Unnamed Deep Space 9 residents
List of unnamed Deep Space 9 residents.
By location[]
Bareil assassination attempt []
These spectators watched Vedek Winn Adami and Bareil Antos during their speech on the Promenade in 2369. When Commander Benjamin Sisko stopped Neela, who tried to assassinate Bareil, he knocked the Bajoran man and the second Human man to the ground. (DS9: "In the Hands of the Prophets")
All three performers were uncredited for their appearances.
School children []

The school aboard Deep Space 9 with Keiko O'Brien as teacher
These children joined Keiko O'Brien's school aboard Deep Space 9 in 2369.
Several children joined Jake Sisko and Nog on the first day of school. (DS9: "A Man Alone")
According to the script, the Bajoran boy was eight years old, the Bajoran girl ten. The information that three of the kids are Human came from the script of the episode.
The same year, while Keiko was on Earth and her husband Miles O'Brien took over as a substitute teacher, several more children joined the classroom. (DS9: "The Nagus")
According to the script all students in this episode range from age six to fourteen.
It may be possible that one of the Bajorans was named Luta. A line from the script which did not made it into the episode stated that O'Brien wanted to see the algebra homework of Jake and Luta.
The alien girl may be a native of Rekag-Seronia, as the makeup used for its inhabitants is nearly identical to the girl's.
These children were present when Vedek Winn Adami visited the school. She denounced Keiko O'Brien's scientific teaching about the wormhole, instead of teaching the Bajoran religious view. (DS9: "In the Hands of the Prophets")
Springball match []

Springball spectators
These springball spectators and watched Major Kira during her matches, including one with a male opponent. (DS9: "For the Cause")
Most of the spectators were Bajorans, with a few Humans. They were played by unknown performers. Bashir, Garak and Ziyal were also present.
Although his face was not seen, the script confirms that the opponent was a male Bajoran. He was played by an unknown actor. (script)
By species[]
- See: Unnamed Anticans
Bajorans []
Anti-Odo mob[]
Mob member 1 []

A Bajoran man
This Bajoran man was among a group of Bajorans in an anti-Odo hysteria because they believed Odo had murdered a fellow Bajoran. He and his mob friends threatened Odo and followed him to the security office where they wanted his death but were stopped by Commander Benjamin Sisko. (DS9: "A Man Alone")
Mob member 2 []

A Bajoran man
This Bajoran was part of a mob of Bajorans who threatened Odo because they believed Odo had murdered a fellow Bajoran. In the brawl caused by this action, in front of the security office, he was knocked out by Major Kira Nerys. (DS9: "A Man Alone")
This Bajoran was played by stunt actor Tom Morga, who received no credit for this appearance.
Mob member 3 []

A Bajoran man
This male Bajoran was part of the mob who threatened Odo because they believed Odo had murdered a Bajoran. In the brawl caused by this action, he threw a stone and knocked one Bajoran deputy unconscious, before he was stopped by Chief O'Brien. (DS9: "A Man Alone")
Assay office[]
Assistant []

A Bajoran assistant
This Bajoran civilian worked as assistant in the assay office aboard Deep Space 9 in 2369. He assisted the Bajoran clerk in storing the artifacts that Vash brought from the Gamma Quadrant. Shortly after this, he informed Quark about the treasures from the Gamma Quadrant. (DS9: "Q-Less")
Clerk []

A Bajoran clerk
The Bajoran clerk ran the assay office on the space station Deep Space 9 in 2369. He inventoried Vash's possessions that she placed in a storage locker. He assured her that the assay office was the safest place to keep her goods. (DS9: "Q-Less")
Bajoran couple []

A Bajoran couple
This Bajoran couple visited Quark's in 2374.
They went to the second level of the bar when Molly O'Brien, aged and confused through a time portal and the strange environment, went downstairs, and hit the woman. The couple fell down the rest of the stairs. (DS9: "Time's Orphan")
This Bajoran stunt couple was portrayed by stunt coordinator Dennis Madalone and his wife Linda Madalone. Neither received credit for their appearances.
Bajorans following Sisko []

Bajoran residents
Bajoran residents on the Promenade crowded around Benjamin Sisko as he was walking among them. Sisko had received a series of pagh'tem'far and could see the past, present, and future. The people wished to hear his wisdom. (DS9: "Rapture")
Bajoran man 1 []

A Bajoran man
This Bajoran man was one of the residents aboard Deep Space 9 in 2369.
He was one of the civilians, listening to the speech of Vedeks Bareil and Winn on the Promenade aboard Deep Space 9. He also witnessed the assassination attempt on Bareil by Neela. (DS9: "In the Hands of the Prophets")
This Bajoran was played by background actor Bob Harks, who received no credit for his appearance.
Bajoran man 2 []

A Bajoran man
This Bajoran man was one of the residents aboard Deep Space 9.
He was present during the assassination attempt on Vedek Bareil in 2369. (DS9: "In the Hands of the Prophets")
This Bajoran was played by background actor Terry Correll who received no credit for his appearance. [1]
Bajoran man 3 []

A Bajoran man
This Bajoran man was one of the residents aboard Deep Space 9 in 2369.
He was one of the civilians, listening to the speech of Vedeks Bareil and Winn on the Promenade aboard Deep Space 9. He also witnessed the assassination attempt on Bareil by Neela. (DS9: "In the Hands of the Prophets")
This Bajoran was played by regular background actor Anthony Giger, who received no credit for his appearance.
Bajoran walking on the Promenade []

A Bajoran
This Bajoran was walking on the Promenade when Miles O'Brien escorted Tosk to Quark's. (DS9: "Captive Pursuit")
Bajoran with aphasia []

A Bajoran
A Bajoran with aphasia contracted the disease from a virus that was left behind on Terok Nor following the Cardassian Occupation of Bajor. The virus made the person unable to speak coherently. (DS9: "Babel")
Bajoran woman 1 []

Listening to Li Nalas in 2370

Watching Bareil in 2369

Working on the Promenade
This Bajoran woman was a resident aboard Deep Space 9.
Dressed in a red dress, she watched the speech of Vedeks Bareil and Winn on the Promenade aboard Deep Space 9. She also witnessed the assassination attempt on Bareil by Neela. (DS9: "In the Hands of the Prophets")
She was one of the Bajorans told by Li Nalas to calm down and leave the space aboard the runabouts to non-Bajorans during the evacuation of the station. (DS9: "The Siege")
She went off the same transport used by Proka Migdal and Rugal when they went for Deep Space 9. (DS9: "Cardassians")
She visited Quark's bar where she took part in a game near the entry of the bar. Later, she was walking on the upper level of the Promenade when Major Kira talked to Grand Nagus Zek regarding his present. (DS9: "Rules of Acquisition")
She walked on the Promenade when several groups of Skrreeans arrived on the station. (DS9: "Sanctuary")
She was also on the Promenade and talked to another civilian when she passed Sakonna and William Samuels near the Promenade directory. (DS9: "The Maquis, Part I")
She was walking on the Promenade and talking to another Bajoran when Odo and Quark were released from the security office and security aboard the station was back. (DS9: "Civil Defense")
She was sitting at a table behind Major Kira in the Replimat and talking to a female Starfleet officer. She left the Replimat shortly after Odo arrived and joined Kira but came back later shortly before Tiron left Kira's table. She was walking on the Promenade and passing Quark's when Tiron told Quark about his "special holo-program". She was also in Quark's when Major Kira was announced as Quark's one millionth customer. She approached a Starfleet officer at the bar and was seated next to him. She was on the second level of the Promenade, passing Quark's when Quark tried to get a holo-image of Major Kira. Later, she was seated at a table on the second level of Quark's and talking to another Bajoran officer while Quark brought Tiron into the holosuite. (DS9: "Meridian")
In 2371, she was preparing fabric next to Major Kira for the third annual Bajoran Gratitude Festival aboard the station. Later, she attended the festival and threw a renewal scroll into the fire. (DS9: "Fascination")
She sold her goods at her shop on the Promenade to a Bajoran officer before she went into Quark's for a drink. There she watched a game of darts between Miles O'Brien and the Vulcan officer Syvar before she witnessed how O'Brien injured his shoulder. (DS9: "Shakaar")
She was among the spectators at Quark's when Karemma Minister Hanok played his first game of dabo. Later, she shared a drink and was laughing with other residents at the bar. (DS9: "Starship Down")
Together with a Starfleet officer she sat outside of Quark's on the upper level of the Promenade when Kira Nerys introduced Tora Ziyal to Odo. (DS9: "Return to Grace")
Together with another Bajoran woman, she passed Quark's bar when Miles O'Brien saw his vision of Ee'char. (DS9: "Hard Time")
Carrying a bag she walked down the Promenade while Majora Kira brought Dukat to the infirmary. (DS9: "Apocalypse Rising")
She ran her shop at the Promenade and sold several items while Keiko O'Brien was possessed by a pah-wraith. (DS9: "The Assignment")
Talking to another Bajoran, she passed the security office several times while Odo interrogated Arissa. (DS9: "A Simple Investigation")
Talking to another woman, she crossed Leeta and Rom on the upper level of the Promenade when the two asked Captain Sisko if he would wed them. (DS9: "Call to Arms")
She remained aboard Deep Space 9 during the occupation by the Dominion in 2374 and visited Quark's with two other Bajorans where she eyed the Jem'Hadar in the bar. (DS9: "A Time to Stand")
She was on the Promenade and witnessed Vedek Yassim killing herself by hanging from the upper level of the Promenade. (DS9: "Rocks and Shoals")
Together with a Bajoran man she was walking down a corridor near an airlock at the same time Dukat brought his daughter aboard the station and surprised Major Kira. (DS9: "Sons and Daughters")
She stood outside Quark's when the bar was secured by Bajoran deputies after a brawl between Cardassians and Jem'Hadar caused two Cardassian casualties. Later, she visited Quark's and left the bar with another civilian while Damar told Quark about a secret project he was working on. (DS9: "Behind the Lines")
She was talking to other Bajoran women on the upper level of the Promenade shortly after she crossed the ground level while Odo was talking to the Female Changeling. When Odo moved to the ground level, he passed her while trying to get a hold on Major Kira. (DS9: "Favor the Bold")
She was among the Bajoran and civilian residents of Deep Space 9 who welcomed the Starfleet personnel back aboard the station by clapping their hands after the Federation defeated the Cardassian and Dominion forces in 2374. (DS9: "Sacrifice of Angels")
She ran a jumja stick shop on the Promenade and sol such a sweet to Senator Kimara Cretak in 2375. (DS9: "Image in the Sand")
She was searching for someone from the upper level of the Promenade when she was passed by Odo and Laas. (DS9: "Chimera")
She was working in one of the shops on the Promenade. (DS9: "What You Leave Behind")
This Bajoran woman was played by regular background actress Mary Mascari, who received no credit for her appearances.
Further appearances[]
- DS9:
- "The Homecoming"
- "The Wire"
- "The Collaborator"
- "The Abandoned"
- "Defiant"
- "Heart of Stone"
- "Prophet Motive"
- "Visionary"
- "Distant Voices"
- "Family Business"
- "Facets"
- "The Way of the Warrior"
- "The Visitor"
- "Little Green Men"
- "Crossfire"
- "Sons of Mogh"
- "Bar Association"
- "Accession"
- "Rules of Engagement"
- "Shattered Mirror"
- "The Muse"
- "For the Cause"
- "Looking for par'Mach in All the Wrong Places"
- "Let He Who Is Without Sin..."
- "Things Past"
- "Rapture"
- "The Begotten"
- "In the Cards"
- "Who Mourns for Morn?"
- "One Little Ship"
- "Inquisition"
- "His Way"
- "Time's Orphan"
- "Tears of the Prophets"
- "Shadows and Symbols"
- "Take Me Out to the Holosuite"
- "Once More Unto the Breach"
- "'Til Death Do Us Part"
Bajoran woman 2 []

A Bajoran woman
This Bajoran woman was a resident aboard Deep Space 9.
Together with another Bajoran woman, she passed Quark's bar when Miles O'Brien saw his vision of Ee'char. (DS9: "Hard Time")
She was seeling goods to an Yridian visitor at her shop on the Promenade while Keiko O'Brian was possessed by a pah-wraith and fell down from the second level of the Promenade. (DS9: "The Assignment")
She was walking on the upper level of the Promenade in 2373 when several stopped in front of the large windows and watched another Dominion convoy pass the wormhole. Later, she was among the Bajorans who boarded a transport to Bajor due to the forthcoming attack by the Dominion. (DS9: "Call to Arms")
She was talking to other Bajoran women on the upper level of the Promenade when Odo talked to the Female Changeling. When Odo moved downstairs to the ground level, she passed him on his way to get a hold of Major Kira. (DS9: "Favor the Bold")
She was among the Bajoran and civilian residents of Deep Space 9 who welcomed the Starfleet personnel back aboard the station by clapping their hands. (DS9: "Sacrifice of Angels")
She was walking on the upper level of the Promenade near Quark's where she passed Worf, Odo, and Doctor Bashir. (DS9: "The Reckoning")
She had a drink with a fellow Bajoran woman in Quark's when Quark, disguised as "Lumba", had a drink with Nilva. (DS9: "Profit and Lace")
She passed Worf, Martok, Sisko and Admiral Ross in front of Quark's bar when Worf was asked to be the Federation ambassador to Qo'noS. (DS9: "What You Leave Behind")
This Bajoran woman was played by regular background actress Dorothy Hack, who received no credit for her appearances.
Further appearances[]
Bajoran woman 3 []

A Bajoran woman
This Bajoran woman was a resident aboard Deep Space 9.
She attended the third annual Bajoran Gratitude Festival aboard Deep Space 9 in 2371. Later, she had a drink at Quark's bar with fellow Bajorans. (DS9: "Fascination")
She was among the Bajorans on the Promenade who crowded around Benjamin Sisko as he was walking among them. Sisko had received a series of pagh'tem'far and could see the past, present, and future. She wished to hear his wisdom. (DS9: "Rapture")
Following the passing of a Dominion convoy through the Bajoran wormhole, she was standing on the Promenade in front of the security office and talking to other Bajorans. (DS9: "Call to Arms")
She was standing on the Promenade and talking to other Bajorans following the death of Vedek Yassim. (DS9: "Rocks and Shoals")
She was among the group of civilians and Bajorans who welcomed Captain Sisko and the Federation back aboard Deep Space 9 following the retreat of the Dominion and the Cardassians in 2374. (DS9: "Sacrifice of Angels")
She visited the Bajoran temple on the Promenade when the mirror universe counterpart of Bareil Antos joined the ceremony led by Vedek Ossan. Later, she and another woman passed Bareil and Major Kira on the Promenade. (DS9: "Resurrection")
She was selling some things at a small sales table at the Promenade near the Bajoran temple. (DS9: "The Reckoning")
She had a drink with a fellow Bajoran woman in Quark's when Quark, disguised as "Lumba", had a drink with Nilva. (DS9: "Profit and Lace")
This recurring Bajoran woman was played by regular background actress Karlotta Nelson, who received no credit for her appearances.
Further appearances[]
- DS9:
- "Rejoined"
- "Crossfire"
- "Accession"
- "For the Cause"
- "Broken Link"
- "Apocalypse Rising"
- "Looking for par'Mach in All the Wrong Places"
- "Trials and Tribble-ations"
- "Business as Usual"
- "Who Mourns for Morn?"
- "Wrongs Darker Than Death or Night"
- "The Sound of Her Voice"
- "Tears of the Prophets"
- "Shadows and Symbols"
- "Penumbra"
- "Tacking Into the Wind"
Bajoran woman 4 []
This Bajoran woman was a resident aboard Deep Space 9.
She passed Major Kira and Jadzia Dax on the Promenade in front of Quark's when Quark tried to get the two female officers into his bar. Later, she visited Quark's bar herself. (DS9: "Babel")
She was present on the Promenade during the bombing of the station's school and during the speech of Vedek Bareil and Vedek Winn. She also witnessed the assassination attempt at Vedek Bareil. (DS9: "In the Hands of the Prophets")
She was one of the Bajorans told by Li Nalas to calm down and leave the space aboard the runabouts to non-Bajorans during the evacuation of the station. (DS9: "The Siege")
She was one of the spectators outside of Quark's during the investigation regarding the killing of Kozak. She also listened to Quark's speech, how he killed the Klingon in self defense. (DS9: "The House of Quark")
In 2371, she prepared fabric on the Promenade for the Bajoran Gratitude Festival and attended the festival openening by Major Kira on the Promenade. (DS9: "Fascination")
This recurring Bajoran was played by regular background actress and stand-in Susan Lewis, who received no credit for her appearances.
Further appearances[]
- DS9:
Bajoran woman 5 []

A Bajoran woman
This woman was present when Shakaar Edon took a walk down the Promenade. (DS9: "Crossfire")
Civilians watching Sisko leave []

Bajoran civilians on DS9
Bajoran civilians crowded around as Benjamin Sisko left Deep Space 9 after the death of Jadzia Dax. (DS9: "Tears of the Prophets")
Couple []
These two Bajoran civilians visited Deep Space 9 in 2373. They were talking to a Bajoran monk in front of the Bajoran temple on the Promenade when Major Kira Nerys passed them. (DS9: "The Darkness and the Light")
These two Bajorans were played by walk-on-role winners Jim Lowe and Cynthia Merrick.
Morn's funeral[]
Funeral attendee 1 []

A Bajoran funeral attendee
This man was an attendee at Morn's funeral at Quark's in 2374. During a eulogy given by Quark, he was asked to take Morn's seat at the bar to keep his seat warm. (DS9: "Who Mourns for Morn?")
This Bajoran was played by regular extra Mark Allen Shepherd, who also played Morn, and received no credit for all of his appearances.
Funeral attendee 2 []

A Bajoran with white hair
This man was an attendee at Morn's funeral at Quark's in 2374. (DS9: "Who Mourns for Morn?")
Gratitude Festival[]
Bajoran girl []

A Bajoran girl
This Bajoran girl hit a gong to start the Bajoran Gratitude Festival. (DS9: "Fascination")
Lute player []

Bajoran lute player
This Bajoran lute player played a lute and entertained the people on Deep Space 9 in 2371 during the Bajoran Gratitude Festival, which was held on the station. (DS9: "Fascination")
Latara's husband []

The husband of Latara
This Bajoran man married Ensign Latara, who was stationed aboard Deep Space 9, in 2372. After their marriage, they asked for Captain Benjamin Sisko, the Emissary of the Prophets, to give his blessing to their union. He did so, making them both very happy. (DS9: "Accession")
Onara's daughter []

Onara's daughter
This Bajoran girl was the daughter of Lieutenant Onara, a military officer in the Bajoran Militia. She was born in 2358. In 2372, her father asked for Benjamin Sisko's blessing at her Ih'tanu ceremony. Sisko agreed to give her the blessing. (DS9: "Accession")
Quark's female customer []

A female Bajoran
This female Bajoran was a customer at Quark's Bar, where she lost her currency pouch in 2369. To Quark's great disappointment, the woman's pouch was returned to her by Rom, who was dazzled by her beauty. (DS9: "The Nagus")
Religious figures[]
Monk (2369) []

A Bajoran monk
The Bajoran monk greeted Benjamin Sisko when he arrived on Deep Space 9. He told him that the Prophets welcomed Sisko and asked him to enter a Bajoran temple. Sisko told him that he would do so at another time. (DS9: "Emissary")
Monks (2369) []

Two Bajoran monks
These two Bajoran monks visited Deep Space 9's Promenade in 2369 and witnessed Constable Odo's try to guide the gunji jackdaws over the Promenade. (DS9: "If Wishes Were Horses")
Monks (2370) []

Three Bajoran monks
These three Bajoran monks were on Deep Space 9 in 2369 and witnessed the racquetball game between Julian Bashir and Miles O'Brien. (DS9: "Rivals")
Monk supporting Winn []

A Bajoran monk
This Bajoran monk was present when Vedek Winn Adami gathered a group of Bajorans around her and confronted Keiko O'Brien with the Bajoran religion on the Promenade. He supported Winn and left the place behind her. Later he assisted her dressing up inside the Bajoran shrine. After the failed assassination attempt on Vedek Bareil by Neela, he accompanied Vedek Winn off the station. (DS9: "In the Hands of the Prophets")
Monk (2372) []

A Bajoran monk
This Bajoran monk resided on Deep Space 9 in 2372. He passed Drex and a few other Klingons on the Promenade, shortly before they stopped Morn. (DS9: "The Way of the Warrior")
Ranjen []

A Bajoran ranjen
This Ranjen was walking on the Promenade and ringing the bell to announce services at the Bajoran temple in 2374. He was passed by Captain Benjamin Sisko who stopped and considered to enter the temple for services. The ranjen looked surprised at Sisko. When Sisko prepared to enter, he was contacted by Lieutenant Commander Worf over com and had to leave because of the arrival of Kai Winn Adami. The ranjen stood at the doorway of the temple and stared at Sisko until he left.
Later, the ranjen was among the Bajorans who sent prayers to the Prophets by sitting on the floor of the Promenade and led by Kai Winn. When Benjamin Sisko arrived to send this last group to the transport due to the evacuation of the station, the ranjen left with the other Bajorans after Winn told them to do so. (DS9: "The Reckoning")
He was identified as ranjen in the script of the episode.
Vedek at auction []

A Bajoran vedek
This Bajoran vedek was present during an auction in Quark's in 2373. He was one of the bidders. (DS9: "In the Cards")
He was played by regular background actor Mark Newsom, who received no credit for this appearance.
Bajorans at the Replimat[]
Bajoran boy []

A Bajoran boy
This Bajoran boy was among the Bajorans who were standing at the Replimat and watched Captain Sisko after they learned that Sisko planned to marry Kasidy Yates. (DS9: "Penumbra")
This Bajoran boy was played by background actor Kevin M. Brettauer, who received no credit for this part.
Bajorans standing around []

Bajorans at Replimat
These Bajorans were standing at the Replimat and watched Captain Sisko after they learned that Sisko planned to marry Kasidy Yates. (DS9: "Penumbra")
The Bajoran boy has his own article. The other Bajorans behind him were played by unknown performers.
Waiter []
This Bajoran worked as a waiter in the Replimat aboard the space station Deep Space 9 in 2369.
He served drinks when Doctor Julian Bashir and a Bajoran woman had a date at this location.
Later, Q took the place of the Bajoran waiter to prevent Bashir dating Vash for dinner. (DS9: "Q-Less")
Garanian bolites couple []
This Bajoran couple were eating at the Replimat when Jake Sisko and Nog released some Garanian bolites by their table. They began to itch and harmlessly turn blue and yellow before the effects subsided. (DS9: "A Man Alone")
Woman on a date with Bashir []

A Bajoran woman
In 2369, Doctor Julian Bashir attempted to impress this Bajoran woman, in whom he had romantic interest, with stories about his days at the Starfleet Medical Academy. He told her during their date at the Replimat about his final exam and how he mistook a preganglionic fiber for a postganglionic nerve. The Bajoran woman seemed fascinated by his stories and when Bashir had to leave she told him that there would be another time for them. (DS9: "Q-Less")
Ijarna's wife []
This female individual was the wife of Ijarna. She frequently beat him. In 2373, Constable Odo found the two of them engaging in an act of public lewdness behind the information kiosk on Deep Space 9. (DS9: "Crossfire")
This character was only mentioned in dialogue.
Kelly's daughter's project partner []
Ensign Kelly's daughter worked with this Bajoran girl on a prize-winning science fair project by 2370. Benjamin Sisko used their relationship as an example of the relationships members of Deep Space 9's crew and residents had developed with Bajorans. (DS9: "The Siege")
This character was only mentioned in dialogue.
Resident 1 []

A Bajoran civilian
This male Bajoran civilian lived on Deep Space 9 between 2369 and 2375.
He was present at Quark's when a Dopterian pickpocket robbed Lwaxana Troi's latinum hair brooch and Constable Odo found the robber. (DS9: "The Forsaken")
He also visited the bar when the crewmembers of the station were affected by the Saltah'na energy spheres. (DS9: "Dramatis Personae")
He passed Major Kira Nerys on the second level of the Promenade and later the survivors of Gallitep in front of the security office. Later he witnessed the murder of Aamin Marritza by Kainon. (DS9: "Duet")

At Quark's in 2371
He was present on the Promenade when Keiko and Miles O'Brien spent time at the jumja stick shop and when the orthodox Bajoran group arrived on the station. When the school aboard the station was destroyed by a bomb, he was among the group of shocked bystanders. This Bajoran welcomed Vedek Bareil Antos at the airlock during the vedek's first visit aboard the station. (DS9: "In the Hands of the Prophets")
He was talking to a Bajoran officer in front of a shop near the Replimat on the Promenade when Tiron approached Major Kira and Odo. Together with the Bajoran officer he then went into the Replimat where they took a seat next to a Starfleet command officer and started a conversation. He was present in Quark's when Tiron approached Quark with a request for a "special holo-program". Later, he entered Quark's again and took a seat at the bar next to a Bajoran command officer. Major Kira suggested to make him the one millionth customer of Quark's instead of her. Carrying a bag and accompanied by a woman, he passed Major Kira and Odo on the second level of the Promenade when the two discovered Quark and his holo-imager. Moments later, he visited Quark's again on the ground level. Later he was in Quark's and joined two Bajoran officers at a gaming table near the entrance when an angry Tiron shouted at Quark and left the bar. (DS9: "Meridian")
He visited Quark's while Jadzia Dax and Miles O'Brien played a game of darts. He was also present and holding his drink when O'Brien played against the Vulcan Syvar and injured his shoulder. (DS9: "Shakaar")
After the employees of Quark's decided to end their strike, Leeta stopped him as he entered, saying, "why don't you try your luck at the Dabo wheel? Remember, every Bajoran gets one free spin." (DS9: "Bar Association")
He transported cargo from a docked ship into the station's cargo bay when Kira asked Odo about his strange behavior. (DS9: "A Simple Investigation")
Carrying a bag, he boarded a transport to Bajor when all civilians were evacuated from the station due to the forthcoming Dominion attack. (DS9: "Call to Arms")

At Quark's in 2374
He remained on the station during the Dominion occupation in 2374 and crossed the Promenade where he eyed the Jem'Hadar soldiers suspiciously. (DS9: "A Time to Stand")
He visited Quark's while Quark tried to tell Morn that he don't have to visit his mother for her birthday. He was also at the bar when Damar told Quark that the Dominion needed just one more week until the self-replicating minefield would be dropped and had a drink at the bar while Quark told Major Kira about the new from Damar. (DS9: "Favor the Bold")
This Bajoran was played by regular background actor Michael Wajacs, who received no credit for his appearances.
Further appearances[]
- DS9:
- "The Homecoming" (Season 2)
- "The Siege"
- "Melora"
- "Rivals"
- "Whispers"
- "Playing God"
- "Profit and Loss"
- "The Wire"
- "The Collaborator"
- "Tribunal"
- "The Search, Part I" (Season 3)
- "The Search, Part II"
- "Second Skin"
- "Defiant"
- "Fascination"
- "Life Support"
- "Heart of Stone"
- "Destiny"
- "Prophet Motive"
- "Visionary"
- "Distant Voices"
- "Explorers"
- "Facets"
- "The Visitor" (Season 4)
- "Crossfire"
- "Accession"
- "Hard Time"
- "Shattered Mirror"
- "Body Parts"
- "Rapture" (Season 5)
- "Doctor Bashir, I Presume"
- "Ferengi Love Songs"
- "Soldiers of the Empire"
- "In the Cards"
- "The Reckoning" (Season 6)
- "Tears of the Prophets"
- "Image in the Sand" (Season 7)
- "Shadows and Symbols"
- "The Dogs of War"
Resident 2 []
This Bajoran was a resident aboard Deep Space 9 for several years.
He talked to a fellow Bajoran at Quark's when Commander Sisko left the bar after a match of darts with Miles O'Brien. Later, he watched a game of darts between O'Brien and the Vulcan officer Syvar in which O'Brien injured his shoulder and had to end the game. (DS9: "Shakaar")
He visited the Replimat when Odo demonstrated Garak a new trick – how to drink. Later, he also visited Quark's. (DS9: "The Way of the Warrior")
He was among the crowd of bystanders on the Promenade who watched a melting Odo leave the station for the Gamma Quadrant. (DS9: "Broken Link")
He was present at Quark's when the entry of Bajor into the Federation was celebrated by presenting a banner. (DS9: "Rapture")
He attended the auction held at Quark's in 2373 as one of the bidders. (DS9: "In the Cards")
He was one of the civilians who left Deep Space 9 the same year, shortly before the Cardassian-Dominion attack on the station. (DS9: "Call to Arms")
He was among the group of Bajorans and Cardassians aboard Terok Nor who listened to Dukat's speech in the wardroom when he announced a "new era of cooperation and understanding" with a gift of several industrial replicators to Bajor. (DS9: "Sons and Daughters")
He was at Quark's when Damar told Quark that the Dominion needed just one more week until the self-replicating minefield would be dropped and had a drink at the bar while Quark told Major Kira about the new from Damar. (DS9: "Favor the Bold")
He was among the Deep Space 9 residents who welcomed back Benjamin Sisko aboard the station in 2375. (DS9: "Shadows and Symbols")
He shared a drink with a Starfleet lieutenant at the bar at Quark's shortly after Ezri Dax came aboard the station. (DS9: "Afterimage")
This Bajoran was played by regular background actor Rudy Morrison who received no credit for his appearances.
Resident 3 []
This Bajoran was a resident aboard Deep Space 9 between 2369 and 2375.
He watched a game of darts between Miles O'Brien and the Vulcan officer Syvar at Quark's and witnessed how O'Brien injured his shoulder. (DS9: "Shakaar")
This Bajoran was played by regular background actor Juan De Villa who received no credit for his appearances.
Further appearances[]
- DS9:
- "Rivals"
- "The Collaborator"
- "Accession"
Shop owners []

Bajoran shop owners
Bajoran shop owners leaving the Promenade after their shops were destroyed by the Cardassians prior to the Cardassian withdrawal in 2369. (DS9: "Emissary")
Vendor []

A Bajoran vendor
This Bajoran vendor was working at the jumja stick shop on the Promenade of Deep Space 9 in 2369.
He sold jumja sticks to Miles O'Brien until his wife Keiko was accused of blasphemy by Vedek Winn Adami. Then the vendor refused to sell jumja sticks to O'Brien and told him there were no more, although several were displayed at his shop. O'Brien got angry and grabbed him on his collar, but left with Keiko. The vendor shouted that O'Brien and Keiko should seek the Prophets. (DS9: "In the Hands of the Prophets")
Woman []

A Bajoran woman on Deep Space 9
A Bajoran woman was behind a security deputy who confronted Lursa and B'Etor. (DS9: "Past Prologue")
Worker 1 []

A Bajoran
This male Bajoran was one of the civilians who cleaned up the debris from the Promenade after Deep Space 9 was left damaged by the Cardassians. When a Markalian looter tried to escape from Odo, the Markalian knocked him down. (DS9: "Emissary")
This Bajoran was played by stunt actor Cole McKay, who received no credit for this appearance.
Worker 2 []

A Bajoran
This male Bajoran was one of the civilians who cleaned up the debris from the Promenade after Deep Space 9 was left damaged by the Cardassians. When the Markalian looter tried to escape from Odo, the Markalian knocked him down. (DS9: "Emissary")
This Bajoran was played by stunt actor Red Horton, who received no credit for this appearance.
Bolians []
Bolian woman (2369-2372) []

A Bolian woman
This Bolian woman was a resident aboard Deep Space 9 from 2369 til 2372. She was a frequent guest in Quark's and was often seen on the Promenade.
She was among the guests at Quark's after the Ferengi "repaired" his malfunctioning replicators and was later seen in the hospital, re-built from empty crew quarters. (DS9: "Babel")
This Bolian woman participated in a dabo game at Quark's and cheated because she didn't place her wager onto the green line after the game was completed. Quark escorted her out of his bar and told her that she should never visit his bar again. While leaving she examined Tosk who witnessed this action. (DS9: "Captive Pursuit")
She was described in the script as "an alien wom[a]n".
She was flirting with Morn on the promenade while the USS Enterprise-D docked at Deep Space 9. (TNG: "Birthright, Part I")
Together with a Bolian man she was leaving the station in 2370. (DS9: "The Siege")
She was exiting Quark's behind Martus Mazur, as Mazur spotted Roana across the Promenade. She, along with a Bajoran man, later passed Quark and Commander Benjamin Sisko as Quark argued against the opening of Club Martus. She was later a guest in Club Martus where she conversed with a Pakled guest, before going on a winning streak with one of Martus' gambling devices. A short time later she was among the crowd of gamblers who all hit the jackpot at the same time. She was later seen leaving Club Martus as Quark arranged the racquetball match between Miles O'Brien and Julian Bashir across the way. Afterwards she stood outside of Quark's, telling of her winnings, with the same Paklad man. At 1200 hours the next day, the same two stood in Quark's and watched the aforementioned match between O'Brien and Bashir on a viewscreen Quark had set up over his bar. She was later expressed anger when O'Brien disconnected the video feed. (DS9: "Rivals")
She was frequently seen on the Promenade such as when Vedek Bareil visited the station. (DS9: "Shadowplay")
She joined a male Bolian in the Klingon restaurant aboard the station when Jadzia took Arjin out for dinner. (DS9: "Playing God")
She visited the Promenade when Sakonna and William Patrick Samuels met and visited later Quark's during Sakonna's meeting with Quark. She also passed Commander Sisko and Gul Dukat on the Promenade after both returned from Volan III. (DS9: "The Maquis, Part I")
She observed the Promenade from the second level when Doctor Bashir and Garak met for lunch in the Replimat. (DS9: "The Wire")
She was present in Quark's, first at the bar and later at a table near the bar, when USS Voyager docked at Deep Space 9 in 2371 and Quark tried to sell jewelry to Ensign Harry Kim. (VOY: "Caretaker")
She was in the background of Quark's, passing behind the stairs, when Quark announced Major Kira as his one millionth customer. She later passed Quark and Tiron on the second level of Quark's, carrying a glass, when the two went to the holosuites. (DS9: "Meridian")
She participated in the dabo game at Quark's when a brawl between the Klingon Intelligence officers and Romulan guards started and was shocked by the following fight. (DS9: "Visionary")
She ran a kiosk in 2372 on the Promenade and opened it while the Klingons made their shore leave on DS9. (DS9: "The Way of the Warrior")
In an alternate timeline in 2372, she attended the memorial service for Benjamin Sisko on the Promenade from the upper level. (DS9: "The Visitor")
She was present on the Promenade when the employees of Quark's went on strike, but visited the establishment during the strike. (DS9: "Bar Association")
She was sitting at the bar in Quark's when Miles O'Brien attacked Quark because of serving his drink not fast enough. (DS9: "Hard Time")
This Bolian was played by regular background actress Mary Meinel-Newport who received no credit for her appearances.
Further appearances[]
Bolian woman (2372) []

A Bolian woman
This Bolian woman was standing and watching on the promenade as a sick Odo had to leave the station to undergo treatment on the Founders' homeworld in late 2372. (DS9: "Broken Link")
This Bolian female is also possibly Lysia Arlin, who was previously mentioned in the same episode.
Humans []
Bar guests []
These two Humans visited Quark's in 2374.
When Molly O'Brien, aged through a time portal, tried to escape the strange environment in Quark's, she ran down the stairs from the second level, punched the woman to the ground and hit a Ferengi waiter who fell onto the male Human. (DS9: "Time's Orphan")
Both Humans were portrayed by stunt performers who received no credit for their appearance.
Boxing spectators []
These two Humans watched the boxing fight between Q and Commander Benjamin Sisko in Quark's Bar which was created by Q in 2369. When Sisko punched Q hard he fell back and these two civilians caught him. (DS9: "Q-Less")
Both Humans were portrayed by stunt performers who received no credit for their appearance.
Civilians during attack []
These Deep Space 9 residents were among the people who were evacuated when the Cardassians, under the command of Gul Jasad, attacked the station in 2369. Following several explosions on the promenade they were hit by structures of the station and thrown through the air. (DS9: "Emissary")
Contact juggler []
This contact juggler attended the third Bajoran Gratitude Festival held aboard Deep Space 9 in 2371. There, he entertained the crowd from the station's Promenade, where he performed a body roll across his chest with a large silver ball while kneeling on a crossover bridge. Later, he performed inside Quark's, where he juggled two golden balls. (DS9: "Fascination")
This juggler was played by background artist Thomas Wood, who received no credit for his appearance.
Dancers []
These dancers attended the third Bajoran Gratitude Festival held aboard Deep Space 9 in 2371. They entertained the crowd outside the Bajoran shrine on the station's Promenade, where the female ran to her male partner, who grabbed and tossed her into the air, where she performed a horizontal spin, before being caught again. Thereafter they departed, and Kira Nerys officially began the festival. (DS9: "Fascination")
Human eating []
In 2371, this Human was eating in the Replimat with a Talarian companion. Garak pointed the two out to Julian Bashir, noting how the Talarian had barely touched his food while the Human had already finished his, using it as an example to support his hypothesis that eating quickly rather than savoring one's food was a Human characteristic. Annoyed, Bashir then suggested that Garak and the Talarian could spend the afternoon together while he and the Human ate dessert. (DS9: "Improbable Cause")
This character was only mentioned in dialogue.
Human female 1 []
This Human female was a resident on Deep Space 9 in 2369.
She walked on the Promenade shortly after the Cardassian attack on DS9 was successfully stopped. (DS9: "Emissary")
She had lunch at the replimat when Garak introduced himself to Doctor Julian Bashir. (DS9: "Past Prologue")
She joined a Bajoran officer in Quark's and was later shopping with a bag on the Promenade. After she visited the Replimat, she joined the mob which hunted Odo down to his security office and was calmed down by Commander Benjamin Sisko. (DS9: "A Man Alone")
Although the station was under an emergency quarantine because of the aphasia virus in 2369, she joined several other Humans, Bajorans, and aliens in Quark's Bar. Later, she was one of the infected patients who were treated in crew quarters which were re-built into a hospital. (DS9: "Babel")
She had a conversation with Doctor Bashir in front of the infirmary when Miles O'Brien gave Tosk a tour on the promenade. She examined him doubtful and left with Bashir inside the infirmary. Later she visited Quark's where she met some other civilians. (DS9: "Captive Pursuit")
The same year she passed the Klaestron Ilon Tandro and the two Klaestron officers on the Promenade and visited Quark's before the Federation freighter Norkova arrived at Deep Space 9. (DS9: "Dax", "The Passenger")
She was talking to Morn on the Promenade when Nog and Jake Sisko made a business deal with the Lissepian freighter captain. Later she participated in several games at Quark's and was meeting with friends in the bar. (DS9: "Progress")
She was running over the Promenade when it was snowing there due to the imagination of the residents which became reality. Later she participated in a dabo game and was winning like all other players. She was also on the Promenade when Odo and a Bajoran officer guided the gunji jackdaws over the Promenade. (DS9: "If Wishes Were Horses")
She participated in a dabo game at Quark's when Constable Odo tried to get information from the Ferengi about the mission of the Klingon attack cruiser IKS Toh'Kaht. Later she passed the security office and was again present in Quark's when Major Kira threw Quark over his bar. (DS9: "Dramatis Personae")
She was talking to a Bajoran officer when a Bajoran vendor refused to sell a jumja stick to Chief O'Brien. Later she witnessed the destruction of the stations school by a bomb and Vedek Winn Adami's walk through the aftermath. She was very excited when Vedek Bareil Antos visited the station and tried to grab him shortly before Neela's assassination attempt on Bareil's life. (DS9: "In the Hands of the Prophets")
This resident was played by regular background actress Tyana Parr, who received no credit for her appearances.
Human female 2 []

A Human female
This Human female was one of Deep Space 9's residents in 2369.
She witnessed the arrival of Lursa and B'Etor on the station and the following struggle with a Bajoran security deputy. After Constable Odo arrived the two Klingon women gave their weapons away and left the location. This woman was watching them shocked. (DS9: "Past Prologue")
The same year she witnessed Vash's transformation by Q on the Promenade and was later visiting the Replimat aboard the station. (DS9: "Q-Less")
She was on the Promenade when Odo banished Jake Sisko and Nog from sitting on the second level. (DS9: "The Storyteller")
She was also on the Promenade when the school aboard the station was destroyed by a bomb and when Vedek Winn Adami visited the aftermath. Later she witnessed Neela's assassination attempt of Vedek Bareil Antos. (DS9: "In the Hands of the Prophets")
This DS9 resident was played by regular background actress Holiday Freeman who received no credit for her appearances.
Human female 3 []

Woman on Promenade
Woman on the Promenade witnessing the arrival of Lursa and B'Etor aboard Deep Space 9. (DS9: "Past Prologue")
Human female 5 []

A female Human
This Human female was in Quark's having a drink with a Starfleet officer, when Miles O'Brien came in with the alien Tosk to have a drink. Before this she was seen walking on the promenade. (DS9: "Captive Pursuit")
Human male 1 []
This Human man was among the residents of Deep Space 9 who were evacuated when the Cardassians under the command of Gul Jasad attacked the station in 2369. Caused by several explosions on the promenade he was hit by a structure of the station. (DS9: "Emissary")
He was present when Vedek Winn and Bareil held a speech on the Promenade in 2369. When Neela tried to assassinate Bareil she was stopped by Commander Sisko. This man was knocked to the ground by Sisko on his way to stop her. (DS9: "In the Hands of the Prophets")
This man was played by stunt actor George Colucci, who received no credit for his appearances.
Human male 2 []
This Human male resided aboard Deep Space 9 for several years.
He visited Quark's Bar shortly before Odo was accused of murdering Ibudan. (DS9: "A Man Alone")
He passed the security office when Odo interrogated Quark and Rom and was later standing in front of the office when the Miradorn Ah-Kel and his crew blocked the entrance. (DS9: "Vortex")
He visited the Promenade when Odo banished Jake Sisko and Nog from sitting on the second level. Later he witnessed Nog running into Commander Sisko after the Ferengi broke into the security office. (DS9: "The Storyteller")
He was watching Constable Odo and a Bajoran officer guiding the gunji jackdaws over the Promenade. (DS9: "If Wishes Were Horses")
He passed the security office when Lwaxana Troi visited Constable Odo and accompanied a female officer into Quark's Bar later. (DS9: "The Forsaken")
He passed the security office on the Promenade and was sitting at the Replimat later. (DS9: "Dramatis Personae")
He accompanied a female Bajoran on the Promenade and passed Major Kira on her way to the infirmary. (DS9: "Duet")
Shepherd received no credit for all of his appearances.
Further appearances[]
- DS9:
- "Melora"
- "Necessary Evil"
- "Sanctuary"
- "Whispers"
Human male 3 []

A male Human
This Human was smiling at Jadzia Dax on the Promenade shortly before he was among the aphasia victims who were treated in empty crew quarters. (DS9: "Babel")
Human male 4 []

A male Human
The Human male was walking on the Promenade aboard Deep Space 9 when Tosk was escorted by Miles O'Brien. (DS9: "Captive Pursuit")
Human male 5 []

A Human resident of DS9
This Human man attended the memorial service for Benjamin Sisko in an alternate timeline in early 2372 on the promenade. (DS9: "The Visitor")
He was played by recurring background actor Robert Cox.
Human male 6 []

A transport passenger
This Human passed the security office on the promenade when Captain Sisko hired Odo as umpire for the baseball game against the Logicians. (DS9: "Take Me Out to the Holosuite")
He left a transport docked at Deep Space 9 in 2375. (DS9: "Prodigal Daughter")
Human visitors []
These Humans were aboard the station at the time the USS Cerritos visited in 2381. (LD: "Hear All, Trust Nothing")
Humans with aphasia []
These three Humans suffered from the aphasia virus in 2369. They were infected after a Bajoran device malfunctioned and infected Deep Space 9 while under Bajoran/Federation occupation. (DS9: "Babel")
Kelly's daughter []
Ensign Kelly's daughter worked with a Bajoran girl on a prize-winning science fair project by 2370. Benjamin Sisko used their relationship as an example of the relationships members of Deep Space 9's crew and residents had developed with Bajorans. (DS9: "The Siege")
This character was only mentioned in dialogue.
Chef []

The Klingon chef
In the 2370s, the Klingon chef owned the Klingon restaurant on Deep Space 9. His restaurant featured authentic Klingon cuisine including racht. Melora Pazlar, an Elaysian, who visited his restaurant when she was on a mission to chart the Gamma Quadrant, ordered the racht. She yelled at him in Klingonese that it was half dead. He laughed, and appreciated that she knew that racht should always be served live. He also serenaded his customers with traditional Klingon folk songs and a Klingon accordion. (DS9: "Melora", "Playing God")
The Klingon chef was played by Ron Taylor.
In several novels, the chef is known as Kaga (β). The name may or may not have been applied as a tip of the hat to Takeshi Kaga, host of the Japanese cooking television series Iron Chef, which debuted the same month that "Melora" initially aired.
Shopkeeper []

Klingon shopkeeper
This shopkeeper operated the Bat'leths 'R' Us that was located on the Promenade in 2381. (LD: "Hear All, Trust Nothing")
Vulcans []
Vulcan girl []

A Vulcan girl
This Vulcan girl visited Deep Space 9 in 2369 and went shopping on the Promenade. Later, Jake Sisko and Nog eyed her at the jumja stick kiosk. (DS9: "The Nagus")
She was played by background actress Theresa St. Clair, who received no credit for this appearance.
Vulcan on Promenade []

A Vulcan
This Vulcan civilian was one of the Vulcans aboard the station who was eyed by Ezri Dax in 2375 after she learned that a Vulcan was the murderer of Zim Brott, Hector Ilario, and Greta Vanderweg. He was accompanied by a female Vulcan Starfleet officer. (DS9: "Field of Fire")
- See: Unnamed Yridians