Joe Longo
Joseph "Joe" Anthony Longo (7 October 1940 – 5 January 2014; age 73) was, as member of the art department, the property master on Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan, Star Trek III: The Search for Spock, the first five seasons of Star Trek: The Next Generation and all seven seasons of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. On The Next Generation he shared this occupation in a weekly rotation with Alan Sims. Longo was interviewed on 19 April 1993 about the props of the shows first season for the DS9 Season 1 DVD special feature "Alien Artifacts: Season One" (originally a segment from the 1993 documentary Star Trek: Deep Space Nine - Behind the Scenes). In 1996, Longo was interviewed by Syfy for the The Making of Star Trek Deep Space Nine Trials And Tribble-ations documentary.
Upon first meeting Longo, he was often perceived by his fellow Star Trek production staffers as a curmudgeon, which soon enough turned out to be a false impression as Production Illustrator John Eaves, for example, recalled upon the occasion of his passing away, "When I was hired onto DS9 for season 4, Joe was the guy I was to work with. Our first meeting was in the art department and he came across as a grumpy, old rough and tough kinda guy. I thought that I'll never make this guy happy with anything I draw. Needless to say when I took the first group of designs to the production meeting, he was overly happy. Under the rough exterior he was a real sweetheart and we became good friends right away. He had hundreds of stories of working on The Munsters and everything in between, and knew of all kinds of secrets about the Paramount lot. He was a great man and knew his craft well. I will miss him dearly and I so loved the days working with dear Joe Longo." [1]
Longo was honored by SkyBox International with an individual card entry, no. 12, in their 1993 specialty Star Trek: The Next Generation - Behind the Scenes trading card set. A source of pride, his family used SkyBox' layout design as a template for the cover of the memorial program on the occasion of his memorial services. [2]
Over the years, Longo had accumulated a considerable amount of production items stemming from his Star Trek years. Nevertheless, after his death, his next of kin decided to have his collection auctioned off and consigned the commission to Alec Peters's auction house Propworx. Peters decided to spread the sale over three auctions in 2015, as Longo's collections was augmented with those of former Star Trek visual effects supervisors Gary Hutzel and Ronald B. Moore, the first of which being the Star Trek Auction IV of 21 February 2015. [3]
Born in Collinwood, Cleveland, Ohio to Charles and Charlene Longo, he graduated from the Van Nuys High School in 1958. Between 1962 and 1964 he served in the US Navy as aircraft carrier engineer apprentice aboard the USS Ticonderoga. After leaving the Navy in 1964, Longo started working in craft service at Universal Studios and later moved to IATSE Local 44 as prop master for Paramount Pictures.
The by Eaves mentioned 1964 CBS spoof horror television series The Munsters, was actually Longo's first gainful employment in the motion picture industry, but his start was less than auspicious as he once related to Scenic Artist Doug Drexler, "Joe told me an amusing anecdote about his first job at Universal where he started out with craft services in the 60′s. Not sure what to do with the the young Longo on his first day at work, his boss handed him a broom and told to clean up the soundstage. Joe was determined to make a good impression, and cleaned that danged stage from top to bottom. It was very dusty, and literally filled with cobwebs, but Joe made it sparkle. Unfortunately it was the Munster house, and was supposed to be dusty and full of cob webs! 40 years later and we are still laughing about it! Here’s to Joe, one of the most fun guys I got to work with!" [4](X)
Besides Star Trek, Longo was the property master on the television drama The Ordeal of Dr. Mudd (1980), Tucker's Witch (1982, starring Catherine Hicks and Alfre Woodard), and If Tomorrow Comes (1986). Prior to this he served as art department lead man on Capricorn One (1977). In 2000 he appeared in the television documentary Shooting War on which he also worked as consultant.
Other projects he worked on include Paint Your Wagon (1969), the comedy Paper Moon (1973), Coma (1978, starring Genevieve Bujold), The Jesse Owens Story (1984), Summer Rental (1985), and the television comedy A Very Brady Christmas (1988). Longo also worked on the television series Bonanza, The Munsters, Mannix, Love American Style, and Happy Days.
Longo passed away on 5 January 2014 in Yucaipa, California. He is leaving behind his wife Paula Longo, children Jill and Alexis, and grandchild Dylan Lewis. [5] [6]
Star Trek credits[]
- TNG:
- "Encounter at Farpoint" (Season 1)
- "Code of Honor"
- "Where No One Has Gone Before"
- "Lonely Among Us"
- "The Battle"
- "Too Short A Season"
- "Datalore"
- "11001001"
- "When The Bough Breaks"
- "Heart of Glory"
- "Skin Of Evil"
- "We'll Always Have Paris"
- "The Neutral Zone"
- "The Child" (Season 2)
- "Elementary, Dear Data"
- "The Schizoid Man"
- "Unnatural Selection"
- "The Measure Of A Man"
- "Contagion"
- "Time Squared"
- "Pen Pals"
- "Samaritan Snare"
- "Manhunt"
- "Peak Performance"
- "The Ensigns of Command" (Season 3)
- "The Survivors"
- "The Bonding"
- "The Enemy"
- "The Vengeance Factor"
- "The Hunted"
- "Deja Q"
- "Yesterday's Enterprise"
- "Sins of The Father"
- "Captain's Holiday"
- "Hollow Pursuits"
- "Sarek"
- "Transfigurations"
- "The Best of Both Worlds, Part II" (Season 4)
- "Brothers"
- "Remember Me"
- "Reunion"
- "Final Mission"
- "Data's Day"
- "Devil's Due"
- "First Contact"
- "Night Terrors"
- "The Nth Degree"
- "The Drumhead"
- "The Host"
- "The Mind's Eye" – 2nd Unit Property Master (uncredited)
- "In Theory"
- "Redemption II" (Season 5)
- "Darmok"
- "Ensign Ro"
- "Silicon Avatar"
- "Disaster"
- "The Game" (uncredited)
- "Unification II"
- "A Matter Of Time"
- "Hero Worship" (uncredited)
- "The Outcast"
- "The First Duty"
- "The Perfect Mate"
- "I Borg"
- "The Inner Light"
- "Time's Arrow, Part II" (Season 6)
- DS9:
- "Emissary" (Season 1)
- "A Man Alone"
- "Past Prologue"
- "Babel"
- "Captive Pursuit"
- "Q-Less"
- "Dax"
- "The Passenger"
- "Move Along Home"
- "The Nagus"
- "Vortex"
- "Battle Lines"
- "The Storyteller"
- "Progress"
- "If Wishes Were Horses"
- "The Forsaken"
- "Dramatis Personae"
- "Duet"
- "In the Hands of the Prophets"
- "The Homecoming" (Season 2)
- "The Circle"
- "The Siege"
- "Invasive Procedures"
- "Cardassians"
- "Melora"
- "Rules of Acquisition"
- "Necessary Evil"
- "Second Sight"
- "Sanctuary"
- "Rivals"
- "The Alternate"
- "Armageddon Game"
- "Whispers"
- "Paradise"
- "Shadowplay"
- "Playing God"
- "Profit and Loss"
- "Blood Oath"
- "The Maquis, Part I"
- "The Maquis, Part II"
- "The Wire"
- "Crossover"
- "The Collaborator"
- "Tribunal"
- "The Jem'Hadar"
- "The Search, Part I" (Season 3)
- "The Search, Part II"
- "The House of Quark"
- "Equilibrium"
- "Second Skin"
- "The Abandoned"
- "Civil Defense"
- "Meridian"
- "Defiant"
- "Fascination"
- "Past Tense, Part I"
- "Past Tense, Part II"
- "Life Support"
- "Heart of Stone"
- "Destiny"
- "Prophet Motive"
- "Visionary"
- "Distant Voices"
- "Improbable Cause"
- "Through the Looking Glass"
- "The Die is Cast"
- "Explorers"
- "Family Business"
- "Shakaar"
- "Facets"
- "The Adversary"
- "The Way of the Warrior" (Season 4)
- "Hippocratic Oath"
- "The Visitor"
- "Indiscretion"
- "Rejoined"
- "Starship Down"
- "Little Green Men"
- "The Sword of Kahless"
- "Our Man Bashir"
- "Homefront"
- "Paradise Lost"
- "Crossfire"
- "Return to Grace"
- "Sons of Mogh"
- "Bar Association"
- "Accession"
- "Rules of Engagement"
- "Hard Time"
- "Shattered Mirror"
- "The Muse"
- "For the Cause"
- "The Quickening"
- "To the Death"
- "Body Parts"
- "Broken Link"
- "Apocalypse Rising" (Season 5)
- "The Ship"
- "Looking for par'Mach in All the Wrong Places"
- "Nor the Battle to the Strong"
- "Trials and Tribble-ations"
- "The Assignment"
- "Let He Who Is Without Sin..."
- "Things Past"
- "The Ascent"
- "Rapture"
- "The Darkness and the Light"
- "The Begotten"
- "For the Uniform"
- "In Purgatory's Shadow"
- "By Inferno's Light"
- "Doctor Bashir, I Presume"
- "A Simple Investigation"
- "Business as Usual"
- "Ties of Blood and Water"
- "Ferengi Love Songs"
- "Soldiers of the Empire"
- "Children of Time"
- "Blaze of Glory"
- "Empok Nor"
- "In the Cards"
- "Call to Arms"
- "A Time to Stand" (Season 6)
- "Sons and Daughters"
- "Rocks and Shoals"
- "Behind the Lines"
- "Favor the Bold"
- "Sacrifice of Angels"
- "You Are Cordially Invited"
- "Resurrection"
- "Statistical Probabilities"
- "The Magnificent Ferengi"
- "Waltz"
- "Who Mourns for Morn?"
- "One Little Ship"
- "Far Beyond the Stars"
- "Honor Among Thieves"
- "Change of Heart"
- "Wrongs Darker Than Death or Night"
- "Inquisition"
- "In the Pale Moonlight"
- "His Way"
- "The Reckoning"
- "Valiant"
- "Profit and Lace"
- "Time's Orphan"
- "The Sound of Her Voice"
- "Tears of the Prophets"
- "Image in the Sand" (Season 7)
- "Shadows and Symbols"
- "Afterimage"
- "Take Me Out to the Holosuite"
- "Chrysalis"
- "Treachery, Faith and the Great River"
- "Once More Unto the Breach"
- "The Siege of AR-558"
- "Covenant"
- "It's Only a Paper Moon"
- "Prodigal Daughter"
- "The Emperor's New Cloak"
- "Field of Fire"
- "Chimera"
- "Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges"
- "Badda-Bing, Badda-Bang"
- "Penumbra"
- "'Til Death Do Us Part"
- "Strange Bedfellows"
- "The Changing Face of Evil"
- "When It Rains..."
- "Tacking Into the Wind"
- "Extreme Measures"
- "The Dogs of War"
- "What You Leave Behind"
Star Trek interviews[]
- Star Trek: Deep Space Nine - Behind the Scenes, documentary (1993)
- reissued as "Alien Artifacts: Season One" special feature on DS9 Season 1 DVD (2003)
- The Making of Star Trek Deep Space Nine Trials And Tribble-ations, documentary (1996)
- "Joe Longo Propery Master", Larry Nemecek, Star Trek: The Magazine Volume 1, Issue 4, August 1999, pp. 51-53