Federation personnel
List of Federation personnel; civilians who worked for or were delegates/members of various Federation agencies or worked in other similar capacities.
Antwerp Conference attendees[]
Arbitrator []

A Federation arbitrator
This arbitrator was the official who presided over a legal dispute between holonovel publisher Ardon Broht and The Doctor in 2378 after Broht published The Doctor's holonovel Photons Be Free despite having agreed to hold off until The Doctor completed a revision. Broht argued that, as a hologram, The Doctor had no legal right to contest his actions. Though the arbitrator was unwilling to make any sort of legal ruling as to the rights of holograms, he did rule that Broht had breached the contract and ordered him to withdraw the holonovel from circulation. (VOY: "Author, Author")
Archaeology Council members []
These seven Humans were members of the Federation Archaeology Council in 2367. They attended a symposium aboard the Enterprise-D, Captain Picard's lecture and the banquet in Ten Forward. Among these individuals were McFarland, Switzer and Klarc-Tarn-Droth. (TNG: "Qpid")
According to the call sheet, all seven members were Humans. The actors filmed their scenes on Friday 8 February 1991 on Paramount Stage 8. The two last pictured actors were played by background actors with the last names R. Bruce and Crow.
The Star Trek Customizable Card Game gives the name Van Orton to the council member played by David B. Maccabee. His face was digitally altered on the card.
Babel Conference attendees[]
Bajor's admission delegates []
These two civilian delegates joined, among others, five Starfleet admirals, in attending the abortive ceremony meant to admit their homeworld into the Federation in 2373. One sat at a table in Deep Space 9's wardroom, with a pen and paper document, awaiting his signature, while the other stood off to the side.
Moments after the ceremony began, several of them showed concern when Benjamin Sisko entered the wardroom and collapsed after warning Bajor not to continue the admissions process. (DS9: "Rapture")
Curzon's old friends []
Jadzia Dax submitted Doctor Julian Bashir's name for the Carrington Award in 2371, via an old friend of Curzon Dax. (DS9: "Prophet Motive")
Another old friend used to be in the Federation Diplomatic Corps. Jadzia found out from her that representatives from Federation planets along the Federation-Klingon border were calling for a preemptive strike. (DS9: "Broken Link")
These friends were only mentioned in dialogue.
Daystrom's colleagues []
Between 2243 and 2268, Doctor Richard Daystrom held acquaintances with several computer scientists and other academics who he described as his colleagues. While outwardly, Daystrom was an elegant and well-spoken scientist himself, internally he harbored great resentment for his contemporaries who he felt were "rows upon rows of fools" who listened to Dr. Daystrom's seminars and lectures without comprehending his systems.
Daystrom's colleagues held contempt for him as well, attending lectures and seminars hosted by Daystrom, but then sarcastically referring to him in private as "the boy wonder", and laughed at him behind his back. This enraged Daystrom further, since many of the same scientists would use Daystrom's own research as a basis for their discoveries, thereafter becoming famous, as Daystrom put it, "building on my work!"
In 2268, Daystrom complained about their actions while in the throes of an impending nervous breakdown following his failed experiment aboard USS Enterprise involving M-5 multitronic unit.
(TOS: "The Ultimate Computer")
These colleagues were only mentioned in dialogue.
Department of Temporal Investigations[]
Elasian report scientists []
These scientists made an initial report on their analysis of the Elasians, following first contact, sometime prior to 2268. They noted that the males were "vicious and arrogant," whereas the females were alleged to have a "subtle, mystical power that drives men wild".
The records of these scientists were read by the senior officers of the USS Enterprise as part of their preparation for the ship's diplomatic mission to the homeworld of the Elasians. (TOS: "Elaan of Troyius")
These scientists were only mentioned in dialogue.
Enterprise-B maiden voyage officials []
These four officials were present on the bridge of the USS Enterprise-B in 2293 during the official maiden voyage of the starship. They were interviewed by several journalists and witnessed later the destruction of the SS Lakul and the SS Robert Fox. (Star Trek Generations)
Fox's aide []

Fox's aide in 2267
This official was an attaché to Federation Central who accompanied Ambassador Robert Fox aboard the USS Enterprise for a diplomatic mission to Eminiar VII in 2267.
He was last seen slumped in a corner after a fire fight with Eminian guards, having been hit by a disrupter. Ambassador Fox briefly examined his body. (TOS: "A Taste of Armageddon")
The aide was played by background actor Buzz Barbee who received no credit for his appearance.
The character was identified in the revised final draft of the script as simply one of Fox's "two officials". In the final filmed version he was the only official seen accompanying Fox.
Hawkins' staff []
The staff of Ambassador Hawkins and the ambassador himself were taken hostage by Karnas in 2364. According to Karnas, they, along with the ambassador, would be killed by their "terrorist captors" if Jameson did not arrive on Mordan IV in six Earth days. (TNG: "Too Short A Season")
This staff was only mentioned in dialogue.
High Commissioner []
This male Federation High Commissioner was to attend Elaan's wedding to the Troyian ruler. Nyota Uhura received and decoded a message from Starfleet Command that he was en route. When James T. Kirk informed Petri of the Commissioner's attendance, Leonard McCoy noted that "the fat will be in the fire" when the official learned of Elaan's attempted murder of Petri. (TOS: "Elaan of Troyius")
This character was only mentioned in dialogue.
As the Commissioner is referred to as a "he", they may be speaking of the previously mentioned Ferris.
Ketteract's science team []
In the mid-23rd century, these 126 scientists worked with the Starfleet physicist Ketteract on the Omega molecule project at a classified research station in the Lantaru sector. They were all killed in the ensuing destabilization. (VOY: "The Omega Directive")
These characters were only mentioned in dialogue.
The Section 31 novel Cloak names some of them, including Jain Suni (β), Karen Patterson (β), John Connolly (β), and his brother Tom (β).
Khitomer Conference attendees[]
Magistrate []
The Federation magistrate was informed of a feral Molly O'Brien's assault on Madrat by Benjamin Sisko, who explained the circumstances surrounding the attack. She recommended Molly be taken to a special care center on Dalvos Prime for evaluation. (DS9: "Time's Orphan")
This magistrate was only mentioned in dialogue.
Manway's science team []
This Federation science team, overseen by Doctor Manway, was working in the Malurian system in 2267. They, along with the four billions inhabitants of the system were exterminated by the malfunctioning Nomad probe. (TOS: "The Changeling")
This science team was only mentioned in dialogue.
Medical big shot []

A medical "big shot"
This male was a senior official from the Federation Medical Council who announced the winner of the Federation's prestigious Carrington Award in 2371, Dr. Henri Roget. (DS9: "Prophet Motive")
The big shot was played by Bennet Guillory. The "Medical Big Shot" was referred to as such in the episode's end credits.
Milika III ambassador []
Jean-Luc Picard led an away team to Milika III to rescue an ambassador there. According to Q, this incident was a notable moment in Picard's career.
In an alternate timeline in which Picard took fewer risks, he didn't lead the away team on this mission. (TNG: "Tapestry")
This ambassador was only mentioned in dialogue.
New Atlantis Project supervisors []
Along with Louis, these one hundred and ninety-nine supervisors were involved with the New Atlantis Project in 2367. (TNG: "Family")
These individuals were only mentioned in dialogue.
News Service editor[]
These individuals were in charge of the colony on Norpin V in 2294.
In that year, following Federation protocol, they reported the USS Jenolan as being six hours overdue after its scheduled arrival time. Once this action had been taken, the officials organized a search for the missing transport by retracing its sublight path. They reported "no debris was found and no natural or unnatural signs of conventional weapons or known destructive phenomena were detected."
These authorities were mentioned in an article from Carl's edition of The Star Dispatch. (DIS: "Terra Firma, Part 2")
These authorities were only mentioned in writing.
Odo's gossip chain []
One of Odo's friends at Starfleet Intelligence had a male friend who had a male cousin that was married to the female assistant of a member of the Federation Medical Council.
According to this member, Doctor April Wade was not going to win the Carrington Award, a rumor later proven true when Dr. Henri Roget won instead. (DS9: "Prophet Motive")
These people were only mentioned in dialogue.
Outpost scientists[]
Acamarian territory-adjacent outpost scientists []
These two Federation outpost scientists were stationed on a Federation outpost in 2366.
That year, they were hit by several phaser blasts and were lying in a closed room following a raid by a group of Acamarian Gatherers. An away team from the USS Enterprise-D found them and they were beamed directly to sickbay, where Doctor Beverly Crusher treated their injuries. (TNG: "The Vengeance Factor")
Outpost 76 scientists[]
- See: Outpost 76 personnel
Penthara IV scientists[]
Persioff IX outpost scientists []
These outpost scientists worked the outpost on Persioff IX in 2381. (LD: "The Inner Fight")
Psi 2000 science party[]
- See: Psi 2000 personnel
Regula I scientists[]
- See: Regula I personnel
San Francisco scientist []

A scientist
This Federation scientist led the work crew that discovered ancient artifacts in a cavern under San Francisco in 2368 while performing an excavation to install seismic regulators there. As they continued to work his crew discovered a problem with the phase conditioners in the regulators being interfered with due to the cavern walls' previous exposure to triolic waves.
Later, he led Jean-Luc Picard and Data artifacts that he had dated as late 19th century. These included a Colt pistol, a watch, and bifocals. He believed that he found evidence of an alien presence on Earth in 19th century San Francisco. The cave contained triolic waves that only the shapeshifting Devidians were known to use. He also showed them the last artifact, which was Data's head. (TNG: "Time's Arrow")
In an alternate reality, the scientist also dug up Data's head along with Picard and Data after the android was trapped in 19th century San Fransisco. Data described him as "some guy in a silver jumpsuit" to Lieutenant junior grade D'Vana Tendi. (LD: "Fully Dilated")
According to the script , he was described as "a SCIENTIST, male, late forties".
Starnes Exploration Party[]
Ventax II science team []
These three technicians were members of the science team assigned to the Federation science station on Ventax II under the direction of Doctor Howard Clark. In 2367 they assisted Clark in his study of the anthropology of the Ventaxians.
When the Ventaxian citizens learned that their mythical figure Ardra returned riots occurred and a few citizens attacked the science station. As the USS Enterprise responded to Clark's distress call, his staff frantically collected books, ledgers and other effects, as the station was under siege by a mob.
Upon the arrival of the Enterprise, they attempted to beam Clark and others up as the mob broke through the station's doors and the transporter chief was only able to rescue Clark. As such, the other technicians were taken captive and held hostage. Later they were set free the Ventaxian leader Acost Jared at order of Ardra.
They later assisted Clark and Geordi LaForge during their attempt to locate Ardra's ship. (TNG: "Devil's Due")
President 1 []
In 2257, this Federation President personally pardoned Michael Burnham for her mutiny aboard the USS Shenzhou at the Battle of the Binary Stars, in recognition for her subsequent service aboard the USS Discovery and her role in ending the Federation-Klingon War. (DIS: "Will You Take My Hand?")
This character was only mentioned in dialogue.
Presidents of the United Federation of Planets |
Jonathan Archer (2184-2192) • unidentified individual (c. 2257) • Human male (c. 2286) • Efrosian male (c. 2293) • Jaresh-Inyo (c. 2372) • Anton Chekov (c. 2401) • Laira Rillak (c. 3189) |
President 2 []

The Federation President in 2286
In 2286, this unnamed Federation President presided over the Council's deliberations concerning the actions of Admiral James T. Kirk, who had hijacked the USS Enterprise and caused an interstellar incident with the Klingons at the Genesis Planet. Ultimately, the Council decided to charge Kirk with nine violations of Starfleet regulations.
When the Whale Probe approached Earth, transmitting its destructive message into the planet's atmosphere, the President decided to broadcast a planetary distress signal to warn all ships to stay away from Earth. Following the Whale Probe incident (in which Kirk and his crew saved the planet), the President and the Council agreed to drop all but one of the charges against the Enterprise crew, the remaining charge simply resulting in Kirk being demoted to Captain – as he wanted all along – in gratitude for their service to Earth and the Federation. (Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home)
Presidents of the United Federation of Planets |
Jonathan Archer (2184-2192) • unidentified individual (c. 2257) • Human male (c. 2286) • Efrosian male (c. 2293) • Jaresh-Inyo (c. 2372) • Anton Chekov (c. 2401) • Laira Rillak (c. 3189) |
Presidential advisers 1 []

Presidential advisers in 2293
These five advisers, along with Henry and Ambassador Sarek, sat in with the Efrosian president when Azetbur contacted the president and informed him that she has been named Chancellor of the Klingon High Council in her father's place.
One of them remained in the office and later viewed the trial of James T. Kirk and Leonard McCoy for the assassination of Klingon Chancellor Gorkon.
The last three advisers were also present during the Khitomer Conference at Camp Khitomer. (Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country)
Presidential advisers 2 []
In 2372, during a blackout on Earth, Federation President Jaresh-Inyo consulted with these five Human advisers, when he was interrupted by Captain Benjamin Sisko, Odo, and Admiral Leyton who beamed into his office. (DS9: "Homefront")
All five advisors were played by background performers who received no credit for their appearance.
Romulan conference guests []
These Humans attended the conference on Romulus in 2375 and were chatting with Romulans. (DS9: "Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges")
They were played by background performers who received no credit for their appearance.
The dress worn by the second pictured can be seen in several Star Trek episodes and films such as the Deep Space Nine episode "Rivals" where it was worn by Alsia.
Starship captain []
In 2344, this Federation starship captain mispronounced their greeting to the Jarada, causing offense and resulting in dire consequences.
In 2364, their blunder was discussed when the USS Enterprise-D was due to initiate contact with the Jarada. Deanna Troi felt that Jean-Luc Picard did not need to be reminded of what occurred when this captain offended the Jarada, despite Data's suggestion that they re-run the tape; Picard concurred. (TNG: "The Big Goodbye")
This captain was only mentioned in dialogue.
Tantalus Penal Colony personnel[]
Trade Agreements Conference attendees []
These officials attended the Trade Agreements Conference on Betazed in 2366 and the following banquet in Ten Forward aboard the Enterprise-D. (TNG: "Ménage à Troi")