Unnamed Starbase 375 type stations

List of unnamed Starbase 375-type space stations.

Gaila's prison starbase[]

Federation starbase patrolled by Federation starships

Gaila's prison starbase

In late 2374, Gaila was being held in brig at this starbase following his arrest on Thalos VI for vagrancy. Quark visited him and paid his fine.

At the time, the station was had six Miranda-class and two Excelsior-class starships stationed nearby. (DS9: "The Magnificent Ferengi")

The script specified that the station was "not unlike 375"; indeed, this base was footage of said starbase recycled from "Behind the Lines".

Lantaru sector research station[]

Lantaru sector research station

A research station in the Lantaru sector after an Omega molecule exploded

This research station was located in the Lantaru sector where it was used to conduct classified Federation research during the late 23rd century, under Doctor Ketteract. Ketteract and his team of scientists were working towards creation of a new inexhaustible source of energy.

When the team was able to synthesize a single molecule of the source, called Omega, it destabilized after a fraction of a second. The enormous amounts of energy released by the molecule breakdown damaged the research facility, killing all 127 scientists aboard. The rescue teams that attempted to reach the station found an unexpected secondary effect: subspace ruptures that extended out several light years, making it impassable to standard warp drive travel.

The accident and its consequences made Starfleet realize that only a few molecules could end warp travel throughout an entire quadrant or galaxy, which led them to enact the classified Omega Directive. (VOY: "The Omega Directive")