Federation star charts

Galen and Picard

A star chart of the Milky Way Galaxy

The Federation star charts were a collection of star charts, including all pertinent information about the star systems visited by Federation probes and starships.

In 2269, the USS Enterprise was on outward course beyond the fringe of the galaxy, near Questar M-17 on a star charting mission. (TAS: "Beyond the Farthest Star")

In 2370, the USS Enterprise-D investigated a rogue comet in Sector 1156 that was not on Federation charts. (TNG: "Masks")

Alpha/Beta Quadrant Overview[]

Alpha Beta Quadrant Overview star chart

Alpha/Beta Quadrant Overview star chart

Alpha Beta Quadrant star chart, 2257

The star chart following the Klingon takeover

The Alpha/Beta Quadrant Overview star chart was first seen in 2256, in Captain Lorca's quarters aboard the USS Discovery, as well as at Lieutenant Rhys's station on the bridge. It displayed the location of the Discovery near the Federation-Klingon border during the Federation-Klingon War of that year.

It shows the locations of the Alpha Quadrant systems Aldebaran (Alpha Tauri), Amar, Andoria, Azha (Eta Eridani), Ba'ku, Beta Leonis Minoris (Beta XII-A), Beta Rigel, Castor (Alpha Geminorum), Coridan (Chi 1 Orionis), Deneva (Kappa Fornacis), Elora, Orion, Organia, Pollux (Beta Geminorum), Risa (Epsilon Ceti), Son'a, Tarlac, Tellun (Elas Troyius), Vulcan, Zibal (Zeta Eridani), and 11 Leonis Minoris, as well as the Briar Patch, Sherman's Planet, and Starbase 12 (Gamma 400). Amar, Organia, and Sherman's Planet are indicated to have been Klingon Empire territory at the time.

Beta Quadrant systems on the Federation side of the border include Acamar (Theta Eridani), Adelphous, Ajilon (Tananda Bay), Alpha Onias, Barolia (Wazn, Beta Columbae), Beta Pictoris, Carraya, Celes (Tau Hydrae), Chi Leonis, Galorndon Core, Gamma Hromi, Hyralan (Alpha Caeli), Japori (Beta Caeli), Jouret (New Providence), Miridian, Omega Leonis, Ramatis, Regulus (Alpha Leonis), Tomed, Unroth, Xarantine (Zeta Leporis), and Yridia. Landmarks on the Federation side include the Azure Nebula, Deep Space Station K-7, the Hromi Cluster, the Paulson Nebula, Starbase 23, Starbase 24, Starbase 157, Starbase 234, and Starbase 343.

Beta Quadrant systems on the Klingon Empire side of the border include Archanis, Archer, Ardana (Rasalas, Mu Leonis), B'Moth, Balduk, Beta Lankal, Beta Penthe (as Rura Penthe), Beta Thoridor, Brestant (Delta Laporis), Cursa (Beta Eridani), D'deridex, Dewa, Dinasia, Gamma Eridon, Ganalda, Gasko, Gorath, H'atoria, Halee, Iccobar, Iconia, Ikalia, K't'inga, Khitomer, Klach D'kel Brakt, Korvat (Pi Canis Majoris), Krios, Lambda Geminorum, Mempa, Morska, Narendra, Nequencia, No'Mat (Omicron Leonis), Pheben, Praxis, Qo'noS (Kronos, Kling), Qu'Vat, Tranome Sar, and Valt. The star Archanis is right on the border, while Gasko and Korvat are shown as being under Klingon control, but on the Federation side of the border. Archanis and Korvat are on the Klingon side of the thinner dotted line, however.

This star chart can be seen in DIS: "Context Is for Kings" and every episode further episode of Star Trek: Discovery through "Into the Forest I Go". The map is derived from Star Trek: Star Charts (p. 63). Iconia is labeled on the map, however Iconia had not yet been rediscovered at the time of the Discovery. Several of the stars have their constellation's stellar Bayer designation given, such as Alpha Leonis (Regulus), while others are known only by their Bayer designation, such as Omega Leonis.

Beta Quadrant[]

Rhys beta quadrant star chart 2256

A star chart of the Federation/Klingon border, 2256

This Beta quadrant star chart focused on the regions of the Hromi Cluster, the Archanis sector, the Briar Patch and the Paulson Nebula. It was on Gen Rhys's display while the USS Discovery jumped out of Klingon space while saving Captain Gabriel Lorca. (DIS: "Choose Your Pain")

Enterprise long range scan, 2259[]

Federation star chart, 2259

A star chart displaying warp capable civilizations near Kiley space, 2259

In 2259, Lieutenant Spock brought up a star chart of Federation space before focusing on local space around the Kiley system to show that development of warp drive was much more common before development of a warp bomb. (SNW: "Strange New Worlds")

Showing Kiley system local space

Showing Kiley system local space

The Kiley system near the Talarian Republic border

The Kiley system near the Talarian Republic border

Map of the Federation, 2383[]

Alpha Beta Quadrant star chart, 2383

A star chart aboard the Protostar in 2383

In explaining the Federation to the new crew of the USS Protostar, the holographic training advisor Kathryn Janeway brought up a holographic star chart, depicting Federation, Klingon, and Romulan space. Portions of the map were labeled Andorian, Cabral, Maxia, Melona, Mutara, Terran, Vulcan, Tellarite, Yadalla and Zalkon. (PRO: "Starstruck")

Commander-in-Chief's office, 2399[]

Alpha Beta Quadrant star chart, 2399

A star chart displayed in Clancy's office, 2399

In 2399, Fleet Admiral Kirsten Clancy had an Alpha / Beta Quadrant overview star chart depicting local galactic powers displayed on her wall when Jean-Luc Picard came to see her. Entities depicted included the Talarian Republic, the Cardassian Union, the Romulan Free State, the Ferengi Alliance, and the Klingon Empire.

Each square on the map was just over 15 light years across, according to notation on the chart. The chart was over 345 light years across and over 195 light years top-to-bottom. (PIC: "Maps and Legends")

Though not legible on screen, designer Andrew Jarvis shared the graphic and design process on his website in 2020.

The region of space seen on the star chart lying between the Romulan Free State and the Klingon Empire was named "The Thread" by Star Trek: Picard showrunner Michael Chabon in his blog piece "Some Notes on Freecloud". [1]

"The Explored Galaxy"[]

The Explored Galaxy

A star chart of the explored areas of the Milky Way Galaxy

The star chart of the explored space in the Alpha and Beta Quadrants depicted the home systems of the three great powers in the quadrant – the Federation, the Klingon Empire, and the Romulan Star Empire. Along with these systems, the home systems of several less significant powers – the Tholian Assembly, the First Federation, and the Kzinti – were, also, depicted on the chart. Many of the locations on this map were visited by the USS Enterprise during its historic five-year mission of the late 2260s. Developments in the 24th century, such as the expansion of the great powers into uncharted and charted space, reduced this chart to a historical relic by the 2370s.

In 2293, the star chart of the explored galaxy was displayed in Captain Kirk's quarters aboard the USS Enterprise-A. (Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country)

The chart was also seen frequently in the 24th century in various locations. In 2364, the chart was displayed at Starfleet Headquarters in the room where Dexter Remmick, possessed by parasitic beings, was killed after sending a homing beacon. (TNG: "Conspiracy") In 2365, the chart was seen in the court room on Starbase 173 (TNG: "The Measure Of A Man") and the tactical room aboard the USS Enterprise-D, close to another map that depicted the whole Milky Way Galaxy. (TNG: "The Emissary") In 2367, the chart was seen in the tactical laboratory of Enterprise-D. (TNG: "The Mind's Eye") In 2368, in the ship's engineering laboratory. (TNG: "The Game") In 2369 and 2370, the chart was seen in the classroom aboard Deep Space 9, featuring the heading "The Explored Galaxy". (DS9: "In the Hands of the Prophets", "Cardassians")

In Kirk's quarters, 2293

In Kirk's quarters, 2293

On a monitor in 2363

On a monitor in 2363

On a wall-size monitor in 2363

On a wall-size monitor in 2363

In the engineering lab aboard Enterprise, 2368

In the engineering lab aboard Enterprise, 2368

Library computer star charts[]

Several star charts appeared in the USS Enterprise-D library computer.

Galaxy library computer

A galaxy

Spiral galaxy
This image shows an unnamed spiral galaxy.
Spaceflight Chronology starchart 1

A star chart

Star chart 1
This star chart depicted a section of the Alpha Quadrant. In the chart, Sol is located near the center of the map; the bold lines lead from there to Epsilon Eridani (upper right) and Alpha Centauri A (lower left). Thinner lines lead to other stars, like Sirius A, Tau Ceti, 61 Cygni A and Barnard's Star. Other stars depicted are Wolf 359, Procyon A and B, Ross 248, Luyten 789-6, Epsilon Indi, Ross 154, Groombridge 34 A and B, Alpha Centauri B and C, Sirius B, 61 Cygni B and Lalande 21185.
Spaceflight Chronology starchart 2

A star chart

Star chart 2
This star chart showed text in the upper left corner stating that the transport Diana was plundered there. The text in the upper right corner marked the location where the USS Muleskinner was spacejacked.

The star chart was taken from page 95 of the Star Trek Spaceflight Chronology, where it was explained as showing Federation commercial lanes (bold lines) and exploration routes (dotted lines) in the 2090s. It was seen in TNG: "The Naked Now", "The Last Outpost", "Datalore" and "Conspiracy".

Spaceflight Chronology starchart 3

A star chart

Star chart 3
This star chart showed text in the upper half of the chart denoting the place where the USS Greyhound encountered a probe from outside the galaxy.

The star chart was taken from page 115 of the Star Trek Spaceflight Chronology, where it was explained as showing Federation exploration routes (dotted lines), close to the rim of Federation space in the 2120s. It was seen in TNG: "The Last Outpost", "Datalore" and "Conspiracy".

Spaceflight Chronology starchart 4

A star chart

Star chart 4
This star chart shows, in the upper half, the Jewel Stars. Argelius II is identified in the lower right corner of the star chart.

The star chart was taken from page 133 of the Star Trek Spaceflight Chronology, where it was explained as showing a part of Federation space in the 2140s, with the thin lines denoting routes of commercial tourist starliners. It was seen in TNG: "Datalore" and "Conspiracy".

Spaceflight Chronology starchart 5

A star chart

Star chart 5
This star chart shows points around the supernova of the star Phi Puma, out towards Bayard's Planet, denoted by text in the lower right corner.

The star chart was taken from page 151 of the Star Trek Spaceflight Chronology, where it was explained as showing a part of Federation space in the 2160s, mapping the effects of the Phi Puma nova concussion ring by the year 2165. It was modified slightly (the lines emanating from the rim of the circle were added) to appear on-screen. It was seen in TNG: "The Naked Now", "The Last Outpost", "Datalore" and "Conspiracy".

Star chart library computer

A star chart

Star chart 6
This image shows a star chart.
Planetary system library computer 1

A planetary system

Star system 1
This image shows a planetary system consisting of five planets and one central star. The second planet in the system has an irregular orbit.
Planetary system library computer 2

A planetary system

Star system 2
This image shows a planetary system consisting of seven planets and one central star.

The planetary system was seen in TNG: "Datalore".

Planetary system library computer 3

A planetary system

Star system 3
This image shows a planetary system consisting of one central planet and six orbiting moons.
Planet library computer

A planet

Planet 1
This image shows a planet with several continents. An orbit of the planet is displayed as well.
Planet library computer 2

A part of a planet

Planet 2
This image shows parts of the northern hemisphere of a planet with several continents.

USS Voyager flight path[]

USS Voyager flight path

Voyager's projected path home, 2377

In 2377 and 2378, a star chart of the Milky Way Galaxy that projected the USS Voyager's flight path to Earth was frequently displayed in astrometrics. It denoted the Alpha, Beta, Gamma, and Delta Quadrants, as well as the Carina Arm, Norma Arm, Crux Arm, Perseus Arm, Sagittarius Arm, Orion Arm, 3 kpc Arm, M14, M80, M92, NGC 5139, and the Bajoran wormhole. A timeline along the bottom noted Voyager's trip beginning on stardate 48315.6, with markers at stardates 51003.7, 52081.2, 53061.4, 54001.9, and a projected return stardate of 92690.8. (VOY: "Inside Man", et al.)

Alternate timeline, 2404[]

USS Voyager flight path, Rhode Island

Voyager's twenty-three year flight across the galaxy

In an alternate timeline, Voyager returned to Earth in 2394, following a flight path that took 23 years. When Harry Kim would eventually be given command of the USS Rhode Island, he displayed a star chart of Voyager's flight path home. (VOY: "Endgame")

32nd century galactic map[]

Galaxy star chart, 32nd century

Burnham, Saru, Vance, Willa and Eli stand before a holographic star chart

In 3189, Federation Headquarters prominently featured a holographic star chart of the Milky Way Galaxy.

It depicted known locations in all four quadrants, including: Andoria, the Ankari homeworld, Argus, B'Moth, the Brunali homeworld, Cardassia Prime, Cor Caroli V, Delta, the Devore homeworld, Doctari Alpha, Earth, Deep Space Outpost 36, Deep Space Outpost 72, Ferenginar, the Founders' first homeworld, second homeworld, third homeworld, and fourth homeworld, Halee, Inferna Prime, the Kazon Clan Forum, Morska, O'Ryan's Planet, Ocampa, Organia, Quarra, Rakhar, Talax, Tellar, the Valt system, and Zetar. (DIS: "Die Trying")

Path of the DMA[]

Commander Paul Stamets was analyzing information on the Dark Matter Anomaly in the Venari sector on a larger star chart when it abruptly disappeared, reappearing a few seconds later near Radvek V.

It labeled locations including Akaali, Altair, Andoria, Arcturus, Argelius, Barradas, Benzar, Bolarus, Calder, Celes, Cor Caroli, Deneva system, Denobula, Dessica, Devron, Draken, Draylax, Earth, Hyralan, Inferna Prime, Kaitos, Kaleb, Kelfour, Mab-Bu, Maluria, Memory Alpha, Nausicaa, Nelvana, Ni'Var, Ophiucus, Orion, Pollux, Priors World, Proxima, Pyrithia, Qualor, Rator, Rigel, Starbase 1, Starbase 9, Starbase 10, Starbase 22, Starbase 39, Tagus, Tau Ceti, Tellar, Tellun, Teneebia, Toroth, Veda, Vega, Wolf 359, Yadalla, and the Zetar system. (DIS: "The Examples")

The DMA's location in the Venari sector

The DMA's location in the Venari sector

A three-dimensional perspective including Akaali and Andoria

A three-dimensional perspective including Akaali and Andoria

The DMA's new location near Radvek V (not listed)

The DMA's new location near Radvek V (not listed)

The visual effects of the holographic star chart were again developed by Timothy Peel's team. [5]

Tracking Ruhn's dreadnaught, 3191[]

Ruhn's dreadnaught star chart

Ruhn's dreadnaught emerges from a transwarp tunnel

In 3191, Federation President Laira Rillak convened an emergency meeting on developments in Breen leadership and how it would affect Discovery's Red Directive mission to recover the Progenitors technology. A communications officer tracked Ruhn's dreadnaught on a star chart and reported to President Rillak as it emerged from a transwarp tunnel.

Labeled locations included: Achernar, Akaali, Altair, Andoria (starred and circled), Aneto, Arcturus, Argelius, Argus, Bajor, Balancar, Barradas, Belak, Benzar, Pollux, Bolarus, Calder, Capella, Celes, Clarus, Cor Caroli, Deep Space 9, Delta, Denobula (starred), Dessica, Devron, Dopteria, Drayken, Draylax, Earth (starred), Eden, Ferenginar, Gasko, Gideon, Hyralan, Kaitos, Kaleb, Kelfour, Klaestron, Kobliad, Kressari, Lappa, Mab-Bu, Maluria, Memory Alpha, Miri, Miridian, Mizar, Nausicaa, Nelvana, Ophiucus, Orellius, Orion (starred and circled), Peliar Zel, Priors World, Proxima (starred), Pyrithia, Qualor, Rator, Regulus, Rigel (starred), Sauria, Starbase 1, Starbase 4, Starbase 9, Starbase 10, Starbase 19, Starbase 23, Starbase 39, Starbase 157, Starbase 375, Starbase 621, Tagus, Tarahong, Tau Ceti, Tellar (starred), Tellun, Teneebia, Terix, Thalos, Toroth, Tranome Sar, Trill (starred), Tzenketh, Unroth, Veda, Vega, Vendor, Wolf 359, Yadalla, and Zetar. (DIS: "Lagrange Point")