
M'Ress and Arex share lunch

Montgomery Scott observing M'Ress and Arex having lunch

Lunch was a meal usually eaten at mid-day.

In 2151, Captain Jonathan Archer, Sub-Commander T'Pol, and Commander Trip Tucker had lunch in the captain's mess, preparing for the mission to Terra Nova. (ENT: "Terra Nova")

Travis Mayweather invited Matthew Ryan for lunch in the mess hall aboard Enterprise NX-01 after they had a tour aboard the ship. Ryan enjoyed a steak, potato, and broccoli. (ENT: "Fortunate Son")

In the 2250s, aboard the USS Discovery, the hours for lunch were from 11:00 to 17:00. (DIS: "Despite Yourself")

According to the personal computer log of the Bajoran criminal Ibudan, he had lunch with Della Santina on stardate 46383. (DS9: "A Man Alone")

In 2364, Clare Raymond recalled that her beloved husband Donald Raymond may have had the best of intentions for cryogenically preserving her corpse on the SS Birdseye, but that he could mess up a free lunch. (TNG: "The Neutral Zone")

Lunch was one of the words Doctor Julian Bashir used after he was infected by the aphasia virus in 2369. (DS9: "Babel")

Bashir suggested he had an allergic reaction of the replicated antipasto he had for lunch when he saw the affectionate Jadzia Dax on his bed. (DS9: "If Wishes Were Horses")

Dr. Julian Bashir and the Cardassian tailor Garak often ate lunch together at the Replimat on Deep Space 9. As of 2370, they had been meeting for about two years. (DS9: "Cardassians", "The Wire" et al.)

In 2373, Keiko O'Brien was injured when a Pah-wraith that was possessing her caused her to jump from the upper level of Deep Space 9's Promenade in order to impress upon Miles O'Brien the seriousness of the actions that it would take if he attempted to subvert its actions. When Miles was asked what he was doing on the Promenade when he was supposed to be repairing optronic circuitry on level five, he excused it by stating that he was going to the Replimat for lunch. (DS9: "The Assignment")

After being injured and having to wait for treatment after a Dominion attack on the USS Defiant in 2374, Garak told Dr. Bashir that he thought he was entitled to preferential treatment by him after all the lunches they had shared together. Later, Joseph Sisko had to end a conversation with his son, as the lunch crowd was coming into his restaurant. Nog later expressed his hope that those in charge hadn't taken a lunch break, but Bashir assured him that Jem'Hadar didn't eat (making that unlikely). (DS9: "A Time to Stand")

Gagh was served at lunchtime in the mess hall of the IKS Rotarran, although it was also served at breakfast and dinner. (DS9: "Shadows and Symbols")

In 2375, after returning to Cardassia after a long exile, one of the last things Garak said to Bashir was that he was going to miss their lunches together. (DS9: "What You Leave Behind")

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