
Esurance, founded in 1998, is an online automobile insurance company and was a partner in the promotional campaign for 2009's Star Trek. In its advertising, the company proclaimed the ability of a car owner to visit their site and retrieve a free, accurate auto insurance quote. Customers can also buy and print their insurance cards instantly, hence the slogan at the time of "Quote. Buy. Print." The company's mascot was a animated spy named Erin Esurance, who poses as an insurance agent.

In June 2010, Esurance largely discontinued the use of the Erin Esurance character, due to her unpopularity in surveys. In 2011, the company was purchased by Allstate and its slogan was changed to "Insurance for the Modern World".

Esurance ran commercials on television and radio promoting both their company and Star Trek. In addition, the Esurance web site contained a section dedicated to the Star Trek promotion. This included an "Explore New Worlds" sweepstakes in which entrants could win two tickets to Space Camp. There was also a "Biggest Trekkie" contest, where entrants could win a trip for two to the Hollywood premiere of Star Trek by uploading video explaining why they were the biggest Trekkie.

The site also featured Star Trek-related material such as videos and trailers, wallpapers, and a game called "Delta Vega: Meltdown on the Ice Planet." In this game, Erin Esurance explores Delta Vega to rescue missing Starfleet officer Keenser (played in the film by Deep Roy). During the mission, Erin must fend off alien creatures native to Delta Vega – the same creatures James T. Kirk encounters in the film.

Despite the company's change in ownership, the cross-promotion continued with Star Trek Into Darkness, including a contest to win tickets to the film's premiere and exclusive content available through the company's Facebook page.[1]

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