ENT: "Unexpected")
He was working on a console behind the tactical station on the bridge and later on a monitor in the situations room while Hoshi Sato and Travis Mayweather reviwed historical archive photos of the Terra Nova Expedition and when Enterprise arrived at Terra Nova. He remained on duty on the bridge during the absence of the captain and was working near the communications station before he moved back to the station behind the tactical station. He was also talking to a sciences crewman. (ENT: "Terra Nova")
He was part of the engineering team which prepared and integrated the newly phase cannons into the ship and overlooked the systems in main engineering. (ENT: "Silent Enemy")
He was lying unconscious in the mess hall when the Ferengi boarded Enterprise. (ENT: "Acquisition")
Shortly after the first explosion caused by a Romulan mine, he was working in engineering. (ENT: "Minefield")
He was also on duty in engineering when Commander Tucker and Captain Archer prepared an explosive surprise for the automated repair station. (ENT: "Dead Stop")
The same year he assisted Lieutenant Reed in armory when the crew experienced strange anomalies (ENT: "Singularity") and visited the mess hall shortly before his duty in engineering. (ENT: "Vanishing Point")
He served on the bridge when Enterprise made contact with the two criminals Goff and Plinn. (ENT: "Precious Cargo")
He prepared the shuttlepods in the launch bay for a survey to the surface of an uninhabited planet. Later he was among the crewmembers who carried equipment through the corridors to the catwalk where they were forced to stay for several days while the ship passed a neutronic storm. At the catwalk he witnessed the Takret deserters preparing some meat on a plasma manifold and participated in the weekly movie night. (ENT: "The Catwalk")
He was working on the shuttlepod for Captain Archer, T'Pol, and Ambassador Soval when they left for Weytahn. (ENT: "Cease Fire")
This recurring crewman was played by regular background performer Bryan Heiberg who received no credit for his appearances.
According to the call sheet, Heiberg was scheduled to appear in a corridor scene, scene 19, of the first season episode "Fortunate Son", but was replaced by Robert Garcon.
Engineer (2153) []

An engineer
This engineer was working at the warp core in engineering aboard Enterprise in 2153 when the ship went into the thermobaric clouds of the Delphic Expanse. During the attack of Duras' Bird-of-Prey an explosion in engineering knocked him off his console. (ENT: "The Expanse")
Engineers (2152) []
These three engineering crewmembers were working in engineering in 2152 when Captain Jonathan Archer told Commander Trip Tucker about the visit on the Torothan homeworld he was planning at the request of Zobral. (ENT: "Desert Crossing")
All three engineers were played by "Sailors of the Year" from the USS Enterprise CVN-65 who had cameo roles.
Engineer / steward []

An engineering crewman

A steward
This Starfleet crewman served in engineering and as a steward on board Enterprise.
He was working in the situation room on the bridge in 2151 when Enterprise NX-01 discovered the largest comet ever seen by Humans, later named "Archer's Comet". He was also present when the Vulcan Captain Vanik contacted Enterprise and when Trip Tucker told T'Pol that he read her secret letter. (ENT: "Breaking the Ice")
He served food and drinks to a group of Borothan pilgrims in the mess hall and joined them later to watch the Great Plume of Agosoria. (ENT: "Cold Front")
He was assigned to the engineering team which prepared and integrated the phase cannons into Enterprise. (ENT: "Silent Enemy")
The same year, he visited the mess hall shortly before Captain Archer and T'Pol were kidnapped by Coridanite rebels. (ENT: "Shadows of P'Jem")
He prepared and served dinner for Captain Archer, T'Pol, and the Vulcans Tavin, Tolaris, and Kov, who visited the ship. (ENT: "Fusion")
He walked past Commander Tucker and the Kantare Liana on the second level in engineering while Tucker gave Liana a tour of Enterprise. Later, he passed the two again, when he entered engineering from the lower level. (ENT: "Oasis")
While off duty, he joined fellow crew members in the mess hall to watch a film at movie night. (ENT: "Vox Sola") He was working in engineering when Vulcan Ambassador V'Lar came aboard the starship. (ENT: "Fallen Hero")
This crewman worked as steward again and served a meal to Captain Archer and Lieutenant Reed, answering, "You're welcome, sir," to Archer. (ENT: "Minefield")
He was among several crewmembers who spent some time at the automated repair station and used the replicators to order some food and drinks. (ENT: "Dead Stop")
He was later working in engineering shortly after Enterprise visited Kreetassa. (ENT: "A Night in Sickbay")
In 2152, he was assigned to the galley aboard Enterprise and served a meal to Commander Tucker, Lieutenant Reed, and Doctor Phlox in the Captain's dining room. (ENT: "The Seventh")
He joined other crew members in the mess hall while the ship experienced strange anomalies. (ENT: "Singularity")
He worked in the launch bay storing equipment into Shuttlepod 1 for a survey. Later he was among the crewmembers who were forced to stay at the catwalk for several days due to an approaching neutronic storm. There, he was armed with a plasma rifle when the true intentions of the Takret deserters were revealed and participated in movie night shortly before the crew was relieved. (ENT: "The Catwalk")
The same year, he accompanied Lieutenant Reed and Ensign Mayweather on a rescue mission to retrieve Captain Archer and Commander Tucker from an Enolian transport. He was shot by Kuroda Lor-ehn and was thereby rendered unconscious. (ENT: "Canamar")
The same year, he was again forced to hide in the catwalk while Wisps took over several crew members. (ENT: "The Crossing")
After his duty in engineering, he joined the crew in the mess hall, watching the Earth horror film Frankenstein. (ENT: "Horizon")
He assisted Commander Tucker working on the warp engine When T'Pol informed Tucker about the captain's orders regarding the Vissians. (ENT: "Cogenitor")
He had dinner in the mess hall while Malcolm Reed and Trip Tucker talked about Tucker's relationships to Amanda Cole and T'Pol. (ENT: "Harbinger")
This recurring crewman was played by regular background actor Adam Anello, who received no credit for his appearances.
Engineering crewman []

An engineering crewman
This crewman served in engineering on board Enterprise in 2153 during its mission in the Delphic Expanse.
He gave Commander Tucker a report after he ran a diagnostic twice about malfunctioning plasma relays in engineering. When Enterprise was hit by spatial anomalies and the warp core strucked lightnings, he assisted Tucker at the warp core controls. (ENT: "Anomaly (ENT)")
Engineering crewman / steward []

In the mess hall
This operations crewman served as an engineer, security officer, and steward aboard the starship Enterprise NX-01 between 2151 and 2152.
He was chatting with a woman in the mess hall shortly after the launch of Enterprise. (ENT: "Broken Bow")
He was also visiting the mess hall during the next mission and left it shortly for the captain's mess. He came back and joined Billy on the table again. (ENT: "Fight or Flight")
Due to hallucinatory pollen on an uncharted class M planet, Travis Mayweather saw this crewman walking outside during the storm. (ENT: "Strange New World")
He had dinner in the mess hall and was sitting at a table behind Doctor Phlox. He was talking to a fellow crewman while Phlox and T'pol were talking about the meaning of IDIC and the visit of the Vulcan monastery at P'Jem. (ENT: "The Andorian Incident")
He was working on the upper level of engineering when Trip Tucker asked Hoshi Sato to translate a secret message from the Vulcan starship Ti'Mur. (ENT: "Breaking the Ice")

Working as a steward
He served as steward for the group of alien pilgrims during their time on board Enterprise. (ENT: "Cold Front")
He was one of the two engineers who were working on a relay in a corridor when they were knocked unconscious by a pair of aliens and probed. He was later brought to sickbay and recovered. (ENT: "Silent Enemy")
He served as steward in the captain's mess while the ship was on ist way to the planet Coridan. (ENT: "Shadows of P'Jem")
During the Ferengi takeover of Enterprise he was first lying unconscious in the mess hall, later in the corridor in front of the sickbay. (ENT: "Acquisition")
He passed Captain Archer, T'Pol and the Kreetassan delegation near the airlock. (ENT: "Vox Sola")
He visited the mess hall and served later as steward while Vulcan ambassador V'Lar was aboard. (ENT: "Fallen Hero")
He served on th bridge in the aft section after the confrontation with the Suliban. (ENT: "Shockwave")
He was among the crewmembers who took some R&R and visited the recreation facility aboard the automated repair station where they had some food and drinks. (ENT: "Dead Stop")
This regular crewmember was played by background actor Gary Weeks, who received no credit for his appearances.
Female crewman 5 []

A female crewman
This female crewman was encountered by the "Wisp" possessed Malcolm Reed in the turbolift located near the Armory. "Reed" had just slipped into the turbolift as the door was closing, when the crewwoman informed him that she was going to "B deck," which "Reed" said was "fine", followed with an inquiry as to whether she was a female. Confused by his question, "Reed" reiterated, requesting to know if her gender was female. She replied, "last time I checked", which "Reed" responded, "I am a male", which she acknowledged, and to which he added, "there seem to be a number of anatomical differences..." at which point the turbolift stopped and she quickly departed. (ENT: "The Crossing")
Female crewman in armory []

A crewman in armory
This female operations division crewman was working in the armory with Ensign Walsh and Malcolm Reed when a group of Triannons took over control of Enterprise. She was held hostage by an armed Triannon. (ENT: "Chosen Realm")
Female crewmember []

A female engineer
This female engineer was working on the second level in engineering prior to the launch of Enterprise in 2151. (ENT: "Broken Bow")
She was working in engineering when the ship encountered an Axanar cargo ship. (ENT: "Fight or Flight")
She was one of the crewmembers who were lying unconscious in the mess hall during the Ferengi takeover of Enterprise. (ENT: "Acquisition")
She was working in the launch bay after Captain Archer returned from his trip to the Torothan homeworld. (ENT: "Desert Crossing")
She visited the mess hall after the incident on Paraagan II. (ENT: "Shockwave")
This crewmember was portrayed by background actress Cheri Isabella, who received no credit for her appearances.
Female crewmember (2151) []

A female engineer
This female operations crewman served aboard Enterprise NX-01 as an engineer.
She was working in engineering during the first mission of the starship in 2151. (ENT: "Broken Bow")
She was having dinner in the mess hall before the ship encountered an Axanar cargo ship. (ENT: "Fight or Flight")
She had lunch in the mess hall while Travis Mayweather and Matthew Ryan were talking about their lives as space boomers and a career in Starfleet. (ENT: "Fortunate Son")
She was working in engineering when Commander Tucker gave a group of alien pilgrims a tour (ENT: "Cold Front") and when the crew faced an unknown alien ship. (ENT: "Silent Enemy")
This recurring engineer was played by background actress Carmen Nogales who received no credit for her appearances.
Female crewmember (2152) []

A female crewman
This female operations division crewman served aboard the NX class starship Enterprise in 2152.
She went to sickbay after the crew experienced strange behavior because of a black hole. (ENT: "Singularity")
She was working in the launch bay before the crew was forced to live several days at the catwalk when the ship passed a neutronic storm and was present at the catwalk when a group of Takret joined the crew. (ENT: "The Catwalk")
This crewman was played by background actress Kyla Kuhner who received no credit for her appearances.
Female crewmember in engineering []

A female engineer
This female engineering crewmember worked in the engine room when the three Orion women D'Nesh, Maras, and Navaar came aboard Enterprise. She left her station and eyed suspiciously Kelby and D'Nesh. (ENT: "Bound")
This recurring engineer was portrayed by background actress Tamara Hambly who received no credit for her appearances.
Female engineer []

A female engineer
This female engineer was on duty in engineering when Travis Mayweather and Matthew Ryan brought Trip Tucker a piece of technology from the warp core of the ECS Fortunate for repairs. She was also on duty in engineering when Tucker reported that the sensors came back online. (ENT: "Fortunate Son")
She was working in engineering when Commander Tucker gave the Kantare Liana a tour of Enterprise. (ENT: "Oasis")

Drake in the deleted scene
This engineer was played by regular background actress Dawn Drake, who received no credit for her appearances.
Female engineer (2151) []

A female engineer
This female Starfleet engineer served aboard Enterprise during its first year in 2151/2152.
She was on duty in engineering during the launch of Enterprise and during the contact with the Xyrillians. (ENT: "Broken Bow", "Unexpected")
She had dinner with fellow crewmembers in the mess hall and took something to eat out of the serving case while T'Pol and Doctor Phlox were talking about the meaning of IDIC and the visit of the Vulcan monastery at P'Jem. (ENT: "The Andorian Incident")
Carrying a PADD she passed Travis Mayweather and Matthew Ryan in a corridor near the transporter alcove. (ENT: "Fortunate Son")
She was working in engineering when an alien species boarded Enterprise. (ENT: "Silent Enemy")
She joined fellow crewmembers in the mess hall for the movie night and was watching For Whom the Bell Tolls. (ENT: "Dear Doctor") She was also in the mess hall when the ship set course for Coridan. (ENT: "Shadows of P'Jem")
She served in engineering when several Vulcans came aboard Enterprise. (ENT: "Fusion")
She was among the unconscious crewmembers who were gathered by the Ferengi. (ENT: "Acquisition")
She was on duty in engineering and passed crewman Michael Rostov. (ENT: "Vox Sola")
She was also in engineering and took orders from Commander Tucker while several explosions occurred due to the attack of the Mazarites. (ENT: "Fallen Hero")
This recurring Starfleet officer was portrayed by regular background actress Cynthia Uhrich, who received no credit for her appearances.
Female engineer (2151/2152) []

Watching Archer's Comet from the mess hall
This Starfleet engineer served aboard Enterprise NX-01 between 2151 and 2152.
She passed Travis Mayweather and Malcolm Reed shortly before Enterprise was launched (ENT: "Broken Bow") and Captain Archer and Commander Tucker a few days later. (ENT: "Fight or Flight")
She passed the transporter alcove when an assault team prepared to beam down to the Vulcan monastery at P'Jem to rescue the hostages. She was reading a PADD. (ENT: "The Andorian Incident")
She had dinner in the mess hall when Captain Archer told the crew to watch out of a window nearby to observe an approaching comet, the largest ever seen by Humans and later named "Archer's Comet". (ENT: "Breaking the Ice")

In the mess hall for movie night
She was in the mess hall when several Borothan pilgrims and members of Prah Mantoos' species joined the crew to see the Great Plume of Agosoria and passed Captain Archer later in the corridor. (ENT: "Cold Front")
She was part of the engineering team which was selected by Commander Tucker to upgrade and install the phase cannons. (ENT: "Silent Enemy")
She was on duty in engineering when Enterprise made first contact with the Valakians (ENT: "Dear Doctor") and when several Vulcans came aboard the ship. (ENT: "Fusion")
She was unconscious when a group of renegade Ferengi gathered all female crewmembers in a shuttlebay. (ENT: "Acquisition")

In civilian clothing, ready for shore leave
She was working in the shuttlebay when Commander Tucker and Dr. Phlox identified a deceased corpse aboard an escape pod as the Kantare Shilat. (ENT: "Oasis")
She joined fellow crewmembers for the movie night in the mess hall for the film The Wages of Fear. (ENT: "Vox Sola")
She passed T'Pol and Captain Archer in a corridor after Archer returned to Enterprise. (ENT: "Desert Crossing")
She was among the Starfleet officers who left the ship for shore leave on Risa. (ENT: "Two Days and Two Nights")
She was working in armory after the incident on Paraagan II. (ENT: "Shockwave")
She was on duty in engineering while the ship was docked at the automated repair station. (ENT: "Dead Stop")
This recurring Starfleet officer was portrayed by background actress Thelma Tyrell, who received no credit for her appearances.
Female engineer (2154) []

A female engineer
This female engineer was on duty in main engineering when Enterprise set course into the disturbance to destroy the sphere 41. She was present when three Sphere-Builders transported into main engineering, attacked an engineer, and sabotaged the ship. Her skin changed because of the disturbance Enterprise was in. (ENT: "Zero Hour")
This female engineer was played by radio contest winner Amy Ulen who received no credit for her appearance.
Female engineering crewman []

A female engineer
This female operations division crewman served as engineer aboard Enterprise.
She was working with a male engineer in the engine room when the Orion woman D'Nesh visited Kelby. When the male engineer was affected by the Orion pheromones she grabbed his shoulder to bring him back to work. (ENT: "Bound")
This female engineer was played by regular background actress Cecelia Specht who received no credit for this appearance.
Female engineering crewmember []

A female engineer
This female operations division crewman served as an engineer aboard Enterprise NX-01 in the early 2150s.
She was working in engineering shortly before the ship's launch and, later, after a group of Suliban captured the Klingon Klaang from the sickbay. (ENT: "Broken Bow")
She was on duty in the engine room when the ship encountered an Axanar cargo ship (ENT: "Fight or Flight"), Commander Tucker gave a group of pilgrims a tour in engineering (ENT: "Cold Front"), and shortly before an alien species boarded the ship. (ENT: "Silent Enemy")
She visited the mess hall while Doctor Phlox observed the behavior of the crew and when Phlox and Hoshi Sato had a conversation in Denobulan. (ENT: "Dear Doctor")
She was also in the mess hall for dinner when the ship was en route for Coridan. (ENT: "Shadows of P'Jem")
She was one of the female engineers who were observed by the Vulcan Kov. (ENT: "Fusion")
She was working in the shuttle bay before a landing party was transported down to Dakala, a rogue planet. (ENT: "Rogue Planet")
She served in engineering shortly after the Kreetassan delegation left the ship. (ENT: "Vox Sola")
She was working in launch bay two when several engineers tried to repair Zobral's ship. (ENT: "Desert Crossing")
She was among the crewmembers who spent some time in the recreation facility aboard the automated repair station and had some food and a drink. (ENT: "Dead Stop")
This recurring engineer was played by background actress Lindly Gardner, who received no credit for her appearances.
Female operations division crewman (2152-2155) []

A female crewman
This operations division Starfleet crewman was assigned to Enterprise in 2152.
She entered the sickbay after Enterprise collided with a mine. (ENT: "Minefield")
She was among the crewmembers who took some R&R and visited the recreation facility aboard the automated repair station where she had some food and a drink with fellow crewmembers. (ENT: "Dead Stop")
She also joined fellow crewmembers in the mess hall while Enterprise experiences strange anomalies (ENT: "Singularity") and during Hoshi Sato's disappearance experiences. (ENT: "Vanishing Point")
She transported equipment for a survey aboard Shuttlepod 1 inside the launch bay. When the crew was forced to stay for several days at the catwalk, she transported bags and equipment through the Jefferies tubes. At the catwalk she witnessed the irrational behavior of the three Takret fugitives and participated in the weekly screening of the movie night. (ENT: "The Catwalk")
She was working in the launch bay and passed Ambassador Soval later. (ENT: "Cease Fire")
She was on duty in engineering when the wisps entered the ship and took cover at the catwalk. (ENT: "The Crossing")

Surprised by the Sphere-Builder
She was again working in engineering before she joined the movie night in the mess hall, watching Frankenstein. (ENT: "Horizon")
She was on duty in engineering and used the ladder to the upper section when T'Pol informed Commander Tucker about the captain's orders regarding the Vissians. She later passed Captain Archer and T'Pol in a corridor when the two were on their way to Tucker's quarters, to inform the Vissian Cogenitor Charles about its request for sanctuary. (ENT: "Cogenitor")
She operated the launch bay controls when Captain Archer's shuttlepod returned to Enterprise. (ENT: "First Flight")
She was working in a corridor when she was passed by Commander Tucker and Lieutenant Reed. (ENT: "The Expanse")
She was on duty in engineering when Enterprise was hit spatial anomalies and a group of Osaarian pirates boarded the ship. (ENT: "Anomaly (ENT)")
Later that year she appeared in a nightmare experienced by T'Pol following the events aboard the Seleya. In this nightmare she was watching an old Earth comedy as part of the movie night in the mess hall until Captain Archer called for a tactical alert. (ENT: "Impulse")
She was in her quarters and closed the door of a locker when the Sphere-Builder went through her room and the walls. (ENT: "Harbinger")
This crewman was played by regular background actress Marnie Martin, who received no credit for her appearances.
Grey haired engineer (2154) []

An engineer
This Starfleet engineer served aboard Enterprise in 2154 when the ship set course into a disturbance to destroy sphere 41. He was on duty when three Sphere-Builders appeared in main engineering, attacked an engineer, and tried to damage the ship. (ENT: "Zero Hour")
This engineer was played by KZOK-FM radio DJ Bob Rivers who received no credit for his appearance.
Launch bay operator []

A crewman
In 2152, this Enterprise crewman was exiting the turbolift as Charles Tucker was trying to convince Captain Jonathan Archer to reveal the details of a mission with T'Pol. (ENT: "The Seventh")
Together with Billy, she manned the control booth in the launch bay when Shuttlepod 1 returned from the surface of an alien planet. (ENT: "The Communicator")
She operated the launch bay controls when Shuttlepod 1 and 2 were prepared for a survey to the surface of an uninhabited planet. Later she was among the crewmembers who were forced to stay several days at the catwalk when the ship approached a neutronic wavefront. (ENT: "The Catwalk")
She joined fellow crewmembers in the mess hall when Malcolm Reed introduced the Vissian tactical officer Veylo to eight variations of cheese. (ENT: "Cogenitor")
She was working in the armory when the new photonic torpedoes were installed into the systems aboard Enterprise. (ENT: "The Expanse")
She was working in engineering when the ship was hit by a spatial anomaly. Later, after the crew beamed the stolen supplies back from the Osaarian base, she transported it into the cargo bay. (ENT: "Anomaly (ENT)")
This crewmember was played by regular background actress J.J. Bennett, who received no credit for her appearances.
Male crewman []

An engineer
This operations division crewman was walking on the second level in engineering when Enterprise entered the thermobaric clouds of the Delphic Expanse when the attack of Duras' Bird-of-Prey caused explosions in engineering and he fell off the second level. (ENT: "The Expanse")
This engineer was played by stunt actor Kevin Derr who received no credit for this appearance.
Male engineer []

At the catwalk
This operations division Starfleet crewman served as an engineer aboard Enterprise since 2151.
He served on the aft section of the bridge during the mission to return Klaang home to Qo'noS. (ENT: "Broken Bow")
He joined fellow crewmembers for breakfast in the mess hall shortly before the first contact with the Xyrillians. (ENT: "Unexpected")
He had dinner with two fellow crewmen in the mess hall in June 2151. He was seated at the table next to the viewport while T'Pol and Doctor Phlox were talking about the meaning of IDIC and the visit to the Vulcan monastery at P'Jem. Later, he was working on a console in the situation room of the bridge when the Andorian Thy'lek Shran responded to a hail from Enterprise. (ENT: "The Andorian Incident")
He was working in the situation room on the bridge when Enterprise approached a comet, the largest ever seen by Humans which was later named "Archer's Comet". He was also in the situation room when Captain Archer, Doctor Phlox, Hoshi Sato, and Trip Tucker recorded messages as answers to the questions of Miss Malvin's school class from Worley Elementary School. (ENT: "Breaking the Ice")
Wan is not listed on the call sheets for the scenes he appeared in but is fellow background actor Robert Garcon. However, he can be clearly identified.
He was on duty in engineering when the ECS Fortunate first officer Matthew Ryan brought Commander Tucker a piece of the Fortunate warp engine for repairs. He was also in engineering when Tucker reported the sensors back online. (ENT: "Fortunate Son")
He was working in engineering when a group of pilgrims visited Enterprise and stopped there on their tour through the ship. (ENT: "Cold Front")
The same year he was knocked down by an alien species, scanned by the same race, but rescued by the Enterprise crew and treated in sickbay. (ENT: "Silent Enemy")
He passed Captain Archer and Commander Tucker in a corridor while Enterprise was on its way to Coridan. (ENT: "Shadows of P'Jem")
He was working in engineering when a symbiotic lifeform came aboard the ship. (ENT: "Vox Sola")
After he had a meal in the mess hall he assisted transferring the wounded crewmembers to the sickbay after a mine exploded on the hull of the ship. (ENT: "Minefield")
He was working in the situation room when Captain Archer decided to visit the surface of an alien planet again after Malcolm Reed left his communicator on the surface. (ENT: "The Communicator")
He joined other crewmembers in the mess hall while the ship experienced strange anomalies. (ENT: "Singularity")
He was among the crewmembers who transported bags and equipment through the corridors to the catwalk where the crew was forced to stay for several days while the ship passed a neutronic storm. At the catwalk he listened to the speech of Captain Archer. (ENT: "The Catwalk")
He was working in engineering and left for the catwalk while the ship was invaded by the wisp. (ENT: "The Crossing")
He was again working in engineering when found a way to disable the Tarkalean freighter, heavily armed due to the assimilation by the Borg. (ENT: "Regeneration")
In 2153 he was part of a nightmare experienced by T'Pol following the events aboard the Seleya. In this nightmare he was watching an old Earth movie for movie night in the mess hall until Captain Archer called for tactical alert. (ENT: "Impulse")
He was back on duty in engineering when Commander Tucker explained Dr. Phlox the function of the warp drive. (ENT: "Doctor's Orders")

At the Federation Founding Ceremony in 2161
He was on duty in engineering when the three female Orions D'Nesh, Maras, and Navaar came aboard the ship and caused aggression because of their pheromones. (ENT: "Bound")
He attended the Federation Founding Ceremony in 2161. (ENT: "These Are the Voyages...")
This recurring Starfleet crewman was played by regular background actor John Wan who received no on-screen credit for his appearances.
Wan was also featured in the deleted scene of the episode "Minefield", a longer version of the sickbay scene.
Male engineer (2151) []
This male crewman acknowledged Travis Mayweather's order to bypass circuit L-47 when the engineering crew worked on getting the sensors back online. (ENT: "Fortunate Son")
Male engineer (2154) []
This male engineer was on duty in main engineering when Enterprise set course to destroy the sphere 41. (ENT: "Zero Hour")
Male operations division crewman (2152-2155) []

A crewman at the catwalk
This operations division crewman was assigned to Enterprise since 2152.
He assisted Lieutenant Reed in armory while the crew experienced strange anomalies. After the mission was completed he went to the sickbay. (ENT: "Singularity")
He transported equipment with a pushcart to the shuttlepods while preparing for a survey to the surface of an uninhabited planet. Later, when the crew was forced to stay at the catwalk for several days, he was among the crewmembers who transported equipment through the Jefferies tubes. At the catwalk, he played cards with Trip Tucker and participated in the weekly movie night. (ENT: "The Catwalk")
He was working in engineering when the crew had to hide at the catwalk again. This time the Wisps took over several crewmembers of Enterprise. (ENT: "The Crossing")
This Starfleet crewman was portrayed by recurring background actor Baron Jay who received no credit for his appearances.
Med tech (2152) []

A med tech
This crewman served as medical technician aboard Enterprise in 2152.
He assisted Doctor Phlox treating the patients aboard after the ship was damaged by several mines. (ENT: "Minefield")
This medical technician was played by Tim Glenn.
Security crewman []

A security crewman
This security crewman was along with Ensign Walsh guarding the brig with Rajiin inside when a Xindi-Reptilian boarding party entered the section. The invading Xindi-Reptilians were not harmed by the phase-pistols but deployed an organic grenade which killed this security crewman. (ENT: "Rajiin")
This security crewman was played by stunt actor Mark Donaldson, who received no credit for this appearance.
Security crewman []

A security crewman
This security crewman was part of the rescue away team along with Captain Archer, Ensign Mayweather, and Lieutenant Reed which boarded the Kantare supply ship to rescue T'Pol and Commander Tucker from the Kantare. He was attacked by the Kantare. (ENT: "Oasis")
This security crewman was played by stunt actor Marty Murray who received no credit for this appearance.
Security crewman (2153) []

A security crewman
This operations division crewman 2nd class was part of a security detail which tried to arrest Rajiin after she attacked T'Pol and Trip Tucker. He met with Haynem and Malcolm Reed in a corridor where Rajiin should be but she tricked the security crewmen. (ENT: "Rajiin")
He had dinner in the mess hall when Malcolm Reed and Trip Tucker talked about Tucker's relationships to Amanda Cole and T'Pol and when Tucker and T'Pol discussed their previous sexual encounter. (ENT: "Harbinger")
Security crewmen []
These two security crewmen accompanied Lieutenant Reed into sickbay in 2153 following the attack of the two assimilated Tarkaleans on Doctor Phlox and Foster. They were armed with phase rifles. They followed the Tarkaleans into maintenance shaft C junction 12 where they fired on the Tarkalean female who was protected by the Borg personal shielding. When they withdrew from the situation they were attacked by the Tarkalean male, disarmed and knocked down. Reed, who knocked down the Tarkalean, ordered them to leave the shaft. (ENT: "Regeneration")
Security crewman / engineer []

A security crewman

A security crewman
This operations division crewman served aboard Enterprise NX-01 between 2151 and 2153.
Prior to his assignment to Enterprise he served as guard for the Klingon courier Klaang at Starfleet Medical. (ENT: "Broken Bow")
He was working in the armory before the ship encountered an Axanar cargo ship. (ENT: "Fight or Flight")
He was on duty in engineering when ECS Fortunate first officer Matthew Ryan brought Commander Tucker a broken piece of the warp engine from aboard the Fortunate for repairs. He was also in engineering when Commander Tucker reported the sensors of Enterprise back online. (ENT: "Fortunate Son")
He accompanied Captain Archer and Ensign Billy to confront two aliens in a corridor. (ENT: "Silent Enemy")
He shared a meal with Crewman Bennett in the mess hall while the ship was on its way to Coridan. (ENT: "Shadows of P'Jem")
He served as guard for the Ferengi who brought the stolen items back aboard Enterprise after Captain Archer and Commander Tucker crossed their plans. (ENT: "Acquisition")
He passed Captain Archer and T'Pol in a corridor while Ambassador V'Lar was aboard. (ENT: "Fallen Hero")
When the crew was forced to relocate to the catwalk, he assisted Commander Tucker in shutting down the warp drive in engineering. At the catwalk, he listened to Captain Archer's speech and witnessed how Doctor Phlox exposed the true reasons of the Takret. Later he participated in the weekly movie night at the catwalk. (ENT: "The Catwalk")
He served as guard when the Suliban contacted Enterprise. (ENT: "Future Tense")
Together with Haynem and another crewmember he was the security team sent to stop the invading Borg drones in March 2153. He fired his phase-pistol but after the first two drones went down, the other drones used their personal shielding. The team had to withdraw. (ENT: "Regeneration")
Wearing an EV suit, he accompanied Lieutenant Reed onto the D-deck to arrest Sub-commander T'Pol. The Vulcan science officer previously left decon unauthorized. (ENT: "Bounty")
This regular crewman was played by background actor Todd Wieland, who received no credit for his appearances.
Security crewman / engineer on fire []
This operations division crewman served aboard Enterprise.
He guarded the Klingon Klaang in sickbay when several Suliban soldiers boarded the ship and captured Klaang. He was knocked unconscious. (ENT: "Broken Bow")
He was working as an engineer when he caught fire during the battle with the Xindi-Reptilians at Azati Prime in 2154. He was extinguished by Trip Tucker and taken to sickbay. (ENT: "Azati Prime")
This Starfleet crewman was played by stunt coordinator Vince Deadrick, Jr., who received no on-screen credit for his appearances.
Security guard []

As a security guard
This operations crewman was working in the launch bay and inspected Shuttlepod 1 while reading data from a PADD when the landing party entered the launch bay and prepared to leave for the Vulcan monastery at P'Jem. Later, he passed a corridor near the transporter alcove when an assault team prepared to transport down to the monastery to rescue the hostages. (ENT: "The Andorian Incident")
He was working in engineering behind Trip Tucker when Tucker requested a translation of a secret Vulcan message from the starship Ti'Mur from Hoshi Sato. (ENT: "Breaking the Ice")
he was on duty in engineering when the ECS Fortunate first officer Matthew Ryan visited engineering to let Commander Tucker repair a piece of the Fortunate's warp engine. (ENT: "Fortunate Son")
He guarded the brig while the Osaarian pirate Orgoth was imprisoned. (ENT: "Anomaly (ENT)")
This crewman was played by recurring background actor Mark Rogerson who received no credit for his appearances.
Security guard (2153) []

A security crewman
This crewman served in the security division on board Enterprise in 2153.
He was stationed in sickbay to guard the wounded Osaarian Orgoth and was carrying a plasma rifle. He acknowledged the order of Captain Archer to escort the Osaarian into the brig. (ENT: "Anomaly (ENT)")
Later that year he was surprised by Rajiin when he left a turbolift. Rajiin tried to seduce him when he was up to take his phase-pistol and moved him back into the turbolift. (ENT: "Rajiin")
This crewman was played by actor Ken Lally who was credited as "Security Guard" in the end credits of both episodes.
Steward 1 []

A steward
This operations division crewman served as steward shortly after the launch of Enterprise in 2151. He served a meal to Captain Archer, Commander Tucker, and Sub-Commander T'Pol in the captain's mess and answered a question from the captain. (ENT: "Broken Bow")
This steward was played by Byron Thames who was credited as Crewman in the end credits.
Steward 2 []

A steward
This unnamed steward assisted Chef by serving breakfast in the captain's mess during the Captain's meal with Trip and Phlox. (ENT: "Unexpected")
Tactical officers []
Ensign []

Repairing the captain's chair

Operating the warp engines

At the Federation Founding Ceremony
This Starfleet ensign served in the operations division aboard Enterprise since its launch in 2151.
He passed the Vulcan Kov and Commander Tucker in a corridor. (ENT: "Fusion")
When the Ferengi attacked Enterprise and left all crewmembers unconscious, he was lying in engineering. (ENT: "Acquisition")
He was working in the shuttlebay when Dr. Phlox and Commander Tucker identified the dead corpse in an escape pod as the Kantare Shilat. (ENT: "Oasis")
He assisted Lieutenant Reed in the cargo bay and tried to stun the symbiotic lifeform. (ENT: "Vox Sola")
The following days he joined fellow crewmembers in the mess hall. (ENT: "Fallen Hero")
In 2152 he assisted Commander Tucker in repairing the Captain's chair. (ENT: "Singularity") The following days he visited the mess hall. (ENT: "Vanishing Point")
He was part of the security team which was called to T'Pol's quarters and arrested Lieutenant Reed, who was possessed by a wisp. Later, he joined the crewmembers at the catwalk. (ENT: "The Crossing")
He operated the warp engines in engineering and joined Ensign Hutchison later in the mess hall. He also participated in the movie night in the mess hall, watching Frankenstein. (ENT: "Horizon")
He attended the first contact reception for the Vissians, held in the mess hall. (ENT: "Cogenitor")
Holding a phase rifle he guarded the entry to engineering in 2153 when two assimilated Tarkaleans escaped from sickbay. (ENT: "Regeneration")
He was working in the armory when the new photonic torpedos were installed into the systems aboard Enterprise. (ENT: "The Expanse")
He visited the mess hall when a spatial anomaly hit the starship and his tray including his meal was thrown against the ceiling. (ENT: "Anomaly (ENT)")
He walked through a corridor and was nearly bowled-over by Trip Tucker on his way to T'Pol's quarters. (ENT: "Extinction")
He was on duty in engineering when Trip Tucker, T'Pol, and Captain Archer discussed creating trellium through the chemical formula they bought from the V'radian chemist B'Rat Ud on the Xanthan planet. Later, he was also on duty in engineering and hid himself behind a console when Rajiin went through engineering and fired at several crewmembers with a phase-pistol. (ENT: "Rajiin")
He was working in the situation room on the bridge when Enterprise investigated a Delphic Expanse sphere and received a distress call from an alien ship. (ENT: "Chosen Realm")
He manned the tactical station on the bridge during a meeting of the senior officers in the command center. Later, he used a fire extinguisher to clear a fire on the bridge. (ENT: "Stratagem")
He attended the Federation Founding Ceremony on Earth in 2161. (ENT: "These Are the Voyages...")
This recurring ensign was portrayed by regular background actor Glen Hambly, who received no credit for his appearances.
Throughout the run of Enterprise, his rank pips change from lieutenant to ensign and back.
Female engineer []

In civilian at the movie night
This female engineer served aboard Enterprise NX-01 between 2151 and 2153.
Shortly after the launch of the NX class starship she joined fellow crewmembers in the mess hall. (ENT: "Broken Bow")
After the mission of bringing Klaang home was finished, she was working in the launch bay when a shuttlepod commanded by Archer explored a new planet. (ENT: "Strange New World")
She was working in engineering and left Trip Tucker's working place while reading a PADD when Tucker requested a translation of a secret Vulcan message from the Vulcan starship Ti'Mur from Hoshi Sato. (ENT: "Breaking the Ice")
She was working in the situation room on the bridge when Enterprise was contacted by the Tandaran Colonel Grat. She remained at her station when Enterprise was attacked by two Tandaran patrol ships and when T'Pol contacted Grat again. (ENT: "Detained")
The same year she joined the movie night in the mess hall and watched the films For Whom the Bell Tolls (ENT: "Dear Doctor") and The Wages of Fear. (ENT: "Vox Sola")
In 2152 she was among the crewmembers who left Enterprise for shore leave and visited Risa. (ENT: "Two Days and Two Nights")
She was working in engineering after Enterprise was recalled to Earth because of the incident at Paraagan II and after Enterprise collided with a mine. (ENT: "Shockwave", "Minefield")
She was also on duty in engineering while the ship docked at the automated repair station. (ENT: "Dead Stop")
While Porthos and Jonathan Archer spent a night in sickbay, she served in engineering. (ENT: "A Night in Sickbay")

Operating the launch bay controls
She operated the launch bay controls when Captain Archer, T'Pol, and Travis Mayweather left the ship to search for Menos. (ENT: "The Seventh")
She was among the crewmembers who transported bags and equipment through the corridors to the catwalk where the crew was forced to stay for several days while the ship passed a neutronic storm. At the catwalk she listened to the speech of Captain Archer. (ENT: "The Catwalk")
She was working on the bridge when Captain Archer and Commander Tucker were imprisoned by the Enolians and served as relief tactical officer later. (ENT: "Canamar")
After she was working in engineering, she took cover at the catwalk again when the crew was swallowed by the Wisps. (ENT: "The Crossing")
She also joined fellow crewmembers for another movie night in mess hall, this time watching Frankenstein. (ENT: "Horizon")
She was working in engineering when Commander Tucker received a visit from the Vissian Cogenitor Charles who requested political asylum. (ENT: "Cogenitor")
She was working in engineering when Rajiin entered and fire her phase-pistol at several crewmembers. She hid herself on the second level but Rajiin fired several times onto her until Alex returned fire and Rajiin left engineering. (ENT: "Rajiin")
She prepared Reed's force field emitters in the armory for Trip Tucker and his testing of the Xindi-Reptilian biorifle. (ENT: "The Shipment")
This recurring engineer was played by regular background actress Marlene Mogavero, who received no credit for her appearances.
Female engineering/ bridge crewmember []

A female engineer

As relief tactical officer
This female operations division crewman served as engineer aboard the Earth starship Enterprise NX-01 since 2151.
She was working on the second level in the engineering shortly after the ship was launched and headed to Qo'noS for its first mission and was also on duty in engineering when the ship encountered an Axanar cargo ship. (ENT: "Broken Bow", "Fight or Flight")
She was talking with Crewman Haynem during dinner time in the mess hall. (ENT: "Unexpected")
She passed Captain Archer and the landing party except Malcolm Reed in a corridor when they headed to the turbolift for a situation briefing on the bridge. (ENT: "Terra Nova")
She was working in engineering and later visited the mess hall while the crew welcomed a few Vulcans aboard the ship. (ENT: "Fusion")
She was lying unconscious in the mess hall when several Ferengi took over the ship and tried to steal as many items as possible. (ENT: "Acquisition")
She was on duty in engineering and reading a PADD when Commander Tucker gave the Kantare Liana a tour of Enterprise. Later, she passed the two in the corridor leading to engineering. (ENT: "Oasis")
She was one of the engineers who repaired the ship of Zobral in launch bay two while the Torothan invited Captain Archer for dinner. (ENT: "Desert Crossing")
She was working as relief tactical officer on the bridge while several crewmembers enjoyed shore leave on Risa. (ENT: "Two Days and Two Nights")
This recurring engineer was portrayed by background actress Stacy Fouche, who received no credit for her appearances.
Female operations division ensign (2152-2155) []

A Starfleet ensign
This female operations division ensign served in multiple roles aboard Enterprise since 2152.
She was among the crewmembers who were forced to stay for several days at the catwalk when the ship approached a neutronic storm. At the catwalk she participated in the weekly movie night. (ENT: "The Catwalk")
She worked in engineering during another contact with the Suliban. (ENT: "Future Tense")
The same year she served as relief tactical officer on the bridge while Lieutenant Reed was on a rescue mission for Denobulan scientists. (ENT: "The Breach")
She was working in the situation room on the bridge when Captain Archer made contact with the Tellarite Skalaar. She also served as relief tactical officer during the absence of Malcolm Reed. (ENT: "Bounty")
She was working in engineering when Trip Tucker, T'Pol, and Captain Archer discussed the possibilities of creating trellium by studying the chemical formula of the element. (ENT: "Rajiin")
In 2153 she was part of a nightmare dreamt by T'Pol. In this nightmare, she attended a movie night in the mess hall and offered popcorn to Ensign Hutchison. (ENT: "Impulse")
She worked in engineering when Commander Tucker explained Dr. Phlox the functions of the warp drive. (ENT: "Doctor's Orders")
During the Xindi mission, she assisted in repairs to Enterprise following the attack on the ship by the Xindi near Azati Prime (ENT: "Damage") and worked in engineering while preparing the ship to enter the Xindi vortex and engage the Xindi weapon. (ENT: "Countdown")
She also attended the Federation Founding Ceremony in 2161. (ENT: "These Are the Voyages...")
This recurring Starfleet ensign was played by regular background actress Daphney Dameraux, who received no credit for her appearances.
Female operations division ensign[]
Relief tactical officer (2151/52) []

Having dinner in the mess hall
This operations crewman was a relief tactical officer aboard Enterprise and served occasionally on an aft station of the bridge.
Together with another crewman, he had dinner in the mess hall when Enterprise observed the largest comet ever seen, later named "Archer's Comet". They were seated in front of a window. (ENT: "Breaking the Ice")
As evidenced by the call sheets of the episode, this scene was not part of the principal filming but was shot on 2nd unit.
He was working in the situation room when Enterprise arrived at the Akaali homeworld. During a briefing of the senior staff, he manned the tactical station. Later, he was back working on the aft consoles when the ship was attacked by a Malurian vessel while T'Pol was in command. (ENT: "Civilization")
He was on duty and working in the situation room when Enterprise tried to contact the Earth Cargo Service freighter ECS Fortunate after receiving an automated distress signal. Later, when the away team of Enterprise was trapped in cargo module 8, he manned the tactical station on the bridge. (ENT: "Fortunate Son")
He served on the bridge while Travis Mayweather was in command and passed Captain Archer and Prah Mantoos later in a corridor. (ENT: "Cold Front")
He replaced Lieutenant Reed at the tactical station when an alien species boarded the ship (ENT: "Silent Enemy") and when Commander Tucker took over the command of Enterprise. (ENT: "Sleeping Dogs")
He also served in the same position during the confrontation with the Andorians at the Vulcan monastery P'Jem (ENT: "Shadows of P'Jem") and was on duty on the bridge when a group of Vulcans came aboard. (ENT: "Fusion")
This Starfleet crewman was the tactical officer when the crew met a group of Eska hunters. (ENT: "Rogue Planet")
He was working in the situation room on the bridge along with Ensign Tanner when Enterprise detected the crash landed Kantare supply ship. Later, he manned the tactical station on the bridge when Lieutenant Reed escorted the away team to the derelict ship. (ENT: "Oasis")
He was working in the situation room on the bridge when Enterprise was contacted by Tandaran Colonel Grat. When Malcolm Reed underwent cosmetic surgery and went on an undercover mission into Detention Complex 26, he replaced Reed at the tactical station on the bridge and fired at the Tandaran patrol ships. (ENT: "Detained")
He served in place of Malcolm Reed shortly after the Kreetassans left the ship. (ENT: "Vox Sola")

A relief tactical officer
He manned the tactical station and later an aft bridge station when ambassador V'Lar was on board. (ENT: "Fallen Hero")
In 2152, he manned the tactical station while the landing party took Shuttlepod 1 down to Paraagan II. (ENT: "Shockwave")
The same year he manned the tactical station while Lieutenant Reed tried to shut down a mine on the hull of Enterprise, the ship was probed by the automated repair station, and during a second contact with the Kreetassans. (ENT: "Minefield", "Dead Stop", "A Night in Sickbay")
He worked on the forward section of the bridge when the senior staff had a meeting regarding Menos. (ENT: "The Seventh")
While Enterprise experienced the strange anomalies caused by a black hole, he served on the bridge and listened the "Reed alert". Later he visited the sickbay. (ENT: "Singularity")
He was among the crewmembers who transported bags and equipment through the corridors to the catwalk where the crew was forced to stay for several days while the ship passed a neutronic storm. At the catwalk he passed Captain Archer shortly before he talked to Doctor Phlox. (ENT: "The Catwalk")
He worked in the situation room on the bridge when Captain Archer made contact with the Arkonian Captain Khata'n Zshaar. (ENT: "Dawn")
Later that year, he served at the tactical station after Reed, who was possessed by a "Wisp", was confined to his quarters. (ENT: "The Crossing")
This Starfleet crewman was played by regular background actor and stand-in for Connor Trinneer Mark Watson, who received no credit for his appearances.
His appearance in the episode "Shockwave" was clearly shown in the episode's deleted scenes, but were more obscured in the aired version of the episode. Watson was also part of the deleted scene of the episode "A Night in Sickbay", this time on the aft bridge.
Relief tactical officer (2154) []
This operations division officer served aboard Enterprise in the year 2154 as a tactical officer under the command of armory officer Lt. Malcolm Reed. His most notable mission came at the end of 2154 on a journey to Vulcan to investigate the bombing of the United Earth Embassy, which resulted in the death of Admiral Maxwell Forrest.
He served on the bridge during the mission to Vulcan along with Commander Charles Tucker, Vulcan Ambassador Soval, and Communications Officer Hoshi Sato.
With Lt. Reed in a shuttlepod attempting to recover Captain Archer and T'Pol from Vulcan's Forge, this officer manned the tactical station as a Vulcan patrol ship fired on Enterprise. In addition to putting the ship on tactical alert, he fired the ship's phase cannons at the attacking cruisers. He later rerouted power to the phase cannons, after Enterprise had suffered significant system failures. (ENT: "Awakening")
This tactical officer was played by Trek fan Jim Moorhouse, who received no on-screen credit for his appearance.
Relief tactical officer (2155) []

A relief tactical officer
This ensign served as the relief tactical officer on board Enterprise in 2155. She was on duty during the Terra Prime crisis and under the command of Hoshi Sato. (ENT: "Terra Prime")
This relief tactical officer was played by actress Amy Rohren.
Security crewman []

A security crewman
This Starfleet crewman served in the security division on board Enterprise since its launch in 2151.
He was working in engineering during the launch of Enterprise (ENT: "Broken Bow") and during the first contact with the Xyrillians. (ENT: "Unexpected")
He was working in engineering and stood next to Trip Tucker at the controls of the warp engine when Hoshi Sato brough Tucker the decrypted message from the Vulcan starship Ti'Mur. (ENT: "Breaking the Ice")
He had lunch in the mess hall and was talking to a fellow crewman while Travis Mayweather and Matthew Ryan from the ECS Fortunate were talking about their lives as space boomers and a career in Starfleet. (ENT: "Fortunate Son")
He accompanied Lieutenant Reed's security team and sealed off Daniels' quarters. (ENT: "Cold Front")
The same year, he stood guard over the Klingon Bu'kaH while she was in sickbay. (ENT: "Sleeping Dogs")
He passed Captain Archer and Commander Tucker in a corridor and was carrying a case. (ENT: "Shadows of P'Jem")
Later that year he got unconscious by a Ferengi gas canister while it was being analyzed in engineering. He then assisted in supervising the Ferengi as they unloaded the property they stole from Enterprise from their ship. (ENT: "Acquisition")
In 2152, he assisted Lieutenant Reed and tried to stun a symbiotic lifeform which had boarded Enterprise. Unsuccessful, he went to the ship's Armory and helped Reed test a jerry rigged force field, telling Reed he was ready then repeatedly firing at the force field with a phase-pistol. He later assisted Reed with installing a set of EM emitters to emit a force field in a cargo bay, where the lifeform had settled down, and tried again to stun the lifeform. (ENT: "Vox Sola")
He was working in engineering during another contact with the Kreetassans. (ENT: "A Night in Sickbay")
He operated the launch bay controls when Captain Archer, T'Pol, and Travis Mayweather left with a shuttlepod to search for Menos. (ENT: "The Seventh")
Shortly after this mission he worked in the situation room of the bridge and later as relief tactical officer while two away teams went to the surface of an alien planet. (ENT: "The Communicator")

A security crewman
He was among the crewmembers who were forced to stay for several days at the catwalk when the ship had to pass a neutronic storm. At the catwalk he participated in the weekly movie night. (ENT: "The Catwalk")
He guarded the Arkonian Captain Khata'n Zshaar to the captain's ready room and later back to his ship (ENT: "Dawn") and stood guard at the docking port when the Suliban contacted Enterprise. (ENT: "Future Tense")
Later that year, he and another security officer reported to the bridge to escort the "Wisp" possessed Hoshi Sato to her quarters. (ENT: "The Crossing")
After he worked in engineering and visited the mess hall for a meal, he joined other crewmembers for the movie night watching Frankenstein. (ENT: "Horizon")
He brought wounded alien individuals into the sickbay. (ENT: "The Breach")
He was working in engineering when T'Pol informed Commander Tucker about the captain's orders regarding the Vissians. Later, he passed Captain Archer and T'Pol in a corridor when the two were on their way to Tucker's quarters to inform the Vissian Cogenitor Charles about their decision. (ENT: "Cogenitor")
The following year, he guarded the brig where the Osaarian pirate Orgoth was imprisoned. He later returned Orgoth to the brig after Captain Archer had tortured his prisoner in the airlock. (ENT: "Anomaly (ENT)")
He prepared Reed's force field emitters in the armory for Trip Tucker and his testing of the Xindi-Reptilian biorifle. (ENT: "The Shipment")
He was sitting in the mess hall and chatting with a fellow crewmember while a group of Triannons planned the takeover of Enterprise. (ENT: "Chosen Realm")
In January 2154, he was involved in a mutiny led by T'Pol. (ENT: "Hatchery")
This crewman was played by regular background actor Aldric Horton, who received no credit for his appearances.
Tactical crewman []

A tactical crewman
This tactical crewman beamed down to the Vulcan monastery planet at P'Jem as part of Malcolm Reed's assault team that attempted to rescue Captain Archer, T'Pol and Tucker from their Andorian commando captors. He carried a backpack of supplies, including phase-pistols and a Vulcan scanner. Later, during their assault on the Andorians, he provided Archer and T'Pol from his backpack.
Prior to beaming down, he was initially hesitant about stepping onto the transporter platform, as he had never used a transporter before and heard stories about the transporter before, as had Hoshi Sato. (ENT: "The Andorian Incident")
This tactical crewman was played by actor Jamie McShane, who is listed as "Tactical Crewman" in the end credits of the episode.
Tactical crewman (2151) []

A tactical crewman
This tactical crewman was part of the assault team led by Malcolm Reed which met at the transporter alcove to beam down to the monastery at P'Jem. Unlike the other tactical crewman, he didn't hesitate to step onto the transporter platform.
Following the transport down to the sanctuary, he went with his team into the catacombs beneath the monastery and assisted Reed in placing three micro-charges behind a large wall decoration depicting a face. When Reed activated the charges, he went though the hole in the wall but was hit by Thy'lek Shran's energy weapon. He was left behind by Reed and the other crewman who went to rescue the hostages. (ENT: "The Andorian Incident")
This tactical crewman was played by stunt actor Phil Culotta, who received no credit for this appearance.
Tactical crewman (2152) []

A tactical crewman
This tactical crewman assisted Lieutenant Reed in the armory in 2152. (ENT: "Shockwave")
Tactical officers of the starships Enterprise | |||
Enterprise NX-01: | Alex • Billy • Reed • Unnamed • Greer | ||
USS Enterprise: | Mann • Zuniga • Kelowitz • Lang • O'Herlihy • Chekov (post refit) | ||
USS Enterprise-A: | Chekov | ||
USS Enterprise-C: | Yar | ||
USS Enterprise-D: | Armstrong • Bailey • Barnaby • Burke • Hayes • Kellogg • McDowell • Rainer • Smith • Taitt • Torigan • Williams • Worf • Yar • Unnamed • Crusher • Gaines | ||
USS Enterprise-E: | Armstrong • Daniels • Kelly • Worf | ||
USS Enterprise-G: | Mura | ||
ISS Enterprise NX-01: | Reed • Unnamed | ||
USS Enterprise: | Froman |