Command division

Soyuz bridge

Command division officers Captain Morgan Bateson and an unidentified female lieutenant (j.g.) on the bridge of the USS Bozeman, shortly after 2278

The command division was the corps of officers and crewmen within Starfleet who specialized in command and control functions on starbases, aboard starships, and numerous Starfleet Command positions.


Those in the command division were considered to be among Starfleet's supervisory personnel. (TOS: "Assignment: Earth")

Members of the command division were trained in leadership and had tactical training allowing them to decisively take action in organizing and mobilizing Starfleet crews to perform missions. Command officers included most all of the admiralty, captains, executive officers, adjutants, and pilots (flight control officers, navigators, and helmsmen). (TOS: "The Cage"; Star Trek: The Original Series, Star Trek: The Next Generation, et al.)

Command division personnel also filled the posts of communications officer (TOS: "The Corbomite Maneuver", "Mudd's Women", "Miri", "The Conscience of the King"), records officer (TOS: "Court Martial"), phaser specialist (TOS: "Balance of Terror"), gunnery officer (TOS: "Arena"), radiation specialist (TOS: "The Galileo Seven"), TAC officer (TNG: "Coming of Age"), and strategic operations officer. (DS9: "The Way of the Warrior")


"Wait a minute, aren't you two wearing the wrong color?"
"In the old days, operations officers wore red, [and] command officers wore gold..."

In the Earth's Starfleet of the 2140s and 2150s, line officers of command division wore gold division stripes on their uniforms. (Star Trek: Enterprise) By 2233, command division personnel wore blue. (Star Trek)

Gold was again the color of the command division throughout the 2250s and 2260s, worn by line officers and flag officers of this division. Officers in the command division wore a five-pointed star with a lengthened upper point as an insignia on their assignment patch. (Star Trek: Discovery; Star Trek: The Original Series; Star Trek: The Animated Series; DS9: "Trials and Tribble-ations")

By the 2270s, new uniforms showed different division colors, the command division was signified by a white backing on their Starfleet badge, and also on uniform bands and epaulets. (Star Trek: The Motion Picture) This continued onto the 2280s uniforms, and the insignia used gave the officer the option of wearing command division white uniform insignia, with another department color banded across, or the opposite, with department color insignia with command white banded across. (Star Trek II: The Wrath of KhanStar Trek Generations)

By the uniforms used from 2350s onward, red had become the command division color, and this continued through several uniform styles. (TNG: "The Pegasus", et al.)

Individuals from several possible futures, and some that have been proven to be alternate timelines, continued to wear red when in the command division. (TNG: "Parallels", "All Good Things..."; DS9: "The Visitor"; VOY: "Endgame") By the 29th century, several timelines had switched the command color to blue. (VOY: "Future's End", "Future's End, Part II", "Relativity")


Hernandez of the Columbia in command gold, 2154

Richard Robau of the USS Kelvin in command blue, 2233

Christopher Pike in command gold, 2253

Una Chin-Riley in command gold, 2253

Philippa Georgiou of the USS Shenzhou in command gold, 2256

Christopher Pike of the alternate reality USS Enterprise in command gold, 2258

James T. Kirk of the alternate reality in command gold, 2263

A phaser room crew in command gold, 2266

Command dress uniform in command green, 2268

Command dress uniform in command green, 2268

James T. Kirk with white command patch, 2270s

A captain's rank insignia on a command white uniform shoulder strap, 2280s

A captain's rank insignia on a
command white uniform
shoulder strap, 2280s

Jean-Luc Picard wearing command red, 2366

Kathryn Janeway wearing command red, 2371

Benjamin Sisko wearing command red, 2375

Benjamin Sisko wearing
command red, 2375

Jack Ransom wearing command red, 2380

Jean-Luc Picard wearing command red, 2385

In an alternate future, Captain Beverly Picard wears command red

William T. Riker wearing command red, 2399

Cristóbal Rios wearing command red, 2401

Captain Braxton of the timeship USS Relativity in command blue, 29th century

Starfleet uniform command division colors:
2140s-Early 2160s Mid 2160s 2230s Late 2230s-2250s
Command Command Command Command Command
2250s-Early 2270s Mid 2270s Late 2270s-2350s 2350s-2370s
Command Command duty Command Command Command
Command dress
Late 2360s-Early 2370s 2370s Early 2380s Mid 2380s Late 2390s-Early 2400s
Command Command Command Command Command
Late 2800s Late 3180s Early 3190s
Command Command Command

Command division officers[]

Background information[]

The Original Series[]

Once fully established during The Original Series, command gold was regularly worn by those in positions of higher authority, such as ship captains, commodores and admirals; however, evidence suggests that this was not a requirement for holding a command position. In the first case, starbase commodores Stone and Stocker both wore operations division uniforms, yet this exception seems to exclude commodore Mendez. The second case was that of Captain Krasnovsky, a starship captain who wore a sciences division uniform.

The helm and navigation officers typically belonged to the command division, as was the case in "The Cage", however, in "Where No Man Has Gone Before", the positions were held by operations officers, before returning primarily back to the command division once again.

Number One in "The Cage" and Spock in "Where No Man Has Gone Before" both served in the command division as first officer, before he switched back to the sciences division for the duration of the series (the same color he wore in the first pilot).

The work coveralls worn by technicians were originally muted variations on the division colors with the command division being represented by olive green, then later matching the duty uniforms. This coincides with the actual color of TOS which was lime green and only appeared gold under the lights.

The purpose of the colors was only obvious through inference, but in DS9: "Trials and Tribble-ations", gold was established in dialogue as the "old" style command color (and red as the "new" command color). The decision to switch the meaning of the colors between the TOS and TNG uniform styles was made in pre-production of "Encounter at Farpoint".

The film era[]

The schemes and insignia of the Star Trek films era uniforms were designed by Robert Fletcher. For Star Trek: The Motion Picture, he replaced the colorful Starfleet uniforms with a series of gray and brown uniforms, with department indicated by a colored circle behind the Starfleet logo. Command was indicated by white.

Many of the roles previously held by command officers were distributed to other departments. Helm and navigation, for example, became part of Operations and were marked by yellow.

Fletcher redesigned the uniforms again for Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan, putting all officers in maroon tunics and black slacks. Division was marked by a colored undershirt and trim on the jacket, with white remaining the command color. Command officers in training, such as Lt. Saavik. would wear white slashes on the red (cadet) armbands of their uniforms.

Robin Curtis, TVH

Saavik as seen in Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home, with a science-gray slash on her white command armband

Command officers who were assigned to other departments had the personal choice to wear slashes of that department color on their command-white armbands and/or shoulder straps. Department heads had the option of wearing white slashes on their department bands, if they so chose, or alternatively command white undershirts with slashes of their department color. Many department heads, such as Dr. McCoy, forwent this option entirely. Montgomery Scott occasionally wore a white undershirt after receiving his promotion to captain, but only with the more casual bomber jacket and engineering vest, never with his maroon tunic.

Following her command training as seen in Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan, Saavik wore command white in Star Trek III: The Search for Spock and Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home, with a science division gray slash indicating her posting to sciences.

According to his personal notes from around the period of The Search for Spock (p. 1-2), Fletcher laid out the command division this way:

Command division includes both line and staff officers and all personnel, both enlisted and commissioned of the following corps:

Officers in command division uniforms were seen in Spacedock, Starfleet Headquarters, and on starships.

Later eras[]

During the course of The Next Generation, command level officers regularly wore red uniforms, however, again another exceptional case would appear in DS9: "The Die is Cast", where Admiral Toddman wore an operations uniform, the only such command level officer to do so until Commodore Oh in the first season of Picard.

Captain Braxton wore blue in VOY: "Future's End, Part II" and "Relativity", but an alternate version of him in ""Future's End"" wore red – indicating that Starfleet never changed the command color in that version.



In the game Star Trek Online which takes place between 2409 and 2411, Starfleet began occasionally called the Command division the "tactical division". One of the reasons for this was that the departments had been changed in the command division, which now included the tactical and security departments, in addition to the regular helm, navigation and command departments.