
The Runaway hovering

Hovering was a term used to describe any vehicle or machine that was capable of levitating above the ground, such as a helicopter or hovercraft.
An idiom about a person who was "hovering over someone" was used to refer to people who were always around pestering and being a bother.
The Gelrakians used hoverbikes for ground transport. These hovercycles were motorcycles capable of hovering just over the ground. (LD: "Temporal Edict")
In 2380, when the lower deckers learned that they were going to have a CO in temporary command of the USS Cerritos while Captain Carol Freeman was away, Ensign Beckett Mariner was worried that it would be "some babysitter Jellico type constantly hovering over [her]". (LD: "Much Ado About Boimler")
In 2381, Doctor T'Ana used a hovering forklift to drop a boulder on top of Commander Jack Ransom, who had been transformed into an "omniscient murder-god" by a surge of strange energy. He even had the ability to "hover" in the air. (LD: "Strange Energies")
Later that year, D'Vana Tendi and Beckett Mariner visited an Orion Pirate Outpost where there was a vehicle that was hauling cargo crates that appeared to be hovering. (LD: "We'll Always Have Tom Paris")
In 2381, it was a common misconception among support ships that Brad Boimler of the USS Cerritos was actually a robotic "hovering cube." (LD: "Mining The Mind's Mines")
In 2383, there were trucks on Tars Lamora called class D loaders that were capable of hovering. (PRO: "Lost and Found")
Nandi owned a robot called Pik-Pox, which was capable of hovering. (PRO: "First Con-tact")
In 2384 at the Denaxi Depot; cargo trolleys and hover speeders were common vehicles capable of hovering. (PRO: "Crossroads")
Chakotay had an all-terrain vehicle called the Runaway while he was marooned on an island on Ysida. It was capable of driving on its wheels, but when necessary, they would tilt downwards, allowing the vehicle to hover. (PRO: "Last Flight of the Protostar, Part I")
By 2399, hovercars driving down Paris streets were not out of the ordinary. (PIC: "Remembrance")
By the 32nd century, there were many buildings that were built in San Francisco that were hovering over the city. (DIS: "People of Earth")
In 3189, while on an unsanctioned mission to the salvage yard on Hunhau; Tolor, the man in charge of the place wouldn't allow Michael Burnham and Philippa Georgiou to land. Georgiou told him it wouldn't be wise to just leave them hovering since she had real dilithium to trade. (DIS: "Scavengers")
See also[]
External links[]
- Hovering at Memory Beta, the wiki for licensed Star Trek works
- Hovering at Wikipedia