
Ketteract was a 23rd century Federation physicist who synthesized a single Omega molecule.

Intending to create a new energy source, Ketteract was assigned a classified research station in the Lantaru sector where he successfully synthesized a single Omega molecule particle. Unfortunately, it only existed for a fraction of a second before destabilizing, killing Ketteract and 126 of his research colleagues. As a secondary effect, it also ripped open the fabric of subspace and made the sector impassable to standard warp drive travel. (VOY: "The Omega Directive")

This character was only mentioned in dialogue.

According to the Pocket TOS novel Cloak, his full name was Bendes Kettaract and he was Human.

Ketteract was also mentioned in Star Trek: Legacy and in Star Trek: Year Four - The Enterprise Experiment, where Spock described him as "quite renowned for his experimentation with the time waves associated with the Guardian of Forever."

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