Transport ship

A Federation class J transport
For the matter-energy transportation device, please see Transporter.
In starship classification, a transport ship or ferry was a limited role starship, similar in function to a shuttle, but designed to carry people or supplies. Rarely, some transports were categorized as space cruisers. (TOS: "The Way to Eden")
More specialized transports, such as colony ships or colony transport ships, were designed to transport personnel for planetary colonization. (TNG: "The Ensigns of Command") Additionally, some vessels were also categorized as short-range transports. Dolamide was a material used for building these transports. (DS9: "Dramatis Personae")
The Federation differentiated transports into one of two categories: commercial and non-commercial. (TNG: "Inheritance") Deanna Troi once suggested to the overwhelmed Janeway that she should perhaps consider serving aboard a transport ship, as "there's a lot less pressure there." (TNG: "Man Of The People")
In the 2260s of the alternate reality, information on transport vessels was located in the Federation database. (Star Trek Beyond)
In 2372, Jake Sisko mused that he and Nog seemed to have spent most of the previous three years doing nothing, aside from playing dom-jot and watching the Bajoran transports dock. (DS9: "Little Green Men")
In 2371, Quark considered buying his own transport ship to keep up with his intentions of making Quark's "the best place for Cardassian food and drink in this sector," which would require him to "probably set up daily shipments from Cardassia." (DS9: "Destiny")
After Worf nearly killed his brother Kurn during the Mauk-to'Vor in 2372, Captain Benjamin Sisko told Worf "I want you to tell me why I shouldn't put you on the next transport out of here." (DS9: "Sons of Mogh") A short time later, Worf, who was posing as Commander Sorval while performing espionage aboard the IKS Drovana, warned a curious lieutenant to "Leave us, or I shall have you stripped of rank and sent home in a transport!" (DS9: "Sons of Mogh")
In the late 24th century, after the Federation learned that Romulus was about to go supernova, Starfleet planned to use a rescue armada of ten thousand warp-capable ferries to relocate Romulan citizens. However, the armada was wiped out in the Attack on Mars. (PIC: "Remembrance")
Transports by race[]
- Al-Leyan transport
- Andorian transport
- Angosian police shuttle (or "transport vessel")
- Antidean transport
- Bajoran transport ships
- Bolian transport
- Brenari transport vessel
- Brunali transport vessel
- Byzatium transport
- Cardassian supply ship
- Dominion transport
- Enolian prison transport
- Federation transport ships
- Antares-type
- Apollo-class
- Bradbury-class
- Erewon-class ("personnel transport")
- Class J
- Ptolemy-class
- SD-103-type
- Sydney-class
- Wallenberg-class
- Whorfin-class
- Ferengi transport ship
- Kantare transport vessel
- Klingon civilian transport ship (24th century)
- Klingon transport (22nd century)
- Kobliad transport
- Kobheerian transport
- Lissepian transport
- Malon transport ship
- Maquis transport ship
- Mulzirak transport
- Pakled trade ship
- Pakled transport
- Romulan transport
- Skrreean transport
- Suliban transport
- Tandaran transport
- Tellarite transport ship
- Transport shuttle (Augment)
- Trill transport
- Trill transport (2367)
- Trill transport (2372)
- Valerian transport
- Vanoben transport
- Yelikan transport
Transport ships by designation[]
- Named
- Antares
- Arctic One
- Artemis, SS
- Astral Queen
- Augyn, SS
- Aurora
- Barkano
- Bradbury, USS
- Conestoga, SS
- Constantinople, USS
- Denver, USS
- Diana
- Dorian
- Ellison
- Jenolan, USS
- Kallisko
- Lakul, SS
- Manila, SS
- Milan
- Nash, USS
- Nightingale
- Nokaro
- Robert Fox, SS
- Santa Maria, SS
- Sarajevo
- SD-103
- Sherval Das
- Stella
- T'Pau
- The Festoon
- Yonada
- Unnamed
- See also
Starship types |
attack vessel • attack fighter • battle cruiser • battleship • bird-of-prey • carrier vessel • colony ship • combat cruiser • corsair • corvette • cruiser • destroyer • diplomatic vessel • dreadnought • escort vessel • exploration vessel • flagship • freighter • frigate • garbage scow • geo-terraforming vessel • heavy cruiser • holding vessel • interceptor • light cruiser • medical ship • military vessel • mining vessel • patrol ship • pilot vessel • prison ship • raider • reconnaissance ship • robot ship • runabout • science vessel • scout ship • star cruiser • starliner • starship • supply ship • support ship • survey ship • tanker • timeship • trading vessel • training ship • transport ship • troop transport • tug • warbird • warship |
Background information[]

Archer's model spaceship
The remote controlled model spaceship was described in the final draft script of ENT: "Broken Bow" as a model of an early 22nd century Starfleet transport.
A Vulcan transport was also included in an early story outline for Star Trek III: The Search for Spock. It would have delivered Dr. McCoy from the planet Vulcan to the USS Enterprise as the starship headed to the Genesis Planet, after the Enterprise had left him on Vulcan while on a return journey to Earth. (Star Trek: The Magazine Volume 3, Issue 8, p. 29)
In the first draft script of ENT: "Fortunate Son", a Vulcan ship was scheduled to remand Ryan Cross to Earth for trial.
External link[]
- Transport ship at Memory Beta, the wiki for licensed Star Trek works