Lantaru sector
The Lantaru sector was a region of space known for its subspace ruptures.
In the mid 23rd century, this sector was the location of a classified research station studying the Omega molecule. The project was overseen by the physicist Ketteract. After a single molecule was created, it exploded, severely damaging the station and causing ruptures in subspace extending several light years, making warp travel impossible in the region, first observed by rescue vessels attempting to reach the station.
By the 24th century, the official cause for this phenomenon was natural. (VOY: "The Omega Directive")
Background information[]
The Star Trek Encyclopedia, 4th ed., vol. 1, p. 454 identified this sector as a region of Federation space.
The game Star Trek: Legacy revealed that T'Uerell (β), having knowledge of this event, captured the research facilities in the Lantaru sector in order to utilize the Omega molecule. She used the molecule to power a Borg sphere, which after being destroyed by a task force led by the USS Enterprise, caused the Omega explosion. Admiral Kirk recommended the official report be sealed and the Omega Directive be created following the incident.
External link[]
- Lantaru sector at Memory Beta, the wiki for licensed Star Trek works