Unnamed Delta Quadrant planets

List of unnamed planets located in the Delta Quadrant.

Unspecified planets[]

Specific planets[]

Allos' moon outpost's planet[]

Allos' species moon

The planet and its moon

This planet was located in a star system containing a pre-warp species. The planet was located inward from their homeworld, and had an M-class moon. During the 2370s, the species maintained an outpost on this moon. (VOY: "The Omega Directive")

Class 6 gas giant []

Class 6 gas giant

A gas giant

This class 6 gas giant located near a star was surveyed by a multi-spatial probe operated by USS Voyager in 2375. Shortly thereafter, a Malon crew attempted to capture the probe, and Voyager directed the probe back in the planet's atmosphere so it would not be captured. Voyager then visited the planet to retrieve the probe themselves.

The planet featured a deep layer of liquid hydrogen and methane about ten thousand kilometers below the outer atmosphere, and significant amounts of methane higher up. ionospheric turbulence made a high orbit advisable. (VOY: "Extreme Risk")

Class D planet[]

Class D planet, Emanations

A class D planet

This ringed class D planet was connected to the Vhnori homeworld through subspace vacuoles. (VOY: "Emanations")

Class T planet[]

Class T gas giant

A T-class gas giant in the Delta Quadrant

In 2376, the Delta Flyer came in contact with a dark matter lifeform in a class T cluster and was disabled. Captain Kathryn Janeway took the Flyer to a nearby class T gas giant with orbital rings, including one that was radiogenic, hoping to use those particles to reinitialize the Flyer's warp reaction. (VOY: "Good Shepherd")

Class Y planet[]

Class Y planet

A class Y planet

This class Y planet was the destination of the "Silver Blood" biomimetic copies of Voyager after they learned about their true identity and started to degenerate due to radiation from the new warp core technology. This planet was protected by a mining vessel referencing the Ord'mirit Mining Treaty. Afterward they decided to return to their homeworld. (VOY: "Course: Oblivion")

Clevari system planets[]

Planets seen from the Delta Flyer

Two other planets in the system

Two other planets in the system

Various planets were seen in the Clevari system in 2378. (VOY: "Q2")

Commerce planet[]

In 2374, the Voyager tracked some technology that was stolen from them to this planet. It held more than two continents, including northern and southern ones.

On a northern continent lay the seventh province in the north, which was controlled by Tau from a small city in a dry climate. The countryside around this city was said to be alive with "creatures strange and wonderful". It also contained a number of storage facilities. (VOY: "Concerning Flight")

As seen from orbit

As seen from orbit

Surface with city

Surface with city

Surface without city

Surface without city

Another view of the surface without the city

Another view of the surface without the city

Delta Flyer survey planet[]

Planet (Memorial)

The planet in astrometrics

This M-class planet was orbited by a single moon. During a survey mission, the Delta Flyer first visited this planet for less than an hour in the hopes of finding dilithium deposits. They did not send any crewmen down to the surface. (VOY: "Memorial")

Destroyed Borg planet[]

System D43119

Voyager arrives at a soon-to-be destroyed Borg planet

This planet, one of three located in System D43119 of Borg space, was occupied by the Borg Collective. It was visited by Voyager in 2374. Shortly after Voyager's arrival, the planet was destroyed by a group of Species 8472 bio-ships, which combined their firepower with an energy focusing ship. The shock waves and debris from the planet destroyed two Borg cubes, though Voyager managed to escape along with another cube. (VOY: "Scorpion")

Druoda weapon's planet[]

Voyager enters orbit of a class-M planet

Voyager enters orbit of a class-M planet

A weapon crater on the northern continent

A weapon crater on the northern continent

This class M planet was the crash site for two Druoda Series 5 long-range tactical armor units in the 2370s, located approximately 2.3 light years from Salina Prime. One detonated on impact on the northern continent, leaving metallic particulates and heavy concentrations of radiogenic particles across a crater spanning two hundred thousand kilometers.

In 2375, the USS Voyager responded to a distress call from a second weapon, which Harry Kim, The Doctor, and Timothy Lang beamed down to to recover. (VOY: "Warhead")

Some footage of this planet was a reuse of the Ocampa model from "Caretaker".

Entharan colony []

Kovin's planet

The planet

This planet harbored an Entharan colony.

Weapons trader Kovin used it as a base of operation, maintaining a weapons range and a small laboratory, assumed to be where he developed new weapons designs, on the surface. He also demonstrated weapons on target buoys in orbit. (VOY: "Retrospect")

Garan mining colony[]

Generic brown planet

A Garan mining colony

In 2373, Voyager answered a distress call from a Garan mining colony. The colony had been plagued by the macrovirus, which eventually also infected the Federation ship.

Voyager started working on an antigen, but left the planet as they determined they could rendezvous with a shuttle of theirs before the cure would be ready. Some time later, they encountered a Tak Tak ship that claimed to have destroyed the colony.

The colony was located less then twelve hours from a rendezvous point in Sector 38. (VOY: "Macrocosm")

Human-Briori planet []

USS Voyager departs Human colony planet

L class planet

This class L planet was the third planet in an unnamed system. This planet with an oxygen-argon atmosphere was settled by the Briori with the use of Human slaves abducted from Earth in 1937.

Arriving on the planet some fifteen Human generations before 2371, the slaves managed to kill the Briori, take their weapons and technology, and survive. The Briori never returned and by the 24th century, there were over a hundred thousand Humans on the world. They lived in three cities, and had a thriving, sophisticated culture without war or poverty. (VOY: "The 37's")

Hyper-evolved Human homeworld[]

Janeway's kids homeworld

A jungle on the planet

This planet, the fourth in its uninhabited system, contained multiple jungles near its equator.

In 2372, two Humans, mutated by the effects of transwarp into a lizard-like form, ended up on this planet, and produced offspring. While the Humans were evacuated, the offspring was left on the planet. (VOY: "Threshold")

Impact planet[]

Impact planet display

The display of a planet

4 billion years ago, as of 2374, hydrocarbon fragments of a comet crashed on the surface of this planet and evolved into plant life. From this plant life, further life evolved and led to several space-faring species which colonized their sector.

While aboard Annorax's weapon ship, Chakotay ran a simulation in which he erased the comet Voyager met. The simulation resulted in erasing about eight thousand civilizations. (VOY: "Year of Hell, Part II")

Inhabited world[]

This world, not strictly identified as a planet, was the nearest inhabited world to Voyager around stardate 50912.4, but still ten light years away. (VOY: "Displaced")

Kadi colony[]

Recolored Makull's homeworld

Voyager in orbit of the Kadi planet

In 2375, this planet hosted a Kadi colony that engaged in a diplomatic meeting with Voyager. (VOY: "Someone to Watch Over Me")

Kendren system's fourth planet []

Kendren system planet

The planet

The fourth planet of the Kendren system was visited by the USS Voyager in 2374 so that Neelix could gather food samples. A genome thief with Tom Paris' appearance invited B'Elanna Torres to a picnic lunch on a beach on one of the smaller continents. However, Torres was too busy. (VOY: "Vis à Vis")

Klingon planet[]

In 2377, Voyager discovered a planet which became home to a group of religious Klingons. This planet was very much like Qo'noS. (VOY: "Prophecy")

Leola root planet[]

A planet rich in leola roots

A planet rich in leola roots

The surface of the planet

The surface of the planet

In 2371, Voyager visited the Leola root planet to obtain food supplies. The Kazon-Nistrim were first encountered on this planet when Seska and Chakotay fought two soldiers in a cave.

Among the foods found on this planet were kaylos (poisonous apples), the nutritious leola root, mushrooms, and berries. The planet was also home to several species of bloodworms. (VOY: "State of Flux")

Medusan visited planet[]

Planet explored by the Medusans

Planet visited by the Medusans

This planet was visited by the Medusans, and was where Zero was captured by the Kazon. (PRO: "Preludes")

Mikhal Traveler outpost []

The Mikhal Travelers maintained outposts to support their wanderlust, including one on a planet visited by Voyager in 2373. The planet had three moons. Voyager traded supplies the outpost needed, including medical supplies. In return, the Travelers were willing to share their extensive knowledge of the territory ahead.

The outpost had an emergency outpost facility, but the instruments available were less precise then those in Voyager's sickbay. Scout ships and low altitude ships were present on the planet.

The landscape included hills, and at least one river and one very steep ravine. There were several continents. Klingons lacked an enzyme for metabolizing the planet's vegetation. According to the Travelers, another race of spacefarers had occupied the planet ten thousand years before. They left very little behind: a few symbols burned into the rocks and a path that was still used in the 24th century.

The path from this outpost to the next one was said to be beautiful, at least by the Travelers. (VOY: "Darkling")

Voyager in orbit of the planet

Voyager in orbit of the planet

Mikhal Traveler outpost planet's surface

Mikhal Traveler outpost planet's surface

Symbols left behind by the unknown previous inhabitants

Symbols left behind by the unknown previous inhabitants

Mining colonies near Nekrit Expanse[]

At Bahrat's space station near the border of the Nekrit Expanse, coordinate charts were sold of the local mining colonies. (VOY: "Fair Trade")

Mining colony where Neelix served[]

Captain Kathryn Janeway believed Neelix had spent some time working at a mining colony. (VOY: "Blood Fever")

This colony was only mentioned in dialogue.

New Cooperative planet []

The planet from orbit

The planet from orbit

The surface of the planet

The surface of the planet

This Nekrit Expanse planet hosted the survivors of a Borg cube disabled by an Electrokinetic storm, who after being severed from the collective transported to it. Five years after the disaster, in 2373, a population of eighty thousand humanoid lifeforms existed on the western continent. Dozens of different races were represented among the survivors, including Humans (at least three), Klingon, Cardassians, Romulans, Parein, and Farn.

After the initial euphoria from being severed from the collective wore of, fighting quickly broke out. A group of Klingons started by attacking the Cardassians first, then the Farn raided the Parein. Five years after the accident, some of the survivors had reorganized into a cooperative based on tolerance, shared responsibility, and mutual respect, facilitated by a neural link.

However, the heavily populated region of the planet in which their bunker was based continued to be plagued by raiders, and the a state of anarchy existed with crime, ethnic conflict, hunger, and health problems. In 2373, the cooperative managed to contact their dormant Borg cube, and use it to force their neural link upon the planet's entire population. This organization became known as the New Cooperative.

The planet featured rudimentary structures, ruins, which were claimed (as part of an elaborate lie) to predate the arrival of the survivors. The planet was subject to electrodynamic turbulence from the nebula, making communication with ships in orbit difficult. (VOY: "Unity")

Nezu colony planet[]

As seen from orbit (with approaching asteroid)

As seen from orbit (with approaching asteroid)

Surface, with one of the orbital tethers

Surface, with one of the orbital tethers

This planet belonged to the Nezu, who had five colonies there. There was also orbital supply stations in orbit. The planet contained an atmosphere with troposphere and ionosphere layers.

The largest Nezu colonies, containing over five thousand citizens, were on the eastern coastal region of the largest continent. Not so heavily populated was the central desert, which included the area five hundred kilometers from the southern tip of the same continent.

Gallicite excavation went on on the planet, supported by foundries. Orbital tethers were used to lift cargo from the surface to the orbital supply stations. One such tether was over three hundred kilometers long and took twelve hours to climb. At the bottom was a cavern housing some of the technology and controls to power the structure.

An ambassador of the Nezu government spoke for the planet, and was the only one privy to certain highly classified information.

However, the territory in which the planet was was also claimed by the Etanian Order, which in 2373 tried to covertly drive the Nezu out by a campaign of asteroid bombardment. A number of asteroid fragments reached the surface over a period of three weeks, and caused some areas to be heavily damaged. However, with the help of USS Voyager the Etanian plot was discovered and thwarted. (VOY: "Rise")

Overlooker ambush planet[]

USS Voyager orbits generic blue planet

Voyager in orbit of the planet

This planet was surveyed by Voyager in 2376. There was a canyon on the planet The Doctor hoped to take holo-images of himself, but was forced to have Ensign Kim take the images for him when he was removed from the away team. Later, the planet was the site of a battle between Voyager and the Hierarchy. (VOY: "Tinker Tenor Doctor Spy")

P'Chan's death place[]

In 2376, P'Chan traveled to an uninhabited planet a few light years from a Markonian outpost to spend his final days "in the open air". (VOY: "Survival Instinct")

Parthogenic atmosphere planet[]

In 2376, Captain Ransom ordered his ship, the USS Equinox, into orbit of a planet in the Delta Quadrant with a parthogenic atmosphere in an attempt to evade detection by the crew of Voyager. (VOY: "Equinox, Part II")

The Equinox in orbit of a planet with a parthogenic atmosphere

The Equinox in orbit of a planet with a parthogenic atmosphere

A view of the planet's surface

A view of the planet's surface

Another view of the surface

Another view of the surface

Planets beyond The Void[]

The first world beyond The Void

The second world beyond The Void

The second world beyond The Void

These gas giants, located inside a large nebula just beyond The Void were observed by Voyager in 2375. (VOY: "Night")

Planet near Bothan space[]

Shortly after entering Botha space in 2372, Voyager experienced an event where most of its crew became incapacitated by illusory experiences. B'Elanna Torres faced an illusory Chakotay, who suggested that they might be the last ones left and they should take an escape pod to an M class planet Voyager had passed the day before. He believed they could reach it in a week. (VOY: "Persistence of Vision")

This planet was only mentioned in dialogue.

Due to the circumstances, it is unclear if this planet really existed.

Planet allegedly surveyed by Seros vessel[]

Planets (Revulsion)

Planets in the system Dejaren referenced

According to Dejaren, two members of the Serosian vessel on which he served contracted a deadly virus while surveying a planet. However, the crew did not really die as he described, making the existence of this planet uncertain. (VOY: "Revulsion")

Planet near Tarok[]

Planet near Tarok, Initiations

A planet near Tarok

At the beginning of 2372, Voyager visited this planet near Tarok, deploying several away teams. Their visit was cut short when Commander Chakotay, who had taken a shuttle to perform the pakra ritual, didn't return at the agreed time and the Federation starship went looking for him. (VOY: "Initiations")

Planets in binary system[]

A planet rich in nitrogenase compound

A planet rich in nitrogenase compound

Surface of the planet (illuminated by a flash)

Surface of the planet (illuminated by a flash)

At least five planets were found in a binary star system.

In 2373, a shuttle from Voyager with Captain Janeway and Commander Chakotay crash landed on the second planet, which was rich in nitrogenase compounds. Plant life was in evidence.

The fifth planet was also of some interest. (VOY: "Coda")

According to the Star Trek: Star Charts (p. 87), this planet was located in the FGC-505183 system. This was a binary system of two G-class stars. The Voyager visited this system on stardate 50518.

Planets in Swarm species space[]

Planets in Swarm space

Two planets in Swarm species space

These planets orbited a star in or close to Swarm species space. Tom Paris and B'Elanna Torres investigated the star system in a shuttle in 2373. (VOY: "The Swarm")

Planets in Species 10026 system[]

Species 10026 star system

The home system of Species 10026

Apart from their homeworld, the home system of Species 10026 also contained several other planet-like objects. (VOY: "Dark Frontier")

Planet near nucleogenic cloud being[]

In 2371, after depleting a sizable portion of their already depleted energy reserves dealing with a nucleogenic cloud being, Voyager set of for a planet fourteen light years away. According to Neelix, it would have compatible energy sources on offer. (VOY: "The Cloud")

This planet was only mentioned in dialogue.

Planets scanned by Tom Paris[]

As part of his historic Warp 10 flight in 2372, Tom Paris collected data on those planets which were in the same sector as Voyager was then in. (VOY: "Threshold")

Images of these planets were seen on a monitor in main engineering.

Proposed Federation colony planet[]

Planet (Repression)

The planet

This M-class planet was selected by the Maquis crew aboard Voyager as the site where they would abandon the Starfleet crew aboard the ship. B'Elanna Torres remarked that the planet's conditions were excellent for supporting a Federation colony. (VOY: "Repression")

Proposed new homeworld for Otrin's species[]

Otrin's homeworld resettlement option planet

The nearest M-class planet to Otrin's homeworld

This M-class planet, located 132 light years from Otrin's homeworld, was proposed as a new homeworld for Otrin's species in 2378 when Voyager visited Otrin's planet. Its extreme distance from Otrin's planet made the resettlement option impractical, forcing Voyager to find a way to purify the atmosphere of Otrin's planet of radiation. (VOY: "Friendship One")

Proposed Talaxian homeworld[]

Delta Quadrant planet, 2378

The planet on sensors

In 2378, this M-class planet, two light years from several space-faring species, was proposed by Voyager as a homeworld for a group of Talaxians. (VOY: "Homestead")

Proposed Vaadwaur homeworld[]

A display of the planet

A display of the planet

A scan of the planet

A scan of the planet

This M-class planet which orbited a type-G star was proposed by Seven of Nine to be the Vaadwaur's new homeworld in 2376. One of its continents on this planet had edible vegetation and an underground water supply. However this region of the planet was subjected to windstorms. Gedrin described it as "not exactly paradise", but Seven simply responded, "you will adapt". (VOY: "Dragon's Teeth")

Raven crash site[]

Raven crash site planet and moon

The planet next to the moon

On the moon orbiting this planet, the wreckage of the USS Raven was found in 2374. It was the fifth planet of a yellow dwarf star system. (VOY: "The Raven")

Sakari colony []

This forested Nekrit Expanse planet, the fourth in its system, contained the rare substance gallicite.

A Sakari mining colony once existed, with above ground settlement and artificial tunnels to mine the gallicite. However, in the early 24th century the colony suffered a short but devastating attack by what the survivors recalled as mysterious invaders, the Borg. Some of the survivors were fortunate enough to escape in the mines, and started permanently living there out of fear that the invaders might discover there were still Sakari left and return. They masked their existence, so that the planet appeared to be uninhabited. Some ruins remained on the surface, but they were more decayed then would be logical simply from the passage of time.

Some sixty or seventy years later, in 2373, the USS Voyager organized a gallicite mining mission to what appeared to be an uninhabited planet, only to find Sakari still living in the tunnels. The remaining Sakari feared that the invaders had returned. After some tension, commander Chakotay managed to gain their trust, and the Voyager crew assisted in helping them camouflage themselves better. They showed the Sakari how Voyager had detected the gallicite so they could disguise it better, and the remaining ruins were removed.

Voyager left the planet with a generous quantity of gallicite and the knowledge that they were getting close to Borg space. (VOY: "Blood Fever")

The planet

The planet



Ruins of the colony

Ruins of the colony

Borg corpse left on the surface

According to the Star Trek: Star Charts (p. 87), the Sakari colony was located in the Sakari system. This system, visited by the Voyager on stardate 50537, was the site of a battle. The primary was an M-class star.

Subspace sinkhole planet[]

This planet was Class D & orbited a G-type star. Tuvok, Tom Paris & The Doctor were stranded there but they & Noss escaped just before Yost collapsed the sinkhole, destroying it. (VOY: "Gravity")

Symbiogenetic alien orchid homeworld []

This planet contained a variety of flower which Voyager's crew theorized might prove to be a valuable nutritional supplement. It also was home to a species of orchid utilizing the rare symbiogenesis reproductive process. The weather on the planet could get "pretty nasty" at night, but during the day was described anywhere from "beautiful" to "adequate".

The planet was visited by Voyager in 2372, out of interest in the nutritional flower. An away team consisting of Neelix and Tuvok got in trouble beaming off the planet, as they merged with the symbiogenesis orchid and became one being, Tuvix. After that, the planet was only visited by shuttle as a precautionary measure. (VOY: "Tuvix")

A planet in the Delta Quadrant

A planet in the Delta Quadrant

Surface of the planet

Surface of the planet

Taresian system planets[]

Apart from Taresia, the Taresian system had at least two other planets. In 2373, they launched three ships from the third planet in reaction to a Nasari incursion. (VOY: "Favorite Son")

Tarok's primary[]

Tarok's primary

Tarok's primary

The Kazon moon Tarok orbited this gas giant planet. (VOY: "Initiations")

Vaadwaur nebula planet[]

This planet was located in a nebula near the junction of the Underspace corridors 39 and 875. The planet was described as "somewhat harsh" as it had no large bodies of water and the vegetation was sparse. It was proposed by Gedrin to be a new home for his species in 2376, were they would be isolated and relatively safe. (VOY: "Dragon's Teeth")

This planet was only mentioned in dialogue.

Vidiian colony[]

This Delta Quadrant colony, described as remote, was a significant distance from Fina Prime. Voyager passed about ten light years from the colony in 2372 when it answered a distress call from a Vidiian ship traveling between the two worlds. After picking up the sole occupant of the ship (namely, Danara Pel), Voyager set out to visit the colony to drop her off. (VOY: "Lifesigns")

The colony was not explicitly said to be on a planet.

Vidiian planets in G-type system[]

In 2372, Voyager detected two inhabited planets with Vidiian life signs in a G-type star system near a large plasma drift. At least twenty Vidiian ships were also detected near these planets. (VOY: "Deadlock").

Vori-Kradin planet []

The planet

The planet

A settlement on the planet

A settlement on the planet

This planet was the location of a conflict between two species, the Vori and the Kradin. The Vori believed the "sphere" to be theirs, and aimed to drive the Kradin from it.

Atmospheric radiation from weapon fire interfered with scanning the surface. In 2374, Commander Chakotay crash landed with a shuttlecraft on the southernmost continent after approaching the planet during a survey mission because he detected omicron radiation in its atmosphere. This was in the center of the clash zone.

He was found by a group of Vori, who brainwashed him to fight in their war against the Kradin. He fought in a forested environment and visited the photometric projection of the Larhana settlement before he was rescued by the crew of the Voyager, assisted by the Kradin.

The planet featured forest-like environments (the vegetation zones locally referred to as "the trunks"), and animal life included insects. Blossoms were cultivated by the Vori. Grove Yellow was another location on this planet. (VOY: "Nemesis")

Vorillium planet[]

On stardate 50698, Voyager conducted an away mission to a planet where they found Vorillium. Harry Kim was separated from the group for a while, which was most likely when he was infected with Taresian DNA, most likely through a retrovirus. (VOY: "Favorite Son")

Voyager explored planets[]

These planets were explored by Voyager during the 2370s.

One planet blocked the light of its sun, resulting in an eclipse on its neighboring planet.

A second planet, a gas giant, had multiple moons.

A third planet had a ring system and one moon.

A fourth planet, had a moon, was located near a nebula. (Star Trek: Voyager opening credits)

Voyager near a planet

Voyager near a planet

The planet and its moons

The planet and its moons

A ringed planet surveyed by Voyager

A ringed planet surveyed by Voyager

Voyager near the planet

Voyager near the planet

Voyager repair stop[]

The planet

The planet

The surface of the planet

The surface of the planet

In 2377, the USS Voyager landed on the surface of this planet with a breathable atmosphere to undergo repairs including exchanging the warp coils. The surface was strewn with mountains. (VOY: "Nightingale")